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All Nintendo DS bullshit goes in here



I hate the art in this game...

Every time I see it, I immediatelly think that a Fear Effect game on DS would rock. Great art there :)

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
i've barely played super mario 64 at all - i didn't own an n64 until about a year ago when i got one for AU$25 just to play fzero x :p

so its like a brand new game to me - and i'm sure it is to heaps of other people as well


Because Nintendo doesn't want to gain a lead on Sony. It'd be very nice, but it won't ever happen again. And it's sad :(. I'll shoot myself in the foot when it happens, I promise you that.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
oh the sweet sweet snes

i remember the SMW pack in, in fact i saw a second hand boxed one at cash converters in perth once, when i had no $$$ :p .. ah the memories! :D

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
But I think it’s a very effective solution to Nintendo to having a successful console launch, they could cut back on advertising to help flip the cost.

Or maybe instead of a new game have a disc that contains 10 Classic Nintendo games
-Super Mario series
-Some cube games
-some 64 games

i remember the SMW pack in, in fact i saw a second hand boxed one at cash converters in perth once, when i had no $$$ :p .. ah the memories

I live in perth to!
They need a cooler color scheme too. Wonder if they'll do grey/red like NES, or maybe silver and black if the DS is any indication.

Or they could do a cool mirror-like surface like on the Q.


They should have Demo kiosks up already.

All nintendo has to release DS game demos on the web, and allow DS owners to download them and see their upcomming titles.


I remember receiving the SNES with SMW as a birthday gift. I was upset at first because it didn't have a second controller, but the pack-in coupon for a free copy of Super Mario All Stars made up for it. :D


Nintendo should go back to their old marketing tactics for the Revolution, while implementing some new elements to unite new and old gamers alike. First off, Revolution should be a slick looking, well colored console. Anything resembling the DS and GBASP's slick, sexy look will definitely fly well with gamers. Super Mario 128 should be a pack in game, and a second controller should be included. Since the Revolution will be backwards compatible with the GameCube, including a second controller really shouldn't be a problem assuming Nintendo sticks with their current design, although I think they'll rearrange the button format. $199 and tons of software and Revolution will be good to go.

...then again, my above paragraph, with the exception of the extra controller and bundled Mario game, sounds strangely like the GameCube.


Shamelessly ripped from neptunez at OA


Ready to take your game to the next level?
Start listening to her needs, playa!

What She Wants
If you want to make her happy, just read between the lines-Nintendo DS will show you the way.

She says... "Two is always better than one."
DS Delivers Dual Screens. Get in on twice the action with two backlit color LCD screens that produce amazing 3d graphics.

She says... "I love a man with a soft, sensitive touch."
DS Delivers Touch-Screen Technology. Use the included stylus or even your finger to manipulate games in ways you never imagined. (Select games only.)

She says... "If you listen, I'll tell you what I like."
DS Delivers Voice-Recognition Capabilities. Talk to a game and have it do your bidding. It's possible with the built-in microphone. (Select games only.)

She says... "It doesn't matter if you're young or old."
DS Delivers Backward Compatibility. Play Nintendo DS games or your favorite Game Boy Advance games. Old school? New school? Your call.

She says... "I want to feel a connection even when we're apart."
DS Delivers Wireless Gaming. Kick the sorry butts of up to 16 people at a time with local wireless, and even more with WiFi ...no strings attached. (Select games only.)

She says... "Believe it or not, sometimes smaller is better!"
DS Delivers Compact Size. All these features are packed into a machine you can take anywhere, so you're always ready to get your game on... anytime, anyplace.

Nintendo DS

Enter to win a Nintendo DS!
Enter for a chance to win a Nintendo DS for you and two of your friends... so you can play on the flight to Fantasy Island, Dennis Publishing's biggest party of the year! Go to StuffMagazine.com/nintendo for official rules and your chance to win!
neptunes said:
They should have Demo kiosks up already.

I spoke with our Nintendo rep today and she said that the Kiosks will definately be up before the system releases, and should be out before the end of the month.


seismologist said:
man Im so stoked about the DS. As soon as I get my hands on this thing I wont be able to put it down*!

* Until your hand cramps up, and you're in agonizing pain after an hour...j/k :p

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
i wonder if nintendo australia knows about the DS yet

maybe it won't ever come out here! lucky i'm importing :p
man that D-pad looks so juicy...it's been so long since we've had a nice big standard d-pad. How I'd love to feel it with my left thumb...

Seriously though, I hope it feels like the SNES one, not the SP "click" one.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
On the topic of the PSP, Hamamura stated that software development is likely behind schedule, bringing up the fact that the PSP units revealed at the 2004 Tokyo Game Show still could not run games on UMD discs. He also pointed out "the possibility of a delay to March", bringing up the delay of a price or release date announcement as another minus.
Guess he wasn't invited to the press conference days before that same week, where they were running games off UMD?
neptunes said:
maybe...maybe not.

But the magazine is holding a contest so I think nintendo may have been involved.

True but providing the prizes doesn't mean they created the ad. I'd bet 200 pennies that they had nothing to do with it.


DrLazy said:
That thing is not going to fit in my pocket, is it?
When folded, it's about the size of a regular GBA:

The picture of course is not actual scale, but it references the sizes for comparisons.



The DS should fit well into most pockets, save for those people who like tight pants. With the clamshell design, it's bag friendly too

The PSP is more for deep pockets....though with that large unprotective screen I wouldn't want it anywhere near my pocket...especially if the system is at $300. Honestly, unless you buy a seperate protective covering or stick the PSP in a sock...it'll be tough to transport it around safetly (unless you want to be lame and wear it on your neck :/ )


Tag of Excellence
The NDS is bigger than her head, that'll fill the manly quota right there. Oh and the ad is perfect for stuff, very cliché and silly but I somehow feel they couldn't have done it better for that market.

Tenguman is GAF hero of the day. Now if you can get a vertical comparison chat (along with GBA SP shots) you'll be remembered in legends.
So does anyone know if the DS is gonna have any sort of boot menu, if say I leave the current GBA game I'm playing in the GBA port and I want to play the DS game that I just loaded into the DS port? Am I gonna have to take out my GBA game or will I be able to leave it in while I play a DS game?


The system boot is very simple but elegant: when players power on the system by pushing the power button down, the upper screen fades in with the Nintendo DS logo, with little faded "screens" eminating from the letter O in "Nintendo." The lower screen has a familiar Epileptic Seizure Warning, with a "Touch Screen to Continue". But you don't have to touch the screen...any button press will do.

Most of the games at the show immediately booted to the game that was plugged into the unit; only the units demoing PictoChat showed off the nifty menu system that allows players to name their system, set the date and time, input their birthday, and other options like set the system to download a file wirelessly from any source that can send a DS-compatible file. This will be used for multiplayer, single-cartridge games, but it can also be used for other features like receiving demos from kiosks...the possibilities are endless.

does that answer your question?
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