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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT2| Love Jesus or I'll cut you

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Black Mamba said:
I agree with everything (minus your use of Ironically

It is ironic in that you would think it would have the opposite affect on the Lakers but it won't.

I'll repeat here was I told a friend. Even if Lakers pull this series off, I think losing tonight means they won't win the title. Whatever they use to pull it off will leave them spent for the WCF.

They aren't spent, they are out of sync and playing extremely bad basketball right now, the worst of the remaining teams next to maybe BOS. But at least BOS is competing to the best of their ability. The Lakers are just mailing it all in.

I also think the 17-1 streak ended up hurting them. They used a lot of energy to dominate (not just win) those games and are now tired from it. That and 3 years of Finals and some guys at International Ball (Pau in particular). And they convinced themselves they can "turn it on." But now the energy is sapped and they really can't. Only reason I think they can win still is because I don't think Dallas is that good, but OKC definitely is

That's partially true.

The Lakers were playing good ball and the offense was moving well and Drew was defending at an impressive clip.

Problem is, when they lost to DEN, they went right back to their old ways before the 17-1 run. They never fully recovered since that and crawled into the post season and were lucky to get the Hornets in the first round. They should have swept that team but they were taken to 6. That Utah team they swept last season was waaaaay better than this Hornets team. And they were swept.

Pau really looks tired to me. We joke around about him playing like a pussy right now, but his movements and everything looks slow. There was that one Oreb for Dallas where he just tried to walk to Dirk to challenge his 3. I knew Phil rode him too hard to start the season (40+min for like 15 games)

And Kobe isn't? This is the fucking playoffs man. You fucking ball, period. Suck that shit up and compete. Pau looks like a guy with other shit outside of basketball on his mind. He doesn't look tired but rather, unfocused. There is a difference. I think his girlfriend may have left him or cheated or something. That's what his body language looks like.

Welp, I'd rather they lose now and get time to rest than lose to the Heat in the Finals or something. I've been prepared for the loss, but losing to the Heat would infuriate me.

If the Lakers are out before the Finals, I wish y'all whatever happens.

I'm not watching another game till after the lockout and that's real.

I seriously don't give a fuck who wins it at that point.

Football is the only sport I can watch deep into the playoffs if my squad isn't in.
I think Kobe is tired too and its showing. Did you know he only attacked the basket 1 time in both games in the halfcourt? How does that happen against Kidd/Terry/Stevenson? He's shooting well, but by not penetrating, he's not getting easier looks for guys or causing fouls, etc. It's hurting the offensive flow.

He has 1 field goal attempt in the paint!

Maybe Pau is having personal problems. To me it's fatigue. I mean, you can say suck it up, but that doesn't mean he can.

Eh, I'll watch the rest of the playoffs. I love basketball too much not to do so. It'll suck and I'll be irritable IRL for a couple days, but I always come back to watch. Only time I remember stopping was '03 (but I also had exams). Having felt this would happen all season long makes it easier to swallow, I suppose. I dunno. To watch some 200 games and then just not see how it all plays out would feel like a waste. or moreso of one.

But I get why you'd stop.
It was a good decade fellas. Unless Phil pulls off some major voodoo on these guys, this team isn't winning another championship. Such a shame.
Black Mamba said:
Eh, I'll watch the rest of the playoffs. I love basketball too much not to do so. It'll suck and I'll be irritable IRL for a couple days, but I always come back to watch. Only time I remember stopping was '03 (but I also had exams). Having felt this would happen all season long makes it easier to swallow, I suppose. I dunno. To watch some 200 games and then just not see how it all plays out would feel like a waste. or moreso of one.

But I get why you'd stop.

I love basketball too but at the same time, I love the Lakers.

It's not a waste--you seen how it all turns out once the Lakers season is over:


Maybe it makes me a hater, bitter or salty or whatever but it's how I feel. If my team doesn't have a chance to lift it, I don't really care. I'm not setting aside time to watch a Finals I have no investment in.

I have never seen a second of the 2005 NBA Finals and I prolly never will.
Damn Lakers I can't sleep for shit. I keep pretending Kobe goes on a tear avg. 80+ at 99 FG% then I wake up and remember we lost 2 games to the Mavs and got diced by JJ.

...Bless Nyquil
BruceLeeRoy said:
Damn Lakers I can't sleep for shit.

Don't lose sleep over those millionaires that can't get their shit together.

If you're gonna lose sleep over anything, lose it over a (Zod forbid) sick family member or friend.

Not this shit.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Damn Lakers I can't sleep for shit. I keep pretending Kobe goes on a tear avg. 80+ at 99 FG% then I wake up and remember we lost 2 games to the Mavs and got diced by JJ.

...Bless Nyquil
Well, Osama's dead if that's any consolation.

Nelo Ice

so glad my english teacher moved back our essays due date to tuesday instead of today

damn loss has me not wanting to do my usual procrastination work right now
ryutaro's mama said:
Don't lose sleep over those millionaires that can't get their shit together.

If you're gonna lose sleep over anything, lose it over a (Zod forbid) sick family member or friend.

Not this shit.

Your right man.
Nothing like a little perspective and heavy doses of doxylamine succinate to push the pain away.

ryutaro's mama said:
You're up 2-0.

End this schtick and go back to your terrible anime avatars.

It is odd seeing Brandy without any anime action going on.

Nelo Ice

ryutaro's mama said:
I love basketball too but at the same time, I love the Lakers.

It's not a waste--you seen how it all turns out once the Lakers season is over:


Maybe it makes me a hater, bitter or salty or whatever but it's how I feel. If my team doesn't have a chance to lift it, I don't really care. I'm not setting aside time to watch a Finals I have no investment in.

I have never seen a second of the 2005 NBA Finals and I prolly never will.

same here i also try to avoid espn and any other shows/sites talking since it sucks enough losing but reading/hearing about it again and again is even worse
Puddles said:
This kind of shit teaches you the folly of depending on the Lakers for the majority of your satisfaction in life.

Why in the blue hell would you do something like that?

No offense, dude but...

A Life.

Get One!
ryutaro's mama said:
I love basketball too but at the same time, I love the Lakers.

It's not a waste--you seen how it all turns out once the Lakers season is over:


Maybe it makes me a hater, bitter or salty or whatever but it's how I feel. If my team doesn't have a chance to lift it, I don't really care. I'm not setting aside time to watch a Finals I have no investment in.

I have never seen a second of the 2005 NBA Finals and I prolly never will.

But then you'd have missed MJ and Dream in the Finals, etc. I understand your position. But it's not for me.

This kind of shit teaches you the folly of depending on the Lakers for the majority of your satisfaction in life.

Well, that's just sad man. There's more to life than the Lakers. For instance, you could derive the rest of your pleasure by irrationally hating a player/team and trolling nba threads incessantly about it to what some might call a neurotic level.
Puddles said:
First thing tomorrow then.

Be a fan--just don't let that shit completely consume your life man.

I was there.

2008 gave me new perspective,man.

2003-2007 were really rough for me...

and 1998

and 1997,1996,1995,1994,1993, 1992,1991,1990,1989...


Looking back, I was so fucking delusional in the 1990s...1998 was a fucking heartbreak year.


I wasn't completely serious. If I was completely dependent on the Lakers for all my joy in life, I would have been one depressed motherfucker from 03 to 08, and all through the 90s.

Just sucks that of all the teams to lose to, it has to be the Mavs. Especially considering how superior the Lakers seemed to them in the regular season.
ryutaro's mama said:
Be a fan--just don't let that shit completely consume your life man.

I was there.

2008 gave me new perspective,man.

2003-2007 were really rough for me...

and 1998

and 1997,1996,1995,1994,1993, 1992,1991,1990,1989...


Looking back, I was so fucking delusional in the 1990s...1998 was a fucking heartbreak year.

1991 broke my heart as a kid. Then Magic announcing he had HIV not long after. That was brutal.

Out of most of those, I think I'm taking this one in stride the most. 2008 was a stomach-punch.


"They just look old and tired," said one prominent former Laker walking dejectedly through the halls at Staples Center Wednesday night.

"Like they're on [empty]. This is their fourth run at it, you know? That's what happens sometimes."

Wonder who it was.
sf2fanatic said:
Still feeling the effect of Trevor leaving....

Still disappointed at that trade, he made such a huge contribution in the 09 playoffs and championship. If Lakers still had him instead of blake and barnes I think the 2 would be in the laker's column instead.

Puddles said:
Just sucks that of all the teams to lose to, it has to be the Mavs. Especially considering how superior the Lakers seemed to them in the regular season.

Lakers dominate them in the final game before the playoffs, looked like a sure thing lakers winning this series, but I guess you could say the same thing about the spurs. Same thing happened with the Hornets, swept them 4 - 0 in regular season then loose game 1.


ghostofsparta said:

I didn't know Rick Fox was smanging the chick from Bring It On. Lucky bastard.

And you know exactly when this is happening in the game? Could be halftime, boss. Notice the lights are on in the stands. They're dimmed during the game.


Rick Fox wins.
Duki said:
toney can be awful but at least he can get hot in 1/3 games and hit 6 3 pointers or something

what the fuck does shannon give you? his version of getting hot is getting some fast break dunk and then bricking about 10 threes in a row because he suddenly thinks hes hot shit

also fuck that bitch, shannon is a girls name

The Frankman said:
You're fucking insane.

Blake is a better shooter than Douglas and can run a pick and roll better than Felton or Billups. Is he better than Douglas over all? I can't call it, but I think he'd be a better fit.

Brown gives us speed and athleticism in the back court, and he can actually guard 2's. That's probably why Donnie tried to sign him this off season.

I like Toney but he's a text book combo guard, and that's not what we need. He would be great next to a ball dominant 2 guard like Kobe though.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Wow at the Lakers.. Guess Brandy is the new Konex...
Cooter said:
I'm down for Mav's vs Heat part II

The more I think about it, the more I'm okay with this. I guess it depends on how the Mavs finish off the Lakers and their performance in the WCF.

I just wonder if the Mavs are strong enough defensively to match up with the Heat. Lebron struggles against defensive teams, not offensive teams.

What sucks is that you could count on Lebron disappearing for entire halves in a tough series. But now, he no longer needs to play 48 minutes. Last game he was completely passive and borderline shit in the first half. But Wade opened up the game in the first half and then Lebron only had to play aggressive for 2 quarters to finish off the Celts.

The two teams I thought would be capable of beating the Heat are down 0-2.... I hope Chicago gets their act together.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
The Chosen One said:
The more I think about it, the more I'm okay with this. I guess it depends on how the Mavs finish off the Lakers and their performance in the WCF.

I just wonder if the Mavs are strong enough defensively to match up with the Heat. Lebron struggles against defensive teams, not offensive teams.

What sucks is that you could count on Lebron disappearing for entire halves in a tough series. But now, he no longer needs to play 48 minutes. Last game he was completely passive and borderline shit in the first half. But Wade opened up the game in the first half and then Lebron only had to play aggressive for 2 quarters to finish off the Celts.

The two teams I thought would be capable of beating the Heat are down 0-2.... I hope Chicago gets their act together.

chi is 1-1

In the wake of a Yahoo! Sports report Tuesday of the theft of cash and personal belongings from the Boston Celtics team bus during their final visit of the regular season to South Florida, additional details have come to light of the events of April 10 at AmericanAirlines Arena.

According to the Yahoo! report: “Someone had snuck onto the bus and stolen cash and belongings from the coaches’ and players’ bags. ‘It was pretty bad,’ a source told Yahoo! Sports. ‘A lot of stuff, a lot of money.’ “

Wednesday, in the midst of their NBA Eastern Conference semifinal playoff series, the Heat and Celtics responded to the report.

According to the Heat: “After our last regular season home game vs. Boston, a Celtics player [Nenad Krstic] made a claim while boarding the team plane following our game that $1,200 was taken from his personal bag that was left on one of the team buses. Additionally, Lawrence Frank also claimed his bag was stolen while they were still here at AA Arena that night, but he found it before they left for the airport.”

Frank is a Celtics assistant coach.

The Heat investigation continued:

“‘We were notified later that night by our NBA team security contact, Tom Fassenella, about the player’s claim and were told the NBA was investigating it. There was an attempt by the NBA to interview the player in Washington the following day but the player was not made available to them.”

All that shit talking from the Laker LLs and this is what you get (we cool passive Lakers' fans).

2-20 from downtown? Wow.

Even Rose shoots better than that.

edit: good to see the old Ron Ron back.
Once again, I think there is too much overreaction...it's only 0-2. One win will change everything.

I can say that for both teams though.

Also, damn, a man can do so many more things when he is banging former Miss Universe. Fucking Barea wtf

It's just......how?
We're going to see how old Kobe is now.

This is the type of situation where a man has to come out and just take over. You save the team sharing bullshit for game 4 but we're going to see Kobe throw up 30 shots for sure.

The Stealth Fox

Junior Member
The crying is hilarious.

"Lakers fell asleep. Lakers just didn't turn it on."

Hey guys, maybe they just aren't that good of a basketball team this year. Ever think that?!

Look at those fans booing too. Hopefully Staples will be empty soon and Seattle will finally get a team.
The Stealth Fox said:
The crying is hilarious.

"Lakers fell asleep. Lakers just didn't turn it on."

Hey guys, maybe they just aren't that good of a basketball team this year. Ever think that?!

Look at those fans booing too. Hopefully Staples will be empty soon and Seattle will finally get a team.

To be fair teams not being as good tend not to have guys that still have a lot left on both sides of the ball like the Lakers.

Lakers are hilarious in that they are maybe the only team in league that you watch and you KNOW they could dominate pretty much whenever but they either play soft, constantly miss rotations, don't exploit mismatches, etc. There is never a team that simply looks better (sans the Heat) , they simply just look really dumb and disinterested.

I guess such a thing could be described as not being "as good", but Lakers fans are right when they often say their team didn't turn it on.

Unfortunately for the lakeshow they "may not turn it on" for 3 games, play hard the rest and just lose a close one due to Dirk/Terry going off or something, which is prone to happen at least once in this series.

I predict that the Lakers split in DAL, win in LA, win in DAL, and then lose game 7 due to be able show that consistency for long enough.

In such a scenario I'd root for Mavs/Heat v2...and oh my would it be entertaining.


Puddles said:
WTF is the point of life now?

If the winning had to end, I was hoping we could at least lose to the Spurs or the Thunder. Not the fucking Mavs.


I think it's pretty poetic, actually.
How exactly are the Lakers better/more talented than everyone else? They have four NBA players on their roster, only three of those guys can play at the same time, they have the worst starting point guard in the league, their best player has declined a lot, their second best player has completely fallen off a cliff, their bench sucks, they've looked absolutely terrible in majorly important games for a while now. What makes them that good?

The Stealth Fox

Junior Member
Dark FaZe said:
Lakers are hilarious in that they are maybe the only team in league that you watch and you KNOW they could dominate pretty much whenever but they either play soft, constantly miss rotations, don't exploit mismatches, etc. There is never a team that simply looks better (sans the Heat) , they simply just look really dumb and disinterested.

The very definition of a team that's good on paper but just isn't that good on the court. It's quite simple, really.

And it's not that they don't want to "turn it on". It's the freaking playoffs, any good team tries to turn it on. They just couldn't, because they were overrated.

Every time the Lakers showed distinct signs of decline this year, everyone was like "BUBUBUBUBUU TWO TIME DEFENDING CHAMPS!".

Yeah, when you actually manage to have multiple 4 or 5 game losing streaks during the season, maybe you just really aren't that good.

Anyway, Kobe was probably afraid of losing to LeBron in the NBA finals so he decided to bow out early.
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