Did you name your XBL gamertag after Executive Director, Marketing, Unscripted & Alternative Television at Warner Bros. Entertainment Group of Companies? Just asking

Did you name your XBL gamertag after Executive Director, Marketing, Unscripted & Alternative Television at Warner Bros. Entertainment Group of Companies? Just asking
demanding refund hours after a game is out cause performance issues is a bit cray
I mean, complaints SHOULD be loud and clear, but so far they are. I cant really delve deep into the game till tomorrow night and at this rate I expect SOMETHING to get better
I dont say this defending WB, I say it as the best outcome for us
I have a 6GB 980Ti and the framerate still fluctuates at random while driving around the city.Looks like VRAM is an issue. When your minimum requirements specify 3GB minimum VRAM (2GB for Nvidia) you know VRAM usage is going to be off the charts.
Hitting your VRAM limit always causes stuttering like the stuttering most are describing.
Looks like VRAM is an issue. When your minimum requirements specify 3GB minimum VRAM (2GB for Nvidia) you know VRAM usage is going to be off the charts.
Hitting your VRAM limit always causes stuttering like the stuttering most are describing.
I have a 6GB 980Ti and the framerate still fluctuates at random while driving around the city.
A lot of people like to play day one. If it's broken for them and they would rather spend their money on something else right now, then so be it.
That's an achievement the likes of Unity and Simcity.Gemüsepizza;169473368 said:
Except the 970's VRAM issue, of course. I knew it would be a problem the one day I had a 970, so I exchanged it for a 980 the next day.There's no excuse whatsoever that this game can't maintain 30fps on a 970
demanding refund hours after a game is out cause performance issues is a bit cray
I mean, complaints SHOULD be loud and clear, but so far they are. I cant really delve deep into the game till tomorrow night and at this rate I expect SOMETHING to get better
I dont say this defending WB, I say it as the best outcome for us
Report back pleaaaaaaaaaaaase.Alright, so based on a steam forum post it is recommended to go to the .ini and:
1. Change max fps to 120, not 60
2. Turn off all motion blur settings including MobilePostProcessBlurAmount to 0.0 as motion blur is bugged
3. Possibly change Texture Resolution to 2, to make it look better.
Obviously YMMV and backup your .ini but I'm gonna try it now.
A lot of people like to play day one. If it's broken for them and they would rather spend their money on something else right now, then so be it.
nah im pretty sure someone asking for a refund on a product they purchase and are not satisfied with is the exact opposite of "a bit cray"
demanding refund hours after a game is out cause performance issues is a bit cray
Man everyone in here is a bunch of babies... Look, every game released now is going to have problems the day of launch. If you can't troubleshoot or can't deal with having a few issues here or there, you should probably just wait until about a week from now and a few patches will be out and all these little problems will be fixed.
Always good to see that devs aren't ashamed to mess with legit buyers. Why don't they understand that this will be hacked anyway and will only irritate actual buyers of the game!
I just know its a risk during the first day when preordering something, and at this point figure most should. preorders suck.
not trying to do a 'shame on you' thing here as I actually did get the game cause I take experience from past entries in the series, so, shame on me too
I think the real nail for me is if / how they address this and how soon tho. thats mainly what im saying here and considering the push for the pc version from themselves and NVIDIA, im hopeful they will asap
Removed the FPS lock and I'm running at a solid 60 except for batmoblie driving. 970, 3570k and 16GB here. Turned off all of the nvidia stuff but smoke, wish we could turn off that film grain though.
Hey remember in the steam refunds thread how everyone was wondering what would happen the first time a really big, broken game out
let's find out tomorrow, together
Same, also wish I could turn off the chromatic aberration.
Barely getting 60fps with 970 SLI, and even then it's only 60fps when I'm doing nothing or looking straight at the ground.
The game is great, but the performance is ruining it for me. I have a small urge to wait until they sort this nonsense out before continuing on.
AMD users should be aware that for now, the game has performance issues with AMD cards. No statements from AMD yet.
[EDIT] - New drivers from AMD out:
Yeah I have R9285, 4460, 8 Gb and Just fixed the frame prob. Are the drivers good?
Wow, the game crashed so hard it logged me out of my Windows account
Wait.... Please tell me that you're joking and that there is a a toggle for CA? PleaseSame, also wish I could turn off the chromatic aberration.
Wait.... Please tell me that you're joking and that there is a a toggle for CA? Please
What's next? Forced black bars in PC games?
SLI Titan X, 18-26FPS with Nvidia Smoke and Fog. Is this real life?
Nobody has found a CA toggle yet, I don't think. Also to turn it off apparently every other bit of processing would be turned off as well.Wait.... Please tell me that you're joking and that there is a a toggle for CA? Please
What's next? Forced black bars in PC games?
Wait.... Please tell me that you're joking and that there is a a toggle for CA? Please
What's next? Forced black bars in PC games?
I retroactively dont like Divekick now
damn you dave lang
Okay you guys, calm down and listen.
Do not defeat the 30 fps framerate lock.[/b[ It's there for a reason it seems, however this game is designed, however the engine works, it gets really unhappy if you uncap the framerate. It's much much smoother running at 30 fps from what I've seen.
This game chews through VRAM like crazy. It's constantly capping my 980 Ti's 6 GB of VRAM at 5945 MB according to MSI Afterburner. It's literally using the entire framebuffer of my video card. This is probably what is causing some of you guys to stutter so much if you're running Normal textures and you don't have a lot of VRAM on your video card.
sorry if this is a dumb question. But I am trying to take screenshots, but anytime I hit prntscrn and then look at the picture, it shows that the game is paused. Ive admittedly never tried to take screenshots before. My game is 100% not paused when I am taking the shots, but the end result shows the game paused
The game doesn't benefit from sli currently. Disable sli and use your second 970 as a dedicated physx card in the control panel. You can turn on all the gameworks stuff and it doesn't really affect your performance. I'm in the same boat and, while framerate varies wildly, it hasn't dropped below 45 for me at any point.