You can join us on Windrest if you like to be on EU. But I guess you got better chances for a active clan in long term on NAI just want to be part of the GAF group is all
It hurts, but it's so pretty.
You can join us on Windrest if you like to be on EU. But I guess you got better chances for a active clan in long term on NAI just want to be part of the GAF group is all
It hurts, but it's so pretty.
You can join us on Windrest if you like to be on EU. But I guess you got better chances for a active clan in long term on NA
All right, I'll try the NA one then. Who should I PM?
Send a PM to Jolyne. Are you on right now?![]()
Installing, still want to play a couple of missions in EDF. So 20 minutes? Is that ok?
First PVP match in weeks and... Destroyer bot. They really need to get a handle on this.
interesting. Is there anywhere that describes the level 45 dungeons and their boss fights?
I have no idea what i'm doing and the game literally does absolutely NOTHING to explain any of it to you. I'm in e. fleet supply chain and I have no idea what to do. My main quest says read yura's letter, but when I do, nothing happens.
Sigh. :/
First PVP match in weeks and... Destroyer bot. They really need to get a handle on this.
Edit: 5 bots in a row now. Almost gold....
all right, sorry it took me so long, I wanted to create a character that isn't totally bland.
make sure you pikc cerulean and not crimson.
yeah, I read that in the OP. Why did we change it from the beta? At least I think we were in Crimson during beta.
To get loot you need to do a % of dmg, for the achievement you just need to tag it. If you release/respawn all the damage you did gets erased and you need to redo that %. Chi restoration keeps yours damage and not releasing but being rezzed keeps the damage.
Gotta correct some misinformation here.Warlock was rebuffed a bunch in the january balance patch, but friend said they mentionned somewhere we're not getting that balance patch next week, so we're getting the really bad version of it, for pvp. PvE is like, whatever, just use soulburn and see everything melt.
yeah, I read that in the OP. Why did we change it from the beta? At least I think we were in Crimson during beta.
Gotta correct some misinformation here.
Releasing does not reset your contribution. However, you MUST be within a certain radius of the boss when it dies for your contribution to count, so releasing while the boss is near-death is obviously a terrible idea. If BW is not within the 10% range, it's probably safe to release.
They've also said on stream that we are getting the Korean January balance patch on March 2nd.
I never thought I would actually bother with making a lyn but here I am. I figured that blade dancer would still be kind of familiar coming from blade master.
Once you go fluffy, you won't go back.
Once you go fluffy, you won't go back.
The only Lyn I played was a summoner, so he can take all the cat costumes that I picked up on my Assassin. They are only fit to be a mule. They have nothing! No hometown, no life, NOTHING!!!!!!
The only Lyn I played was a summoner, so he can take all the cat costumes that I picked up on my Assassin. They are only fit to be a mule. They have nothing! No hometown, no life, NOTHING!!!!!!
Can someone summarize the balance patch we're getting with Warlocks for us NA/EU only plebs?
Erm I just rolled 2 and got both items on the Daily Dash. Did it bugged out of did they change it? I thought u only get the item on the spot u land on.
So relative to Destroyer, which class has the least intense ani-cancel: Sin, LBM, or BM. WTFast brings me down to more manageable pings so I suddenly have more options to play!
PvP or PvE? I think PvE all of them have some. Not sure what your ping is. PvP, none of them I believe. Maybe BD I have no idea how they work, but not the other 2.
Been so busy lately, haven't had much time to dive in and get dailies done consistently. Going to try to change that after the patch. Going to look up some videos on the new place. This place have a good Soul Shield to farm or will BSH remain pretty good?
PvP or PvE? I think PvE all of them have some. Not sure what your ping is. PvP, none of them I believe. Maybe BD I have no idea how they work, but not the other 2.
PVE I guess. I only do enough PvP for the dailies.
I get like 150ish ping now, which is enough to do some fake looking destroyer anicancel where it doesn't make the cleave sound 1/10th of the time.
SDBurton, you said something about setting me up yesterday. I will be in game for a while now so if you are around we can do that whatever you want to do.
Logging on right now, what's your name?
Ayane Kazami of course. :E
Will any of the upcoming patches make KFM's Q and E as responsive as Asassin's Q?
I find the Assassin Q responds as soon as I press it where as with KFM its dodges activate a second or two late so I have to hold the key down in order for it to work.
Do you have your talent points up to tier 3 for the Q and E dodges? It gives you an additional second for your i-frame which makes quite the difference in simply trying to dodge at the right moment. With those points we're able to dodge attacks early without facing punishment.
I haven't tried the Assassin yet, but I could imagine their dodges to be faster in comparison to a KFMs'.
I always have 3 points in and it makes a big difference.
However the issue is due to response time I sometimes end up hitting it forgetting to hold it instead resulting in me taking damage.
I would like it if they changed it so it works as soon as you press it like other dodges but if the KR version doesn't have it then I guess I'll just have to get used to it.