For anyone who didn't pick it up, the girl Hank shot was the girl who played the maid in the first season.
First episode I unequivocally loved. Frances Conroy tore shit up.
who it is being burned at the stake. No way does Voodoo Queen get dealt with this fast. Maybe Conroy's character
Witch hunter I'm guessing
I would SCREAM if it was holy water and Joan was the one who threw it! JFIUEHUINCDCS
I'm glad to see we're going to see aat some point further down the line. I think that'll be interesting.coven of male witches
He's quite a lot to take in as it is.also gonna go out on a limb and guess Luke Ramsey is the new Supreme (I think he's the one that set the curtains on fire, also has Fiona's 'gift' of people being attracted to him) I really think there's more to him than meets the eye.
who plays young Fiona?
Wow, that was fucking awesome!! So many things happened, I'm having a hard time processing it all:
Zombies! :O
Living Minotaur head in a box!its teeth looked sort of cute :3
Warlocks are the male witches in this universe? Not Wizards or Druids or something? Hm. I hope we eventually get to see more of them.
Poor Fiona, getting acid thrown in her eyes.Who would do that to her?
Frances Conroy omg bow before your qween! I just love her whole look. Ugh. She's so fab it hurts. The history she has with Lange is really interesting too. I loved the whole witch council thing.
Spaulding cutting out his own tongue, collecting dolls, playing dress up in a bonnet and gown, and keeping Emma Roberts in his room as a life size doll. WTF that's seriously one of the more bizarre things I've seen from this show.
Great great episode. One of the series' best.
Whoa, you're thinking Fiona's husband might be a witch hunter? That's a cool idea! But if that's the case, then why hasn't he killed Fiona and the other witches yet? Also, what was up with him when he orgasmed during sex with the sexy maid from season one? His expression was so over the top, and the noises he was making...
And what was up with the whole "I played a monster last year" thing? Argh, so many questions!
Joan's the religious neighbor, right? That might be cool, although I don't know why she would hurt Fiona of all people...
Holy fuck YESS!! :O And!! omgggthere are other breeds of male witches besides warlocks!!
I would SCREAM if it was holy water and Joan was the one who threw it! JFIUEHUINCDCS
Joan's the religious neighbor, right? That might be cool, although I don't know why she would hurt Fiona of all people...
Cordelia and Joan haven't even met yet.
"Madison Montgomery is a stone-cold bitch who loves hard drinking, big dicks, and trouble."
Line of the episode. #2 line of the season so far behind "LIEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS"
The girl Hank shot did she know it was coming?
I thought that whole exchange was weird, its to tame/clean of a kill. It looked like a hired hit or some sick fantasy being played out by both of them meet somebody online who wants to die.
"Madison Montgomery is a stone-cold bitch who loves hard drinking, big dicks, and trouble."
Line of the episode. #2 line of the season so far behind "LIEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS"
Cool I hope we get more answers.I was actually pretty interested to see if Alex (the actress) has said anything since the episode aired.
She has.
She says she'll be back in Episode 6
also gonna go out on a limb and guess Luke Ramsey is the new Supreme (I think he's the one that set the curtains on fire, also has Fiona's 'gift' of people being attracted to him) I really think there's more to him than meets the eye.
Madison lit Fiona's cigarette, though.
Madison lit Fiona's cigarette, though.
I got a capture of the burnt stake at the end of the episode teaser for next week. I think it make it fairly obvious (or maybe narrows it down) as to who gets burnt, so click at your own risk.
Still can't tell who it is..
I can't wait until next week's episode.
I got a capture of the burnt stake at the end of the episode teaser for next week. I think it make it fairly obvious (or maybe narrows it down) as to who gets burnt, so click at your own risk.
I wonder if they totally wanted Dylan Mcdermott for Hank and the schedule just didn't work what with his other show or if they didn't want him to play his last two characters smashed together.
I wonder if they totally wanted Dylan Mcdermott for Hank and the schedule just didn't work what with his other show or if they didn't want him to play his last two characters smashed together.
Still not enjoying this season at all.
Originally I thought they were burning a black person but now it kind of looks like its a hood.
Please send help. I'm dying.
Too much "drama" not nearly enough horror.Why do you hate life?
Warlocks are the male witches in this universe? Not Wizards or Druids or something?
What's the mythological difference?
I wonder if they totally wanted Dylan Mcdermott for Hank and the schedule just didn't work what with his other show or if they didn't want him to play his last two characters smashed together.