I don't stay for some maybe, probably copper in the later parts of Big Four. Time is money!dont know why people leave before the raid auctions are over. They miss out on some decent coin in the auctions DAYUM I just made a quick buck!
If you don't have 25g laying around, the +15 pentagonal is a super reasonable 8g. You can make that from a day's worth of your dailies.
Are the ones in "Diamond" on the shop the correct ones? Also, what is the difference between the ones that say "Additional Damage 25" and "Attack Power 25"?
They seem to be similarly priced on the marketplace.
Additional damage is garbage and people are just trying to trick you into buying something useless. Attack power is what you are looking for. Attack power is increasing a stat that exponentially increases your damage, additional damage is just adding that straight number to your attacks.
Man I hate the loot system in this game. The idea of bidding with money on a drop is kinda stupid, when you have level 45 people farming a level 20 dungeon for a costume, then it drops, and it's basically richest guy gets it. Also, the voice gets super annoying when you're just mashing the bid button, and it can take so long to get finished with a bid war. I apparently always took the random dice roll for granted in most MMOs. It's seriously a pretty shit system though.
Attack Power is the main stat on your weapon. So using an Attack Power gem is like directly upgrading your weapon without actually upgrading it.
In that particular case it does suck assuming the level 45 is just bidding silvers that most level 20's cannot afford. But otherwise I really like the system a lot when running a level 45 dungeon and a moonwater recipe drops and I obviously don't need it. And there we go 1+ gold profit from the bid. To get bids done fast, bid how much you would feel safe spending on the item and manually enter it. Otherwise its going to take forever.
I'm hoping for a Kung Fu Hustle style moment at one point but I doubt it :/
I really hate the whole concept of loot bidding / need before greed/ etc. I really love that games like Diablo 3 and Guildwars 2 abandoned that in favor of 'everyone gets their own loot drop' systems. Eliminates so much grief.
Can anyone explain how to get the final tier skill in the Martial Tome?
I just read something about achievements and I have no idea what that means since the achievement list doesn't seem to list anything relevant.
I hope people know they will end up getting part of the bid, depending on how many people in party.
I hope people know they will end up getting part of the bid, depending on how many people in party.
Still miles better than running the same dungeon 10 more times and you still get nothing, neither item nor goldGetting part of the bid is meaningless though when it means I'll have to run the same dungeon 10 more times for the same thing to drop.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
It's pretty rare. Really weird to see it dropping from a random mob.Sölf;195080807 said:So, the Blackram Officer outfit dropped form a normal mob in BSH-6. Chariot robbed me of nearly 5 gold, but at least I got the outfit. Who knows when I will see this dropping again. xD
Damn Mushin tower no joke lol and yes i'm streaming it.
Damn Mushin tower no joke lol and yes i'm streaming it.
Currently, we can only get one skill on our version. Most of these skills are still not yet implemented in the game and are just there as a teaser about potential things to come. Any of them with the text about the Fabled secret technique of Hongmoon doesn't actually exist.
The others are available by using certain items you acquire in endgame content.
In our current version, the only one available skill is the one that drop in Bloodshade Harbor 4man as a rare drop, as well as the pvp version of that skill which is bought with hmm, 4000 zen beans? 6000? I forgot, but you buy it with a bunch of Zen beans, from arenas.
The books to learn the skills can be sold, so eventually they should be accessible more easily, at the moment unless you do BSH 4man, you're most likely not getting the PvE ones. PvP you just need to grind them beans until you have it.
Heh, that would be cool. Every time I make progress in the main story I just shake my head.It's frustrating to watch.When Dogun's (sp?) "daughter" turns out to be the spy I was thinking....why the hell wouldn't I tell someone about this before hand? Also, when I caught her and the mayor talking, that would have been the final straw. Instead, my character is all shocked once it becomes official. Sheesh. Really? I mean, really? Also, let the traitor guy go instead of bringing his ass in? Really? Ugh.
Do people buy unsealing charms from the marketboard or from vendors cause right now the price is cheaper at vendors
Still miles better than running the same dungeon 10 more times and you still get nothing, neither item nor gold
For example if the total bid is 9G and your party has 4 people, after the bid ends other party member each will get 3G.
Vendor. It's like that for weeks.Do people buy unsealing charms from the marketboard or from vendors cause right now the price is cheaper at vendors
So, if one wanted to get serious with the crafting in this game, what would they have to do? How many alts? Which crafts, etc? I honestly wouldn't mind doing this for rmyself and the guild. =D
Do people buy unsealing charms from the marketboard or from vendors cause right now the price is cheaper at vendors
The entire market has been cleared out of Pentagonal Diamonds with attack power. I guess that figures. I wonder when supply will catch up with demand.
How do you even craft gems in this game?
Sölf;195108324 said:Vendor. A few days ago they actually were cheaper, like 8-10 silver. But now. Heck, I bought 20 from the vendor and sold them for more on the auction house. I didn't make much, but it as a profit. People are weird. The whole market in this game is whack. xD
So, is the only way to get Hongmoon skills is the 4 man BSH or PvP?
I really hope not
I can finally make and sell moonwater transformation stones. Feels good. The price for them went up by over 1g since last night as well which is nice.
weekend prices
dont sell them on weekdays
no no it's fine. I only sold a few out of the 10 and i have another 10 crafting.
no no it's fine. I only sold a few out of the 10 and i have another 10 crafting.
I really want the Sturdy Glacial Illusion Sword or Gilded ver from nightshade harbor but that might be too much rng for me since those bosses don't spawn until you beat poh or hae. They also seem to never drop any weapons in general for me.
The howling beast drops the gilded one from nightshade and the arctic beast drops the sturdy one from e fleet.