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All Nintendo DS bullshit goes in here


BestBuy's prices, are indeed, Bullshit. Around $70 including tax for handheld games? I think not. I'll just go south of the border and pick them up for $40 CAD. (After you account for the currency exchange) -- Assuming those prices are correct, which I doubt they are.

How you get from $29.99 USD to $50 CAD is beyond me.


insert blank space here
Hell some analysts are saying our dollar will be on par with the american dollar by 2006.... Unfortunately, I doubt retailers here will pass the savings on to us (albeit, they have been taking a hit on the exchange thus far).


Still Tagged Accordingly
Folder said:
Passionate though! Good work I say!
That's hilarious coming from a guy who works for spong. :lol
MrparisSM said:
It wasn't an "official" letter, I was just trying to get some points across. Secondly, I was bored last night, and posted this. Don't take it to seriously. :D
Your points would've been better made not using words/phrases spawned from the Internet.
MrparisSM said:
Don't take it to seriously.
and now I’m going to be a grammar whore. It’s “too”.


lockii said:
How you get from $29.99 USD to $50 CAD is beyond me.

Except, all DS games are being listed as $39.99 USD, not $29.99; Where that "As low as" comes in, no? I fully expect most Third Party Software to end up at that price point, although SM64DS might come in at the lower one.

We're starting to see the higher CDN dollar creep into things ($100 GBASP, $60 prices on $50 USD games, etc.), it may continue.


Wario64 said:
Should have stressed online play in that list. They say you can play across time zones in the E3 conference but they haven't announced anything about online play for its games
Maybe Reggie was talking about people who live near time zone borders. In case people thought that the wireless play might not work if you stood on the other side of the line and tried to play your friend who was right there.
TekunoRobby said:
Yay for you, those bastards still won't port the Earthbound 1+2 GBA game. You know why? Because Miyamoto HATES ME.
I don't know why they still haven't done it. They HAVE THE TRANSLATIONS.

Kon Tiki

Egg Monster









Mr Driller

Thanks for the scans.

Man I am THIRSTING for fresh new DS info, pics, movies, ANYTHING. I can't wait for this thing!! And to think a month ago, I could give two shits about DS, heh.


I suspect Egg Monster Hero was a GBA project that got quickly moved over to DS... similar to Circle of the Moon being a GBC game that was moved to GBA last second.


Is there any software at or close to launch that really takes advantage of the touch screen? Wario ware looks great, and I will buy one, but I'll wait for thing to calm down if there is nothing out that could only be done on DS.
Oldie ?? Couldn't find, but haven't paid much attention to this issue


Kick international ass on the move with your region-free DS!

14:27 Good news if you're a globetrotting citizen of the world: the DS is going to be region-free, meaning you'll be able to play games from anywhere on the world on any DS regardless of where you bought it.

This is also excellent news for those of us keen to import a US or Japanese DS when the system launches on November 21 and December 3 respectively. Although don't tell Nintendo we said that.

The news, which stems from an email sent out by Mitch Crim from Nintendo of America to fans, means you'll also be able to pick up games from importers and while you are on your holidays and play them straight away.

Better yet, the lack of region encoding means you'll also be able to face off with foreigners via DS's wireless multiplayer. Presumably this also means that the system's revolutionary "Game Sharing" feature, where up to four players can play multiplayer from one game card, will also be region free.

This also opens the door for worldwide wireless multiplayer through internet hot spots. This technology is already in use in cafes, airports and other high-traffic areas for laptops fitted with a wireless network card. Of course, we'd rather hammer someone at Super Mario 64 DS than upload a report, but that's just us.

The only restriction Nintendo have placed on the region-free status of DS is that certain accessories may not work on a system bought in a different region. Cue accusations that the company is a cynical, money-grubbing monster from the Sony/Microsoft fanboys waiting in the wings...

To be honest, we would have been exceptionally shocked (and more than a little indignant) if the DS was region encoded, but it's nice to know it's not.

As a sexy image side salad to your main course of daily DS info we've stuck on a couple of new DS pics showing where GBA carts and the system's own game cards go, and a couple of DSs indulging in some hot wireless action - although, to be honest, there's not much to see. It being wireless and all.

Chow down, and if you're still not full waddle over here for a huge buffet of DS coverage.
AeroGod said:
PLease ignore the stickied DS thread

BS. Not absolutely every damn DS topic has to go into the thread. Like someone said, let's just have one PS2 thread, one Xbox thread, one GCN thread and be done with it.

This is a news announcement not just endless DS discussion. Feel free to post in the "official" thread if you like.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
so has it now been confirmed that PSP will region lock games and DS will not region lock games....

well, at least we know which unit will now win worldwide.

"PSP mods $99. Requires UMD swap trick."


I'm not sure if PSP's been confirmed yet for games or not, though it's looking grim. UMD audio/video has been confirmed to be region locked though.


Chili Con Carnage!
I wonder why nintendo do this considering the massive bitch NOE had at PAL importers for the GBA last year (including shutting some down).

I guess some times its a good thing nintendo doesnt give a shit about europe.


Ghost said:
I wonder why nintendo do this considering the massive bitch NOE had at PAL importers for the GBA last year (including shutting some down).

I guess some times its a good thing nintendo doesnt give a shit about europe.

NOE sucks. I feel happy twice when I'm importing. First I'm getting the game I want the time i'm supposed to get it and not 3-100 months after and second I'm not paying these incompetent idiots at NOE.


Ghost said:
I wonder why nintendo do this considering the massive bitch NOE had at PAL importers for the GBA last year (including shutting some down).

I guess some times its a good thing nintendo doesnt give a shit about europe.

If you have any sense you would be importing online anyway.
Can somebody explain to me WTF is up with the lower left part of that Egg Monster Heroes scan????

There's a family drinking tea that you can hatch as a monster and use to attack peope??? I'm very confused.

Regardless, the game has some nice, creative and playful monster designs and it looks pretty interesting.
Christberg said:
There's a family drinking tea that you can hatch as a monster and use to attack peope??? I'm very confused.

Yes, and according to the text, the successfulness of their attack is determined by the performance of the baseball batter on TV. Tokita so crazy!


Quick note, we received word at EB that our allocation numbers have increased. Don't know if you remember me saying earlier that they would only be about 18K before Christmas, but Nintendo says we'll get more than that now. Not surprising, as I also pointed out that they expected to ship like four million before March... But, yeah, good news nonetheless. We've started getting DS promo stuff in, too.


Soul4ger said:
Quick note, we received word at EB that our allocation numbers have increased. Don't know if you remember me saying earlier that they would only be about 18K before Christmas, but Nintendo says we'll get more than that now. Not surprising, as I also pointed out that they expected to ship like four million before March... But, yeah, good news nonetheless. We've started getting DS promo stuff in, too.
Got any firm software MSRPs?


jarrod said:
According to that, for launch games...

Yeah it seems anything saying "New Product" is pretty much final. Some of those games are 1st party and listed at $35, so I don't know. It seems though final prices are starting to hit retailers.


Still, THQ themselves indicated that Ping Pals would carry a $19.99 pricetag... I'm not sure retail even has final word yet?


Hmm...yeah you're right. I have no idea then. Maybe its just someone taking guesses on price. I don't think we're ever going to find out...until launch day. :(


what are they waiting on? it's a matter of weeks before it's launched.

Though I'm sure the prices for some games are definate.


I dunno what NOA's waiting on, the Japan pricing structure is already official. Maybe they're waiting to see if PSP games comein at $39.99 as rumored so they can price accordingly?


jarrod said:
Got any firm software MSRPs?

We have $39.99 listed for everything, even stuff that's been confirmed at $19 or $29, and, to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if EB kept them at that, regardless of the MSRP. That's just my cynicism talking, a few will likely drop to $30 by launch, but... Nothing yet. And even if there was, I don't know if they'd change it.
Guppi on IGN is Matt Bozon, the Lead game designer/creative director from Wayforward, the makers of Shantae & Ping Pals.

Guppi said:
On Ping Pals:

I'm glad its now $19.99....makes it easier to swallow since it is 50% PictoChat. Some other details that seem to have slipped between the cracks:

-time of day sensitive items at the store, ala animal crossing, stocked for a full year of unique items

-192 DS units can connect at once vs PictoChat's 64

-single and multiplayer text-based mini games

-there is a ton of sound customization, which is really fun, and easily overlooked

-you can save pictures that you draw...I believe P-Chat can not.

-if you are alone, you can talk to NPCs or play single player games to build up money

So there's a confirmation of one $19.99 tag right there.


We know that, the problem though is retailers aren't showing that. They can say its $20 all they want, but if retailers don't give us that price theirs nothing we can do. It's just why aren't they showing final prices yet, especially with the launch being so close.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Awesome, VGP have adjusted their Mario 64 DS price to $35. So only around £21 delivered to the UK.

Preordered. I knew it would pay off to wait.
Someone got a DS and 3 games for $510

at the Nite2Unite Charity auction!???


I mean it was for charity and if more people knew about this... $510 is CHEAP!

He should have it by tomorrow or Wednesday...


Kon Tiki

New game announced

Katakis 2

Platforms: PC, C64 (Possibly: Gameboy Advanced, Nintendo DS)
Genre: 2D Shooter
Release: 2005
Status: Project drafting

Denaris Entertainment Software (DES) was founded 2004 by Manfred Trenz to join forces of talented people
and bring together long time experiences for creating innovative and high quality entertainment software.

We are official developer for Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS.

Our focus:
- Shooter 2D / 3D
- Action Adventures / Jump'n'Runs
- Action Racer / Fun Racer

Our platforms:
- Gameboy Advanced
- Nintendo DS
- PC

We also offer freelance services for other companies by providing concepts and graphics for their own projects.

Yes you read that right, NDS might get a c64 port!

Says NDS is possible, then again why get a licence if you are not going to make your only game for that platform :p


Will start substantiating his hate
Kinda odd to be working on C64 in this day and age. I reckon it's a commercial developer since they have GBA and NDS licenses. Manfred Trenz created Turrican btw.
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