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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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Hnnngh, it's in 5th place best seller now. That's something TW101 never achieved. The 91 metacritic hype is reeeeallll.


so beautiful


Umm, what's with this 9 and 9.5 shit? Those are such low ass reviews. Just kidding. This is great though! I can't wait to play this.


Well... I tried to convince this Wii u owner i was chatting to get bayonetta 2 but I failed....

The dude won't even bother to try out the eShop demo

T_T ...he only buys all the mario games and smash bros

Told me he doesn't care about " Japanese anime bullshit "

Well... I tried to convince this Wii u owner i was chatting to get bayonetta 2 but I failed....

The dude won't even bother to try out the eShop demo

T_T ...he only buys all the mario games and smash bros

Told me he doesn't care about " Japanese anime bullshit "


If that's the case, he probably wouldn't have liked the game anyway. Not that it IS Japanese anime bullshit, but it is pretty Japanese.


Unconfirmed Member
Well... I tried to convince this Wii u owner i was chatting to get bayonetta 2 but I failed....

The dude won't even bother to try out the eShop demo

T_T ...he only buys all the mario games and smash bros

Told me he doesn't care about " Japanese anime bullshit "

Let it go, he's the dumb one here, not even trying a free demo.


Well... I tried to convince this Wii u owner i was chatting to get bayonetta 2 but I failed....

The dude won't even bother to try out the eShop demo

T_T ...he only buys all the mario games and smash bros

Told me he doesn't care about " Japanese anime bullshit "


Tell him it's a Star Fox/Zelda/Metroid/Mario game in one.


Well... I tried to convince this Wii u owner i was chatting to get bayonetta 2 but I failed....

The dude won't even bother to try out the eShop demo

T_T ...he only buys all the mario games and smash bros

Told me he doesn't care about " Japanese anime bullshit "


Tell'm if he doesn't try it you'll rape his dog.


I really wish there was a collector's edition (in NA) or some way I could support the game beyond just buying the game again or something like that.


Well... I tried to convince this Wii u owner i was chatting to get bayonetta 2 but I failed....

The dude won't even bother to try out the eShop demo

T_T ...he only buys all the mario games and smash bros

Told me he doesn't care about " Japanese anime bullshit "

Just buy the game and borrow
his WiiU?


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
That Polygon review is a sad display of boneheaded puritanism. Way to completely miss the point of Bayonetta's character.

Bayonetta is all about power and poise and confidence. The way she exults in her sexuality and wields it as a weapon is entirely consistent with her persona. She's never ever reduced to a sexual ornament for male characters or the audience. She claims equal standing with, or flat out dominates, every man she meets. She's isn't the damsel in distress who waits for the studly hero to sweep her off her feet and save the day. She pulls her own weight and takes care of her friends. Bayonetta is the superhero everyone else relies on. Her sexuality is self-gratifying and intimidating, not inviting, and that's one of the core strengths of her character.

It's worth mentioning that Bayonetta's designer is a woman who took inspiration for Bayonetta's extended proportions from fashion illustrations, whose figures are tall and elegant to emphasize physical grace rather than sexuality. If Bayonetta was supposed to pander to a straight male audience, where are the balloon tits and other stereotypical features of the woman-shaped background props that countless games employ for no other reason than cheap sex appeal? Why the bizarre spider-like limbs and long neck, exaggerated qualities that enhance her acrobatic movements and statuesque poses while she fights? Her design complements her actions, which complement her personality, which complements both.

Bayonetta is a fully realized character, possibly the only self-actualized female protagonist in complete control of her sexuality that the entire medium has to offer. Shame on Arthur Gies for misrepresenting Platinum's great work and failing to celebrate such a progressive character. Shame on Polygon.

This is the most lavish way of justifying looking at tits and ass I've ever read.
Fingers crossed it does over 2 million at least. Not only is that a good number in general, it's very rare on Wii U especially this type of game. Think of what message it would send to all the publishers. It would be a big F U to all of them for turning this game down. Not only that, but devs might make these types of games more if they see proof that there is success.

I think this game is very important for the industry depending on the success. It might even make the difference in the next capcom meeting when they ponder if the next devil may cry should go back to it's awesome japanese roots or continue with the american douche bag persona.


So why does Nintendo allow the review embargo to be lifted so far in advance? Don't most games scores get released a day before or so?


So why does Nintendo allow the review embargo to be lifted so far in advance? Don't most games scores get released a day before or so?

I'd say it's mainly because the game already came out in Japan since a while.

EDIT: Yep, it came out Sept. 20 in Japan.

EDIT2: *Looks at bottom comments* Or they're confident, yeah, would make sense too. :p
So why does Nintendo allow the review embargo to be lifted so far in advance? Don't most games scores get released a day before or so?

Nintendo confident as FUCK

(This is pretty par for the course, they usually let embargoes lift a week or two in advance)

because they're confident as FUCK


So why does Nintendo allow the review embargo to be lifted so far in advance? Don't most games scores get released a day before or so?

That's easy to answer, Nintendo is confident in the games they publish, coming from the "Gameplay before everything else" mentality they have, they don't need to hold reviews back until the 11th hour because they are afraid the game won't score will and preorders will be cancelled. I notice a lot of games that the embargos stay up till the last minute on seem to be "Presentation first" focused, or some lame excuse that equates "We aren't confident enough in this title." or something like that. Not with every game mind you, but Nintnedo lets their games do the talking, not the PR people.


So why does Nintendo allow the review embargo to be lifted so far in advance? Don't most games scores get released a day before or so?

For some of their games they lift their review embargo way before the release date. Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros. 3DS and this are some examples. I think Hyrule Warriors was too?


Ok , even though I failed miserably when I tried Bayonetta on 360 I'm going to give it another shot. These reviews are too good.

Question: should I play it on the gamepad or pro controller?
Ok , even though I failed miserably when I tried Bayonetta on 360 I'm going to give it another shot. These reviews are too good.

Question: should I play it on the gamepad or pro controller?

Pro, because when you're hammering away at the buttons becoming a Bayonetta god, you want to be wearing down the replaceable controller, not the irreplaceable one

Also the Pro controller is like... perfect


so beautiful

that's nice to see :)

Well... I tried to convince this Wii u owner i was chatting to get bayonetta 2 but I failed....

The dude won't even bother to try out the eShop demo

T_T ...he only buys all the mario games and smash bros

Told me he doesn't care about " Japanese anime bullshit "


You're going to have to bite the bullet and just buy your friend the game. He'll love it. It's for the greater good!

Fingers crossed it does over 2 million at least. Not only is that a good number in general, it's very rare on Wii U especially this type of game. Think of what message it would send to all the publishers. It would be a big F U to all of them for turning this game down. Not only that, but devs might make these types of games more if they see proof that there is success.

I think this game is very important for the industry depending on the success. It might even make the difference in the next capcom meeting when they ponder if the next devil may cry should go back to it's awesome japanese roots or continue with the american douche bag persona.

1 million would be a miracle, let alone 2. Think about how small the Wii U install base is, and how niche a title like Bayonetta is.

I wonder what Nintendo/Platinums expectations are for this game when it comes to worldwide sales.
You know the weird thing is. If I knew the first Bayonetta would always be included with Bayonetta 2 I would buy the games digitally day 1 and then pick up a physical copy when it went down to $30 (like I plan to do for Smash Wii U). As it is I feel the need to guarantee a physicial copy with both games.

For other games like Wonderful 101, Game & Wario (got with Club Nintendo thankfully), Nintendo Land (Why isn't this on the Eshop), Tekken Tag 2 (it's been $14 at retail all year but it's still $55 on the Eshop I'll gladly pay $30 for a digital copy) and Monster Hunter 3U I planned to get digital copies in addition to the physical copies I bought at launch of the games because of how much I like them, there is a ton of stuff to unlock and the local multiplayer in all of them.

I don't think I'll like Bayonetta as much and there is no local multiplayer. I also don't know how much time I'll put into replaying it when I'm not an action guy. So if I don't get a digital copy at launch I probably won't get a digital copy later.
Ok , even though I failed miserably when I tried Bayonetta on 360 I'm going to give it another shot. These reviews are too good.

Question: should I play it on the gamepad or pro controller?

Try the demo and see which you prefer. Normally I'm a snob about controls, but not only am I going to be using the gamepad, I'm going to be using touch controls on my first playthrough because I like the flow and it lets me enjoy the spectacle more.


Neo Member
Well... I tried to convince this Wii u owner i was chatting to get bayonetta 2 but I failed....

The dude won't even bother to try out the eShop demo

T_T ...he only buys all the mario games and smash bros

Told me he doesn't care about " Japanese anime bullshit "


It's okay. It's not a game for everyone. Just buy a copy for yourself and know you're at least enjoying the awesome of it.


4th time I play the demo, IMO this is game design at its best... so tight. GOTY material in my book, and obviously: I'm so buying this.
Ok, what if I was attacking a different one?

The back kick is a counter. Accolades will only do it in response to being hit in the ass(probably P* responding to how Applauds became defenseless when attacked from behind).

Accolades are the bigger, red centaurs, btw. Acceptance doesn't do the back kick.
So why does Nintendo allow the review embargo to be lifted so far in advance? Don't most games scores get released a day before or so?

It's a holdover from how they dealt with print magazines, but it also generally works out for the best.

Not only do they have an early embargo, they gave Bayonetta 2 to a lot of outlets in mid-September.


Well... I tried to convince this Wii u owner i was chatting to get bayonetta 2 but I failed....

The dude won't even bother to try out the eShop demo

T_T ...he only buys all the mario games and smash bros

Told me he doesn't care about " Japanese anime bullshit "

He IS aware of where his console and games came from right? Maybe it's just me, but Bayonetta is one of the least Japanese things I've seen/played/experienced, hell even some of Japan isn't fond of it. It's more liked overseas for various amounts of reasons.

I've personally had mine preordered for quite awhile and am happy to see it doing pretty well with reviewers.
The first few words in the OP made me very sad..

"Much like the character herself, the way Bayonetta 2 handles unlockables is surprisingly unconventional.''

It's a shame that we have people in the media describing what should be the norm as 'unconventional'. It just gives devs/publishers more reason to put this stuff behind a paywall if people start accepting this crap as the norm when it is not and should never be!

Oh yea btw.....awesome to see positive reviews but doesn't change that fact that this was gonna be day 1 for me the minute it was announced. Some companies just know their stuff and in Platinum Games we trust.


I'm the opposite

I showed my neighbor the demo, and he saw the reviews scores and is now strongly considering buying a wii u and bayonetta 2.
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