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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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I think you missed my argument, which is: The resistance has not gotten the Palestinians any closer to peace and instead has caused them death and destruction. It doesn't matter if you believe that Israel is the cause of those deaths or Hamas. Right now Hamas's rocket fire is not doing the Palestinian people any good. You have the US and the UK supporting Israels right to defend itself, so its not like Israel is going to stop responding to the Hamas rocket fire.
You can argue how much the resistance got them, it certainly didn't get everything they wanted, but it's not over yet.
It's inarguable that not resisting got them nothing, they tried it for 20 years.

Finkelstein is the man.


I think you missed my argument, which is: The resistance has not gotten the Palestinians any closer to peace and instead has caused them death and destruction. It doesn't matter if you believe that Israel is the cause of those deaths or Hamas. Right now Hamas's rocket fire is not doing the Palestinian people any good. You have the US and the UK supporting Israels right to defend itself, so its not like Israel is going to stop responding to the Hamas rocket fire.
How can there be a different pov than that Israel is killing this people, that is beyond reasoning to me. This whole conflict is based on the idea that Hamas killed those 3 teenagers. Where is your proof that they actually did? I couldnt give a shit what the UK and USA think, you think those are still objective in this conflict? The USA funds the Israeli military how are they not going to stand behind israel.


How can there be a different pov than that Israel is killing this people, that is beyond reasoning to me. This whole conflict is based on the idea that Hamas killed those 3 teenagers. Where is your proof that they actually did? I couldnt give a shit what the UK and USA think, you think those are still objective in this conflict? The USA funds the Israeli military how are they not going to stand behind israel.

I never asserted that Hamas killed the 3 teens. You should care what the US and the UK think, since both have veto powers, and UN sanctions are probably the only thing (and that is questionable too) that may stop Israel. The US is also the biggest single donor to the Palestinian people.
When 9/11 happened there were people around the world cheering at the death and destruction that we had just faced. There are dickheads on both sides of the battle.

Doesn't make it one inch better.

Most of your negation of Israel criticism is "Well someone else does it too"

A worthless whataboutism argument.


There is no context to that video. It is just a few scenes of Israel soliders shoving civilians around with a violin musical score in the background.

Edit: And tear gas and rubber bullets. What is the background to the encounter?

Some Palestine and journalist trying to protest against something... and foreigner.


Doesn't make it one inch better.

Most of your negation of Israel criticism is "Well someone else does it too"

A worthless whataboutism argument.

That image has been posted at least twice in this thread and it has not contributed to the discussion at all. I would be equally opposed if it was a photo of some Palestinians cheering an Israeli death.


Some Palestine and journalist trying to protest against something... and foreigner.

I don't know if anything occurred leading upto the encounter that would trigger a response with tear gas and rubber bullets, but taking that video at face value there is no need to tear gas or fire bullets at a peaceful demonstration/protest. It is wrong.


I don't know if anything occurred leading upto the encounter that would trigger a response with tear gas and rubber bullets, but taking that video at face value there is no need to tear gas or fire bullets at a peaceful demonstration/protest.

It's not the first time... u remember the american girl who die trying to stop bulldozer and other let me search for them.....


It's not the first time... u remember the american girl who die trying to stop bulldozer and other let me search for them.....

I definitely agree that any violent response to a non-violent act is despicable and disgusting, and those who are responsible should be punished by law.


Electricity Knocked Out in Gaza (Thanks to Hamas)

Israelis understand that at some point the Gazan population would quite possibly demand or force Hamas to stop shooting rockets at Israel, if presented with the right combination of non-lethal incentives.

There are reports that PM Netanyahu killed the idea, saying the lawyers won’t permit it.

Well, what Netanyahu isn’t prepared to do, Hamas will do for him.

70,000 Gazans in Khan Younis and Dir Elbalach are now without electricity after a misfired Hamas rocket landed in Kissufim and knocked out the primary electric wires to their area.

Foe once, Hamas does something right.


Unconfirmed Member
When 9/11 happened there were people around the world cheering at the death and destruction that we had just faced. There are dickheads on both sides of the battle.

That doesn't justify what Israeli's are doing watching rocket blasts on Gaza.

That imagine being posted in the thread is important, the more awareness about what's going on in that part of the region the better. So yes, it absolutely does contribute to this thread.

Why have I not seen this on TV anywhere...?


That doesn't justify what Israeli's are doing watching rocket blasts on Gaza.

That imagine being posted in the thread is important, the more awareness about what's going on in that part of the region the better. So yes, it absolutely does contribute to this thread.

There are people on either side of the battle that wish death to the other, they are extremists. It's not like that image represents all Israeli's, in the same that Hamas does not represent all Palestinians. So again what does that image contribute to this discussion?


I didn't know rockets are powered by electricity?

So those 70,000 that are now without electricity aren't innocent people?

I'm surprised I have to spell this out for you. When the rockets stop, Israel will repair the power lines. You know, since Israel supplies Gaza with gas and power, for free.

And of course many are innocent, but not all of them.


Economic advancement? are you fucking kidding me? Israel works to prevent and repress economic growth in gaza and the west bank.


They suppress the ability for Palestinians to earn wages and create any sort of an economy. If you think focusing on economic advancement is a goal with any hope of success in this sort of a climate then you are living a dream world.

It is very possible as the Palestinian areas have been advancing economically and is believed to be one of the ways to cool tensions between Israel and Palestine. It is true that Israel's control over the areas is slowing the economic progress (mainly Gaza), but it is still growing at a good rate despite that.

Also it is not like economic cooperation between the two have been all that great until recently and things involving Hamas and the Israeli-Arabic wars tend outshine this possibility.

Let me get this straight. Israel that has been in violation of various UN resolutions by illegally occupying and oppressing a local population, denying them rights, movement and utility, blocking their borders, import-export, bulldozing their rightful homes, illegally (by international laws) importing racist, zealot assholes called settlers on their land by giving them incentives that harass, ridicule and mock the native Palestinians, has a zealous and well equiped, state of the art military that does not care about civilians in its artillery strikes, should not take the step towards peace. But Palestinians should, because might makes right. Because bullies should get their way. Fuck that. PA took that peace bait and got nothing but more settlements from Israel. At least Hamas' dirty offensive keeps those racist settler scum out and Israel wouldn't dare build settlements in Gaza. Hamas has every right to distrust Israel.

Bold isn't true, if Israel really didn't care, we would of had much more civilian casualties.

This is reality and unfortunately in the real world, might of a group or country still makes them "right" only because the weaker can't do anything about it.The U.N was created to end this, but it is a paper tiger, with all countries willing to veto according to their own interest. Taking sanctions over force. Sure sanctions hurt, but we seen many countries be able to resist sanctions for a long period of time.

Hamas do have every right to distrust and dislike Israel, but it doesn't mean they have the right to fire rockets into Israel.

As I said, the reason I believe Palestinians should be the ones to focus on this is because Israel already have the upper hand, so violence will not work. Economic cooperation can and have worked in the past to ease past tensions between groups and countries. Money rules, the companies that invest and get strong will make sure to put their voice in. This is the only way I see attitudes changing for the better of Palestine.
I'm surprised I have to spell this out for you. When the rockets stop, Israel will repair the power lines. You know, since Israel supplies Gaza with gas and power, for free.

And of course many are innocent, but not all of them.

Yet 'lol' anyway right? In moments like this it pays to have a little bit of tact when many innocent people are being fucked over by the actions of a few. I just don't see how Hamas taking out people's power is 'hamas doing something right'.

Why am I bothering, on the ignore list you go.
You know, since Israel supplies Gaza with gas and power, for free.

Why would you say something this insiduous? You make it sound as if forcibly occupying a territory and isolating its population, right down to denying them the capability of fending for themselves, is some kind of a humantarian thing to do.

Shame on you.


Why would you say something this insiduous? You make it sound as if forcibly occupying a territory and isolating its population, right down to denying them the capability of fending for themselves, is some kind of a humantarian thing to do.

Shame on you.

Gaza isn't occupied. The Israelis withdrew unilaterally from Gaza in 2005 and dismantled all Jewish settlements.

The only thing that achieved was Hamas taking power shortly after and a dramatic increase in rocket attacks.

Basically confirming to Israel that they have no reason to make unilateral concessions without Palestinian assurances.


Why would you say something this insiduous? You make it sound as if forcibly occupying a territory and isolating its population, right down to denying them the capability of fending for themselves, is some kind of a humantarian thing to do.

Shame on you.

Ask him how many hour dose the electricity keep going in Gaza ....


aka iby.h
Gaza isn't occupied. The Israelis withdrew unilaterally from Gaza in 2005 and dismantled all Jewish settlements.

The only thing that achieved was Hamas taking power shortly after and a dramatic increase in rocket attacks.

Basically confirming to Israel that they have no reason to make unilateral concessions without Palestinian assurances.

Its occupied. Israeli withdrew settlements, but its still occupied.


When 9/11 happened there were people around the world cheering at the death and destruction that we had just faced. There are dickheads on both sides of the battle.

A better comparison would be that the Palestinians gave out candy when those 3 Israeli teens were kidnapped.


Yet 'lol' anyway right? In moments like this it pays to have a little bit of tact when many innocent people are being fucked over by the actions of a few. I just don't see how Hamas taking out people's power is 'hamas doing something right'.

Why am I bothering, on the ignore list you go.

"lol" at you assuming everyone effected is innocent. Though, you probably think those firing the rockets are innocent themselves, so I don't know why I bother.

Why would you say something this insiduous? You make it sound as if forcibly occupying a territory and isolating its population, right down to denying them the capability of fending for themselves, is some kind of a humantarian thing to do.

Shame on you.

Gaza is not occupied territory.

Ask him how many hour dose the electricity keep going in Gaza ....

Perhaps they would be more "generous" if not for the constant terrorism.


Is there a chance the rocket fire coming from Hamas gives the Palestinians any kind of bargaining leverage?

Again, Palestinians tried to wipe out Israel in 1948. Did Israel say "yeah, we're gonna leave the Middle East"? Nope. They stayed, and defended their independence.

Israel's survival depends on never losing a war. If they lose to Hamas, this opens up other terror groups to invade them.


??? Isreal retains control over air space and coastline. Its occupied.

That's the blockade. Maybe I'm not too clear on the terminology, but does that constitute a full-blown military occupation? The term 'occupied' makes one think of post-WW2 Allied Occupation of Japan or something.


The problem with these screen caps are the segments normally have a title that stays up for a whole segment and different videos and photos are shown as they narrate. While it certainly could be true, a still like this proves nothing without seeing the video and hearing the audio.


The problem with these screen caps are the segments normally have a title that stays up for a whole segment and different videos and photos are shown as they narrate. While it certainly could be true, a still like this proves nothing without seeing the video and hearing the audio.

Notice how you only ever see the cherry-picked screencaps and never the actual video.

Context is exactly what they don't want you to see.
Gaza isn't occupied.

Kinda like New York in Escape From NY isn't occupied, just completely cut off and 100% at the mercy of the definitely not occupying force. This is another one of those insidious things to say. You ignore real world effects on real world people to score semantic points.

Shame on you too.
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