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All Nintendo DS bullshit goes in here

Kon Tiki

Special Editions of Urbz to feature free iTunes
Special Black Eyed Peas tracks in "simlish" will be made available via Apple's download service.

Electronic Arts is giving the first 700,000 buyers of The Urbz: Sims in the City an extra treat. Each copy of the game will come with a card that's good for free downloads of four Black Eyed Peas songs from iTunes. The quartet of tracks from the Peas, who themselves appear in the game, will include an exclusive track in "simlish," which is the gibberish language of the game, in addition to a never-before-released English song and English and simlish versions of their top hit "Let’s Get It Started." The Urbz is due to hit the streetz in November.












Falch said:
"Please note, however, that accessories purchased in different parts of the world may not be compatible with the Nintendo DS you purchase."
What accessories?

I presume they mean AC Adapter/charger. Which even then should be compatible with the DS itself, but for sake of less fried DSes throughout the world they simplify the situation.

Kon Tiki

Sriram said:
I guess it has english for the front end menus then. Import from japan it is :)
Just curious. Why import if the NDS is region free and the US version comes out first.

Even if you are PAL, importing from JPN makes little sense.


Society said:
Just curious. Why import if the NDS is region free and the US version comes out first.

Even if you are PAL, importing from JPN makes little sense.

Well Im am in europe so I would have to import anyway. But if I can get hold of it for roughly the same price Im gonna go for the japanese one purely for the box. I know it sounds stupid, but seeing as im going to the trouble of importing I might as well.
Sriram said:
Well Im am in europe so I would have to import anyway. But if I can get hold of it for roughly the same price Im gonna go for the japanese one purely for the box. I know it sounds stupid, but seeing as im going to the trouble of importing I might as well.

What about the pack-in game?


That does make the US version tempting to get, but on the other hand it is just a demo and the full version isnt too far off. Maybe if its a seperate game instead of being on the actual hardware I could just get it off ebay =/


For any Canadians...

Looks like at each EA Sports Launch Titles (Madden, Urbz, Tiger Woods) will be $50 Canadian (See www.futureshop.ca for proof). No First Party titles listed yet, so no way to know whether or not Nintendo games might be at the $40.

aoi tsuki

i was expecting the system to start up with the same sound as on the Touch DS website. Maybe they're saving that for the alert feature.


Memles said:
For any Canadians...

Looks like at each EA Sports Launch Titles (Madden, Urbz, Tiger Woods) will be $50 Canadian (See www.futureshop.ca for proof). No First Party titles listed yet, so no way to know whether or not Nintendo games might be at the $40.

screw that!


I'm hearing that 3rd party launch DS games will come in at $34.99... hopefully smaller scale stuff like Pac-Pix comes in lower (NCL mentioned DS games would have a range of pricing). Still, it's better than the $39.99 that 3rd party GBA games launched at...
So I thought of something else the DS doesn't have that it should: the ability to remap GBA buttons. It would be nice to, for example, make Super Mario World GBA's controls be more like the SNES version, and not necessitate using a shoulder button.


I think pricing is still a mistake. Nintendo said 1st party games would be $29, but every where you go it's $39. Nintendo did say $30, right?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Great King Bowser said:
Video doesn't work for me. :(

EDIT - Damn you firefox
works just fine for me.. make sure you have quicktime installed (also the pic isn't the player. click through to the link).

edit - damn is that stylus small... ummmm.. hmm.. that sucks.. oh well, still want it.


Scoobert said:
I think pricing is still a mistake. Nintendo said 1st party games would be $29, but every where you go it's $39. Nintendo did say $30, right?
I think the exact quote is "as low as $29.99." Whatever that means. I assume EBGame's (and GameStop's) prices are just placeholders.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I believe Nintendo said $29.99 also.. but I agree that all of the store's info right now is place holders.. though I wouldn't completely put it past GStop or eb to price games to $39.99 while Best Buy and others have them at $29.99


AirBrian said:
I think the exact quote is "as low as $29.99." Whatever that means. I assume EBGame's (and GameStop's) prices are just placeholders.

Were they speaking on behalf of 1st party games or all games in general?


neptunes said:
Were they speaking on behalf of 1st party games or all games in general?
Nintendo DS PR said:
Players can expect Nintendo-published games to retail for as low as $29.99. In the coming months, publishers will release a wide range of novel software. Nintendo's list of DS-specific first-party franchises includes a multiplayer Mario Kart, as well as Metroid Prime Hunters, WarioWare, Inc. DS, Animal Crossing, Yoshi's Touch & Go, Advance Wars DS and a new Super Mario Bros., among others.

Third-party publishers will add GoldenEye: Rogue Agent and Need for Speed Underground from EA, Viewtiful Joe from Capcom, Bomberman from Hudson Soft, Frogger from Konami, a Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles title from Square Enix, and many more.
Looks like just 1st party.


But Steve Kent added:

USA Today said:
Though the final lineup has not been determined, Nintendo expects to have eight to 10 games ready -- including such familiar names as Mario 64 DS, The URB: Sims in the City, Madden NFL and Spider-Man 2, as well as new titles such as Asphalt GT -- when it launches Nov. 21. The DS will cost $149.99, games $29.99.
"Don't expect something as early as Metroid Prime: Hunters to be online."

"I will certainly use it in conjunction with Animal Crossing DS."

"the egg is about to hatch soon. Let the dinosaur grow with you."

"All multiplayer DS games will utilize at least one element of demasked"

Oh goodie demasked is not dead :)
Great King Bowser said:
lol I really meant when.

Oh sorry I saw it posted on that giant 108 page thread on IGN DS forum

here is the full quote:

A bunch of Chad posts...

I'm not sure what the worry is about. The DS will go online. The PSP will also go online, but I have yet to see any first generation online launch titles. I'd advise you to calm down and play some Paper Mario.

Some other guy: yea but how many ds games will go online? thats the one thing im worried about, sure at least 1 or 2 games will go online but will online gaming truly be part of the ds?

Chad: That is up to third parties, consumer demand, and countless other factors. As most of you should know, I'm doing my best to make sure there is maximum market saturation.

Other guy: what about 1st party Question

Chad: Obviously.

Don't expect something as early as Metroid Prime: Hunters to be online.

You will know all about demasked by November 21, 2004.

Could pictochat connect to a wifi hotspot down the line? Possibly. Will this functionality come right out of the box? Probably not. I honestly don't know. Online pictochat could be possible with a firmware upgrade.

Other guy: small question that I'll be suprised if I get the answer too... Is Demasked going to be used in any way, shape or form in conjunction with Animal Crossing DS? Very Happy

Chad: That's up to you. I will certainly use it in conjunction with Animal Crossing DS.

At this point it's all about buying the games that interest you. This will remain the case, but things will slightly change down the road as things evolve. Demasked is an evolution, the egg is about to hatch soon. Let the dinosaur grow with you.

Chad: An element of the demasked service will also be available in North America (US and Canada) on November 21st.

Other guy: Element meaning just a taste, right? We'll know what Demasked is, but not the whole story?

Chad: You'll know, more or less, what demasked is all about, but you will only be able to access the first element of the service. Again, it is an evolution that will grow with you.

As for the person wondering if you should buy a DS. If you are that clueless, why waste your time wondering about demasked? Buy the DS.

Other guy: Since you are feeling chatty, could you please confirm whether it will connect at hotspots when it finally goes online, or if it will have some other sort of connection to the net?

Chad: The DS uses 802.11 technology, you do the math.

Other guy: Chad, how about the importers amongst us, like me. I know a whole lot of Dutch guys are going to import it, will the service be available in EU?

Chad: As stated previously, the service will be available in Europe Q1 / 2 of 2005.

It will launch in Japan Q4 of this year. Hong Kong and Taiwan TBD.

Other guy: CHAD!!! hi. I need to know this, my sanity relies on it. Will any DS game be able to have multiplayer with other DS' using the DemaSked service? Mainly, Rakugaki Kingdom (Magical Pengel DS)? Shocked

Chad: All multiplayer DS games will utilize at least one element of demasked with select games utilizing various other features.

Yes, demasked will be free. With that said, I'm going back to work for the night. No spam.

Other guy: Has Demasked Gone throught a lot of Changes? IS Dean not that well Informed? Im asking this because Dean said Mexico would get the service at the time the ds hitted stores here, but today I asked Chad and he said "To Be Determined"

Maybe TBD means when the ds hits stores here.anyway

Chad: I think there are still a lot of people who think they are in the know, but are simply very confused. Dean still isn't completely aware of demasked's capabilities. He is a writer at n-sider who will be breaking the story when the time comes.

The only people in charge of setting demasked policy are the employees of Warp Pipe Technologies. This does not include Dean.

Other guy: chad i would appreciate it if you answered my Q but an understand if you dont. Will demasked be able to minipulate First party multi player to go online similar to the gc?

Chad: No manipulation, tunneling or anything even close to a workaround. demasked will be an easy to use, consumer friendly service

I'm 99.99% sure there will be zero online titles for launch. I want to clear up any misconceptions from people hoping for online titles right off the bat. Take this as a positive thing, something far greater is on it's way. Something with meaning, something that will grow with you, something you will call your own.
couldn't be bothered digging through this thread but what happens to the DS when a GBA title is plugged in? Is the other screen off? And which screen will have the game on it?

Kon Tiki

TheGreenGiant said:
couldn't be bothered digging through this thread but what happens to the DS when a GBA title is plugged in? Is the other screen off? And which screen will have the game on it?

You can pick. It look like the other will remain off.

aoi tsuki

borghe said:
works just fine for me.. make sure you have quicktime installed (also the pic isn't the player. click through to the link).

edit - damn is that stylus small... ummmm.. hmm.. that sucks.. oh well, still want it.
There's stylus pens that offer both a stylus, pen, and sometimes a different colored pen, pencil, laser pointer, or some combination of the above in one pen. They offer greater gripability (not sure if that's a word) than the tiny default toothpick styli too. i know they're not everyone's cup of tea, but for the PDA crowd, they're a godsend.

i got two of these Clie-branded stylus pens (stylus, pen, 0.5mm pencil) at Staples while they were clearancing out Clie items for $11.60 a piece (normally $25). Another example of over-priced Sony stuff, but it's pure sex -- light aluminum case with an X-acto blade grip near the tip.


Some DS users will also want to look into screen protectors. They're removable, thin sheets of plastic that protect the screen from scratches. Most muddy the screen a bit, but it's a small price to pay for protecting the screen from scratches. As much as i trust Nintendo for making solid products that take torture, i just don't trust them to make a scratch-proof screen. Even a plastic stylus can wear a screen down, especially near the center or any other spot that gets a lot of use. i don't expect the launch protectors to be good, but hopefully Brando (http://shop.brando.com.hk/) will rush to the DS scene with some of their awesome, reusable, nearly invisible protectors.
Did you guys see the DS on Pulse? They showed footage of Ridge Racer and Feel the Magic.

Both looked pretty sweet. It seemed like they weren't too impressed with the DS design though.
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