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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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"lol" at you assuming everyone effected is innocent. Though, you probably think those firing the rockets are innocent themselves, so I don't know why I bother.

Gaza is not occupied territory.

Perhaps they would be more "generous" if not for the constant terrorism.

Boy it's almost as it that terrorism is enhanced from the horrific actions taken against a large portion of the population! But no, they should be okay with lax electricity, democratic rights being infringed upon, and having their land constantly stolen from people who literally despise them. Maybe then one day they can have electricity in the slums Israel has left them in the middle of a desert!

but i guess "lol" at you looking at an horrific situation and immediately trying to make as many justifications as humanly possible for it


??? Isreal retains control over air space and coastline. Its occupied.

That isn't the definition of "occupied"... That is the definition of blockaded. Unless there are Israeli troops inside Gaza, enforcing their will on the population, it isn't an occupation.

EDIT: pff, that is lawyers and politics for you. This goes based on one's interpretation of this. I can see how someone would like to call it an occupation, due to the scale of control the blockade has on the population affected by it.
Notice how you only ever see the cherry-picked screencaps and never the actual video.

Context is exactly what they don't want you to see.

yea i mean fox news is clearly having fair and balanced coverage of this situation, i mean they're often the voice of reason, as well as fairly and accurately explaining a situation and both sides

they obviously have no history of doing this


Kinda like New York in Escape From NY isn't occupied, just completely cut off and 100% at the mercy of the definitely not occupying force. This is another one of those insiduous things to say. You ignore real world effects on real world people to score semantic points.

Shame on you too.

I recognize the blockade, I just wasn't clear on the terminology. No need to get so emotional.

Worst thing you could accuse me of recognizing the logic behind it.


yea i mean fox news is clearly having fair and balanced coverage of this situation, i mean they're often the voice of reason, as well as fairly and accurately explaining a situation and both sides

they obviously have no history of doing this

How is taking what a random screencap says at face value just because it fits your preconceived biases any more reasonable... ?

And before you assume more things: I probably despise Fox News just as much as you do.
By Friday morning, 100 Palestinians had died as a result of Israeli military action, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, with hundreds more wounded.
To date, there have been zero reports of Israeli deaths due to Palestinian rocket fire...

Notice how you only ever see the cherry-picked screencaps and never the actual video.

Context is exactly what they don't want you to see.

well, here's an actual video of abc doing it:

but hey, "you" only ever see cherry-picked screencaps...


Palestinian UN rep: “Each and every missile launched against Israel constitutes a crime against humanity”

In an astonishing moment of candor, the Palestinian representative to the UN Human Rights Council — in explaining the high risk of Palestinians being indicted if the International Criminal Court acquires jurisdiction – has admitted that “each and every” Palestinian missile now being launched against Israeli civilian centers constitutes “a crime against humanity”; that, by contrast, Israel’s own response actions in Gaza “followed the legal procedures” because, as Hamas spokespersons admitted on TV, “the Israelis warned them to evacuate their homes before the bombardment; but, however, “as for the missiles launched from our side, we never warn anyone about where these missiles are about to fall or about the operations we carry out.”



I was aware of that. That's the exception. Most of the time it is cherry-picked screencaps. We've yet to see a video of the incident in question.


I know this is going to be quoted a lot but this doesn't excuse the Palestinian attacks.

Israel keeps their civilians and military separate. Israeli civilians aren't being unnecessarily thrown into the conflict. It shouldn't shock you, you'll never see the same number of deaths.

It tells you there's a problem with how Hamas fights and that it leads to more casualties.


I know this is going to be quoted a lot but this doesn't accuse the Palestinian attacks.

Israel keeps their civilians and military separate. Israeli civilians aren't being unnecessarily thrown into the conflict. It shouldn't shock you, you'll never see the same number of deaths.

It tells you there's a problem with how Hamas fights and that it leads to more casualties.

An invading force always has that advantage. Even resistance fighters which are considered noble, had that same problem in old wars.

Again, Palestinians tried to wipe out Israel in 1948. Did Israel say "yeah, we're gonna leave the Middle East"? Nope. They stayed, and defended their independence.

Israel's survival depends on never losing a war. If they lose to Hamas, this opens up other terror groups to invade them.

you're quite the polemicist, arent you?
While some Palestinian's fought in the 48 war, plenty of them either fled or were driven out of their homes by Israel. The 48 war was an armed exchange with the wider Arab world and to claim Palestinians were responsible for it is very false
CNN said:
Jerusalem (CNN) -- Israeli forces dropped leaflets in northern Gaza on Sunday to warn residents to move away from Hamas sites to avoid military strikes.

The warning came as the death toll in Gaza reached 168, with more than 1,100 people injured, the Gaza Health Ministry said.

About 70% of the fatalities were civilians, of which 30% -- 32 people -- were children, said Chris Gunness, spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, which said the figures came from the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
(CNN: Israel drops leaflets warning Gaza residents to evacuate ahead of strikes)


As is launching rockets from hospitals and civilian centers.
Do you have trouble reading? What do you think "both are committing crimes on humanity. " means? Or do you just want to deny everything bad one side has done because the other side is also doing bad things?


haha, didn't stop you from saying:


I meant in cases where we are only shown the screencaps and are expected to take what they claim to show at face value.

I am only talking about those vague screencaps that get circulated as 'proof' that the MSM lies.


Do you have trouble reading? What do you think "both are committing crimes on humanity. " means? Or do you just want to deny everything bad one side has done because the other side is also doing bad things?

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

>Art. 19. The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit and after such warning has remained unheeded.

Another hard to see/stomach image (WARNING: nsfw)(really horrid)


I don't see how some people are brainwashed enough to justify any and every single thing that Israel's piece of shit government does. It is baffling.


I know this is going to be quoted a lot but this doesn't excuse the Palestinian attacks.

Israel keeps their civilians and military separate. Israeli civilians aren't being unnecessarily thrown into the conflict. It shouldn't shock you, you'll never see the same number of deaths.

It tells you there's a problem with how Hamas fights and that it leads to more casualties.

I'm really trying to hold myself back here while answering this post, because you just infuriate me with your replies. You keep avoiding the fact that Israel has killed all these civilians, you keeping saying it's the fault of Hamas. Are you really that oblivious to what is happening infront of your eyes?


I'm really trying to hold myself back here while answering this post, because you just infuriate me with your replies. You keep avoiding the fact that Israel has killed all these civilians, you keeping saying it's the fault of Hamas. Are you really that oblivious to what is happening infront of your eyes?

How is Israel suppose to respond to rockets being fired from civilian locations? They are doing more than any other nation, in urban warfare, in history to prevent unnecessary civilian casualties.

If Hamas truly care about Palestinian lives they should end their rocket fire. As right it seems be to: Hamas fire rocket -> Israel responds -> Palestinian death and destruction.


u mean shooting hospital and school

I don't understand what you are saying.

I just cited an excerpt from the Geneva Convention that ostensibly proves that I was correct in what I was saying. Nobody has refuted it, but everybody's acting as if it is self-evident that I was somehow wrong.

Color me unconvinced.


How is Israel suppose to respond to rockets being fired from civilian locations? They are doing more than any other nation, in urban warfare, in history to prevent unnecessary civilian casualties.

If Hamas truly care about Palestinian lives they should end their rocket fire. As right it seems be to: Hamas fire rocket -> Israel responds -> Palestinian death and destruction.

Yea, I think it would be wise for me not to react to your posts anymore.

I don't understand what you are saying.

I just cited an excerpt from the Geneva Convention that ostensibly proves that I was correct in what I was saying. Nobody has refuted it, but everybody's acting as if it is self-evident that I was somehow wrong.

Color me unconvinced.

What he means is that it's illegal under International law to attack Hospitals during war times, a doctor said in a report that this is the 3rd time Israel has attacked them. Do you have any proof that rockets were fired from this hospital?


How is Israel suppose to respond to rockets being fired from civilian locations? They are doing more than any other nation, in urban warfare, in history to prevent unnecessary civilian casualties.

If Hamas truly care about Palestinian lives they should end their rocket fire. As right it seems be to: Hamas fire rocket -> Israel responds -> Palestinian death and destruction.
Question, before I write more.
Why is Hamas firing rockets on Israel?



Great video and rebuttals by Finkelstein. A lot of great insight.

As so many have stated based on logic and the evidence available to us, Israel is not interested in peace, and never has been. Peace is a dangerous concept to them, as it stands to further delegitimise, and pose pressure for Israel to dismantle not only their illegal occupation of Palestine, but their continued aggressive expansion and theft of further Palestinian land.
How is Israel suppose to respond to rockets being fired from civilian locations? They are doing more than any other nation, in urban warfare, in history to prevent unnecessary civilian casualties.

If Hamas truly care about Palestinian lives they should end their rocket fire. As right it seems be to: Hamas fire rocket -> Israel responds -> Palestinian death and destruction.

What a fucked up logic you have. IDF drops 800 tons of explosives in 48 hours on an area of the size of Detroit. Over 160 people dead. 70+% innocent civilians. Of those, 30% children. IDF's fault? Nope. This is pure evil. There is nothing you can say that justifies the killing of all those innocent people, of all those children.


Question, before I write more.
Why is Hamas firing rockets on Israel?

As in generally? Well it's not anything new, it's one of the very reasons they even came to be in the first place. To resist against the continued illegal brutal occupation of Palestine, and against the continued land steal and illegal expansion of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.


Is Hamas Trying to Get Gazans Killed?

Dead Palestinians represent a crucial propaganda victory for the nihilists of Hamas. It is perverse, but true. It is also the best possible explanation for Hamas’s behavior, because Hamas has no other plausible strategic goal here.

. . .

The men who run Hamas, engineers and doctors and lawyers by training, are smart enough to understand that though they wish to bring about the annihilation of the Jewish state and to replace it with a Muslim Brotherhood state (Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Brotherhood), they are in no position to do so. Hamas is a militarily weak group, mostly friendless, that is firing rockets at the civilians of a powerful neighboring state.

. . .

There is no doubt that Hamas could protect Palestinian lives by ceasing its current campaign to end Israeli lives. The decision is Hamas’s. As the secretary-general of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, said yesterday, "We face the risk of an all-out escalation in Israel and Gaza, with the threat of a ground offensive still palpable -- and preventable only if Hamas stops rocket firing."

. . .

The Israelis did not impose a blockade on Gaza right away. That came later, when it became clear that Palestinian groups were considering using their newly liberated territory as a launching pad for attacks. In the days after withdrawal, the Israelis encouraged Gaza’s development. A group of American Jewish donors paid $14 million for 3,000 greenhouses left behind by expelled Jewish settlers and donated them to the Palestinian Authority. The greenhouses were soon looted and destroyed, serving, until today, as a perfect metaphor for Gaza’s wasted opportunity.


Question, before I write more.
Why is Hamas firing rockets on Israel?

Israel fired rockets to kill Hamas members in retaliation for the murder of the 3 teenagers. Though would you say that Hamas rocket attacks have been successful? Instead it has resulted in further Israeli strikes which have been devastating.

Edit: Israel say they have evidence of Hamas being involved, but at this point neither side care anymore and are only after blood.


I'm really trying to hold myself back here while answering this post, because you just infuriate me with your replies. You keep avoiding the fact that Israel has killed all these civilians, you keeping saying it's the fault of Hamas. Are you really that oblivious to what is happening infront of your eyes?
There's never been a conflict where context is as important than the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

It's easy to look at civilians death and say "oh, Israel must be bad. Their number is smaller". It's grade 1 intuition.

But the war Israel fights aren't in the deserts. Or the jungle. Or in some huge isolated wasteland where it's just 2 armies going at each other. No. The battlefield literally takes place in a neighborhood.

Why would it be of shock we're going to see civilians die and Israelis not so much? It's unavoidable unless Hamas does fight professionally and comes out to the open. Other wise, it shouldn't be Israel's fault, that their enemy refuses to face them 1 on 1, with no civilians to act as shields.
I know this is going to be quoted a lot but this doesn't excuse the Palestinian attacks.

Israel keeps their civilians and military separate. Israeli civilians aren't being unnecessarily thrown into the conflict. It shouldn't shock you, you'll never see the same number of deaths.

It tells you there's a problem with how Hamas fights and that it leads to more casualties.

Its easy for you to say, hamas has no advantage what so ever. They're fighting desperately.
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