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Blade & Soul |OT| Kiss From A Rose


I just want to be part of the GAF group is all
You can join us on Windrest if you like to be on EU. But I guess you got better chances for a active clan in long term on NA


It hurts, but it's so pretty.
First PVP match in weeks and... Destroyer bot. They really need to get a handle on this.

How exactly? The only decent way would be to make soulstones character bound when obtained from pvp, so you can't sell them. But then you're hurting people who pvp a lot who actually have no income anymore, especially to buy stuff like hongmoon skill books without having to pve a lot for them.

They can't magically find a way to remove bots from their games when no mmo has ever found a way to do it before, including mmos that had way more ressources like WoW. Short of removing all forms of trading, the best you can do is make it so they farm stuff that doesn't impact other players, for example instanced content/gathering nodes.

It's doable by changing how arena and beans work entirely, but that's not a small change, and one that'd probably need to worked heavily on by the korean devs, which seems unlikely to happen.


interesting. Is there anywhere that describes the level 45 dungeons and their boss fights?

I have no idea what i'm doing and the game literally does absolutely NOTHING to explain any of it to you. I'm in e. fleet supply chain and I have no idea what to do. My main quest says read yura's letter, but when I do, nothing happens.

Sigh. :/

I'm sure you could look up some YT vids of them, but I don't know of any website that explains them. Honestly at this point most of the dungeons (probably not BSH) are dead easy to farm. If you join a cross server group there is a really good chance everyone else has done the place before and you can just follow them. If you are doing the 6 man versions it really shouldn't be a problem, most groups can do them with less than a full group (and some do because of bots and assholes who afk).

If you are on the NA server I can run some of them with you if you want, just let me know when you are on.


To get loot you need to do a % of dmg, for the achievement you just need to tag it. If you release/respawn all the damage you did gets erased and you need to redo that %. Chi restoration keeps yours damage and not releasing but being rezzed keeps the damage.
Warlock was rebuffed a bunch in the january balance patch, but friend said they mentionned somewhere we're not getting that balance patch next week, so we're getting the really bad version of it, for pvp. PvE is like, whatever, just use soulburn and see everything melt.
Gotta correct some misinformation here.

Releasing does not reset your contribution. However, you MUST be within a certain radius of the boss when it dies for your contribution to count, so releasing while the boss is near-death is obviously a terrible idea. If BW is not within the 10% range, it's probably safe to release.

They've also said on stream that we are getting the Korean January balance patch on March 2nd.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
yeah, I read that in the OP. Why did we change it from the beta? At least I think we were in Crimson during beta.

Crimson Legion rarely (if at all) did end-game world bosses or faction farming in the beta. Cerulean on the other had was doing it way more often. I decided to switch our faction to provide the best experience possible for our players when it came to both pve and pvp content.


Gotta correct some misinformation here.

Releasing does not reset your contribution. However, you MUST be within a certain radius of the boss when it dies for your contribution to count, so releasing while the boss is near-death is obviously a terrible idea. If BW is not within the 10% range, it's probably safe to release.

They've also said on stream that we are getting the Korean January balance patch on March 2nd.

Meh, that is what I've seen parroted around for awhile now. On top of I've released and got back before the boss died and didn't receive loot despite doing enough damage. Now if I die I just wait for a rez if I think I have done enough damage or the boss is below 30%.
Got gold relatively fast. I think I fought around 5 actual people.

Switched to tag matches and only saw a few bots out of about 20 matches. 3 AFK summoner bots at once and then a couple of random AFK bots which could have been players. Nothing like the constant stream of Destroyer bots in solo though.



I never thought I would actually bother with making a lyn but here I am. I figured that blade dancer would still be kind of familiar coming from blade master.

Edit- Should I hold on to Radiant Ring Secret Technique Addendum? What does it actually do?


Once you go fluffy, you won't go back.

I feel like this might be the case. I'm kind of wanting to make my warlock a lyn now as well. I actually didn't like the tail at first but it grew on me. It's also the only set of ears that I didn't think looked obnoxious and were tied to that tail. I want the fashion of life outfit for lyn but I'm not ready to blow all my gold on that transmute gamble. Yellow dahlia was a nice alternative though which imo looks bad on all other races.
The only Lyn I played was a summoner, so he can take all the cat costumes that I picked up on my Assassin. They are only fit to be a mule. They have nothing! No hometown, no life, NOTHING!!!!!!

They have fluffy ears and fluffy tails, what use is there for life and hometown in the face of FLUFFINESS OVERWHELMING


The only Lyn I played was a summoner, so he can take all the cat costumes that I picked up on my Assassin. They are only fit to be a mule. They have nothing! No hometown, no life, NOTHING!!!!!!

One of the bikinis gives them both. It's nothing on the level as a Gon but they do get some. >_>


Erm I just rolled 2 and got both items on the Daily Dash. Did it bugged out of did they change it? I thought u only get the item on the spot u land on.
Can someone summarize the balance patch we're getting with Warlocks for us NA/EU only plebs?

Well it's the patch we're on right now, we're not getting any balance changes it seems. After warlock looked OP as shit in the last world championship, they nerfed them heavily in the december patch(which is what we're on). They reduced their healing a lot and reduced some of their burst damage or something like that. Class should still do "ok" in arena, but it's not gonna be the steamroller it was in KR before that patch where even at the highest level of play, it still was ez faceroll mode(unlike summoner which in KR at the same time was and is considered weak at the highest tier of play). The nerf might have been too much and they rebuffed them slightly in the january patch, but we're not getting that.

That said, one thing that's very hard to gauge and why I wouldn't completely mark them off is we're on 45 patch at least for a little while. And 45 balance is way fucked up compared to 50balance. So while WL might be considered weak in our current patch at 50, they might be OP as shit at 45, similar to Summoner, just due to different scaling and lack of hongmoon skills that make the other classes more balanced(such as block iframes for BM or pulling Rising Dragon for KFM).

Erm I just rolled 2 and got both items on the Daily Dash. Did it bugged out of did they change it? I thought u only get the item on the spot u land on.

There's a bug with one of the tiles, you always get it if you pass through it. Forgot which one it is, but probably the one you skipped over.
The January KR balance patch is supposedly coming March 3rd with Warlock. But we're the only region who's getting WL at 45 instead of 50 so all bets are off as to what's going to happen to us.


So relative to Destroyer, which class has the least intense ani-cancel: Sin, LBM, or BM. WTFast brings me down to more manageable pings so I suddenly have more options to play!
So relative to Destroyer, which class has the least intense ani-cancel: Sin, LBM, or BM. WTFast brings me down to more manageable pings so I suddenly have more options to play!

PvP or PvE? I think PvE all of them have some. Not sure what your ping is. PvP, none of them I believe. Maybe BD I have no idea how they work, but not the other 2.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Been so busy lately, haven't had much time to dive in and get dailies done consistently. Going to try to change that after the patch. Going to look up some videos on the new place. This place have a good Soul Shield to farm or will BSH remain pretty good?
PvP or PvE? I think PvE all of them have some. Not sure what your ping is. PvP, none of them I believe. Maybe BD I have no idea how they work, but not the other 2.

Well a BD will C out of air combo and then RMB to stun and then they have 2 seconds to LMB and F. That 2 seconds is the extent of their anicancel in PvP lol

If you are allowed to do this by your opponent, because his Tab is down, you can kill him in 2 seconds in the late stages of the fight. It's a LOT of damage.
Been so busy lately, haven't had much time to dive in and get dailies done consistently. Going to try to change that after the patch. Going to look up some videos on the new place. This place have a good Soul Shield to farm or will BSH remain pretty good?

3pieces of BSH are still BiS, 3 5 7. Rest is mostly Naryu, with I think one piece from the new Mushin floor. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of stuff to farm in the dungeon so maybe they'll add new stuff. Apparently it'll drop materials for the 35AP sparkling hexagonal gem, not sure what else(other than costumes, but probably 4man only anyway).


PvP or PvE? I think PvE all of them have some. Not sure what your ping is. PvP, none of them I believe. Maybe BD I have no idea how they work, but not the other 2.

PVE I guess. I only do enough PvP for the dailies.

I get like 150ish ping now, which is enough to do some fake looking destroyer anicancel where it doesn't make the cleave sound 1/10th of the time.


SDBurton, you said something about setting me up yesterday. I will be in game for a while now so if you are around we can do that whatever you want to do.
PVE I guess. I only do enough PvP for the dailies.

I get like 150ish ping now, which is enough to do some fake looking destroyer anicancel where it doesn't make the cleave sound 1/10th of the time.

It's kinda hard to say, every class needs animation cancelling to an extent for pve, other than warlock. Some are less important than others though, I'd say BM for example, perfect execution of the animation cancelling isn't a huge change over just mashing 2 with 1 for the crit buff every few seconds.

Main point of animation cancelling is producing higher burst DPS in draw stance, but it gets evened out by basic stance crappy damage while you rebuild focus, although given good weapon procs or focus regen buffs(blade call, fissure, cyclone) draw stance is sometimes extended for a decent amount of time where the animation cancel proves useful.

Regardless, BM is a tank, the others aren't, so that's the first real choice to do. BM requires simply more knowledge of encounters to play correctly since not only do you do the usual mechanics, but also the normal boss damage patterns. I find it very fun and rewarding, but not for everyone obviously.

Between BD and Sin in PvE, I think BD might be less reliant on perfect animation cancelling due to not being time constrained by stealth rotations? Not too sure. That said lag on stealth abilities would also be annoying, while BD doesn't have this issue since their "thing" is holding mobs like destroyer.
Will any of the upcoming patches make KFM's Q and E as responsive as Asassin's Q?

I find the Assassin Q responds as soon as I press it where as with KFM its dodges activate a second or two late so I have to hold the key down in order for it to work.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Will any of the upcoming patches make KFM's Q and E as responsive as Asassin's Q?

I find the Assassin Q responds as soon as I press it where as with KFM its dodges activate a second or two late so I have to hold the key down in order for it to work.

Do you have your talent points up to tier 3 for the Q and E dodges? It gives you an additional second for your i-frame which makes quite the difference in simply trying to dodge at the right moment. With those points we're able to dodge attacks early without facing punishment.

I haven't tried the Assassin yet, but I could imagine their dodges to be faster in comparison to a KFMs'.
Do you have your talent points up to tier 3 for the Q and E dodges? It gives you an additional second for your i-frame which makes quite the difference in simply trying to dodge at the right moment. With those points we're able to dodge attacks early without facing punishment.

I haven't tried the Assassin yet, but I could imagine their dodges to be faster in comparison to a KFMs'.

I always have 3 points in and it makes a big difference.

However the issue is due to response time I sometimes end up hitting it forgetting to hold it instead resulting in me taking damage.

I would like it if they changed it so it works as soon as you press it like other dodges but if the KR version doesn't have it then I guess I'll just have to get used to it.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
I always have 3 points in and it makes a big difference.

However the issue is due to response time I sometimes end up hitting it forgetting to hold it instead resulting in me taking damage.

I would like it if they changed it so it works as soon as you press it like other dodges but if the KR version doesn't have it then I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

Interesting. I don't hold mine but maybe I double tap it? I'll be more aware of what I do when I log in next time. Always felt it was pretty responsive to me but I don't have any experience with Assassin whereas you do.
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