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Anyone looking closely at the situation of COVID-19 in India? It's absolutely devastating


You don't say.
Well yeah India is a huge country but I have enough experience from the Australian bushfire coverage from a while ago to not take news stories so seriously. Had relatives from all over the world asking me if I’m ok and imagining me running from fires and losing all my shit.


Not when it looks like this:


Indian McDonalds looks lit!

(Top right)


The covid situation should settle down in a couple of months since vaccines are being made as quickly as possible. I am surprised that India didn't blow up with covid earlier. This is what I was originally expecting to happen in both China and India due to the packed cities. Africa will probably get hit hard soon and how is the middle east situation?

The only question I have now is do we have to get a vaccine shot every year now?


Well yeah India is a huge country but I have enough experience from the Australian bushfire coverage from a while ago to not take news stories so seriously. Had relatives from all over the world asking me if I’m ok and imagining me running from fires and losing all my shit.

I just meant yeah I totally agree that the media sensationalizes the fuck out of everything, not least of all COVID.

The way the media plays it up over here does not at all match the reality we can all see with our own fucking eyes.

It's gaslighting bullshit.


Meanwhile every single store and restaurant has loads of people inside and there is bumper to bumper traffic every single day.
A good 50% of my neighbors in San Jose are Indian the majority are anti mask and haven’t been masked most of the last year. Might be a machismo cultural thing: I’m not surprised sadly.


This was bound to happen.
When you have an awful social system, nasty living conditions, incompetent leadership, and over 1B people living relatively close to each other, you tend to get more devastating disasters.

Lockdown and masks probably won't have as much of an effect. India needs to change it's ways of living.

Yep. Once developed countries had failed to get it fully under control, this was case of when not if.

Is it possible with many Western countries shutting down that traffic between India and the countries suffering the most back then was reduced to a level where a massive peak was delayed?

Also with a life expectancy of 69 years it's very possible that the main demographics who would have died from COVID are not around in large numbers. Could be that a new variant is killing younger people?

Regarding vaccines, it seems they have only vaccinated 1.7% of the country. A very, very, long way to go until the vaccine would have an impact.
I think India has more than 4 times the population of the USA?

Whatever way you look at it, it's worrying.

Well, it was 1.38 billion.

While usually proportional data through percentages is more useful, when you have so many people just the sheer number of people infected/not vaccinated becomes an issue. Or in other words: 1% of 1.38 billion people is both a tiny proportion but at the same time a fuck load of people.
Yeh the strain they are dealing with is the coming together of two previously already mutated strains.

I hate to say it, but the current international response and general attitude towards this reminds me of the response when the reports of covid in China were first starting to surface last year.

From where I'm sitting, it looks like it's no joke.
It depend on if the current vaccine is effective againist it. W can have another crisis on our hand if this is not handle quickly and correctly.
The covid situation should settle down in a couple of months since vaccines are being made as quickly as possible. I am surprised that India didn't blow up with covid earlier. This is what I was originally expecting to happen in both China and India due to the packed cities. Africa will probably get hit hard soon and how is the middle east situation?

The only question I have now is do we have to get a vaccine shot every year now?
India did a good enough job of responding to wave one, but not the other waves. It’s hard to keep shutting down when there are elections to win, and of course people want their lives back.

I’m in a state where we are going to harder restrictions again, I already got the vaccine, there are only 6 million people in the state so everyone should have been vaccinated now, but here we are.

But covid like the flu mutates well so yeah I guess it is here to stay. But covid doesn’t seem like one of those viruses where you can get it over and over and be okay.
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Cretinously credulous
India did a good enough job of responding to wave one, but not the other waves. It’s hard to keep shutting down when there are elections to win, and of course people want their lives back.

I’m in a state where we are going to harder restrictions again, I already got the vaccine, there are only 6 million people in the state so everyone should have been vaccinated now, but here we are.

But covid like the flu mutates well so yeah I guess it is here to stay. But covid doesn’t seem like one of those viruses where you can get it over and over and be okay.

Yeah completely agreed.
As soon as first wave seemed in control, people came out in droves. There is only so much the government can do, especially in a resource starved country like ours. They cant keep locking down the country (how do we measure how many people died due to ruined businesses and economy?). And given that healthcare is a state subject in India and some states handled it better some worse, you get a situation where the people are blaming the government and the state governments are blaming the center and vice versa.
I would say its 70% on people and 30% on governments (with states taking majority of blame). I can go out right now and see at least 10 people without masks within 2mns. Guaranteed.

Would also like to add that the situation is not so dire in all places. Mostly its 4-5 states. All these pictures you see, they are from those 4-5 states only. Given the sheer numbers India has, even .001% seems too high. Hopefully the peak will pass soon in May or so, as predicted.
Nope. Modi and his government continued to sanction and encourage large scale religious and political gatherings. This was inevitable. You can't gaslight a virus.

Yep. I think they had some kind of pilgrimage recently, where a massive number of Indians congregated at a religious site. The government should have cancelled any such rituals until further notice. In Morocco, my country, mosques that used to host night prayers on the occasion of Ramadan are not serving that purpose this month, to the chagrin of millions of citizens who deem the decision unjust...What a bunch of lunatics! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
You're assuming they even have the available testing.

The virus pretty well fucked most countries, but as you said, poor nations are going to experience it on a whole different level and it shouldnt be surprising.

Given how poor parts of India are, the figures are likely just scraping the surface at best and likely only ever have scraped the surface.
There are proper testing equipments and facilities there recommended by WHO but testing population of billion not easy as testing facilities only city areas and not in village/remote areas.

India 2nd wave is not coz hygiene or population nd all. Its coz of corrupt and careless government who for elections held rallies and allowed mass gathering after openly declaring that Covid almost ended in India. Covid was under control there and was handled much better last year compared to Brazil and America. But this time people dropped their guard and became careless and paid the price.
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Yep. I think they had some kind of pilgrimage recently, where a massive number of Indians congregated at a religious site. The government should have cancelled any such rituals until further notice. In Morocco, my country, mosques that used to host night prayers on the occasion of Ramadan are not serving that purpose this month, to the chagrin of millions of citizens who deem the decision unjust...What a bunch of lunatics! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
For vote bank they allowed religious gathering.
Did they not get the vaccine in India?
They manufacture AstraZeneca and given AstraZeneca and Indian made Covaxin to 100m but they have to vaccine billion population. Soon Sputnik V and Novavax releasing there.

People who get vaccine covaxin recovered at home including my friend.

Pfizer not allowed by Government as Pfizer don't want to do local testing before injecting people.
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Cretinously credulous
India 2nd wave is not coz hygiene or population nd all. Its coz of corrupt and careless government who for elections held rallies and allowed mass gathering after openly declaring that Covid almost ended in India. Covid was under control there and was handled much better last year compared to Brazil and America. But this time people dropped their guard and became careless and paid the price.

I would say its a combination of all the factors. To say its not because of the population at all is wrong I think. The worst affected states, including Maharashtra and Delhi and Gujrat etc., had no political rallies or major religious gatherings.
Indians in general, and that includes me, have little civic sense. As I said, I can go out and find 10 people without masks in 2mns, and I live in Pune, Maharastra, which is one of the worst affected cities. Yes the governments (both center and state ones, and I personally feel that states bear more responsibility as healthcare is a state subject in India) dropped the ball. Yes rallies shouldve been shunned and Kumbh should've been stopped earlier and yes governments could do better, but I still fully believe that its more the callousness of people that is the reason of the scale of this.


As far as I can tell they still don't know if the vaccine has any effect on the India variant. If it doesn't I guess we are all screwed.
Fuckin better I got my first shot today and my arm is mildly sore now

I'm not going through this inconvenience for nothing, sort your shit India
With my state stating to shut down again I see why people would rather collect unemployment than go back to their retail/restaurant job. With this up and down nature there’s more security in unemployment than holding down those types of jobs. So I’m actually not mad that restaurants can’t find enough people to hire back.
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With my state stating to shut down again I see why people would rather collect unemployment than go back to their retail/restaurant job. With this up and down nature there’s more security in unemployment than holding down those types of jobs. So I’m actually not mad that restaurants can’t find enough people to hire back.
Just so we are clear, you feel this way about a virus that has killed just under 2 out of every 1,000 people in the US. The vast majority of which (over 80%) are over 60.

A virus for which several highly effective vaccines are available for anyone who wants them.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Covid was under control there and was handled much better last year compared to Brazil and America. But this time people dropped their guard and became careless and paid the price.

India went through a two month complete lockdown during the first wave, right? No leaving the house, period, for two months except for certain people and for very certain circumstances? I'd say that would certainly manage it. Shame that government couldn't have waited just three or four more months to get a good portion of that massive population vaccinated before trying their reopening.
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1. India has about 1BLN people in it. with B not M with area size half of US.
2. It is very young society not like europe or US where average age is much higher. Covid is dangerous to old people not young.
3. Indian government can't do shit even if it wanted because you are talking about 1BLN people which majority doesn't even have access to separate toilet in their house.
4. Indian society is not high tech like US or EU meaning majority does manual labor which REQUIRE someone to go to work. They don't have privilege to work over phone or internet.

And they will quickly build herd immunity this way which means no longer quarantine or vaccinations needed. Aka the right way. And it is not like they have any choice in that either way.

I am astounded though that people still think what EU and US did was the "right thing" considering more people probably died due to lose of job, starvation and other problems associated with lockdowns not even counting people wealth loss and tragedies involved with it of non fatal cases.

Moreover the most critical thing:

YOUNG PEOPLE SHOULD CATCH IT. They are the ones who spread it the most and the more of them catch it the faster it will move away as no one will be able to spread it anymore.
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1. India has about 1BLN people in it. with B not M with area size half of US.
2. It is very young society not like europe or US where average age is much higher. Covid is dangerous to old people not young.
3. Indian government can't do shit even if it wanted because you are talking about 1BLN people which majority doesn't even have access to separate toilet in their house.
4. Indian society is not high tech like US or EU meaning majority does manual labor which REQUIRE someone to go to work. They don't have privilege to work over phone or internet.

And they will quickly build herd immunity this way which means no longer quarantine or vaccinations needed. Aka the right way. And it is not like they have any choice in that either way.

I am astounded though that people still think what EU and US did was the "right thing" considering more people probably died due to lose of job, starvation and other problems associated with lockdowns not even counting people wealth loss and tragedies involved with it of non fatal cases.

Moreover the most critical thing:

YOUNG PEOPLE SHOULD CATCH IT. They are the ones who spread it the most and the more of them catch it the faster it will move away as no one will be able to spread it anymore.

I think the EU and US didn’t want a bunch of people to needlessly die. All of that was an effort to save the healthcare system from buckling and buying time until a vaccine or effective treatment was available.

India is now a supercharged example of what happens when the healthcare system gets crushed.
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You have to keep in mind this is the country where people drink out of the same river they urinate and defecate in, bathe, and bury their dead — along with the disposal of trash. Watch some videos on YouTube, it’s shocking.

It would be shocking if Covid DIDN’T blow up in India.
I've seen it, yeah it's bad.

SF Kosmo

India is going for that #1 spot from us. I am sure we will bounce back and hold on to our title. Wishing my friends in India the best.
They already have it. India has been underreporting their numbers the whole time. They did fairly well early on with strict lockdowns, but like a lot of countries that did well they declared victory before getting the country vaxxed and now they're getting slammed by a new variant, similar to the Brazil and New York strains.

There's a huge vaccine supply problem. I hear conflicting stories on why but a lot of people blame US embargos on the raw materials and IP rights preventing factories from making vaccines on their own.

That's the only way out for them at this point. New York managed to take a third wave surge and pretty scary new strain and turn it around before it got out of hand thanks to a really strong vaccine roll out. So it's possible. But Western India is so out of control right now and there's so much ground to cover I don't know how you get there.

SF Kosmo

i dont know what to make of it, really defies all reason. I watched a video saying like 80% of indians are Vit D deficient due to their diet, usually being indoors, and skin pigmentation. But why is it happening now? The variants arent much more contagious. Maybe a problem with their vaccines? IIRC they have AZ and local one.
Their vaccination rate is like 2%.

This is happening because of a clusterfuck of factors. A new variant that has a few mutations that make it more contagious and more able to infect younger people, similar to the Brazil and New York strains. A bunch of holidays that involved big public gatherings. Huge vaccine supply problems. And some of the densest population centers in the entire world.

SF Kosmo

1. India has about 1BLN people in it. with B not M with area size half of US.
2. It is very young society not like europe or US where average age is much higher. Covid is dangerous to old people not young.
3. Indian government can't do shit even if it wanted because you are talking about 1BLN people which majority doesn't even have access to separate toilet in their house.
4. Indian society is not high tech like US or EU meaning majority does manual labor which REQUIRE someone to go to work. They don't have privilege to work over phone or internet.

And they will quickly build herd immunity this way which means no longer quarantine or vaccinations needed. Aka the right way. And it is not like they have any choice in that either way.

I am astounded though that people still think what EU and US did was the "right thing" considering more people probably died due to lose of job, starvation and other problems associated with lockdowns not even counting people wealth loss and tragedies involved with it of non fatal cases.

Moreover the most critical thing:

YOUNG PEOPLE SHOULD CATCH IT. They are the ones who spread it the most and the more of them catch it the faster it will move away as no one will be able to spread it anymore.
You're gonna have to explain to me why spreading it so fast that the ash from mass cremations is a legit air pollution problem is the "right way" but safe vaccines that produce stronger immunity with no public health risks are not the right way.

Bonus challenge: Do it without huffing paint.
I was waiting for the shit to hit the fan in India when covid broke out. I think nobody would expect a country with designated shitting streets and beaches full of turds to do well in a pandemic that relies on clean hygiene to get cases down.
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Just so we are clear, you feel this way about a virus that has killed just under 2 out of every 1,000 people in the US. The vast majority of which (over 80%) are over 60.

A virus for which several highly effective vaccines are available for anyone who wants them.

States are still shutting down, so regardless that is the problem.


I have some friends in India. Pretty much everyone has lost someone close to Covid already. Parents, cousins, friends. They say that the official death toll is bs, they are severely undercounting deaths.

They were also blaming Biden for not helping out with the vaccines. Clearly falling for the media narrative trying to shift blame from Modi. As if Biden is responsible for Indians.
Enough with this. They aren't blaming Biden for not distributing the vaccine. They're angry at him for not loosening the IP rights on the vaccine.

There was a lot of talk about making the vaccines "open source", in theory driving the costs way down and making it easier for under developed countries to obtain them. That didn't happen.
Their vaccination rate is like 2%.

This is happening because of a clusterfuck of factors. A new variant that has a few mutations that make it more contagious and more able to infect younger people, similar to the Brazil and New York strains. A bunch of holidays that involved big public gatherings. Huge vaccine supply problems. And some of the densest population centers in the entire world.
Has it been determined that the covishield vaccine protects against this variant though?
Would be interested to know since i have family there who have taken the covishield vaccine which seems to be the most readily available there.

SF Kosmo

Has it been determined that the covishield vaccine protects against this variant though?
Not really. They think maybe 20-40%. Not enough. India needs better vaccines, there's a lot of pressure on US companies to issue an IP moratorium so they can produce mRNA vaccines.

NovaVax is trying to get approved there and that could add a lot to to the supply.
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I would say its a combination of all the factors. To say its not because of the population at all is wrong I think. The worst affected states, including Maharashtra and Delhi and Gujrat etc., had no political rallies or major religious gatherings.
Indians in general, and that includes me, have little civic sense. As I said, I can go out and find 10 people without masks in 2mns, and I live in Pune, Maharastra, which is one of the worst affected cities. Yes the governments (both center and state ones, and I personally feel that states bear more responsibility as healthcare is a state subject in India) dropped the ball. Yes rallies shouldve been shunned and Kumbh should've been stopped earlier and yes governments could do better, but I still fully believe that its more the callousness of people that is the reason of the scale of this.
Pollution is part of major big cities in India like Delhi and Mumbai but no community wide pandemic ever happened. Health system never collapsed like this.

Its so strange Southern India is much better managed and advanced than Northern. Every part is affected but Northern is worst coz of shitty mentality of people and shit government.

My relatives in Eastern part of India are safe, not crazy amount of cases there. Its mostly in big city area who are in danger. Many people i know left big cities moving to hilly areas. They don't plan to return till August.
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Not really. They think maybe 20-40%. Not enough. India needs better vaccines, there's a lot of pressure on US companies to issue an IP moratorium so they can produce mRNA vaccines.

NovaVax is trying to get approved there and that could add a lot to to the supply.
Covaxin effective according to Fauci

You're gonna have to explain to me why spreading it so fast that the ash from mass cremations is a legit air pollution problem is the "right way" but safe vaccines that produce stronger immunity with no public health risks are not the right way.

Bonus challenge: Do it without huffing paint.

In many parts Cremation is done using CNG gas. Virus dies in such high temperatures when you burn bodies
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I've seen it, yeah it's bad.
Those pics of people pissing in river and bathing is mostly from Yamuna river near slum areas.

When google poor India, western media will show pics of Mumbai slum (more like criminals hub than slum) and slum area Yamuna river where people shit and bathe in river with sitar music in background lol. But thats not entire country not everyone drinks piss and eat shit lol. I can show you pics and videos multiple clean and developed areas in country.

I have been to China and you will see far worst places there but smart Communist Government will never let western media cover bad part of the country.
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You're gonna have to explain to me why spreading it so fast that the ash from mass cremations is a legit air pollution problem is the "right way" but safe vaccines that produce stronger immunity with no public health risks are not the right way.

Bonus challenge: Do it without huffing paint.
P perkelson already explained it to you.

India is not like the USA or EU.
There isn't the same possibility to work from home.
A lot of jobs require manual work and people NEED to work to survive.

How long do you think it will take to vaccinate 1.4 billion people?

USA, Canada, Europe, Australia etc the good thing was that they can afford to shut down.

Can India afford to just shut everything down and wait for a billion vaccine doses?

This will be a massive humanitarian crisis beyond what we've seen elsewhere no matter what way you try to look at it.

Some stranger on the Internet disagrees with you on the solution. It's not a bit deal. I doubt anyone will be asking us for advice on how to fix it.

No need for the shitty attitude.
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Those pics of people pissing in river and bathing is mostly from Yamuna river near slum areas.

When google poor India, western media will show pics of Mumbai slum (more like criminals hub than slum) and slum area Yamuna river where people shit and bathe in river with sitar music in background lol. But thats not entire country not everyone drinks piss and eat shit lol. I can show you pics and videos multiple clean and developed areas in country.

I have been to China and you will see far worst places there but smart Communist Government will never let western media cover bad part of the country.
Of course not. I never said otherwise.
P perkelson already explained it to you.

India is not like the USA or EU.
There isn't the same possibility to work from home.
A lot of jobs require manual work and people NEED to work to survive.

How long do you think it will take to vaccinate 1.4 billion people?

USA, Canada, Europe, Australia etc the good thing was that they can afford to shut down.

Can India afford to just shut everything down and wait for a billion vaccine doses?

This will be a massive humanitarian crisis beyond what we've seen elsewhere no matter what way you try to look at it.

No need for the shitty attitude.
It’s interesting watching people demonstrate their complete ignorance to the actual way other people live try to tell those same people they know better than them how to run their lives.
Pollution is part of major big cities in India like Delhi and Mumbai but no community wide pandemic ever happened. Health system never collapsed like this.

Its so strange Southern India is much better managed and advanced than Northern. Every part is affected but Northern is worst coz of shitty mentality of people and shit government.

My relatives in Eastern part of India are safe, not crazy amount of cases there. Its mostly in big city area who are in danger. Many people i know left big cities moving to hilly areas. They don't plan to return till August.
It sounds bad. I hope that someone can come up with a solution quickly.

My understanding is that India often has issues with outbreaks of flu and H1N1 etc? I think even when the western world was dealing with COVID, in early 2020, India was dealing with bad outbreaks of bird flu?
It sounds bad. I hope that someone can come up with a solution quickly.

My understanding is that India often has issues with outbreaks of flu and H1N1 etc? I think even when the western world was dealing with COVID, in early 2020, India was dealing with bad outbreaks of bird flu?
Diseases always there. But its managed but this wave is out of control
It’s interesting watching people demonstrate their complete ignorance to the actual way other people live try to tell those same people they know better than them how to run their lives.

"Interesting" wouldn't be the word I would use. :)

I think we are so entrenched in the usual Western COVID arguments that we probably don't give much thought to what an outbreak like this could mean for other parts of the world and how they might have to deal with it differently.

Like in Nigeria or somewhere like that the issues aren't going to be things like stubborn people refusing to wear masks at Wal Mart or needing a comfortable home office set up.

The USA has 30% fully vaccinated.
India is like almost 5 times the population of the USA.
They very likely can't just sit tight and wait for vaccines.


1. India has about 1BLN people in it. with B not M with area size half of US.
2. It is very young society not like europe or US where average age is much higher. Covid is dangerous to old people not young.
3. Indian government can't do shit even if it wanted because you are talking about 1BLN people which majority doesn't even have access to separate toilet in their house.
4. Indian society is not high tech like US or EU meaning majority does manual labor which REQUIRE someone to go to work. They don't have privilege to work over phone or internet.

And they will quickly build herd immunity this way which means no longer quarantine or vaccinations needed. Aka the right way. And it is not like they have any choice in that either way.

I am astounded though that people still think what EU and US did was the "right thing" considering more people probably died due to lose of job, starvation and other problems associated with lockdowns not even counting people wealth loss and tragedies involved with it of non fatal cases.

Moreover the most critical thing:

YOUNG PEOPLE SHOULD CATCH IT. They are the ones who spread it the most and the more of them catch it the faster it will move away as no one will be able to spread it anymore.
No. The more people who catch it the more variants we will get. This isn't going away with herd immunity, it needs vaccines unfortunately.
Culprit aks murder who made dumb statements

Health minister

Weeks after his statement country was hit by 2nd wave
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
1. India has about 1BLN people in it. with B not M with area size half of US.
2. It is very young society not like europe or US where average age is much higher. Covid is dangerous to old people not young.
3. Indian government can't do shit even if it wanted because you are talking about 1BLN people which majority doesn't even have access to separate toilet in their house.
4. Indian society is not high tech like US or EU meaning majority does manual labor which REQUIRE someone to go to work. They don't have privilege to work over phone or internet.

And they will quickly build herd immunity this way which means no longer quarantine or vaccinations needed. Aka the right way. And it is not like they have any choice in that either way.

I am astounded though that people still think what EU and US did was the "right thing" considering more people probably died due to lose of job, starvation and other problems associated with lockdowns not even counting people wealth loss and tragedies involved with it of non fatal cases.

Moreover the most critical thing:

YOUNG PEOPLE SHOULD CATCH IT. They are the ones who spread it the most and the more of them catch it the faster it will move away as no one will be able to spread it anymore.

- We all know many millions in developing countries live hand to mouth and it's a challenge to manage such economies in lockdown situations. That doesn't mean ignoring lockdowns is a valid option

- The disease is dangerous to everyone, young and old. It's more dangerous to the old, not completely safe for the young

- Young people should not catch it. They catch it, they may recover, but keep spreading, and that's the perfect environment for more dangerous variants to arise

- Herd immunity is reached with the aid of vaccines. It's possible to try to let it burn itself out and reach some semblance of herd immunity through letting many die, sure. Like with Europe during the Black Plague - which killed 1/3 of all people in Europe. We also live in a more global society now, so ask India's neighbors and by extension the rest of the world what they think about letting hundreds of millions die while India turns into a perpetual COVID factory

India needs the world's help right now. I fully support lifting the patents on the vaccines and providing India (and other developing nations) not only what spare doses we can, but also with supplies to produce their own. India already is a major producer of vaccines of all kinds - they just can't produce the ones they need right now

Edit: Oh yea, and they also need other humanitarian aid by the truckloads
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