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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Wh0 N0se

We know that he'll speed up though, you've just got to look at that blog update awhile a go showing how he managed to speed up and release ADWD.

He could also have more done than he thought, he said he didn't really know how many pages so he could be underestimating it to keep peoples expectations in check.

As long as they are editing it well as they go along...


You shouldn't believe anything Varys says. He's full of shit.

Well he was saying it to a dying man so come on


Only a quarter done.

I'm so torn.

I want the next books more than basically anything entertainment related ever.

I also don't want to be one of THOSE people.


Personally, I've gotten over my impatience of wanting the next book as soon as humanly possible. There are other books to be read, games to be played and work to be done.

Well he was saying it to a dying man so come on

Might be that is so. But why say anything to a dying man? Also, just to make a point, Varys and Kevan weren't alone.

Either way, even if we assume Varys doesn't lie, he doesn't explicitly say who he serves. Just the same old jargon 'I serve the realm' etc. He doesn't even say that his Aegon is the same Aegon that Kevan is thinking of, i.e. Rhaegar's son. In fact, he doesn't even say that he serves Aegon, only that he has been shaped for kingship, but for all we know Varys might view him as little more than another puppet for him to control.

So indeed, who does Varys serve? The Targaryens? Aegon? The Realm? Himself? At this point it is pretty hard to say.


Neo Member
He serves the realm and the "children." But who are the children? If it's just the ordinary peasants of Westeros his actions have hurt them. And why would he care? Just out of the goodness of his own heart? That would be hard to believe.

I suppose the "children" could actually be the Others. He has kept vital information from the Small Council considering he had to know about things like the wight attacking the Lord Commander Mormont and it's hand that Allisar Thorne carried to King's Landing.


Personally, I've gotten over my impatience of wanting the next book as soon as humanly possible. There are other books to be read, games to be played and work to be done.

Might be that is so. But why say anything to a dying man? Also, just to make a point, Varys and Kevan weren't alone.

Either way, even if we assume Varys doesn't lie, he doesn't explicitly say who he serves. Just the same old jargon 'I serve the realm' etc. He doesn't even say that his Aegon is the same Aegon that Kevan is thinking of, i.e. Rhaegar's son. In fact, he doesn't even say that he serves Aegon, only that he has been shaped for kingship, but for all we know Varys might view him as little more than another puppet for him to control.

So indeed, who does Varys serve? The Targaryens? Aegon? The Realm? Himself? At this point it is pretty hard to say.

The little spiders who were with him are under his control.
The way he compares Aegon's upbringing to Tomen's is indicative of the qualities he see's necessary for a just leader.
Though you may be right as Aegon is still very much a child and as impulsive as the other nutters who wish to sit the throne.


The best bit about reading someone's POV is that they were probably molested when they were growing up... Says it all, really!

Pretty much.

I'm obviously using it as a way to read more into him and Euron, not that I enjoy children molesting their younger siblings.

Wh0 N0se

I'm obviously using it as a way to read more into him and Euron, not that I enjoy children molesting their younger siblings.

I know, I'm just pointing out that the characters most interesting aspect is his past and everything else is pretty boring about him.


I'm a little underwhelmed and disappointed that George is only 25% through writing TWOW. I'm crossing my fingers he's just being conservative but for deep down I hoped he would tap his earlier pace and only take 2-3 years (maybe 4) to finish. I was optimistic that he could breeze through some things considering all the 'knot' excuses he had.

In July it will be two years in since ADWD and if his estimate is accurate then it really does seem like he's over-extended himself with all the new distractions the show and series' popularity has presented him with. Maybe he should have been contractually held by his publishers AND HBO to stick his nose to the grindstone.
I'm a little underwhelmed and disappointed that George is only 25% through writing TWOW. I'm crossing my fingers he's just being conservative but for deep down I hoped he would tap his earlier pace and only take 2-3 years (maybe 4) to finish. I was optimistic that he could breeze through some things considering all the 'knot' excuses he had.

In July it will be two years in since ADWD and if his estimate is accurate then it really does seem like he's over-extended himself with all the new distractions the show and series' popularity has presented him with. Maybe he should have been contractually held by his publishers AND HBO to stick his nose to the grindstone.

I just wish all the conventions would give the man a break and quit inviting him, he apparently can't say no.
I like Theon (tragic) and Victarion (hilarious).

I wish Asha had died already, and I don't care about the rest of 'em. Maybe they'll change my mind, but we'll see.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
What the hell? Asha is only likeable Ironborn. Well, Theon/Reek had a compelling and interesting arc, I'll give him that, but I can scarcely call him a true Ironborn really.


I really like the Iron Islands and Greyjoy chapters. Damphair, Theon, Asha, etc. all of them are brilliant characters imo.

The only kingdom I had to get used to was Dorne, because it's so different from the rest. I don't know, it's kind of hard to believe that a kingdom set so apart from the other kingdoms, geographically and culturaly, could have any real power to challenge the Lannisters and bring back the Targaryens as Martell was/is planning to do.

I mean he had been planning that a long, long time, even before the Lannisters got the throne. How was he hoping to do that, as the only kingdom? Who would have joined his rebellion against the Baratheon, Lannister, Stark and Arryn might? Even the Riverlands would have been against them.


Unconfirmed Member
I really like the Iron Islands and Greyjoy chapters. Damphair, Theon, Asha, etc. all of them are brilliant characters imo.

The only kingdom I had to get used to was Dorne, because it's so different from the rest. I don't know, it's kind of hard to believe that a kingdom set so apart from the other kingdoms, geographically and culturaly, could have any real power to challenge the Lannisters and bring back the Targaryens as Martell was/is planning to do.

I mean he had been planning that a long, long time, even before the Lannisters got the throne. How was he hoping to do that, as the only kingdom? Who would have joined his rebellion against the Baratheon, Lannister, Stark and Arryn might? Even the Riverlands would have been against them.

Dorne is less of a Sleeping Giant and more of a Sleeping... Average-Sized Person?

Doran knows they don't have the numbers to challenge a realm that's in any way united against them, which makes them more of a Dark Horse power rather than a standing superpower.

The fact that they've been unaffected by the war/looming winter, however, will give them a leg up in the very near future. Likely they'll get a good chance to help Aegon strike against the Stormlands/King's Landing very soon once Tommen's Small Council stops taking competent applicants.
Dorne is less of a Sleeping Giant and more of a Sleeping... Average-Sized Person?

Doran knows they don't have the numbers to challenge a realm that's in any way united against them, which makes them more of a Dark Horse power rather than a standing superpower.

The fact that they've been unaffected by the war/looming winter, however, will give them a leg up in the very near future. Likely they'll get a good chance to help Aegon strike against the Stormlands/King's Landing very soon once Tommen's Small Council stops taking competent applicants.

I agree. Dorne is less of a major power than a potential king maker. They can tip the scales, but can't make major plays by themselves.


The fact that they've been unaffected by the war/looming winter, however, will give them a leg up in the very near future. Likely they'll get a good chance to help Aegon strike against the Stormlands/King's Landing very soon once Tommen's Small Council stops taking competent applicants.

So Martell was waiting all along for the winter to arrive before he started a war with the Targaryens? Because as we know, he had been planning the return of the Targaryens practically right after they were ousted out of power. He was playing the long game, I just don't understand how he was planning to ever achieve his goals given that all the other kingdoms would have stood against him. Now in the chaos after the War of the Five Kings he might have a chance, but I was just wondering what his original plan was.

Conor 419

Seems to be a lot of missing the point in this thread, I'm not why people are arguing Targaryan/Baratheon legitimacy. It's quite clear at this point that having a superior claim doesn't really hold much importance, it's largely through rights of conquest which the throne will be held.

I'm not even convinced the throne will be left standing at the end of the series...


You know, I really really enjoyed AFFC. I loved the Iron Islands-chapters, I loved the Dorne-chapters. The only annoyance was Brienne. That never went anywhere. The rest was great.


Disliked the Ironborn and Dorne chapters of Feast. I warmed on the Ironborn since they're basically vikings, but I'm really hoping we stay out of Dorne in the next book.

Literally Dorne has the only cast that I can only remember one or two names. Elia and Ario are the only two people who's name I remember, other than Darkstar.
I wish Dorne and the Iron isles were side stories he told later. Finish the main plot first and then go nuts if he feels the urge. They are not terrible I suppose...but I really find it incredible hard to care about them or take any interest.

This is of course assuming that Dorne and the Ironborn will have little to do with the major story arc in the grand scheme of things. If they do in fact become central to the main plot as it unfolds ... then yeah ... I'm not sure how that could possibly make sense besides Dorne being a bit of a safe zone to regroup for a while.

Seems to be a lot of missing the point in this thread, I'm not why people are arguing Targaryan/Baratheon legitimacy. It's quite clear at this point that having a superior claim doesn't really hold much importance, it's largely through rights of conquest which the throne will be held.

I'm not even convinced the throne will be left standing at the end of the series...

This is kind of the point I'm making. Unless the white walkers make their way to the wall and go "shit that is a bit high" and turn around and go home, they have to start wrecking the place sooner or later. This means everything will be wiped out, all the conflicts will be made irrelevant and the true battle between them and the dwarf girls pig army or something can take place.


Well, there's Euron making his move from the Iron Islands, and Dorne probably aligning themselves with Aegon, not to mention the Myrcella/Darkstar subplot.
I dunno, I think their roles will grow significantly in TWOW.


The ironborn are some of the most painfully boring lands and characters in the whole series, not to mention the Mary Sue's of Martin's world. They take retarded strategic decision after retarded strategic decision, yet it always pays off for them "cuz vikings fights damn good" . Gah. Would I be King of Westeros, I would have salted the islands, Carthage - style. So you know, now you will not sow, period.
Well, there's Euron making his move from the Iron Islands, and Dorne probably aligning themselves with Aegon, not to mention the Myrcella/Darkstar subplot.
I dunno, I think their roles will grow significantly in TWOW.

To what end though? I just don't see those sub plots going anywhere unless everything completely shifts. They might end up with "major" characters, but those characters already have plenty of people around them to get the job done.

All I can see is a chapter each where they all get wiped out by Dragons or a disease or something and it was all really for nothing.

Ah well, guess we will just see...one day...maybe.


Dismissing Dorne and the Iron Islands at this point is stupid, he didn't spend two books writing all of that to have them be irrelevant or play a small role in the coming books.

Dorne is going to play a big role in deciding who takes the throne before Winter arrives at the capital. Euron is going to end up as the antagonist to Daenerys and bring her to Westeros with the Dragon Horn.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Dorne is less of a Sleeping Giant and more of a Sleeping... Average-Sized Person?

Doran knows they don't have the numbers to challenge a realm that's in any way united against them, which makes them more of a Dark Horse power rather than a standing superpower.

The fact that they've been unaffected by the war/looming winter, however, will give them a leg up in the very near future. Likely they'll get a good chance to help Aegon strike against the Stormlands/King's Landing very soon once Tommen's Small Council stops taking competent applicants.

I sorta expect the Vale to play a bigger role in the (military) endgame then Dorne. A little less isolated then Dorne, definitely more strategically located and with tendencies to join rebellions at strategic times :)
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