Early game spoiler:
Can Gon be Warlocks (when it releases)?
Anyone here have Cox for their internet service? I received a warning/notification last night about my PC being "likely infected" with the Zeus Trojan/Zbot, but I've scanned my PC multiple times with multiple programs and nothing ever comes up. I've always read horrible things about GameGuard so I'm wondering if maybe it's just some false positive on Cox's end related to that thing, but who knows. Or maybe someone cracked my wifi password.
Has anyone else received some kind of warning from them since playing BNS?
It makes me super paranoid now because now I'm constantly thinking maybe all those scans just missed it and I really do have it. Cox can't seem to tell me when they detected the problem, so I can't even try to guess what it might be.
Can Gon be Warlocks (when it releases)?
What dailies give Cinderlands Thorns? I only know of the Nekuro Daily (Vanquish the Nightmare?).
Hot damn leveling up takes time, only level 14 now.... But the game is fun, however I need to find some fellow Gaffers around my level
Nope, they won't have access to the Warlock class.. but they will be one of the few races available to become a Soul Fighter when that releases.
Early game spoiler:
Gon and Kun are special in they both have force master and soul fighter. Specifically soul fighter. 3 races have exclusive classes
Jin are Assassins
Gon are Destroyers
Lyn and Blade Dancers and Summoners
Streaming my assassin play through. Trying to hit 30 in about 4 hours:
Going to be hopping on again in a few minutes, are disconnects still rampant or we good?
How long are they going to withhold these classes?
Is there any chance you can call/email their support and get some clarification.
Soul fighter is officially released as far as I know, so that one will be a little bit. Warlock they said will be out sooner than you expect (1-2 months maybe). They also want EU/NA to fight at the world tournament so before that happens we need all the classes they have and the current balance patch they have.
So I made it to Jade Village and I think I'm hitting the point where I can no longer just play the game solo. I ran into a scorpion boss that I could do like no damage to and one cave I went into just said it's difficulty is too high for one player. I have no idea how part systems in MMORPGs work.
So I made it to Jade Village and I think I'm hitting the point where I can no longer just play the game solo. I ran into a scorpion boss that I could do like no damage to and one cave I went into just said it's difficulty is too high for one player. I have no idea how part systems in MMORPGs work.
Yeah those quest are usually marked as " * " so my advice would skip them since soloing them can take a while. As for the party system in this game, see the firey dragon pillars? For most of the dungeons in this game you can party up with randoms right there.
No, Lyn and Jin unless I am mistaken. Lyn get a number of the cool classes.
Nope, they won't have access to the Warlock class.. but they will be one of the few races available to become a Soul Fighter when that releases.
When is the world tournament? Warlock and Soul Fighter are the two classes I was mainly interested in. SF especially since I couldn't decide between playing a Force Master or Kung Fu Master first for launch.
Alright, I'm at level 22, and I've moved to the 2nd area. I've done the dungeons so far, and I'm not really feeling the PvE. Also I haven't seen any structured PvP yet either. There's no way I'm going to make it to max level at this rate, is there anything else I could be doing to level up?
So I made it to Jade Village and I think I'm hitting the point where I can no longer just play the game solo. I ran into a scorpion boss that I could do like no damage to and one cave I went into just said it's difficulty is too high for one player. I have no idea how part systems in MMORPGs work.
Nope, they won't have access to the Warlock class.. but they will be one of the few races available to become a Soul Fighter when that releases.
So I made it to Jade Village and I think I'm hitting the point where I can no longer just play the game solo. I ran into a scorpion boss that I could do like no damage to and one cave I went into just said it's difficulty is too high for one player. I have no idea how part systems in MMORPGs work.
You both must not know that GAF Gold is neither light or dark themed?
Are there training dummies in this game?
Well my girl's a Gon so no Warlock for me.
I was wondering if BnS is a PVE playable game. My friends have been telling me that it's PvP only pretty much and I won't have any fun doing just PvE but I think they might be lying to stop me from having so much fun. Anyone with experience have any ideas?
I was wondering if BnS is a PVE playable game. My friends have been telling me that it's PvP only pretty much and I won't have any fun doing just PvE but I think they might be lying to stop me from having so much fun. Anyone with experience have any ideas?
PVE is just like any other MMO out there so your mileage may vary
are there group dungeons? is the endgame geared towards pve'ing as well?