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2013 Jan NBA Season lOT| Beautiful Black Bodies on Top


With this talk about the Harden trade, it got me thinking. Has Lamb done anything in the NBDL? I thought OKC did well in that trade, but I thought Lamb was gonna make the rotation. I thought the same of PJIII too. Is this kind of D-league stint normal for OKC rookies? I thought Reggie Jackson made the active roster last year.

I see 6 members of Lakers age posting in this page (100 posts) alone. If you're gonna troll at least stick to half-truths.




Lol what, other than defensively he's killing Asik in all aspects of the game when he shouldn't even be playing basketball right now due to injury.

don't be bitter, you'll learn to love his bitchassness when he's in a rockets uniform

do you forget about yao and his injury problems. always "if he can stay healthy"..and you want the rockets to go down that road again with a big man who is starting to have issues + a top 5 douche in the league? and pay him max money?

no thnx
Smith and Millsap are great fits for the Rockets and are great players in general. Not sure they're going to be able to be overpaid since they don't really get that much national attention considering how good they are.

Millsap in a Rockets uniform would be really wrong though :(


With this talk about the Harden trade, it got me thinking. Has Lamb done anything in the NBDL? I thought OKC did well in that trade, but I thought Lamb was gonna make the rotation. I thought the same of PJIII too. Is this kind of D-league stint normal for OKC rookies? I thought Reggie Jackson made the active roster last year.

Our young guys spend lots of time in the NBDL. Our 9-man rotation is pretty much set, although Brooks has shown more willingness to experiment this season. Lamb has gotten some first half minutes, and DeAndre Liggins played the other night against Washington.

Orton, Lamb, and PJ3 had nice games last time, but again... It's the NBDL. Here's a link to their website if you're curious.

Milsap would be the wrong choice. It's plausible that a Smith/Asik front court can be smothering enough to allow Harden to win you some playoff games, but with Milsap they'd constantly just be trying to outscore teams on the regular.
Our young guys spend lots of time in the NBDL. Our 9-man rotation is pretty much set, although Brooks has shown more willingness to experiment this season. Lamb has gotten some first half minutes, and DeAndre Liggins played the other night against Washington.

Orton, Lamb, and PJ3 had nice games last time, but again... It's the NBDL. Here's a link to their website if you're curious.


There's such a log jam a guard in OKC, I don't see Lamb getting minutes consistently unless they move Thabo. I could be wrong though.

Nori Chan

do you forget about yao and his injury problems. always "if he can stay healthy"..and you want the rockets to go down that road again with a big man who is starting to have issues + a top 5 douche in the league? and pay him max money?

no thnx
Yeah you deserve it

all of the injuries to your soul smokey


There's such a log jam a guard in OKC, I don't see Lamb getting minutes consistently unless they move Thabo. I could be wrong though.
Lamb will be a much better scorer than Thabo--he could definitely be inserted when we need a scoring punch off the bench.

In other news:

Darnell Mayberry said:
Quote of the day courtesy of Kevin Durant when asked what makes J.J. Barea so good: "He's a great flopper."
Shots fired.
Our young guys spend lots of time in the NBDL. Our 9-man rotation is pretty much set, although Brooks has shown more willingness to experiment this season. Lamb has gotten some first half minutes, and DeAndre Liggins played the other night against Washington.

Orton, Lamb, and PJ3 had nice games last time, but again... It's the NBDL. Here's a link to their website if you're curious.

It's good to see teams utilizing the D League. Hopefully we get more expansion D League in the near future
I like Lamb, but I wonder if Brooks will ever give him a chance. Brooks seems to play anyone "proven" even if they've proven that they suck (like Jeff Green taking Ibaka's minutes and Harden's possessions a couple years ago). Presti will have to not keep Martin and possibly move Thabo to force Brooks to play him next year.


Someone on realGM posted that Raptors are offering Calderon, Ed Davis and future picks or Ross for Gay... that's a fucking joke, right?

Bargnani future forever and always


The Leafs GM got canned apparently.. let's hope BC is next.

This guys vision of the Raptors is mediocrity and he can't even fucking do that right. He overpaid pretty much every player because he truly believes nobody wants to come to Toronto. How about do a proper rebuild and make a good team?

But to him, good character guys >>>>> talent. Landry Fields is a swell guy.
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