
Boeing whistleblower John Barnett found dead in US
Prior to his death, John Barnett was testifying against Boeing over concerns about standards.

“Boeing said it was saddened to hear of Mr Barnett's passing.”
He slipped on his tea and broke his did he die? Is it Putin/Russia style fall out of window or did it really look like a suicide?
“Never assign malice to something that can be explained by plain stupidity” - some smart guy, probablyThese people have a hard time making sure to correctly bolt doors on airplanes- you think they could manage an airtight hit?
I mean yeah this looks bad but as a guy who works for a mega corp, there is no way a publicly traded corporation is going to hire a hitman to silence him. These people have a hard time making sure to correctly bolt doors on airplanes- you think they could manage an airtight hit?
Get real people.
He flew with a 737how did he die? Is it Putin/Russia style fall out of window or did it really look like a suicide?
I hope at least they had the minimum of decorum to release that statement after the police found the body.“Boeing said it was saddened to hear of Mr Barnett's passing.”
how did he die? Is it Putin/Russia style fall out of window or did it really look like a suicide?
just fasten your seatbelt bro.Just the kind of thread you want to read a few days after booking transatlantic flights - on a fucking Boeing.
This is just wild. Absolutely insane on so many levels.
Special shout out to the regulators who's job it is to keep these companies in check, congrats on a job well done.
Boeing whistleblower John Barnett found dead in US
Prior to his death, John Barnett was testifying against Boeing over concerns about
*Polonium tea.He slipped on his tea and broke his neck.
Didn’t they spin Anne heche to have drinking problems or am I mistaken?Did you guys know that the reporter who did the rolling stones expose on the U.S general in Afghanistan who was caught talking shit about Obama and subsequently fired? Well, the reporter also died a few years later in a car crash going 120 mph.
The actress Anne Heche who also died in similar circumstances did not have any drugs or alcohol in her system. but she was also working on a child trafficking documentary.
im not one to believe in conspiracy theories but this is all very suspicious.
in a residential neigborhood where even Schumacher would have a hardtime reaching this speed, and they found a few pristine cans of beer near the totally burned wreck so we definitely know it was because he drank and drove and not a hit.a car crash going 120 mph.
Was it the usual 2 shots to the back of his head style suicide?