That feel when you and someone else are bidding +10 copper each time then you jack it to 1 gold instantly and they just hit rebid automatically and go "oh shit" and you make a sweet 25 silver.
I detest the bid system in this game. A huge time waster if I ever saw one. Just keep it to number rolls and be done with it.
Mushin's Tower already?! LET'S GO BOYS!
The daily dash refreshes every month.
That feel when you and someone else are bidding +10 copper each time then you jack it to 1 gold instantly and they just hit rebid automatically and go "oh shit" and you make a sweet 25 silver.
Meh, they can just leave the instance before the timer runs out and make you foot the bill.
Learn to love your Block and right mouse button attack. A successful block will boost your RMB attack to max damage and remove the cast time, so you can spam it the times in a row.Just made a Blademaster for first time. Any tips/tricks for leveling up this class blade & soul GAF?
Just made a Blademaster for first time. Any tips/tricks for leveling up this class blade & soul GAF?
100 Deva Wheel of Fortune rolls and I did not get the hat. Someone put me out of my misery. T-T
Is it a new costume every month or does it just put you at the start again?
I have no clue how to fight summoners as a blade master. If I go after them they just circle strafe and chip away at me with their pet while I try to close the distance. If I target their pet I am virtually dead by the time the pet dies. Annoying. My guess is I need to be a bit more conservative against them and be more defensive and wait for bigger openings or something.
That's not even a lot of cash at max level is it?
I've had people get on my case for going up to 10s in the 30s.
So, this costume dropped.
Bids went up to 15 silver. I just put down 30 to get people out. Dude was so mad. He said it wasn't worth more than 10, why would I do that, I'm a moron. He bid me up one more time, then I outbid him at 40, and he fumed so bad.
Called me a br, gold buyer, threatened to report me.
he real mad
I'll preface this by saying I've never enjoyed pvp in any MMO ever. I don't like it. I'm a pve only guy.
So I just pvped 1v1 in the arena for the first time ever since I had a quest for it. It said I'd complete the quest and get the reward win or lose so I thought fuck it, why not.
I'm a summoner. Got matched against an assassin.
Uhh... I destroyed. I dunno if the guy was just trash but that match up seemed unwinnable for the assassin.
So I said, meh, whatever, and readied up again.
Destroyed a Blade Master. Again, wasn't even close.
Force Master, slightly tougher since they have ranged stuff too but still didn't even take me to 50%.
Then got matched against a Summoner.
Now that match was freaking hectic. I thought the smartest thing to do would be take out the familiar first. So I did that in round 1 and ended up winning it, but with like 2% hp left.
2nd round, tried the same thing, and got wrecked. So 3rd round I tried what he was doing and focused on just the summoner and won it.
Finally got matched against another assassin.
I got destroyed in the first round. Wasn't even close. That flash bang skill is really annoying, especially for summoner since most of my skills need a target or I can't use them so I can't just swing blindly.
Somehow won rounds 2 and 3 by the skin of my teeth, but that proved to me that the Summoner vs Assassin match up is just fine.
I'm done with pvp. Still not really my thing, but it's nice to go out on a 5 win streak.
Someone paid almost 2 gold for that one yesterday. Got it for 50 silver a couple of runs after lol.So, this costume dropped.
Bids went up to 15 silver. I just put down 30 to get people out. Dude was so mad. He said it wasn't worth more than 10, why would I do that, I'm a moron. He bid me up one more time, then I outbid him at 40, and he fumed so bad.
Called me a br, gold buyer, threatened to report me.
he real mad
Is it a new costume every month or does it just put you at the start again?
Someone paid almost 2 gold for that one yesterday. Got it for 50 silver a couple of runs after lol.
blighted staff drops, only one person in the group can use it....everyone bids, que rage lol
Considering 3 assassins were in the group I was screwed if the dagger dropped, though I doubled my meager wallet
I believe at this time only the US and EU costumes will be rewarded to you once you complete the daily dash. Aside from those two we'll probably get tokens from end game dungeons after that.
You are currently playing one of the most powerful PvP classes. It's going to be easy for you. PvP in this game isn't balanced around level 45. So, until then, you are going to dominate.
Damn I got that for 30s, nice to know I got it for a steal.
I'm surprised I have never run into this myself, sucks that it happens.
You kill the Pet ASAP, if it's not gone in the beginning, you're done.
got the deva costume from just the essences you get from quests /shrug
it doesnt have the big cloth halo on Gons :/
The cloth Halo is a separate piece. Goes in the Adornment Slot.
oh. and where do you get that?![]()
I'm convinced the adornment boxes are myths and when someone is wearing them it's all in my mind. least I'm swimming in fusion powder.
If you don't care that much, the movement skill thing is selling for 5-10 COPPER on the auction house, fyi.
Myth you say?
im actually hunting the purple quest, movement skill thingie thats supposed to drop from the wheel. and the axe like I said >_>
It's usually 3, after you're downed.
1 is Chi Revival
2 is Call for Help
3 is Unequip faction armor and surrender
4 is regular surrender
I really like the arena duels. I just need to hit level cap, so I can get familiar with my entire set of tools and what other classes have.
So, this costume dropped.
Bids went up to 15 silver. I just put down 30 to get people out. Dude was so mad. He said it wasn't worth more than 10, why would I do that, I'm a moron. He bid me up one more time, then I outbid him at 40, and he fumed so bad.
Called me a br, gold buyer, threatened to report me.
he real mad