Dunno if it's been posted but TB just uploaded a port report-
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFBd5GgGkMs[/ur]l][/QUOTE] lmao. TB quoted my review.
Wow Fall 2015? No fucking way..
That bit was already there when the game came out. It was a piece of placeholder crap that never got removed.Wow Fall 2015? No fucking way..
i have 7 hours played, would GMG still offer me a refund after the first patch?
Steam refunds, son. Makin' publishers fix their shite.
Wow Fall 2015? No fucking way..
Wow Fall 2015? No fucking way..
First I was like:
Then I saw Fall 2015:
I wonder how much of a say Iron Galaxy actually has over what they add or don't add to a port.
Do they get handed the game code and then told "get it done by xx/xx/xx" by any means necessary? Or is it a situation where they have a list of specifications that they are to meet, no more, no less, by a specific deadline.
I wonder how much of a say Iron Galaxy actually has over what they add or don't add to a port.
Do they get handed the game code and then told "get it done by xx/xx/xx" by any means necessary? Or is it a situation where they have a list of specifications that they are to meet, no more, no less, by a specific deadline.
I don't get it.
Friend of mine didn't believe me when I told him I was getting no stutter and very minimal texture streaming issues now so I made a video to prove it.
Here's the performance I'm getting now. Folks who either haven't played yet or aren't that far in might want to mute the sound as there's a bit of a spoiler said over the radio.
Friend of mine didn't believe me when I told him I was getting no stutter and very minimal texture streaming issues now so I made a video to prove it.
Here's the performance I'm getting now. Folks who either haven't played yet or aren't that far in might want to mute the sound as there's a bit of a spoiler said over the radio.
So what did you do exactly? I'm guessing it won't work for everyone but I'd be willing to try basically anything at this point. I thought I could suffer through the stuttering but I really can't anymore.
So what did you do exactly? I'm guessing it won't work for everyone but I'd be willing to try basically anything at this point. I thought I could suffer through the stuttering but I really can't anymore.
A few people already tried this and it did nothing for them, so I don't know but here.
Open BMEngine.ini
Under [Texture Streaming] (Line 755 for those using Notepad++)
Make the following changes
Code:PoolSize=2048 MemoryMargin=256 bAllowSwitchingStreamingSystem=True
I've got AK installed on an SSD, and I'm running Windows 10 x64 Preview Build 10130.
i7 920 @ 4.1ghz HT OFF
GTX 970
12GB Ram
A few people already tried this and it did nothing for them, so I don't know but here.
Open BMEngine.ini
Under [Texture Streaming] (Line 755 for those using Notepad++)
Make the following changes
Code:PoolSize=2048 MemoryMargin=256 bAllowSwitchingStreamingSystem=True
I've got AK installed on an SSD, and I'm running Windows 10 x64 Preview Build 10130.
i7 920 @ 4.1ghz HT OFF
GTX 970
12GB Ram
Odd. Just checked the youtube video and it's showing as running at 1080p60 and having odd shaking/stutter. Except when I first uploaded it it was just 1080p and smooth as silk like when I recorded it. I mean, it shows the FPS right in the corner.
A few people already tried this and it did nothing for them, so I don't know but here.
Open BMEngine.ini
Under [Texture Streaming] (Line 755 for those using Notepad++)
Make the following changes
Code:PoolSize=2048 MemoryMargin=256 bAllowSwitchingStreamingSystem=True
I've got AK installed on an SSD, and I'm running Windows 10 x64 Preview Build 10130.
i7 920 @ 4.1ghz HT OFF
GTX 970
12GB Ram
Odd. Just checked the youtube video and it's showing as running at 1080p60 and having odd shaking/stutter. Except when I first uploaded it it was just 1080p and smooth as silk like when I recorded it. I mean, it shows the FPS right in the corner.
Just note that those are the only INI tweaks I've done, I've left the 30fps lock in place inside the game.Thanks. I have the same GPU, amount of RAM and version of Windows so maybe there's hope.
Maybe windows 10 is the key?
I have 8.1 legit, how do I go about downloading 10 preview?
Have you tried this with an unlocked framerate?
I have, and similar results as far as stutter. I can make another video with the framerate unlocked if you'd like.
Oops. My first ever double post.
No I believe you. May try this actually.
Still pissed at the missing graphical features, but if I can get it at least damned playable.
Anyone got any AO fix?
Seems like this guy has it, and it looks better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glVH_a0qHx8
Yeah, I made a video of my performance too. Unlocked frame rate, sits at a relatively solid 60fps with everything on. Im uploading it to youtube as we speak. Not sure if it helps anything but thought i'd chime in. Its at a specific level, I'll record another one in the main city if there is interest.
Anyone got any AO fix?
Seems like this guy has it, and it looks better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glVH_a0qHx8
Made one anyway, uploading now.
Or not, holy shit. DIdn't realize it was almost 2gb and would take me 4 hours to upload with my shitty upload speed. Either way, no stutter like with locked but the texture streaming is a bit more noticable when at 60+fps. Like, you can see textures load in on buildings as you glide past where it's not as noticable at 30fps.
I tried using an AO fix that was posted earlier today, but it caused issues with the wrist mounted video screen and any video that was pre-rendered.
Well I just tried it with all gameworks off and its still the same. Could be a Windows 10 thing. Who knows at this point.
Just going to wait on a patch from now on.
Nice! Whats your system specs? I can't turn on Gameworks Fog + Debris because it causes the game to crash every 15 or so minutes.
This is about how my game performs too. I didn't tweak anything, everything on its highest setting, even the Gameworks stuff.Friend of mine didn't believe me when I told him I was getting no stutter and very minimal texture streaming issues now so I made a video to prove it.
Here's the performance I'm getting now. Folks who either haven't played yet or aren't that far in might want to mute the sound as there's a bit of a spoiler said over the radio.
Heres the video. https://youtu.be/kITgjMuC7tw
Seems like youtube is still 'processing' it. Only 360p available yet, weird.
Spec below! Weird, I havent had any issues. Before I unlocked the frame rate I had it at 30 and didnt have any problems, it just was at 30. I played the game up till the ACE Chemical factory at 30fps locked no issues, then I did the ini edit and put it at 60fps with adaptive V-Sync. You see in the video how it drops a bit when the tires are spinning etc.
Intel i7 4770K @4.3ghz
Windows 8.1
16GB System Memory
256 SSD for video recording (Also System)
1TB WD Black (Where game is stored : STEAM Version)
EVGA GTX 970 SSC (Factory OC)
1080p All settings at highest in game.
Played using Xbox PC Controller