Has anyone played Diluvion? Any impressions if so?
Also any thoughts on The Technomancer?
Also any thoughts on The Technomancer?
So I kinda feel like playing a Metroidvania...
I bought Hollow Knight but it's not really for me so I just put in for a refund...
Ori looks super beautiful but I'm not really good at twitchy platformers...
At this point I'm almost tempted of buying Axiom Verge even if I already have it on PS4 and almost finished it already...
Shadow Warrior reboot is a giant no from me.Is axiom verge that good? I had it in my basket yesterday but took it out...
Just noticed Shadow Warrior is 90% off. Worth it? Or would I be better off just getting Doom?
Is axiom verge that good? I had it in my basket yesterday but took it out...
Just noticed Shadow Warrior is 90% off. Worth it? Or would I be better off just getting Doom?
Is axiom verge that good? I had it in my basket yesterday but took it out...
Just noticed Shadow Warrior is 90% off. Worth it? Or would I be better off just getting Doom?
Just noticed Shadow Warrior is 90% off. Worth it? Or would I be better off just getting Doom?
Is axiom verge that good? I had it in my basket yesterday but took it out...
Just noticed Shadow Warrior is 90% off. Worth it? Or would I be better off just getting Doom?
Has anyone played Diluvion? Any impressions if so?
Also any thoughts on The Technomancer?
Is axiom verge that good? I had it in my basket yesterday but took it out...
Just noticed Shadow Warrior is 90% off. Worth it? Or would I be better off just getting Doom?
Shadow Warrior is worth full price. The sequel is great too.
Axiom Verge is really, really great.
Doom is better than Shadow Warrior, in my opinion. But Shadow Warrior is no slouch, fun game.
Well, it starts and runs without any config changes, any DirectX fiddling, compatibility mode or whatever else is recommended in the Steam forums. Apparently, the main problem on Win 10 seems to be that it crashes immediately after launching, so I assume once it runs it's good. You can always refund of course, if it doesn't work for you.
It's not demanding, I'm pretty sure I ran it on a mediocre laptop almost a decade ago.
Shadow Warrior is great and so is DOOMIs axiom verge that good? I had it in my basket yesterday but took it out...
Just noticed Shadow Warrior is 90% off. Worth it? Or would I be better off just getting Doom?
As someone who owns and enjoys playing them both... I have to say XCOM have more content and mod support. Go straight to XCOM2; it's a straight improvement in my opinion.What XCOM type of game should I get? Xenonauts or XCOM proper? I enjoy Fire Emblem and Valkyria Chronicles a lot.
Huh...the usual hidden gems/indie games recommendation thread isn't up yet? I miss those...
Thanks I'll look into these
the story is amusing but just shading imho, nothing substantial. barely any characters even.
is the story so few that at times it feels like you're just running around shooting demons for the hell of it, or is there a purpose like I had to go to the next area to do something then some story tidbit that tell me where to go next etc?
Is axiom verge that good? I had it in my basket yesterday but took it out...
Just noticed Shadow Warrior is 90% off. Worth it? Or would I be better off just getting Doom?
So I kinda feel like playing a Metroidvania...
I bought Hollow Knight but it's not really for me so I just put in for a refund...
Ori looks super beautiful but I'm not really good at twitchy platformers...
At this point I'm almost tempted of buying Axiom Verge even if I already have it on PS4 and almost finished it already...
have you played Dust: An Elysian Tail (it's 80% off)
or Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition? (though this one has been bundled a few times)?
This game brings back SO MANY MEMORIES
super cheap too
It's an incredible aRPG
works perfectly in 4k to boot (and as far as I know, fps as high as your refresh rate)
Are we supposed to be able to read your mind? No idea what game that is....
Are we supposed to be able to read your mind? No idea what game that is....
It's Sudeki
I didn't even know Sudeki was on steam O_O
So I kinda feel like playing a Metroidvania...
I bought Hollow Knight but it's not really for me so I just put in for a refund...
Ori looks super beautiful but I'm not really good at twitchy platformers...
At this point I'm almost tempted of buying Axiom Verge even if I already have it on PS4 and almost finished it already...
is Doom like revered for it's pure gameplay or is there other thing like engaging narrative/character that push you to keep playing and see what happens next? because unfortunately, I never end up finishing these pure gameplay focused games. I usually like what I played until I got bored at some point and drop the game.
Anyone here played One Dog Story?
I'm looking for a metroidvania that swings more towards the vania end of the spectrum. Already have Hollow Knight, wondering if there is anything else I should be looking at?
Oh and I have Dead Cells but I'm not counting that due to the procedural generation aspect. I want something a bit more hand crafted and deliberate.
Anyone have RPG hidden gems recommendations? I obviously know the big ones but any good small - mid ones?
XCOM 2 would be my first recommendation, but XCOM: EU with its expansion isn't bad either. The sequel improves on a lot of stuff, but is different enough that playing the first game isn't a waste of tme or anything. Also, the modding community around both are great.What XCOM type of game should I get? Xenonauts or XCOM proper? I enjoy Fire Emblem and Valkyria Chronicles a lot.
I have.Anyone here played One Dog Story?
is the story so few that at times it feels like you're just running around shooting demons for the hell of it, or is there a purpose like I had to go to the next area to do something then some story tidbit that tell me where to go next etc?
I've bought Dead Cells, Rakuen, and Always Sometimes Monsters. Am I done? Possibly. Probably not.