Circana (NPD) November 2023: #1 COD MWIII #2 Spider-Man 2 #3 Hogwarts Legacy; PS5 #1 Units + Revenue, XBS #2 Units + Revenue


Xbone was $199 yes, ps4 was never $199.
Yes it was, w



Yes it was, w

You were talking about months and you linked Black Friday. Xboxone was $199 year round unlike ps4.


The bear of bad news




Moderated wildly

Phil as we approach 2027

Yup, Microsoft needs to see some crazy uplift at 399. If that doesn't work they gotta go 350 permanent in the new year and ship those big games.

I just hope the lesson they learn from this is you need a consistent stream of good marketed games.

This gen has been abysmal for them.

All they can do is try and reduce the a marathon runner finding some f9rm of energy for the second half of the race.

If Microsoft is serious about this they need to invest that cash into price.
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I think Sony completely gave up on PSVR2 already.
Sales aren't reported and stores are running out of stock slowly because there has been no shipments. All major stores here have no stock, there are a few leftovers in smaller/less known stores.
Unless they are doing a hardware revision, but the timing seems terrible, with Black Friday and Xmas now.


Moderated wildly
I think Sony completely gave up on PSVR2 already.
Sales aren't reported and stores are running out of stock slowly because there has been no shipments. All major stores here have no stock, there are a few leftovers in smaller/less known stores.
Unless they are doing a hardware revision, but the timing seems terrible, with Black Friday and Xmas now.

Deep down, we all knew it was sent to die. I just think they'd assigned budget and gone so far with R&D that they thought they have to get it out the door then leave it to tick along.

I think this will be it from Sony on VR now.


I know its a dumb logic but we were informed that console sales don't matter for MS in this forum by some Xbox enthusiasts, if so, why are they trying desperately to sell those consoles at a loss? They are aggressively discounting both the Xbox Series S and Series X in hopes of increasing console sales while taking a huge hit on their profit.

So the next person who says console sales don't matter and MS cares only about engagements should have their post privileges revoked for being a dumb F.
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Deep down, we all knew it was sent to die. I just think they'd assigned budget and gone so far with R&D that they thought they have to get it out the door then leave it to tick along.

I think this will be it from Sony on VR now.
I don't think they lose money with it. R&D is not much, they just improved on PSVR1, only takes a couple of guys to design it, most components they make themselves (if not all) and it isn't sold at a loss.
I understand it is important to "have it" to differentiate from the competition, but I was expecting Sony to fake some more support for it instead of going full on "don't care, your job is just to exist, not to sell".


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I know its a dumb logic but we were informed that console sales don't matter for MS in this forum by some Xbox enthusiasts, if so, why are they trying desperately to sell those consoles at a loss? They are aggressively discounting both the Xbox Series S and Series X in hopes of increasing console sales while taking a huge hit on their profit.

So the next person who says console sales don't matter and MS cares only about engagements should have their post privileges revoked for being a dumb F.

Xbox enthusiasts care more about controlling the narrative than anything else.

In 2021, Xbox was winning monthly charts in the UK and US, but they ignored the supply issues and wanted everyone to praise Microsoft because they believed their strategy was working. Now that the sales gap has widened, console sales no longer matter.
Before MS acquired Zenimax, exclusives didn't matter and now they do.

They love to change the narrative based on how MS is doing.


It comes down to software sales and subscription rates. If they can release a PS5 handheld and sell the PS5 as an entry level gaming device with largely the same games as the PS6, that means you can sell the PS6 as a premium machine with high margin to core gamers.

If there isn't any competition, core gamers will buy it, meanwhile you're still selling games on the handheld and entry level device.

The PS2 was eventually as cheap as 100 dollars. The PS3 was never less than $269, though the wii dropped to 129.

The PS4's cheapest was $299, though I think it is safe to assume had it not been for the pandemic, it could have dropped to as low as 200, with the PS4 Pro dropping to 300 and the PS5 digital starting at 400 and the PS5 starting at 500.

I fully expect Sony to redesign the PS5 and release a super slim with additional cost savings and if they can get it to the 200-250 range, I think it'll sell a historic number of units in addition again to a handheld version.

If Microsoft drops out of the market before the PS6 comes out, fully expect the PS6 to be significantly more expensive.
I would be very very surprised if PS5 ever got to the 250 level. I think cost inflation has pretty much ruled that out for the foreseeable future.
This is his excuse? :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Excuse for what?


Worst november for Xbox since...I don't even remember anymore. It's joever.

PS5 didn't exploded, but Worldwide numbers are crazy.

Switch is dead.


I think Sony completely gave up on PSVR2 already.
Sales aren't reported and stores are running out of stock slowly because there has been no shipments. All major stores here have no stock, there are a few leftovers in smaller/less known stores.
Unless they are doing a hardware revision, but the timing seems terrible, with Black Friday and Xmas now.
Go have a look in the quest thread, I was only interested in the quest 2 and 3 sales so wasn't bothered posting the tweet/data in any other threads or getting pulled into any platform wars.

John Wick

I always found it weird that this game is a finger to the woke crowd, when it's actually really really good in terms of diversity.
More to the fact that they tried to get the game cancelled and failed and tried to silence JK Rowling and failed there too. You can't argue against scientific facts.


More to the fact that they tried to get the game cancelled and failed and tried to silence JK Rowling and failed there too. You can't argue against scientific facts.
I do get that, its just odd that its being cancelled for J K Rowling's views and not for anything the game actually does itself.
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I don't know if we can deduce that series s is doing badly in us (and ww), but it's from the announcement that I find this sku a stupid move.
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Yup, Microsoft needs to see some crazy uplift at 399. If that doesn't work they gotta go 350 permanent in the new year and ship those big games.

I just hope the lesson they learn from this is you need a consistent stream of good marketed games.
Microsoft, for reasons that will be made very clear in the not too distant future, is going to fully stop caring about HW sales.

Its happening.
November 2023 - Hardware sales estimates:

PS5 : 1,062,000
XBS : 584,000

PS5 : 978,000
XBS :54,000

PS5 : 240,000
XBS : 130,000

PS5 : 274,263
XBX: 14,764

PS5: 2,554,263
XBS: 782,764
I'm speaking on this in another thread already, but just to be clear:

no one, and I mean NO ONE, imagined MS would sell less than 1m consoles in Nov. This is disaster territory. Explains the move to 3rd party launches for them.


I'm speaking on this in another thread already, but just to be clear:

no one, and I mean NO ONE, imagined MS would sell less than 1m consoles in Nov. This is disaster territory. Explains the move to 3rd party launches for them.

Yes, not many people predicted that the XBS would flop worse than the Xbox One. It will be fun to read all those past comments about how this time would be different for MS since this time the "competition" would be stronger than the last gen.
If I were in the media business, I would set up an interview with Don Mattrick right away... Pure gold waiting
Honestly, in retrospect, Don Mattrick was correct that the future of Xbox was in expanding the audience that comprised the core Xbox audience. Yes, gamers felt heavily alienated, but all of the evidence needed to establish the current outcome we're in was available then. Many folks, particularly in the NA gaming journalism/commentary scene spent a really long time just ignoring the reality that MS was building for themselves.
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