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2011 NBA Mar |OT| Now listening to the Stan Van Gundy mixtape

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dream said:
37 points in the first quarter.........

I always get excited when a team or player in any sport has an unusually high amount of points in a quarter(or half) only to be letdown as they don't have nearly as much the rest of the way making it kind of less fun.


Wow, Ramon Sessions is the only starter to score.

TheGreatMightyPoo said:
I always get excited when a team or player in any sport has an unusually high amount of points in a quarter(or half) only to be letdown as they don't have nearly as much the rest of the way making it kind of less fun.

Yeah, I remember Denver destroying the Cavs with like 80 points in the first half then chilling for the rest of the game. :/


yes, that talented of a member
Red Blaster said:

Rose isn't the MVP. He'll win MVP thus further proving the award is a joke. Michael Jordan (who's displayed that he's a terrible judge of talent) talking about the Bulls means absolutely nothing. Rose's defense is below-average at best and shit at worst, he's one of the worst defensive players on the Bulls and their defense is the primary reason the team is so good this year. Rose's best asset is his offense and that's become massively overrated among the Bulls' ascension to 1st in the east. He does carry the team offensively, which would mean something if the Bulls were a good offensive team, which they are not (15th in the league). His boost in stats can be attributed to his increase in usage % which would explain why his scoring efficiency has in fact decreased since last season. His turnover % has also gone up. Rose is a good player and a Top 5 point guard in the league, but right now he's not even as good as Russell Westbrook on offense and that guy's a total moron.

We shall agree to disagree.


Cleveland's soul is being sucked out by the Portland team. Wow. I don't remember a team laying as many eggs as they have in recent memory. Jesus.


TheGreatMightyPoo said:

He's fine.

He took the ball to the basket and shot some tonight and never grimaced, stop defending a guy that can't beat Derrick Rose.
21 points on 23 shots with 2 assists , probably wouldn't hang my hat on that one.

Also, a healthy Deron dominated him in Chicago last year.
giri said:
Lakers want to bring bynum off the bench, he pouts and plays shit getting nancy over not starting. Lakers want to play through pau because he's smarter and better passer, drew whines and pouts about not getting touches so doesn't play on the other end. On a defending champion team struggling at the time, he makes a fantastic comment "Why do i force the shot when i'm double teamed? i don't see the ball much between kobe and pau, so when i get it, i'm taking a shot". Bynum specifically re-scheduled his surgery for later so he could go to the soccer world cup or what ever it was, it was his decision. The list goes on. Do you know what sof mentally means? Lack of competetive drive, lack of wanting to play as part of the team, lack of wanting to rehab 100% and become stronger and better, not giving up on one end because you haven't got it going on the other. Yeah, that all SCREAMS future corner stone. Where do i sign up, and where are the car flags kept?

Bynum never whined about coming off the bench. Where are you getting this from. When this 1st came about, Lamar was the one who complained at first and then accepted it. The plan was always to put Pau at PF because Pau plays like a PF, not a center.

When Bynum came off the bench to start this season (coming back from injury) he made zero complaints and even said he should come off the bench until Phil's thinks it's time.

As for touches, almost always when Bynum complained about touches, he almost never singles himself out. He often says something like "the ball needs to go inside more, whether it's Pau or me, we have an advantage there." Numerous times when he's complained, he's said Pau should get more touches too.

Bynum has improved every season in the league. He doesn't lack a competitive drive. He also played the entire playoffs hurt. How is that soft?

Soft is Vince Carter, who gets a hangnail and asks to be out for a few weeks. Soft is not wanting to take contact. Soft is being too mentally weak to handle the pressure, not scoring 20 points in the NBA Finals on a bum leg. Bynum has never "given up" on one end because the other isn't going.

Which is funny, because that was a criticism of Lamar (if he didn't rebound early, he'd stink) and Pau being soft, which he proved the naysayers wrong.

Labeling Bynum soft makes no sense. He played his heart out last playoffs on one leg.

You're right, Bynum re-scheduled to go to the World Cup. He's was 22 and deserved to go to such an event with his friends. I was 22 once too, so I understand. He asked Phil and Mitch about it first which you neglect to mention. The doctor then re-scheduled later which is why he took as long as it did.

Arguing the defense of one person, by a team metric, is extremely flawed. Guess what, most second units ARE better defenders than the starters. Thats why i don't bother arguing with you on this, it's pointless. For every defensive lapse hibbert has, bynum has one also, you were trying to say he's a good Defensive C, other than his height, he's regularly out of position, as much as hibbert, and bring not much else.

You realize Bynum is black and Pau is white, right? I'm not sure you do. Pau is the one who is often out of position.

You're argument about the defense is wrong. Here are starting Cs whose defense is better when on the court: Chandler, Bynum, Perkins (Boston), Bogut, Duncan, Horford, Gortat (Phx).

All of those Cs are considered defensive (with Bynum being argued here). So Hibbert and Lopez are just unfortunate flukes? The only defensive minded C that didn't fit the bill was Noah and Dwight and that was only because Asik actually seems to be an excellent defensive C and Gortat filled in most of the year for Dwight plus he plays some 90% of non-garbage time (and in both cases the defensive numbers while not as good are still actually good.

Johan Petro plays the minutes behind Lopez. Your argument is that he's a great defensive player? Or is it the other bench players, like Farmar, Vujacic, Outlaw, Morrow, graham? Not enough lols.

Behind Hibbert is Jeff Foster or Sam Jones. Again, these guys are great at D?

Lopez... Thats a whole different argument. That whole team has problems, but to deny his offensive talent would be unjust. That teams is shit on D, has an overall lack of talent, and he has played like a zombie all year.

I've already given his efficiency on offense a pass and mentioned his skill is there. But his defense is atrocious. Forget the rest of the team. Dude moves laterally as slow as a snail. He gets spun around all the time on post-ups.

You argued chandler with someone else, but chandler anchors a defense, bynum is a role player in it. There's a huge difference, but i wouldn't expect someone who uses team stats for player arguments to understand that.

Bynum anchors the Lakers defense. Even Phil has said as much. the entire defense is geared towards shuffling the players into him at certain angles. The Lakers play a different defense when he's out of the game until the AS break (also something the coaching staff admits, but was pretty obvious). Now the defense is about the same because he plays with the bench more often, though the "anchor" has a different role when he's out (often this is Lamar). When Bynum is in we funnel to him, when Lamar and Pau are in Lamar is plays a zone waller as I call it (his job is to zone on his own by blocking angles to the basket).

That's not to say Chandler isn't more important to his team's defense because he is, due to the other players. Lakers have Artest and Lamar who are better on defense than anyone Chandler has.

Fisher-Bryant-Artest-Odom-Gasol - 103
Fisher-Bryant-Artest-Odom-Bynum 90

To deny his impact would be like staring at the sun and saying it's dark outside. There are no bench players there to claim. That's real impact. And it's the same each of these past 3 seasons with the same other 4 players.

here's what confuses me. Pau and Bynum play on the same team. Pau is an average defender. Everyone knows this. Now, he's elite on offense when he gets the chance to score, but on defense he's average. His length is his main asset, but he gets backed down, often is missing in space, and doesn't protect the rim very well. Bynum plays on the same team. YOU CAN SEE THE DIFFERENCE IN AN AVERAGE DEFENDER VERSUS BYNUM. The distinction is as clear as day.

If Hibbert or Lopez are better than Bynum, I'd have to assume that you also think they're better than Pau (since Pau is obviously worse at defense than Bynum and you said Bynum sucks). But there's no way you actually believe that because Pau is obviously a top tier big, which actually leads me to believe you have no idea what you're talking about at all when it comes to Bynum.

I'm sorry, but if you truly think Hibbert is better than Drew, either time to let go of the hate or reassess how you watch basketball.


TheGreatMightyPoo said:
And he swats Deron's shit like a fly was shooting.

But wait, Derrick's wrist is affecting his hops as well, carry on...
Holy shit he had 2 blocked shots? Give him DPOY right now.

edit: omg trax post
linsivvi said:
Odom never pouted. Bynum complained a lot to the local media but has stopped doing so for at least a year. So I see a certain sign of improvement.

No, when 2008-09 was about to start, Lamar complained in summer in a radio interview (was it with Vick The Brick?) about going to the bench, especially in a contract year. Phil had a talk with him and he changed his tune.

Okay, found it. From the LA Time

"The Lakers convened this afternoon for a media session before the start of training camp Tuesday and Odom voiced his disdain for Jackson's idea. "He must have woke up and bumped his head. He probably hit his head on something -- boom," Odom said about Jackson. "To start off like that, you've got to be out of your . . . mind."

Phil never had intentions of bringing Bynum of the bench. The whole point of having Bynum and Gasol was to have Gasol start as a power forward, his natural position. All these Bynum pouting about the bench stuff is revisionist history.


Dreams-Visions said:

dude, not gonna lie, you root for some terrible teams. Why do you do it to yourself? I remember you supporting other teams in other leagues that aren't all that successful. You can only root for the laundry for so long before it becomes abuse.

And wow at mamba's post. And wow at me for reading most of it. *le sigh*
exarkun said:
dude, not gonna lie, you root for some terrible teams. Why do you do it to yourself? I remember you supporting other teams in other leagues that aren't all that successful. You can only root for the laundry for so long before it becomes abuse.

And wow at mamba's post. And wow at me for reading most of it. *le sigh*

Tastes like venom, doesn't it?

GQ went looking for the worst fans in sports and only one NBA team made the list. The Los Angeles Lakers. Here's what GQ wrote:

Congratulations, Angelenos! You are the fairest of America’s fair-weather fans! The Lakers unfaithful abandoned their team en masse when Magic retired in 1991, then reconfirmed their fickleness by sending local TV ratings plummeting 30 percent after Shaq departed in 2004. Meanwhile, in these championship days, the Staples Center is more bar scene than sports complex, where fans can’t be bothered to clap—their hands are too busy texting.

“The focus is sometimes not on the court,” coach Phil Jackson has said. “It’s on the people in the crowd.” Which explains why eight box suites were recently combined into an offshoot of an abominable nightclub, the Hyde Lounge. After VIPs pass a clipboard gauntlet—at a sports stadium—they can eat $21 nachos at a crocodile-skin bar while waiting for the space to transform into a postbuzzer dance club. When it’s time to leave, a valet will even bring around their bandwagon.

Via GQ



dIEHARD said:
He can finish with his left hand quite well and his explosiveness is pretty good if you factor in he is pretty quick. His jumper was off today but still a decent game.

Is Deron still walking around holding his wrist? I can't imagine him shooting so bad unless something is still messed up pretty bad.
Jimmer isn't explosive or quick for a pg. He has average quickness and looks about as explosive as Billups. He is going to have to be more creative in the NBA like Curry if he is going to start. Curry is like 6'4 though and is like a young Nash in that he gets up the floor well, but his lateral quickness is average for a pg.
soundscream said:

Sticking around to watch a shit product is why place like Cleveland and Chicago and Detroit have their teams flounder in mediocrity. I'll take the fair-weather over "die hard" if it means it keeps the fire lit on an owners ass to put a winning team together.
This is old, but I don't think it's been posted yet:

Orlando Magic guard Gilbert Arenas did not have very much time on the court against the Los Angeles Lakers last night, only 14 minutes on the court to be exact and there is a very good reason as to why.

Sunday night Arenas took advantage of the fact that he was in La La Land with a night off and he reportedly spend the night partying.

Arenas took full advantage of the situation in which he supposedly really tied one on and spent a few bucks in the process.

He was spotted at My Studio, a very exclusive and selective nightclub in Hollywood, where he spent roughly $40,000 on 33 bottles of extremely expensive bubbly throughout the evening. That must have been some really good stuff at over $1100 a bottle.

While dropping $40,000 might just be second nature for a big NBA star that makes roughly $20 million a year, he was noticed throughout the evening as obviously being under the influence of those expensive bottles of North American giggle water as well.

This would obviously explain why Arenas only played 14 minutes in the game against the Lakers Monday night.

After all, running up and down a basketball court against one of the best teams in the NBA with a hangover would no doubt affect a player’s performance, not too mention his stamina.

You would have to think that his desire to be out there and playing a basketball game in that condition might have been a bit affected as well.

Only four more years on his contract.



TheGreatMightyPoo said:

Hey man, their style guide this season was bananas. And I'm serious.

And Ninja, thats a terrible way to look at it. Its true that fans should show their displeasure somehow, but depriving yourself of a night out just cause they suck? The reason those places have people in them is because of the low prices.

The teams flounder in mediocrity because its the owners fault. They could be happy with just putting a product out there, and if its not that, they could get a superstar or some flashy players that have no real chance at a title but are fun to watch (aka goldenstate). If an owner wants to win, then they will make the moves, if not, no amount of bad attendance will really light a fire under their ass. It might make you lose the team to another city though.


Ninja Scooter said:
Sticking around to watch a shit product is why place like Cleveland and Chicago and Detroit have their teams flounder in mediocrity. I'll take the fair-weather over "die hard" if it means it keeps the fire lit on an owners ass to put a winning team together.

Yup. That's how Sterling keeps making his money.



I already answered the GQ assessment of the Lakers fan base. The 100's section gives us a bad rep and even then, didn't we still have great attendance during 05,06, and 07?

Also some more defensive stats.

Opponent counterpart vs Centers

Bynum allows 45.2% eFG and 11.8 PER.

Lopez allows 49..8% eFG and 16.7 PER.

Bogut allows 47.5% eFG and 13.4 PER.

Chandler allows 53.0% eFG and 17.7 PER.

Hibbert allows 51.8% eFG and 17.7 PER.

Dwight allows 46.2% eFG and 12.0 PER.

Noah allows 56.1% eFG and 19.1 PER.

Nene allows 52.1% eFG and 18.6 PER.

You guys need to watch more Laker games before you spout this nonsense. Bynum is the 2nd best defensive center in the NBA. Hell, Bynum could be averaging more points if he got more touches. Problem is that he shares the ball with Kobe, Pau, and Lamar.

The only thing that sucks about Bynum is his health. Each year he starts to tear it up and then he gets injured. Bynum usually wins the Center battles except when he goes against Dwight.
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