People really trying to shit on the graphics but can't even explain what they think are bad about the graphics

Look, I'm not going to say this is the best-looking game ever. Never thought that. For now that game is still HFW, and soon it'll be Burning Shores once that releases. I did notice some odd lip sync "issues" (could really just be that they're doing both English and Japanese dubs and it actually takes a lot to sync for multiple languages) and stiffness in some facial animations. Maybe there could be a bit more cloth deformation on certain articles of clothing. A bit crisper textures in select places.
But overall I'd say the visuals are very good. The art style is cohesive, and that's saying a lot considering some of the more traditional FF elements in there which could have caused some Sonic '06 style visual dissonance. Animations in combat look cool with a lot of impact and punctuation for key hits, movement looks smooth, framepacing is perfect...still wish we could get some 60 FPS footage but I guess we'll see that later on. As long as there's a 60 FPS mode confirmed would be nice, just to have the option (I think all 9th-gen games should have the option TBH, regardless of the game).
As for the combat, I liked what I saw. I would like to see more of the strategic elements in a full battle, but I have a decent gist of that, what with selecting your spell skills, (I think) combining spells, triggering different states for access to different spells etc. There seems to be a lot of depth there. I don't think the combat is too flashy; everything still seems very readable in terms of visual language, I never lost track of where the main character was or where attacks were landing, what was happening on the screen etc. THAT would have been a sign it's too busy visually IMO.
Overall I'm pretty excited for this game. It'd be among the first batch of games I pick up for PS5 alongside Elden Ring (I don't want to play that on a PS4, too much of a struggle) and probably upgrade my GOW Ragnarok to the PS5 version to finish there (same with HFW). I think SE have a good thing going here, now it's just up to the story to deliver.