Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]


Saw this posted on reddit:


Holy shit. Fuck buying this game at all. What a mess.
Well, since the pre-order DLC got yanked away from Nvidia code users last second, getting that back would be a nice start for those. A lot of people bought a new hardware specifically based on this game's promises in order to run this mess well, and can't even do that. They have a lot of gall doing that and delivering this.

This pissed me off so much, I was like where was my Harley Quinn DLC but they totally ganked the Nvidia card buyers. Scumbags.


I read people say they only had 2 months to port this? It does sound like it might be from 2005 though.

Did everyone buy it from nuuvem and they got mad or something.
Using an Intel Core i7 3770, 16 gigs of RAM, and a 980. Maxed out everything and turned on all GameWorks (which looks great).

During the benchmark my minimum is 40 FPS with the average around 58 or 59. The minimum drops to 35 when I am recording in 1080p with Open Broadcaster Software. I haven't bothered changing the framerate as I prefer a more consistent 30 than going for 60 and having it drop to 40 at times. I am still noticing juddering here and there, though. Not sure if that is because I am also recording with OBS or if it's just the game. Thankfully I'm not personally bothered by 30 FPS as long as it is constant. I'll have to play some with OBS off to see, or maybe lower the recording to 720p.

Joey Ravn

I actually cancelled my PS4 preorder today after reading all of this about the PC version. Not supporting the game period until things get sorted.

That's the attitude, duder. Getting the PS4 version instead of the PC port solves nothing: WB still gets your money. Not buying the game altogether is the best way to send a message.

Too bad the damage has been done :(


The game is running like garbage . It also looks worse than Console.

So Yes , we are mad.

Nah I mean the publisher, and purposefully made the PC version shit/worse out of spite of the cheap pre-orders :p

Because no options? Wut. And worse than consoles is unacceptable.


this is a 5 star amazon review

The Master Race, the superior beings, the PC gamers have gotten exactly what they deserve with this game. They blather on about how they have the best games, the best computers, the best processing power and the best graphic chips. And what good does it do them? Having a myriad of competing and differing standards results in games that don't even work.
It must be pretty hard to have waited years for this game to come out, the PC gamers all excited to pirate this game the day it comes out and then viola-nada! And I kinda almost feel bad for the few PC gamers that actually are ethical and pay for these games. Still and all, it's why I have the PS4 & XBone. When I put a game in it works.
I'm not one to brag, but I will. See, I don't have some fancy overly priced computer from 6 months ago that is already obsolete. I don't go around bragging about what my computer can do and then load in a game that I wind up having to tinker with for hours at a time to make sure the settings are adjusted downward so I can kinda, almost, nearly get to play it without the stuttering and blocky choppy visuals.
But PC gamers are the master race and this is their lot in life. They get to lord over the rest of us how powerful & almighty their system is and then complain bitterly that the only games that work at those specs are games that came out 4+ years ago. Sure, your Bioshock & Half-Life 2 look absolutely stunning on your games; so at least you can enjoy them while Arkham Knight gets fixed (maybe.)

the hate on some people, i don't even.....
This game is absolutely getting trashed on Steam user reviews. Never seen negative reviews outnumbering positive reviews in such a great amount since Dead Rising 3 port release.
Nah I mean the publisher, and purposefully made the PC version shit/worse out of spite of the cheap pre-orders :p

Because no options? Wut. And worse than consoles is unacceptable.

No , its Sheer Incompetence , Laziness , maybe inadequate development time thrown in for good mix.

This just means I never buy a WB game again if these problems are not fixed within a week

I'd be very very surprised if this game gets fixed within a week.
I mean, I don't want to be all "buyer beware" about this, and the studios/publisher involved should definitely receive all the rage coming their way - but this is exactly why you never ever pre-order a video game. Ever. At least on Steam you can now get a refund if shit goes south, so that alleviates the problem slightly.


Is anyone else who's actually playing the PC port getting a ton of crashes?

I'm one of the (seemingly) lucky few for whom the game actually runs pretty damn well. I get no stuttering and smooth framerates most of the time, so the game is very playable. The problem is I am getting a ton of crashes. I thought it maybe had something to do with the fact that I downloaded the game early through a VPN, but I went and verified the cache (which caused the entire game to re-downloaded but hey, whatever, full stop). However I'm still getting way, way too many crashes. It sucks because when I'm actually in game, it's great, smooth and a ton of fun, but the crashes are way too common.

I'm sure, given the tenor of this thread, most responses to this are going to be, "of course it's crashing a lot! This is a fucking piece of shit port!" but I'm still quite curious to hear about anyone else who is having a smooth gameplay experience in game, but trouble with the stability aspect.


this is a 5 star amazon review

the hate on some people, i don't even.....

Instead he has a consoles that are years out of date by his logic. The whole console vs pc horse has been beaten to death too many times. People need to let it go instead of bashing a bad port as justification of their purchases. There have been plenty of bad console games also.


The build in the Nvidia vids looks fantastic and has stuff missing in this and not in the console versions. What's going on. Just a vertical slice?


Is anyone else who's actually playing the PC port getting a ton of crashes?

I'm one of the (seemingly) lucky few for whom the game actually runs pretty damn well. I get no stuttering and smooth framerates most of the time, so the game is very playable. The problem is I am getting a ton of crashes. I thought it maybe had something to do with the fact that I downloaded the game early through a VPN, but I went and verified the cache (which caused the entire game to re-downloaded but hey, whatever, full stop). However I'm still getting way, way too many crashes. It sucks because when I'm actually in game, it's great, smooth and a ton of fun, but the crashes are way too common.

I'm sure, given the tenor of this thread, most responses to this are going to be, "of course it's crashing a lot! This is a fucking piece of shit port!" but I'm still quite curious to hear about anyone else who is having a smooth gameplay experience in game, but trouble with the stability aspect.

Yeah mine is ok so far, not great looking and still locked at 30 FPS but it is running without crashes. I am working on a video impression based on what I am seeing.


Miss effects, poor performance, and the icing on the cake is a shitty drm that kills performance and can possibly kill your computer. I don't understand how this happened. AA and AC were great ports. This shit is unbelievable.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca


i still wonder where andy is? because when a game they get behind works he pretty much lives on GAF but i have not seen a post from him on the whole thread ( i could be wrong tho )
Well, I've calmed down a little since last night, when I was ready to swear off anymore major studio PC ports, but I'm still quite disappointed that WB let the game release like this. They're lucky they've had some good studios putting out some decent product, because their follow through sucks.

You just have to take it as a given that WB is not going to put the time and money needed into their PC ports. Honestly, I think Iron Galaxy got rushed and money starved, and this is the result.

No more. I have a good idea of who I can trust, and who I can't. Edios/Nixxes gets my money on PC. Maybe DICE if they aren't bugging out in general. But not WB.
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