Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]

Anyone notice the shitty textures on the batmobile? Adjusted the textures for the vehicle and look at the difference. Character stuff doesn't change batman's textures and comparing npc's would be hard. I'll try adjusting further.


Top one looks good. Bottom one looks like shit.

I'll have to give that a try.


Anyone notice the shitty textures on the batmobile? Adjusted the textures for the vehicle and look at the difference. Character stuff doesn't change batman's textures and comparing npc's would be hard. I'll try adjusting further.[/IMG


The grain/CA combo really makes the textures look terrible.


I know I'm a broken record and obnoxious coming off as all "HAVE YOU TRIED THE SETTINGS" but is that with gameworks off or on, cuz the fog absolutely fucked me whenever the batmobile did anything when I had it on, and it looked just like that.

everything off


Wow, you guys are acting like they purposefully left out the rain shaders and AO lol...

There was likely some last minute changes before the game went live which caused the shaders and AO to bug out and not work. Yes, it should be been caught before the game shipped, but these things happen sometimes. I'm sure it will be fixed very soon.

Now, with that said, I'm not making excuses for the bad performance on some(most) PCs. The stuttering in this one video I saw was completely unacceptable. There's no way the game should have shipped in that state. Hopefully it's just some memory leak or streaming issue that gets resolved quick enough.
I'm not making excuses....but I am continuing to make excuses by just pulling shit from my ass as an excuse.


Top one looks good. Bottom one looks like shit.

I'll have to give that a try.

They both look like shit. No amount of LOD tweaking will fix this:


Also, it seems like a lot of the specular aliasing is visible due to the complete lack of AO. So all the edges end up shimmering without shadows to "soften" them


And REALLY... REALLY.. you do think the consoles would have it and the PC missing it is on purpose? LOL, just some UE3 unused code...
I think it's very plausible that the PC is missing it on purpose. What I'm guessing happened is that due to bad management and some combination of incompetence + impossible deadlines, right before the launch they had a horribly buggy game that leaked like a sieve and couldn't possibly have been released (meaning, even worse than what they ended up releasing). Then, instead of doing the right thing and delaying the launch until they can produce actual fixes to the root problems, they decided to push it out the door no matter what, did some emergency surgery, put the 30FPS cap in place, and disabled a bunch of effects because it masked or at least seemed to lessen the worst symptoms.

And now because the publisher and/or devs are dicks, they aren't even promising to restore the missing features ASAP. If they don't promise anything, they can walk away a bit quieter in the case that fixing the game proves too expensive for the shareholders' taste.


Welcome to NeoGaf.
It honestly makes me physically sick to see people trying their hardest to justify this.

This shit is beyond unacceptable. What other product out there could you find where people are straight up being sold on a false version of the product where people defend the bait and switch artist that committed it? It's goddamn disgusting.
Wow, seems like it's been quite a 24 hours then.

The AO and water shader effect stuff is just hilarious. Beyond incompetent, more so than the awful texture streaming and performance issues.


I think it's very plausible that the PC is missing it on purpose. What I'm guessing happened is that due to bad management and some combination of incompetence + impossible deadlines, right before the launch they had a horribly buggy game that leaked like a sieve and couldn't possibly have been released (meaning, even worse than what they ended up releasing). Then, instead of doing the right thing and delaying the launch until they can produce actual fixes to the root problems, they decided to push it out the door no matter what, did some emergency surgery, put the 30FPS cap in place, and disabled a bunch of effects because it masked or at least seemed to lessen the worst symptoms.

And now because the publisher and/or devs are dicks, they aren't even promising to restore the missing features ASAP. If they don't promise anything, they can walk away a bit quieter in the case that fixing the game proves too expensive for the shareholders' taste.

This is so scary and disgusting. Iron Galaxy hasn't said a single word either. I'm assuming they can't?


After having the game crash multiple times within 10 mins I now have it running stably without a single crash.

I did the following and only the following:

1. Config Edit to 60FPS Cap.
2. The game seemingly suffers a massive memory leak, so up your page file. I set this to my secondary SSD and upped the size to 5GB.
3. Turn of every overlay you have. Steam, FRAPS, Geforce Experience all of them.
4. Make sure all background unnecessary programs are closed.

The game is maxed out settings wise + Gameworks settings all on.

My system:

i7-2600K 4.5GHz

I haven't had a crash since and my framerate has been in the 40s-50s. 3 Hours in.


Posting for a new page. Not a single crash with those settings. Almost finished the game.
It honestly makes me physically sick to see people trying their hardest to justify this.

Multiply that by 10 and you have my feelings when I see people shit on the Shenmue 3 kickstarter for kicks or due to platform bias. But I digress.

I was not very hyped for Batman AK, but after a good hour with the game I am craving to play more and can't. I just don't want to deal with experiencing the game like this. Really sad. I expect this to be like Halo:MCC. Port is probably heavily broken and would need a complete re-write for a fix. That is unlikely to happen.

Might pick up the PS4 version for super cheap at some point though.


Haven't been home for a couple of days, but sad to see that the PC version of this game is fucked. I bought a GTX 970 due to the Witcher 3 + Batman AK deal. I wish I could get a refund for this game, but alas...


Don't think my specs are similar to what most people have. I7-4700QM, GTX 780M, 8GB RAM. Not had a crash yet, (though I had a weird thing where the game paused itself and wouldn't respond to any controls, but when I minimised and went back it was fine).
No stuttering either, at least not regularly, only certain times with batmobile.
Very disappointed with missing graphic features though. Hope they're added back in.
In trying to save $20 on gmg I wasted $40 overall. I hope this shit gets sorted.

I wasted $54 :/ fucking convinced myself to go for the premium edition due to the discount. What a waste. Had I known this would have been such a cluster fuck I would have bought the PS4 version, now I feel "stuck" with the PC version for now since I can't bring myself to hand over another $60 to WB which would only reward them for their incompetence. And of course I can't refund it since it wasn't bought on Steam.



I have a GTX 970 and all NVIDIA settings on. I haven't had any issues. My framerate stays a pretty constant 30fps and only drops to about 24 during really fast batmobile movement.


I must be one of the 'lucky' ones, with gameworks off, I get a very consistant 60fps with very minor hiccups every couple of minutes, it really needs a good AA solution though, it sucks the one they use, GW is a mess though.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Top one looks good. Bottom one looks like shit.

I'll have to give that a try.

Wut. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. The top one looks almost untextured. And look at how shitty the pipes to the right of Batman's shoulder are on the top one.



wow they are nuts

"The Recommended Spec is intended to deliver an experience on par with the current generation of gaming platforms."

Batman: Arkham Knight - Nvidia GameWorks 60 FPS Trailer---wait what

Jesus fucking christ. What an absolute joke. They're going to provide recommended Ultra specs once they've done more testing, gee thanks for that. Should be good for a laugh I suppose.

Seriously lol.

It's a huge project worked on by hundreds of people split across 3-4 different companies, working day and night until the last minute. I bet everything will be mostly settled by the end of the week.

Oh ok guys everything's fine, dogen said everything will be fixed by the end of the week. Nothing to worry about.


Junior Member
I wasted $54 :/ fucking convinced myself to go for the premium edition due to the discount. What a waste. Had I known this would have been such a cluster fuck I would have bought the PS4 version, now I feel "stuck" with the PC version for now since I can't bring myself to hand over another $60 to WB which would only reward them for their incompetence. And of course I can't refund it since it wasn't bought on Steam.


Only $25 here. I might just eat it and get the PS4 version.


So, how is this possible?
He seems to be able to play it at smooth 60 fps (video is downsampled from 1080p). The video is actually comparing the performance with gameworks on/off.

I got basically that performance, often in the 60s+, but dips into the 30s and 40s (as his video shows). The drops were sudden and jarring, not a good experience.

I didn't get the stuttering/freezing that I see on so many videos, in fact got an experience a lot smoother than that, the game was playable - just not fun because of the sudden drops.


I wasted $54 :/ fucking convinced myself to go for the premium edition due to the discount. What a waste. Had I known this would have been such a cluster fuck I would have bought the PS4 version, now I feel "stuck" with the PC version for now since I can't bring myself to hand over another $60 to WB which would only reward them for their incompetence. And of course I can't refund it since it wasn't bought on Steam.


Definitely won't be getting the PS4 version no matter how badly I want to play it. For now, I'll treat this like another delay in my head despite all the frustration I have right now.

To hand them over MORE money for the PS4 copy is rewarding them for their bullshit and only encouraging them to ignore the PC community again. Fuck that shit.

I'll just wait until they attempt to fix this (but that press release doesn't give me much hope) or wait until my friend beats the game since he said he'd lend me it. I'd rather rent the game than buy it again.

They're all to blame here.


So, how is this possible?
He seems to be able to play it at smooth 60 fps (video is downsampled from 1080p). The video is actually comparing the performance with gameworks on/off.

That's not "smooth 60fps", his framerate is jumping from the 70's to mid-30's and everywhere in-between. It's all over the place and he's only playing at 1080p with all the Gameworks effects off, should be getting far better performance with a 970...come on now.
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