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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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Israeli aggression continues: Israel accepts ceasefire and stops airstrikes, Hamas rejects it and continues to fire rockets. Second time this happens in the last week and a half.


Oh boy, this is the money time.
I live in Israel and I have a few friends in the IDF, if Hamas will keep firing rockets 12 hours after the "cease fire", terrible things are going to happen in Gaze.
If you thought destroying entire buildings is awful, we're now talking entire neighborhoods. For now, Israel stopped the attacks, all eyes are now on Hamas.
Israeli aggression continues: Israel accepts ceasefire and stops airstrikes, Hamas rejects it and continues to fire rockets. Second time this happens in the last week and a half.
Hamas did not even receive the proposal. What cease fire conditions are they agreeing to? Give the story another day.


Oh boy, this is the money time.
I live in Israel and I have a few friends in the IDF, if Hamas will keep firing rockets 12 hours after the "cease fire", terrible things are going to happen in Gaze.
If you thought destroying entire buildings is awful, we're now talking entire neighborhoods. For now, Israel stopped the attacks, all eyes are now on Hamas.

Yep. Israel agreed and Hamas is currently still firing rockets at Ashdod and Ashkelon.
Another bad decision made from a mistaken position of strength in a very long line of such decisions. Hamas believes that they weaken Israel by throwing civilians in front of falling bombs but the last few years has seen such carnage in the Middle East the numbers don't convince anyone who was not already sure Israel was carrying out the next holocaust.

Every day on the news you can see what it looks like if someone kills as much civilians as they can. Boko Haram, ISIS, the militias in the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Pakistan Taliban all kill tons more people with a tiny fraction of the firepower the IDF has.
Every day on the news you can see what it looks like if someone kills as much civilians as they can. Boko Haram, ISIS, the militias in the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Pakistan Taliban all kill tons more people with a tiny fraction of the firepower the IDF has.

In America the only thing I've seen on the news is ISIS. Africa might as well be another planet as far as the American news outlets are concerned, and Pakistan is ignored entirely except when they salvage a US Chopper or threaten to get really mad at India over a minor dispute..

Israel ceases, Hamas fires.

What's new.

Hamas claims they never even saw the proposal. How can they agree to a ceasefire they were never involved in the negotiation of? If anything this seems like a play on Israel's part. They agreed to a sham ceasefire, Hamas ignored it, so they now have the obligation to level and stomp through Gaza. It's classic political misdirection.


8 rockets fired from Gaza, one of which slammed into a house in Ashdod. Hamas closed the Erez crossing on the Gazan side making it impossible to bring supplies and evacuate wounded people into Israel.
Hamas claims they never even saw the proposal. How can they agree to a ceasefire they were never involved in the negotiation of? If anything this seems like a play on Israel's part. They agreed to a sham ceasefire, Hamas ignored it, so they now have the obligation to level and stomp through Gaza. It's classic political misdirection.

Israel ceases fire, Hamas continues. ISRAEL'S FAULT.

In other news, Hamas not only saw the proposal, they rejected it entirely.

Still Israel's fault though.
If Hamas only cared about not being bombed they would have never launched a single rocket. The only change is that now the Arab nations are telling them to stop in exchange of nothing since launching rockets is meaningless.


I don't know what Hamas is going to do, but historically, it takes them about a day to enforce a ceasefire (not sure if they're trying, they didn't announce anything yet).


Despite the fact that the arab world is extremely divided and spread out as is, what do you think they can do besides exert diplomatic pressure? They sure as hell aren't going to win a military conflict.

The disturbing part is that they are so divided. But yeah a more united Arab world could exert obscene amounts of pressure on the US and other nations that blindly support Israel.

They band together when the tiny nation was still under a million and was not occupying any land and did not attack anyone. Well they lost, not once but twice. Thats why we have these borders now.

But i guess you are implying they should finally get rid of the jews? Well they would, if they could. But they can´t.
Oh yeah I forgot about that time when all Arabs from Morocco to Oman joined in on fighting Israel. No wait that didn't happen.

And if not letting the Israelis treat the Palestinians this way is getting rid of the Jews in your mind then that's something you have to deal with.
Apparently the armed wing rejected it.


If more kids die they might be able to get more political leverage out of it.

Weird that link is good but the article isn't on Al Jazeera's front page as far as I can see, just one about Israel accepting.

Didn't you know? Israel is the worst regime in the world! Worst then China, Nordkorea, Saudi, Belarus, Sudan, Eritrean and more. They are the new Nazi!

Why don't you argue against actual people instead of the fictional opponents you concocted.
There appears to be some disagreement within Hamas. The political wing is still undecided but the military wing seems to have made up its mind. Usually, things go the way the political wing wants them to go.


Didn't you know? Israel is the worst regime in the world! Worst then China, Nordkorea, Saudi, Belarus, Sudan, Eritrean and more. They are the new Nazi!
New? They invented the Nazi's as part of their long term plan. Read all about it in my e-newsletter.
Hamas clearly doesn't think enough children have died yet.

Or more seriously, they haven't been able to sufficiently raise their fading popularity and if they accept a cease fire that brought them back to before this round started - no eased blockade or no murderers released from Israeli jails - they can't chalk it up as a win and pretend to be saviours of the Gazan people.

Free Gaza - from Hamas.


This is all rather disturbing. The running commentary from zionist supporters (of which so many have suddenly come out of the woodwork here) is that palestinians in Gaza should accept a supposed cease fire and go back to happily living in the zionist controlled concentration camp they were living in before.

It's as if there's a tacit acceptance that zionists killing people at an accelerated rate is a bit bad (for their image) but the usual dehumanization is fine


This is all rather disturbing. The running commentary from zionist supporters (of which so many have suddenly come out of the woodwork here) is that palestinians in Gaza should accept a supposed cease fire and go back to happily living in the zionist controlled concentration camp they were living in before.

It's as if there's a tacit acceptance that zionists killing people at an accelerated rate is a bit bad (for their image) but the usual dehumanization is fine

Do you see the killing of people as the better option for the people of gaza? Doesn't seem to be achieving much to me


Free Gaza - from Hamas.
Hamas gained power due to the restrictions Israel was placing on Palistine, including the continued settlements. If they want to peacefully remove Hamas, Israel might want to address what put them in power and keeps them in power. Instead of just demanding. Because historically that doesn't work very well.
Hamas gained power due to the restrictions Israel was placing on Palistine, including the continued settlements. If they want to peacefully remove Hamas, Israel might want to address what put them in power and keeps them in power. Instead of just demanding. Because historically that doesn't work very well.
They won one election, with 44% of the vote. They only gained power by rounding up members of Fatah and banning other parties. I wonder why on earth Hamas haven't called any elections in Gaza since then.


They won one election, with 44% of the vote. They only gained power by rounding up members of Fatah and banning other parties. I wonder why on earth Hamas haven't called any elections in Gaza since then.
I said they gained power, not won elections. Terrorists aren't terrorists on a whim. There's a reason behind what they become that, and why some people support them.
This is verging on obscene victim blaming from you and a few other posters this page.
Rubbish. I'm blaming what happened to the victims on the monsters who launch terror attacks from their playgrounds, who put rockets under their mosques and refuse to accept a ceasefire when doing so would ensure there would be no more victims.
I said they gained power, not won elections. Terrorists aren't terrorists on a whim. There's a reason behind what they become that, and why some people support them.
and I'm saying their rise to power was hardly legitimate when they tried to murder their political enemies in the streets and prevent their people from choosing another path now that Hamas have proven they care about killing Jews more than protecting their own civilians.


This is all rather disturbing. The running commentary from zionist supporters (of which so many have suddenly come out of the woodwork here) is that palestinians in Gaza should accept a supposed cease fire and go back to happily living in the zionist controlled concentration camp they were living in before.

It's as if there's a tacit acceptance that zionists killing people at an accelerated rate is a bit bad (for their image) but the usual dehumanization is fine

Well Hamas just knocked out electricity that came from the "zionist" state. What does that tell you?

Israel is so evil, they give people power to cook their foods?
Edit: That could totally be a Monty Python Sketch.


Do you see the killing of people as the better option for the people of gaza? Doesn't seem to be achieving much to me

As a South African I can clearly attest to resistance always being better than accepting oppression. South Africa would have remained an apartheid state if not for the physical and intellectual resistance put forward by those who were willing to make sacrifices when required.

The only difference between South Africa and Palestine is that here the national party attempted to control the people they oppressed and eventually gave up once it became an economically unviable situation. The zionists have made it clear they will not stop till there is no more Palestine, as per the various zionists proposals of the greater israel, and with all the external funding received from the US there's nothing to stop them

Well Hamas just knocked out electricity that came from the "zionist" state. What does that tell you?

Israel is so evil, they give people power to cook their foods?

Hamas did this and hamas did that... There are people dying and being punished for the unconfirmed actions of a few - a convenient "boogeyman". This has been happening for decades yet all you see is "hamas". It's clear that the loss of life means nothing to you. This is a well funded and equipped army killing, not fighting, a people. There's no war here only murder. The president of the zionist state himself has stated that he is attempting to "maximize the loss of civilian life". How can anybody defend this



and I'm saying their rise to power was hardly legitimate when they tried to murder their political enemies in the streets and prevent their people from choosing another path now that Hamas have proven they care about killing Jews more than protecting their own civilians.
That's beside the point. Groups like Hamas and ISIS don't exist out of the blue. They don't gain territory and power because a few guys want to be in charge. They need something to rally support around. The treatment of Gaza and the West Bank gives them that excuse. If Israel wanted to weaken the position of Hamas through non-violent means they could make gestures in improving this situation. Because bulldozing century old homes and killing kids aren't helping. Hamas does plenty of evil shit, but they have that excuse to cling to, that it's all in service of fighting off their oppressors.
Well Hamas just knocked out electricity that came from the "zionist" state. What does that tell you?

Israel is so evil, they give people power to cook their foods?
Truckloads of supplies such as food and fuel have been entering the strip as usual, and many injured have been taken out to be treated in Israeli hospitals too. Calling the strip a concentration camp is grotesque but if it must be done then the guards are surely the Hamas militia who prolong the death and suffering.
That's beside the point. Groups like Hamas and ISIS don't exist out of the blue. They don't gain territory and power because a few guys want to be in charge. They need something to rally support around. The treatment of Gaza and the West Bank gives them that excuse. If Israel wanted to weaken the position of Hamas through non-violent means they could make gestures in improving this situation. Because bulldozing century old homes and killing kids aren't helping.
Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Why does that exist? Do you seriously believe every Islamist terror group exists because of Western crimes?
Israel just wants to take a break from killing so many innocent lives, they don't want to kill too many civilians all at once. Also the ceasefire means absolutely nothing, as there have been no casualties on Israel's side. All the casualties are in Palestine. The Palestinian live don't matter to Israel, especially as the whole world turns a blind eye to what Israel does, but when there is a rocket fired from Gaza, then its like 'Oh the terrorism! we must retaliate by stealing more land and attacking civilian heavy areas.


This is all rather disturbing. The running commentary from zionist supporters (of which so many have suddenly come out of the woodwork here) is that palestinians in Gaza should accept a supposed cease fire and go back to happily living in the zionist controlled concentration camp they were living in before.

It's as if there's a tacit acceptance that zionists killing people at an accelerated rate is a bit bad (for their image) but the usual dehumanization is fine
Yeap it's disgusting, Israel can truly do no wrong ever.
Pretty sure they decided that it was wrong to equate the military wing of Hamas with the entity as a whole and retracted it but sure let's go with that.

Hamas political wing rejected the ceasefire also

Israel just wants to take a break from killing so many innocent lives, they don't want to kill too many civilians all at once. Also the ceasefire means absolutely nothing, as there have been no casualties on Israel's side. All the casualties are in Palestine. The Palestinian live don't matter to Israel, especially as the whole world turns a blind eye to what Israel does, but when there is a rocket fired from Gaza, then its like 'Oh the terrorism! we must retaliate by stealing more land and attacking civilian heavy areas.

Israel has a right to defend it's citizens from rocket fire and will do so.

Your support for Hamas continues the suffering of innocents on both sides.

'Here have some electricity, even though we just destroyed your home and killed your friends and family'

Nice strawman.


As a South African I can clearly attest to resistance always being better than accepting oppression. South Africa would have remained an apartheid state if not for the physical and intellectual resistance put forward by those who were willing to make sacrifices when required.

The only difference between South Africa and Palestine is that here the national party attempted to control the people they oppressed and eventually gave up once it became an economically unviable situation. The zionists have made it clear they will not stop till there is no more Palestine, as per the various zionists proposals of the greater israel, and with all the external funding received from the US there's nothing to stop them

There are ways to resist, saying resistance is always better is just an empty statement when not actually giving details on how to resist.

You should look at it from a practical standpoint, firing rockets this round achieved 200 or so dead people in gaza, no causalities on the Israeli side,and blanket statements from countries that Israel has the right to defend itself,

does that seem like a win for the Palestinian people in their fight for independence ?

The way I see it is different, Hamas being no longer a resistance group but a governing body changed its priorities completely (as it always does) ,Hamas was severely weakened from lots of factors, mainly the Muslim brotherhood being ousted in Egypt, and them supporting the rebels in Syria, angering Assad, their once big supporter.
they were losing public support, and a great way to gain some support back is to fight the oppressing people, it won't achieve anything for the people in gaza, but hey, it might get some more public favor for Hamas at the cost of dead Palestinians .


Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Why does that exist? Do you seriously believe every Islamist terror group exists because of Western crimes?
Do you seriously respond to everyone but making shit up that's not anywhere in anything they said? I said Hamas uses what Israel has done in Gaza and to the West Bank as an excuse to condone their own actions, and hold onto their support. Stopping the settlements isn't going to kick Hamas out of power, but it will lessen their support among the people of Palestine, and might lead the way to eventually resolving this issue. Instead, Israel demand a cease fire with no comprimises, continuing to do what Hamas feels justify their violent actions.


Hamas did this and hamas did that... There are people dying and being punished for the unconfirmed actions of a few - a convenient "boogeyman". This has been happening for decades yet all you see is "hamas". It's clear that the loss of life means nothing to you. This is a well funded and equipped army killing, not fighting, a people. There's no war here only murder. The president of the zionist state himself has stated that he is attempting to "maximize the loss of civilian life". How can anybody defend this


Wait you actually believe that video is real and not edited? Are you a joke character?
Do you seriously respond to everyone but making shit up that's not anywhere in anything they said? I said Hamas uses what Israel has done in Gaza and to the West Bank as an excuse to condone their own actions, and hold onto their support. Stopping the settlements isn't going to kick Hamas out of power, but it will lessen their support among the people of Palestine, and might lead the way to eventually resolving this issue. Instead, Israel demand a cease fire with no comprimises, continuing to do what Hamas feels justify their violent actions.
How do you know they hold onto support when it's impossible for the people of Gaza to vote in anyone else? Maybe they aren't as blind as the people here who blame Israel for everything bad that happens to them. Maybe they aren't childlike simpletons who believe the bullshit Hamas feeds them and they would rather not have rockets being launched from their school playgrounds and being hidden in their daycare centres.


Rubbish. I'm blaming what happened to the victims on the monsters who launch terror attacks from their playgrounds, who put rockets under their mosques and refuse to accept a ceasefire when doing so would ensure there would be no more victims.

I thought it would be appropriate to blame the people who launched the missiles that killed them.
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