I love the wording, he did not say they run well or at a smooth 30 FPS… “surprisingly well” could mean that they expected single FPS slideshow and they got the game to run better than that

The game runs, surprisingly. Well...
Calling OP an ‘xbox fanboy’ is quite the stretch indeed
Nobody pointed fingers at the OP saying xbox fanboy, that's fanfic. You're replying to a discussion between 3 other members regarding lead platform and waiting for actual evidence.
The framing of the OP, though, "big red flag" and "Reviewers will only receive PC codes to review" when the tweet literally says "most folks I spoke to" - for a nvidia bundled/marketed title, no less - looks for all the world like the "news" itself the OP posted
was sourced via said fanboi demographic with a hefty dollop of full-fat tryhard spin splooged on top of what the tweet actually states.
Some xbox superfans are pissed off about the game and their console once again being an afterthought, but tbh that's by the by. The real issue is you can slice the
it's another Cyberpunk FUD in here with an RTX 4090, lol.