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All Nintendo DS bullshit goes in here

neptunes said:
does that answer your question?

Well, yes and no. I'm glad that it DOES have a full, configureable menu system, but what I was really asking was if you'll be able to keep a GBA game in the GBA port while playing a DS game, since most people usually leave whatever game they're currently playing in their GBA until they put in another game.
I'm 90% sure that if there is a DS game in the DS slot, the DS will boot up the DS game, regardless if there's anything in the GBA slot. Or, nintendo added a menu asking you which you want. However, if not, you could simply take out the cart of the game you dont want to play (leave in the game you do want to play) and then inserted back once the game you want to play is booted.
Date of Lies said:
I'm 90% sure that if there is a DS game in the DS slot, the DS will boot up the DS game, regardless if there's anything in the GBA slot. Or, nintendo added a menu asking you which you want. However, if not, you could simply take out the cart of the game you dont want to play (leave in the game you do want to play) and then inserted back once the game you want to play is booted.

I bet there'll be a menu choice for it. Like a dash for consoles, where you can launch pictochat, or choose to run the GBA game or the DS game.


Date of Lies said:
I'm 90% sure that if there is a DS game in the DS slot, the DS will boot up the DS game, regardless if there's anything in the GBA slot. Or, nintendo added a menu asking you which you want. However, if not, you could simply take out the cart of the game you dont want to play (leave in the game you do want to play) and then inserted back once the game you want to play is booted.

u can choose what game to launch first

aoi tsuki

Date of Lies said:
I'm 90% sure that if there is a DS game in the DS slot, the DS will boot up the DS game, regardless if there's anything in the GBA slot. Or, nintendo added a menu asking you which you want. However, if not, you could simply take out the cart of the game you dont want to play (leave in the game you do want to play) and then inserted back once the game you want to play is booted.
i hope there's a menu, but i have a feeling you're right. It seems like the kind of thing Nintendo would opt to leave out, simply giving preference to the DS card over the GBA cart.


Gotta put in my .2 -

I want a DS. I want a DS more than a PSP. I really liked what I saw with the Madden DS video, and I love the look of Mario Kart, Super Mario DS, that Nintendogs game and so on.


The reason why NDS will be a success in Asia:


Super Mario 64 DS will be the first million selling game for the DS on a worldwide scale. In Japan, if Super Mario 64 DS doesn't sell a million, then Pokemon DiPe will be the first million, or perhaps two million seller in Japan. Super Mario 64 DS has a million clinched in the U.S., no doubt.
I think Jump Super Stars or the new Rockman.EXE will beat Pokemon to the punch actually.


Tag of Excellence
I'm positive by the first year anniversary we are going to get titles similar the comical photoshop jobbie FriScho posted. Hell even at launch we are getting a title that revolves around touching girls. I can already see the foaming mouths of various date-sim developers.
TekunoRobby said:
I'm positive by the first year anniversary we are going to get titles similar the comical photoshop jobbie FriScho posted. Hell even at launch we are getting a title that revolves around touching girls. I can already see the foaming mouths of various date-sim developers.

now... if you can use the touch screen to rub and having them react. Mmmmmm.

you can even use the stylus to spread their
Ha made you look!
I'm getting a DS on day one, but the only reason I'm buying Mario 64 is fortunately I did not play through it six years ago. I wish that they had Metroid day one, but I'm not going to keel over because of it. I think I may pick up Feel the Magic too.


I'm really surprised their aren't Ultimate Brain Games and UCard Games announced for the DS, yet. They'd make perfect fits, in my opinion.
Soul4ger said:
I'm really surprised their aren't Ultimate Brain Games and UCard Games announced for the DS, yet. They'd make perfect fits, in my opinion.

Actually, there are. Wasn't the very first official game announcement Ultimate Card Games?

Out middle of next year IIRC.


I'd just like to say (and sorry if this sounds strange) that the NDS is in my opinion going to be a system that gamers 'bond' with on a level not yet seen in this industry. The combination of the familiar (classic Nintendo games), the personal (Naming your NDS and putting such things as your birthday and perhaps even whatever the hell Warppipe has going on) and the intimate (the microphone and touch screen, which in my opinion is going to become the videogame version of the classic automatic vs. manual transmission argument) will see to that. I think the NDS is going to become huge. A bold prediction, but I see it becoming Nintendo's biggest selling handheld since the original Gameboy.


Same here. It's my most wanted system since...well...I actually want it more than I did the N64. It's on some crazy hybrid SNES meets N64 level of wantedness from me :)


You can enter your birthday into the NDS. Surely it'll wish you a happy birthday when the day comes. That's pretty cool :)


Gregory said:
Isnt it a bit early for a new Nintendo handheld? Wasn`t the GBA released only a couple years ago?

Wrong argument for this thread (even though the answer is no)

Buggy Loop

With all the stuffs they've taken pics, you would think that nintendo was launching next week, there's more info coming from japan than the US, and we're launching first :\

Awesomeness for the cartridge cases too! About freaking time they go that route, it was a pain in the ass with GBA cartridges.

Goddamn i cant wait >_<


Never mentioned, so the best guess is no region lockout. No Nintendo handheld has ever had region lockout, anyway.

Buggy Loop

sp0rsk said:
looks like an indent for a gba cart.

I thought that too but the DS cartridges are actually smaller than GBA, so if you compare the size of the DS' slot and the "supposedly" Gba slot above, it doesnt make sense. The DS slot would have to be the size of the middle square inside the "ds slot" to be comparable to the GBA one. hmm weird.

Buggy Loop

Since it looks like there's two "L" attached to the case right next to the "gba slot", couldnt it be a stylus holder? The gba style slot would be nothing more than giving you space for your fingers to grab the stylus.
I can't really tell from the pictures, but it looks like the spot above where the game goes could be for holding a stylus. Perhaps there'll be different styles of styluses with certain games?


Queen of Denmark
Cruel Bastard Mario said:
I'd just like to say (and sorry if this sounds strange) that the NDS is in my opinion going to be a system that gamers 'bond' with on a level not yet seen in this industry. The combination of the familiar (classic Nintendo games), the personal (Naming your NDS and putting such things as your birthday and perhaps even whatever the hell Warppipe has going on) and the intimate (the microphone and touch screen, which in my opinion is going to become the videogame version of the classic automatic vs. manual transmission argument) will see to that. I think the NDS is going to become huge. A bold prediction, but I see it becoming Nintendo's biggest selling handheld since the original Gameboy.
If you're correct (and assuming the PSP did not achieve such success), it would be a fantastic vindication for Nintendo, in that their belief that gamers actually crave new experiences instead of better graphics would be true...for the handheld market, at least.


I cannot resist the charm of Drill Spirit.

Actually, after reading about it for a bit, maybe I can :/

I hope it can compare to Drill Land.


Man this looks good. I especially like the cases. They remind me of NGPC JP/EU cases. Hope they won't be Japan-only.
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