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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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You just compared my post to someone who said "those disabled people were protecting a weapon cache with their bodies".

You need to reflect on that for a second.
You just said that if "Israelis" " had it their way, they would've ethnically cleansed the entire population already. "

You are the one who needs to reflect, brother. Israel has plenty of problems and unanswered crimes but it isn't a nation of would-be Hitlers either.


Hopefully there were other posts that caused him to be banned and were later deleted. I'd hate to think it's not understandable for someone to be a bit overly emotional when they're currently under rocket fire.

Lol, are you serious? Are you actually trying to defend this guy. Haha. Wow.

You just said that if "Israelis" " had it their way, they would've ethnically cleansed the entire population already. "

You are the one who needs to reflect, brother. Israel has plenty of problems and unanswered crimes but it isn't a nation of would-be Hitlers either.

I was referring to the state of Israel (hence I said Israel and not Israeli). The government has shown nothing to suggest that they don't want the entire piece of land to themselves. Their actions suggest to me that the Palestinians are nothing more than an inconvenience that they would love to get rid of.


A polite request to give a more descriptive summary of the linked videos. The "terrorist" is an infant in this video, buried under rubble.

It needs to be seen. All the "disgusting" images need to be seen. This is the reality over there and has been for decades. If people saw the faces of the 24+ murdered babies and children on their TV sets they wouldn't stand for it. Show the victims of the Hamas' rocket attacks, too. Put some immediacy in our discourse by way of context.


Israel doesn't want that. Israel doesn't give a shit about the Palestinians. If they had it their way, they would've ethnically cleansed the entire population already. Fortunately for the Palestinians, the international community would consider that a step slightly too far.

And despite what picture people in here are trying to paint. This isn't a war, this is a modern day apartheid. An illegal occupation.

Lay off the rhetoric.


May I have a cookie?
It strikes me as telling that the one place where israel has total control over arabs (gaza) is filled with complete misery, bombings and high death tolls. In west bank israel has less power and people are immediately better off for it.
I think you are either confused or misinformed, sir.

Lol, are you serious? Are you actually trying to defend this guy. Haha. Wow.

would you suggest it isn't reasonable to be overly emotional while under rocket fire?


I think you are either confused or misinformed, sir.

would you suggest it isn't reasonable to be overly emotional while under rocket fire?

It just sounds like to me, you are looking for a reason to vindicate the guy.

And I would suggest that the reason he isn't reasonable (and I'm assuming he's Israeli) is because of the constant propaganda his government has fed him as he grew up.


I think you are either confused or misinformed, sir.

would you suggest it isn't reasonable to be overly emotional while under rocket fire?
You are speculating and have chosen to use that as an argument and excuse for his post. He never mentioned being overly emotional and I genuinly think he believed what he said.


Can someone please tell me why Costia got banned?
Probably because he accused the disabled people that were killed in the strikes of actively hiding weapons for the Hamas and presenting that as a fact. But there are nothing that indicates in the news, that a Hamas target was there or weapons.


May I have a cookie?
It just sounds like to me, you are looking for a reason to vindicate the guy.

And I would suggest that the reason he isn't reasonable (and I'm assuming he's Israeli) is because of the constant propaganda his government has fed him as he grew up.

I was referring to the state of Israel (hence I said Israel and not Israeli). The government has shown nothing to suggest that they don't want the entire piece of land to themselves. Their actions suggest to me that the Palestinians are nothing more than an inconvenience that they would love to get rid of.

You seem to know a lot about Israel. Why don't you educate some of us.

You are speculating and have chosen to use that as an argument and excuse for his post. He never mentioned being overly emotional and I genuinly think he believed what he said.
Lets say he 100% believes everything he said, even if he were to be asked at a less stressful time. Why is it acceptable to make hateful and/or charged claims out of anger and desperation when they are directed against Israel, but not the other way around?


You are speculating and have chosen to use that as an argument and excuse for his post. He never mentioned being overly emotional and I genuinly think he believed what he said.

Which then makes me want to speculate on his intentions for defending the guy.

I'm genuinely interested.

You seem to know a lot about Israel. Why don't you educate some of us.

I have a feeling you are more of an expert.

Are you Israeli? Family there?

Would explain a lot.


This is not sarcasm.
If Israel allows unrestricted import/export from gaza its going to turn into a terrorist center in a few months. They manage to smuggle enough explosives as it is.
Gaza should become and independent country. Israel withdrew from gaza in 2005. But instead of using it to improve their citizen's financial state the Palestinians used it to improve their weapon arsenal. Of course they don't have any money- they keep spending it on building labs and manufacturing weapons.
I wish there was an easy way to separate the 5% of hammas trouble makers and the 95% of the citizens that just want to live peacefuly. but i don't see it can be done.

When Israel withdrew from Gaza and set about aggressively augmenting its security infrastructure (walls, checkpoints), that created a problem for the Palestinians. With the threat of sporadic violence diminished, Israelis and the international community would be free to ignore the plight of the Palestinians and the pressure to reach a settlement would dissipate. In the most recent round of talks, one of the Palestinian negotiators articulated the sentiment: “You just don't see us; we are like ghosts to you.” But the rockets are an ingenious antidote to neglect, because they create terror but few casualties and provoke a robust Israeli response. When all is said and done, few if any Israelis are dead, but the Palestinian body count numbers in the hundreds or thousands. Israel wins the military conflagration, but the Palestinians have once again forced Westerners to confront the occupation, and pressure on Israel invariably begins to mount.

So you see the problem when you legitimize Israel's response to the Hamas rocket fire.


Holy shit, my heart sank when I saw the top of the head poking out of the rubble, but seeing the baby alive made me so happy.

I'll spare you the video of a child being burried out from under the rubble of a house, i was suprised and relieved he surived. God forbid it happens to anyone with a child, trully heartbreaking.
There was talk of finding a solution to this - if anything, haven't the past few decades proven what does *not* work? Because I don't think firing more missiles back into Gaza is working.

I would still like to see the Israeli government demonstrate to the people the things they have tried to bring peace to the region.

Like a national or even international sit down with everyone and let the PEOPLE figure out the avenue for peace. Because the Israeli government sure hasn't gotten anywhere in the past few decades.

Is that extreme? Yes. But democratic and if the national security is always being threatened in this way, its probably needed.

Once they have a peaceful solution, they commit to it.

However, then the next thing before even committing to that solution is allowing the people of Israel to communicate with the people of Palestine. I mean, the segregation is ridiculous and wlll not go away if there is no communication. If people on both sides want peace, then they'll meet each other.

It'll require organization and no missiles (!) to do it, but I believe it's the best way to peace in that region. So long as the people who want peace want peace, and they outnumber the radicals on either side, then it's more than likely that the people will readily shame/charge anyone who attacks the other side.
Can someone please tell me why Costia got banned?

probably for claiming nurses and disabled kids were "protecting" a weapons cache, when the IDF itself has yet to put forth an excuse or explanation for those particular attacks.

Not that the IDF is a trustworthy source of information, they've lied so often over the years, the only time they can be believed is when they offer something concrete,like video and photographic evidence to back their claims.
When Israel withdrew from Gaza and set about aggressively augmenting its security infrastructure (walls, checkpoints), that created a problem for the Palestinians. With the threat of sporadic violence diminished, Israelis and the international community would be free to ignore the plight of the Palestinians and the pressure to reach a settlement would dissipate. In the most recent round of talks, one of the Palestinian negotiators articulated the sentiment: “You just don't see us; we are like ghosts to you.” But the rockets are an ingenious antidote to neglect, because they create terror but few casualties and provoke a robust Israeli response. When all is said and done, few if any Israelis are dead, but the Palestinian body count numbers in the hundreds or thousands. Israel wins the military conflagration, but the Palestinians have once again forced Westerners to confront the occupation, and pressure on Israel invariably begins to mount.
I'm not sure the pressure will be applied in the right places or that those places will be available since diplomatic outposts are being swarmed with requests to escape the situation.
The public debate today is not whether or not to stop the air strikes but rather whether or not to deploy ground forces. In an opinion column, Channel 2's military correspondent Ronnie Daniel claimed that only "a ground operation will extract a heavy enough price from Hamas" in order to ensure a longer period of peace for Israel. The following day Channel 2's anchor pondered: "We wanted Hamas to fall on its knees and so far this has not happened"; and Daniel responded, "So far it's not happening, and the conclusion, in my opinion, is that it has not received enough."

I had been trying since early morning to get an appointment for a group of concerned US citizens living in Palestine to meet with a policy officer. We came together through social media and word of mouth because we are desperate to speak out about the unjustifiable slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza that is now under way.

We want to express our opposition to United States' complicity in the Israeli attacks that have taken over 100 Palestinian lives, with hundreds more injured. We want to demand a change of policy before the threatened Israeli ground invasion becomes a reality. But it turned out that it was difficult to reach anyone in the consulate, much less to get an appointment.

Brenda was clearly in a hurry, but she responded professionally and explained that the American Citizen Services section was busy trying to help US citizens stuck in Gaza to get out to safety. They had priorities, she explained. [...]

[...] It's that transitional time of year when people finish their missions and new people replace them. She advised that we not bother the policy people either. There is a crisis now and everyone is busy.

How convenient! US representatives are "too busy with the crisis" to talk about US responsibility for creating the crisis. [...]

[...] Brenda said she understood my point but still advised that we cancel our visit to the US consulate tomorrow since no one would be available to hear our complaints.

There are protests here in Palestine, in Boston, Chicago, New York, Washington DC, and in cities across the United States and the world. People want the US to stop unconditional support for jingoistic Israeli actions. But our government is too busy to hear our complaints? How loud must we scream before our government hears our demand for justice for Palestinians?

"Wake up son, wake up and see the toy I got you" (NSFW)


Very powerful. Polite request for better description of linked videos. Not everyone is going to click, I don't have the videos embedded in my browser, and the people that would look away are the people that need to know of these events the most.
What's crazy to me is that Israel, and those that legitimise their actions, really believe that civilian collateral damage is an acceptable price to pay to target Hamas.

That's just where we've got to in this entire situation that the above can be considered a rational course of action. Like, "what else can we do?".

Very sad.


Probably because he accused the disabled people that were killed in the strikes of actively hiding weapons for the Hamas and presenting that as a fact. But there are nothing that indicates in the news, that a Hamas target was there or weapons.
probably for claiming nurses and disabled kids were "protecting" a weapons cache, when the IDF itself has yet to put forth an excuse or explanation for those particular attacks.

Not that the IDF is a trustworthy source of information, they've lied so often over the years, the only time they can be believed is when they offer something concrete,like video and photographic evidence to back their claims.
Well he isnt lying. I live in Israel too and thats what the news says.


Well he isnt lying. I live in Israel too and thats what the news says.
Do you have some sources right now, I would like to hear more about this. It's a very delicate matter to accuse disabled and medical staff and blowing them up.
The Israelis wonder why "Terrorists" attack them. Fucking disgusting. If that happened to my son I would certainly want to go to war against the terrorists that caused it.
This is why - if it continues this way - will only ends if everyone in palestina is dead or left. By killing so many innocents Israel just fuels hatred and enables new recrutits for the Hamas.


Do you have some sources right now, I would like to hear more about this. It's a very delicate matter to accuse disabled and medical staff and blowing them up.
Well I dont really know about the disabled/medical staff part but I heared that there are citizens hiding weapons for the Hamas.


Any objective sources on the matter? Outside of what Israeli state channels and newschannels in Israel are reporting?
I dont have "objective sources" and I didnt claim to have any.
All I said is that he is not lying, he just said what the israeli news said.
How do I know this? cause I live in israel too and I listen to the same news.


Well I dont really know about the disabled/medical staff part but I heared that there are citizens hiding weapons for the Hamas.
So you don't have facts to this case. Just because "there are" citizens who hide weapons for the Hamas don't mean that those people did it. And neither did the banned user know and still saying it as if it a fact. And we're talking about nurses and disabled people here. You can't just kill everyone just because they're part of a certain ethnic group.


So you don't have facts to this case. Just because "there are" citizens who hide weapons for the Hamas don't mean that those people did it. And neither did the banned user know and still saying it as if it a fact. And we're talking about nurses and disabled people here. You can't just kill everyone just because they're part of a certain ethnic group.
That may be true, but it looks like the admins didnt even give him the chance to try and prove it.
I have no idea if its true or not tho.


That may be true, but it looks like the admins didnt even give him the chance to try and prove it.
I have no idea if its true or not tho.
I think even with sources his posts was... risky at best.
Nope. those disabled people were protecting a weapon cache with their bodies.

Edit: it is unfortunate that they were involved and got hurt. But like netanyahu says: As long as they want to destroy israel - israel wont give up or surrender
He justifies the killings of disabled people, because apparently they want to destroy Israel.


That may be true, but it looks like the admins didnt even give him the chance to try and prove it.
I have no idea if its true or not tho.

What he posted went beyond just saying they were hiding weapons.

This is what is left of that centre for disabled people.

The AFP news agency also reported on Saturday that two people had been killed in an explosion at a charitable association for the disabled in Beit Lahiya, three deaths in the eastern Tufah area of Gaza City, and three others killed in western Gaza City.

A mosque in al-Nusarirat, central Gaza, was also destroyed in the overnight raids.

More than 930 people have been injured since Israel began its campaign on Tuesday.

Al Jazeera's Stefanie Dekker, reporting from Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, said medical facilities in the territory were overwhelmed.

"Most of the casualties we are seeing here are, overwhelmingly, civilians. It really is a horrendous scene," she said. People are absolutely terrified. The hospitals are having issues with the lack of materials to deal with the people coming in."
Can someone tell me why the hell do they attack these houses and for what ? is Hamas still sending rocket from there?!?! or just to make the live of these ppl "Miserable"


the pattern of targets, not just in this war, but in others, indicates Israel is enacting a policy of collective punishment, where the consequences of an armed exchange with Israel results in swift, devastating, widespread destruction being visited on the enemy and the enemy population.

A poster alluded to this strategy, called the "Dahiya doctrine" much earlier in the thread.

The strategy was developed in the 06 war with Lebanon.
The remarkably candid IDF General Gadi Eisenkot explains:
“What happened in the Dahiya quarter of Beirut in 2006 will happen in every village from which Israel is fired on,” Eizenkot said in an interview in October 2008. “We will apply disproportionate force on it and cause great damage and destruction there. these are not civilian villages, they are military bases.”

"In the next clash with Hizbullah we won’t bother to hunt for tens of thousands of rocket launchers and we won’t spill our soldiers’ blood in attempts to overtake fortified Hizbullah positions. Rather, we shall destroy Lebanon and won’t be deterred by the protests of the “world.”



-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
The Israelis wonder why "Terrorists" attack them. Fucking disgusting. If that happened to my son I would certainly want to go to war against the terrorists that caused it.

Congrats, you're a terrorist. We have to kill more Palestinian children in retaliation.


Look, from what I hear on the news this is how the attacks on Gaza usually goes:

1. Hamas fire rockets from civilians buildings.
2. an F16 drops a "mini bomb" on the roof to give the people inside the building few minutes to run away.
3. the F16 destroys the building.

You can see it in a video someone posted here:
(Obviously since it was filmed by palestinians/hamas the video starts only after the rocked has been fired. dont believe me? ask yourself this, how did they know to that the F16 is going to destroy this building?).

Sometimes the civilians choose to stay in the building even though they know its going to be destroyed, I really have no idea why.
Now, I dont have any "objective sources" other then what I hear on my tv, so dont ban me please.


Can someone tell me why the hell do they attack these houses and for what ? is Hamas still sending rocket from there?!?! or just to make the live of these ppl "Miserable"


Just think for a second. How did they know that particular house was being targeted? The camera even captured the roof-knock warning, so that couldn't have been the reason.

Maybe they knew it was coming, because they were launching rockets from that location, or were stockpiling weapons in the building.


May I have a cookie?
What's crazy to me is that Israel, and those that legitimise their actions, really believe that civilian collateral damage is an acceptable price to pay to target Hamas.

That's just where we've got to in this entire situation that the above can be considered a rational course of action. Like, "what else can we do?".

Very sad.

Sad indeed. Isn't it also sad that Hamas - being the elected governing party- sees the death of its own civilians as an acceptable price to pay for international attention?

Why else wouldn't they invest in building public shelters?


Just think for a second. How did they know that particular house was being targeted? The camera even captured the roof-knock warning, so that couldn't have been the reason.

Maybe they knew it was coming, because they were launching rockets from that location, or were stockpiling weapons in the building.
Or maybe because they film a lot of houses to show the world whats happening.

I don't know, I just want show another possiblity.


May I have a cookie?
Or maybe because they film a lot of houses to show the world whats happening.

I don't know, I just want show another possiblity.
In that case they must have a serious budget set up for cameras and crews and the like. Shame they don't invest some of that money into better public shelters.
Look, from what I hear on the news this is how the attacks on Gaza usually goes:

1. Hamas fire rockets from civilians buildings.
2. an F16 drops a "mini bomb" on the roof to give the people inside the building few minutes to run away.
3. the F16 destroys the building.

You can see it in a video someone posted here:
(Obviously since it was filmed by palestinians/hamas the video starts only after the rocked has been fired. dont believe me? ask yourself this, how did they know to that the F16 is going to destroy this building?).

Sometimes the civilians choose to stay in the building even though they know its going to be destroyed, I really have no idea why.
Now, I dont have any "objective sources" other then what I hear on my tv, so dont ban me please.

Thanks for the video. That's fucking scary and as you point out there is a lot to say about this video such as the exploitative role of Hamas, the lapse of time between warning and strike and much more.
Polite request for better description of linked videos.

Will do.

My point of posting the last two videos is that this are daily life in Gaza right now..

These are innocent people losing children and relatives every single day. Would you give two shits about a supposed action of good gesture by dropping leaflets or that the IDF keeps saying "well collateral damage happens in every war, we were targetting that Hamas commander, not the civilians!" ?

No. You wouldn't. No one would.

Found a good way to say it from a non-related article:


My basic argument is that when contemplating the use of lethal force, we should consider whether our actions will perpetuate war and militarism or help us transcend them. We have a moral obligation to seek the end of war, once and for all.

The IDF posseses all the fighting power of a 21st century fighting force. From advanced rifles to nuclear bombs. It has a moral obligation to seek the end of the war. Their actions perpetuate war. It will create more hate and more militarism aimed at the state. This is fact.

The question is, does it really want to transcend these things ? Does Israel really want peace ? Now people will go round and round again in questions of "How can Israel want peace when Hamas is firing rockets" "Well Hamas fires rockets because Israel has an iron grip on Gaza" "Well Israel wouldn't have an iron grip on Gaza if Hamas didn't fire rockets!" "Well Hamas fires rockets because new settlements are always put in place"

And so on, and so on.

But let's get too the root of the problem. The place that transcends historical narratives. Which is scientifically proven historical occurences. These are ethnic cleansing of '48. Of repeated massacres throughout IDF military history. And more importantly of the zionist ideology of the Jewish State.

Which leads to the question. Does this Jewish state even want Palestinians on their land ? Or does it wish to bit by bit remove them to take over in the form of settlements ? All reports show the latter is true. Settlements are build every couple of months, even when so called peace is enacted. Just take a look at the relationship the West Bank has with Israel. Fatah keeps the West Bank under control, but more settlements get built nonetheless.

The early zionist community and zionist intellectuals pondered on wether to immigrate to Palestine, Uganda and believe or not even Argentina too!

They wanted to build their Jewish homeland in these place, and the harrowing thing was that in that in the litterature itself of these fathers of Zionism, of Theodor Hertzl Der Judenstat, for example, not one thought or ounce of debate where given to the thought of a native people living in these places.

The New Historians proves this. An myth was purported of supposed empty lands. Empty lands waiting to be colonized by the Jews...

What I'm trying to say that the foundation of the State of Israel is on this ideology. An ideology which sees no place for others than the Jews in the lands. A foundation which sees no peace, before it is the reality on the ground too.


In that case they must have a serious budget set up for cameras and crews and the like. Shame they don't invest some of that money into better public shelters.
Let's say they build shelters. Wouldn't Israels next thought be, that they shipping weapons and meetings into these shelters? Wouldn't that maybe even be what happens?
That aside, its worth as much to show the world whats happening. When Shelters help, but only temporarily, since they won't stop Israel. What can stop them, is the world.

I also don't say that your statements are wrong. I just say there could be something else involved.


Look, from what I hear on the news this is how the attacks on Gaza usually goes:

1. Hamas fire rockets from civilians buildings.
2. an F16 drops a "mini bomb" on the roof to give the people inside the building few minutes to run away.
3. the F16 destroys the building.

You can see it in a video someone posted here:
(Obviously since it was filmed by palestinians/hamas the video starts only after the rocked has been fired. dont believe me? ask yourself this, how did they know to that the F16 is going to destroy this building?).

Sometimes the civilians choose to stay in the building even though they know its going to be destroyed, I really have no idea why.
Now, I dont have any "objective sources" other then what I hear on my tv, so dont ban me please.

the IDF and many supporters deem it acceptable that they bomb an entire building with the hopes of killing one hamas soldier or weapons stash. There are no official reports proving these weapons were there or that soldiers where hiding there.

Let me continue my example, so you hear a warning bomb while you are in your house and the house is shaking because of the impact. Ever think about what must be going on in the heads of these civilians after they receive this polite warning from the IDF? How would you feel and keep your composure if you got evicted from your house with less than a minute to get your stuff sorted out and together, because you risk being blasted to pieces if you don't hurry. Many families live on a shity monthly budget, hell some people dont even have a house or money for food except their house or a shelter. Where would they go after the destruction of their house? Live on the street like rats?
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