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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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1. Israel blockades Gaza, it does not occupy Gaza.
2. Israel is not the aggressor, unless you count maintaining the blockade as aggression.
3. Israel occupies the West Bank, and the occupation is not considered illegal. The building of settlements is generally considered illegal under international law.
4. Having military superiority over an enemy is irrelevant to whether or not you should respond to attacks by that enemy.
5. I didn't say "self-defense" in that quote, I said Israel is attempting to reduce war crimes. Crimes committed by a terror group against a sovereign state and against their own people.

Give this a read then tell me Israel isn't the aggressor.



Is this the same Hamas leader Khaled Mashal who subsequently stated Hamas wouldn't relinquish an inch of the land from the river to the sea? Or the one who also subsequently stated "We Will Adhere to Jihad, to the Resistance, and to the Gun"?

Or how about some good old Haniyeh calling for martyrdom in Tel Aviv this year?

Sounds promising.

First day posting in this thread and you're already posting links from an outlet that is founded by a former Israeli military intelligence officer and an Israeli-born, American political scientist (and advocate of right wing zionism). It's a proganada tool of the highest order, always has been. Fact that you're posting links from it as your defacto source in itself discredits what you have to say.


Dutch media seemed to finally caught up with the pehnomenon of Israelis sitting together and watching the bombings of Gaza. They either bring plastic chairs or in some cases benches.







First day posting in this thread and you're already posting links from an outlet that is founded by a former Israeli military intelligence officer and an Israeli-born, American political scientist (and advocate of right wing zionism). It's a proganada tool of the highest order, always has been. Fact that you're posting links from it as your defacto source in itself discredits what you have to say.

Are the translations or audio/video clips fabricated?

It's own thing if it is a political opinion piece, but are you claiming that the video and audio is not authentic?

The video's are sourcing Al-jazzera & Al-Aqsa TV.


On a side note, Meyrav Wurmser, part founder of propaganda tool MEMRI, also took part in writing a report for Netenyahu before he came to power, as well as for The Pentagon. Titled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm and Rebuilding Zionism.

Guess what some of the things were that the report advised besides a more aggressive approach to Palestine?

The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values". It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting their possession of "weapons of mass destruction".


Looks like everything is going to plan for the Neo-Cons and Zionists.


First day posting in this thread and you're already posting links from an outlet that is founded by a former Israeli military intelligence officer and an Israeli-born, American political scientist (and advocate of right wing zionism). It's a proganada tool of the highest order, always has been. Fact that you're posting links from it as your defacto source in itself discredits what you have to say.

Just because it's from an outlet that you don't like, doesn't mean it's not true.


Just because it's from an outlet that you don't like, doesn't mean it's not true. You're in denial.

It's a propaganda tool formed by two of the biggest advocates of Zionism out there. It is the farthest thing from impartial one can possibly get. It's not about not liking the source, it's about having an ounce of credibility and refraining from posting known propganda as a relevant source for information.


It's a propaganda tool formed by two of the biggest advocates of Zionism out there. It is the farthest thing from impartial one can possibly get. It's not about not liking the source, it's about having an ounce of credibility and refraining from posting known propganda as a relevant source for information.

Yet isn't what he posted accurate?
First day posting in this thread and you're already posting links from an outlet that is founded by a former Israeli military intelligence officer and an Israeli-born, American political scientist (and advocate of right wing zionism). It's a proganada tool of the highest order, always has been. Fact that you're posting links from it as your defacto source in itself discredits what you have to say.

1. I posted in this thread before today.

2. MEMRI's origins are irrelevant. Hamas say what they say on video. I don't even need a translation to confirm it.

3. The fact you are unable to debate the content of the links, discredits what you have to say.


It's a propaganda tool formed by two of the biggest advocates of Zionism out there. It is the farthest thing from impartial one can possibly get. It's not about not liking the source, it's about having an ounce of credibility and refraining from posting known propganda as a relevant source for information.

I would agree with you if it was an opinion piece, but they are videos.

I ask you:

Are the translations or audio/video clips fabricated?

It's own thing if it is a political opinion piece, but are you claiming that the video and audio is not authentic?

It's fine if you believe they are fabricated, but you can't just reject a biased source if they are only linking to a video that was broadcast on Al-jazzera & Al-Aqsa TV.

I also wouldn't have problems if an anti-israeli source posted a video of an Israeli politician on Israeli TV demanding the genocide of the palestinian people - as long as we believe the video and audio was modified.


1. Israel blockades Gaza, it does not occupy Gaza.
2. Israel is not the aggressor, unless you count maintaining the blockade as aggression.
3. Israel occupies the West Bank, and the occupation is not considered illegal. The building of settlements is generally considered illegal under international law.
4. Having military superiority over an enemy is irrelevant to whether or not you should respond to attacks by that enemy.
5. I didn't say "self-defense" in that quote, I said Israel is attempting to reduce war crimes. Crimes committed by a terror group against a sovereign state and against their own people.

1) The wall and the blockade have shut Gaza off almost completely. It is for all intents and purposes still an occupation. It's like if the state was the release a prisoner but then wall him up in a city. He's still a prisoner. It's no wonder the UN still considers Gaza occupied.

2) They are occupying and denying people basic rights. Of course they are the aggressors. You can't claim self defense when you have a military occupation. The only thing they are defending is an illegal occupation. That isn't self defense, it's maintaining control.

3) Occupation might not be illegal, but the settlements and everything that comes with them is illegal. All the highways that are built (on Palestinian land) linking these settlements is off limits to Palestinians. They continue to cut up and restrict the movement of the people in the West Bank. The destruction of their farms, arrests without charges, all of the checkpoints, all of these things are unjust and they cause unrest and condemnation of Israel from the international community. There isn't apartheid in Israel, but there certainly is in the occupied territories.


It doesn't. But let's not forget that no one helps them. These people are desperate and the world doesn't care.

That is pretty true. Isreal is literally sucking the tits of America and palistine has no power or nothing backing them and isreal is far richer and stronger than they are.

However violence is violence I dont support both sides but its unfair for palistine


1. I posted in this thread before today.

2. MEMRI's origins are irrelevant. Hamas say what they say on video. I don't even need a translation to confirm it.

3. The fact you are unable to debate the content of the links, discredits what you have to say.

According to another poster in here, the video has been mistranslated. A video was posted from MEMRI earlier, which was also misconstrued. A guy saying that people in Palestine openly go to the roofs of their homes to stand up against Israeli aggression even admidst danger, was taken as those people being used as human shields by Hamas. That is not remotely the same thing, and was another example of how Israeli propaganda organisations like MEMRI intentionally distort things to suit their narrative.


According to another poster in here, the video has been mistranslated. A video was posted from MEMRI earlier, which was also misconstrued. A guy saying that people in Palestine openly go to the roofs of their homes to stand up against Israeli aggression even admidst danger, was taken as those people being used as human shields by Hamas. That is not remotely the same thing, and was another example of how Israeli propaganda organisations like MEMRI intentionally distort things to suit their narrative.

"Hey folks, the Israeli's are bombing us, please go to your roof to protest this aggression as it is a safe location to be from the bombs".

Sound advice.

If any arab speakers in this forum would be kind enough to watch the videos and verify the how accurate the translations are. Bonus points if you provide us a rough translation.
According to another poster in here, the video has been mistranslated.

He was being sarcastic.

The videos haven't been mistranslated.

A video was posted from MEMRI earlier, which was also misconstrued. A guy saying that people in Palestine openly go to the roofs of their homes to stand up against Israeli aggression even admidst danger, was taken as those people being used as human shields by Hamas. That is not remotely the same thing, and was another example of how Israeli propaganda organisations like MEMRI intentionally distort things to suit their narrative.

Actually I remember having this debate with you before when I posted a MEMRI video of Khaled Mashal leading a crowd in chants of "kill the Jews!" - It's literally impossible to mistranslate that.

Evidently, Hamas requesting Gazan civilians go out into the open in areas from which said Hamas terrorists intend to fire rockets at innocents is disgraceful and Gazans deserve better.
I agree completely, the greatest failure of the Israeli left is that it doesn't understand that 67 borders is already a huge huge concession to the Palestinians.
I meant to roll it back to World War I.
I was also talking in the context of this thread, I think understanding British colonization of the middle east is really important as well.

I've got nothing but love for the Israeli left, considering what you're up against it's difficult to be critical at times, but the framing does seem almost fatally compromised. Do you see this coming around at all, or does it have to start outside the border?

I always seek out your posts btw, I really admire your tact in these threads.


I'm sorry Hamas, but if your charter literally states "Kill all the Jews" then ... fuck man, we've seen that charter before you know.

I can't see many rational, good natured free thinking people lending their sympathy or support to that cause no matter how raw a deal the people of Palestine have gotten, being caught in the middle of all this.

I don't know the solution. Hell i don't know all the facts. But I sure as shit see Hamas for what it is.


It's a propaganda tool formed by two of the biggest advocates of Zionism out there. It is the farthest thing from impartial one can possibly get. It's not about not liking the source, it's about having an ounce of credibility and refraining from posting known propganda as a relevant source for information.

MEMRI is an Israeli institution but its source material is Arab and Iranian media. It generally does not mistranslate or misrepresent what is being said.

As for the videos posted, I can attest that the translation is accurate. If you want I can transcribe the Arabic for you to examine.


He was being sarcastic.

The videos haven't been mistranslated.

Actually I remember having this debate with you before when I posted a MEMRI video of Khaled Mashal leading a crowd in chants of "kill the Jews!" - It's literally impossible to mistranslate that.

Evidently, Hamas requesting Gazan civilians go out into the open in areas from which said Hamas terrorists intend to fire rockets at innocents is disgraceful and Gazans deserve better.
But that's just it, in the video it is never stated that Hamas requests such a thing, just that many Palestinian's do it of their own accord as resistance to Israel. In other words, they martyr themselves for what they believe is a just cause.

On a side note, I am reading through parts of the report written to Netanyahu in part by one of the founders of MEMRI, and it's pretty incredible. Nearly all the advice offered in the report has been acted upon, all to propagate this aggressive zionist movement. I have no doubt that MEMRI is just one more piece of the cog by these right wingers to push forward this sentiment and strategy.


Is there any chance at this point that some Ehud Barak or Olmert-style deal gets offered by Netenyahu?

Some personal views:

-Israel should stop all settlements outside of land they would have in the above proposed deals. At least a moratorium on settlements while they hash out another peace offer.

-Hamas should keep all military resources (including rocket launch sites) far away from any civilians. Stop giving Israel excuses for collateral damage.

-The next time a deal gets offered, the US, Arab League, EU, etc... should exert an extreme amount of pressure on the Palestinians to agree. It may not be just and won't undo unfairness of British colonialism and the aftermath, but peace needs to start somewhere and the most important thing is ending the cycle of violence at this point.


There's some great articles and links on the consistent bias, misisnformation, mistranslation and popaganda branches of MEMRI here.



Also much is listed about it on the Wiki page too.


Regardless, if you have any specific video you're interested in I will be happy to provide a translation. The ones linked to from this page are accurate.


And yet, the content of the video does't change. Keep spinning.

Point is, post the video or relevant information from a different source. The chance of the context being misconstruted by a propaganda site is obviously much higher. No one would exactly post links from Stormfront when trying to discuss news in any fair or balanced way. That's just common sense, unless of course that person was a right wing zealout or racist himself, and relied on such heavily biased media or propaganda to promote his narrative.


Point is, post the video or relevant information from a different source. The chance of the context being misconstruted by a propaganda site is obviously much higher. No one would exactly post links from Stormfront when trying to discuss news in any fair or balanced way. That's just common sense, unless of course that person was a right wing zealout or racist himself, and relied on such heavily biased media or propaganda to promote his narrative.

Cromat, who i presume is an arabic speaker, has authenticated the translation and confirmed the audio.


If you want the rockets to stop, and for Hamas support to dwindle, you can't justify Israel's current approach of poke and bomb and encroach. If you were a Palestinian and had to put up with this shit you'd probably support Hamas to some degree. Help them instead. Lift them up. It wouldn't cost nearly as much as all those bombs.
It's a propaganda tool formed by two of the biggest advocates of Zionism out there. It is the farthest thing from impartial one can possibly get. It's not about not liking the source, it's about having an ounce of credibility and refraining from posting known propganda as a relevant source for information.

Talking about credibility I find it difficult to take what anyone says seriously when they keep using the words "zionism" and "propaganda" every other post.


New video from Jerusalem of an American Jew speaking against the occupation which results in him getting his face pummeled and then arrested by Israeli police. Pretty typical reaction to a peaceful demonstration.


Why are you posting a video from of something that occurred in 2011?


Even so, this was no "peaceful demonstration". The kid was pestering people during their annual Jerusalem Day Parade. Officers tried to separate him from the non-violent crowd, yet he kept going back. After resisting arrest, what do you expect?


Why are you posting a video from of something that occurred in 2011?


Even so, this was no "peaceful demonstration". The kid was pestering people during their annual Jerusalem Day Parade. Officers tried to separate him from the non-violent crowd, yet he kept going back. After resisting arrest, what do you expect?

Do they train you to spin this way or is does it come naturally? In any other country this would be a case of police brutality. I'm sure his protesting oh I'm sorry I mean pestering was extremely violent and deserving of such force
Israel says it regularly gives warnings to residents by phone calls, text messages and dud missiles launched on their roofs to warn them in advance of attacks, but Gazans say there is not enough time to evacuate or warnings simply don't come.

The Israeli military described a strike on the home of the Kaware family in which eight people died as a "tragic mistake", saying residents had not heeded their warning. The army did not immediately respond to Reuters' request for comment on their targeting policies.

A rushed voice crackled over the Gaza police radio frequency on Friday, reporting an air strike on a family house in Beit Hanoun.

The bombing's sole victim was Saher Abu Namous, 4, who lay, pale and with his head blown open, on a steel gurney in the local morgue. The medic wrapped his plump limbs in a shroud and prepared to enclose him in a refrigerator.

Nearby, hundreds of neighbors gathered spontaneously around a household which had received a phone call from the Israeli military warning that a strike was imminent.

Hamas's official radio station cautioned residents to stay away: "Dear listeners, please be warned that surveillance drones and an Apache helicopter are still in the area, stay well away."

Israel's military says it has aborted planned attacks when neighbors gather in numbers to defend homes.

The air strike has yet to come.

The euphemism of "human shields" is beyond contempt. Dehumanizing the already dehumanized in service of a corrupt, phony moralism.

We know what the policy is. Collective punishment. It's called "The Dahiya Doctrine". We know what delimits it. Israel has an image to sell. It's called public relations. In one of the most densely populated areas in the world, anyone can be considered a legitimate target in Gaza, evidence of its military necessity be damned. In any home, in any building. With the only dignity they have left, some are "warned of a strike", and some even decide to stay and "defend their homes" with nothing but their own mortality. They are degraded as "shields" for resisting an oppression with no end in sight, with the only means they have left. If it's manageable, as if by algorithm, Israel executes.

This isn't "valuing life". It's the pragmatic execution of collective punishment on the world stage. It's about "Buying Time".


Under the unity Government does Hamas have the right to reject ceasefires/treaties? Or is it Fatah rules in West Bank and Hamas rules in Gaza? What can the "unity" Palestinian Government do?


Do they train you to spin this way or is does it come naturally? In any other country this would be a case of police brutality. I'm sure his protesting oh I'm sorry I mean pestering was extremely violent and deserving of such force

You probably thought when that officer who tackled the jaywalking ASU professor was also a case of police brutality. Resist arrest? Prepare to be taken down with force.


Under the unity Government does Hamas have the right to reject ceasefires/treaties? Or is it Fatah rules in West Bank and Hamas rules in Gaza? What can the "unity" Palestinian Government do?

I don't think there is much unity between the various Palestinian faction.


I don't think there is much unity between the various Palestinian faction.

He's referring to the unity government that Hamas and Fatah agreed to just before all this started, which Israel doesn't recognize pretty much entirely because Hamas agreed to it (even though Hamas gets, afaik, no representation in it).

I'm not sure you can actually say there is government in Gaza.


You can't take out Hamas. There is no such thing. It's just an ideology, and one that will forever have combatants and support so long as Palestine is under brutal occupation and it's lands continue to be stolen, with it, it's people displaced in the hundreds and/or thousands each and every year.

People don't tend to sit idly by and do nothing when their homes, their relatives homes, friends homes etc are demolished before them, to make way for illegal Israeli settlements, and your people arrested (without proper trial or legal aid), tortured, brutalised or even killed for resisting. Such is the reality of their world. And why Hamas was even started, and why it will never lose Palestinian support until these things are first rectified.
Hamas can be removed by force. The Taliban were once a government even though they're now an ideology.

If Israel captures Gaza, they can institute a new rule. No more rockets. If Palestinians try to smuggle them in, they'll be stopped at the gates (military checkpoints).


Well Hamas just knocked out electricity that came from the "zionist" state. What does that tell you?

Israel is so evil, they give people power to cook their foods?
Edit: That could totally be a Monty Python Sketch.

so what you're saying is israel controls electricity in gaza....

and people think it's not an occupation.


It's really sad how biased the BBC is with this whole situation.

The fact they display information from the IDF says it all really:

so what you're saying is israel controls electricity in gaza....

and people think it's not an occupation.

Maybe they should cut the power and let the sovereign state palestine build its own grid and plants - but that would be inhumane. They actually had to spend money on it instead of weapons. Imagine the international outcry if Israel stops giving them electrcity for free.


Maybe they should cut the power and let the sovereign state palestine build its own grid and plants - but that would be inhumane. They actually had to spend money on it instead of weapons. Imagine the international outcry if Israel stops giving them electrcity for free.

If the bolded existed, Israel wouldn't have a responsibility to provide them power. As an occupying power, they do.

Let me know when Israel allows a sovereign state of palestine to exist.
It's really sad how biased the BBC is with this whole situation.

The fact they display information from the IDF says it all really:


That is such a ridiculous representation. Even if the graph is truthful, two different things are shown, one which actually causes damage and the other that has shown to have an almost 99% failure rate.
If the bolded existed, Israel wouldn't have a responsibility to provide them power. As an occupying power, they do.

Let me know when Israel allows a sovereign state of palestine to exist.

Any attemps in the past or in the future, what do you like? It´s not like Israel has never tried to give them a state. I for one would like to see a soverein state palestine for once. With all the responsibilities that comes with it.


It's really sad how biased the BBC is with this whole situation.

The fact they display information from the IDF says it all really:


There's an open letter to the BBC right now people can sign. Mostly about their bias reporting on this situation in general. Currently it has over 45,000 signatures including those from Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, Ken Loach, Brian Eno, Jeremy Hardy and multiple British MPs.



Any attemps in the past or in the future, what do you like? It´s not like Israel has never tried to give them a state. I for one would like to see a soverein state palestine for once. With all the responsibilities that comes with it.

When was the last time Israel actually outright agreed to a state? They have at times agreed to devolve powers, which resulted in the PA until the Palestinians elected a party Israel didn't like (which is kind of exactly the opposite of 'sovereign' on its face). The best they've done in modern times is promise to negotiate for it in the future, which they've always found some reason to recant on.


There's an open letter to the BBC right now people can sign, partly about that. Currently it has over 45,000 signatures including those from Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, Ken Loach, Brian Eno, Jeremy Hardy and multiple British MPs.


Absolutely ridiculous. You're basically asking the BBC to replace its current 'bias' with your own.

Reporting Israeli airstrikes on Gaza as retaliation to Hamas rockets is not biased in any way whatsoever.


Absolutely ridiculous. You're basically asking the BBC to replace its current 'bias' with your own.

Reporting Israeli airstrikes on Gaza as retaliation to Hamas rockets is not biased in any way whatsoever.

And what about the weekly demolitions of Palestinian structures and consistent displacement of it's people, that has been on going for years? The constant land steal that is leading to more and more of Palestine being wiped off the map to illegal Israeli settlements? What about that side of the story that is conveniently constantly ignored, but is the crux of the tensions from Palestinians out there?

Read the damn letter.

Dear BBC

Once again Gaza is under massive aerial bombardment from Israeli warplanes and drones, and, once again, the BBC’s reporting of these assaults is entirely devoid of context or background.

We would like to remind the BBC that Gaza is under Israeli occupation and siege.

We would like to remind you that Israel is bombing a refugee population – Palestinians who were made refugees when they were forced from their land in1948 in order to create Israel.

We would like to remind you that Gaza has no army, air force, or navy, while Israel possess one of the strongest militaries in the world.

When you portray Israel’s shelling of a civilian population as a ‘response’ or ‘retaliation’ to rocket strikes from Gaza, we would like to remind you that these events flow from the displacement of the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people from their homes and communities, with millions now corralled as refugees in the Gaza Strip. That initial injustice was compounded and continues with the ongoing occupation and siege.

When you portray the occupier as the victim, and the occupied as the aggressor, we would like to remind you that resistance to occupation is a right under international law.
And we would like you to remember that Israel’s occupation, siege and collective punishment of Gaza is not.

And, finally, we would like to remind BBC journalists, when interviewing Israel’s spokespeople over the coming days, to ask the one question they have all failed to ask: “If Israel ends its occupation of Palestinian land, and allows the people of Palestine to live in freedom from Israeli domination, would that bring peace?”



It's really sad how biased the BBC is with this whole situation.

The fact they display information from the IDF says it all really:


How are they using a graph that compares 2 different statistics? One is the amount of rockets shot and the other the amount of targets hit.


No you cant. You are naive. When you "remove" Hamas,a more sinister and deadlier group will take its place. You dont know what occupation entails.

We've seen the KKK emerge after the U.S won the civil war. Now a days, they're just a joke.

I'm sure 100 years from now, Palestinians would be happy to not have anything to do with Hamas or other terror groups.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul

We've seen the KKK emerge after the U.S won the civil war. Now a days, they're just a joke.

I'm sure 100 years from now, Palestinians would be happy to not have anything to do with Hamas or other terror groups.

gtfo with your BS...KKK still exists and xenophobia still exists today in America like in israel (xenophobia bit).
Also, wtf does KKK have to anything with Hamas?
Your analogies make no sense whatsoever...
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