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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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It's official.
I don't have a link but it's on Israeli TV.

According to the statment the goal is to deal with the tunnels, so hopefuly they won't go in too deep.
Weren't they speaking about doing that for a few days,
I doubt it's linked to the Malaysia airlines (i guess IDF command is relieved to have something where the media are focusion but you don't mount such an operation in 4hours)
Invasion is stupid and will only lead to more death and suffering on all sides (with more on the palestinian).

No reason for it. Disproportionate. Wrong.


You pretty much just summed up why Israel will not end it's heinous illegal settlement expansion plans, and why they are the real problem and main culprit in this conflict. Like you said, they have all the leverage. And they are abusing that in every single way possible.

Blockades, military occupations, demolitions en mass, land theft, unjustified arrests in huge numbers with the victims given no proper access to legal aid or justice, torture, brutality, the control of humanitarian aid and supplies, extreme disproportionate military action and strikes etc etc.

They're taking it to a whole new level. And will continue to whilst the rest of the world (mainly the US) allows it. Ultimately there may not be much left of Palestine at all if the rest of the world doesn't step in to say enough is enough. It's why it's so much more important now than ever before to raise our voices.

Also doesn't matter whether Israel want to give up much of that land or not, fact of the matter is, the land steal and territories that many of these settlements are built and being built upon, are not only illegal under international law, but also Palestinian as recognised by the international community and laws, and at some point Israel is going to have to factor that in. Territory stealing by brutal occupation and aggression is not something that is generally accepted in this day and age, and laws and rules exist against it for good reason.

You can keep repeating these, as you have in a lot of your posts, and many of your points i don't disagree with but the Palestinians have had a few opportunities, one of which at Camp David in 2000 was rejected by Arafat, with E. Jerusalem being one of the Issues that Arafat would not budge on, and the summit eventually failed. The opportunities have been there and there will be more.


Is this supposed to be some joke? You can´t stitch an operation of that scale together in a couple hours.

It's common knowledge the soldiers and tanks have been prep'ed for weeks. You think it's a coincidence they pull the trigger a couple hours after the plane goes down? The news is already getting buried in the Ukraine stuff and isn't there a gag order on Israeli press?
That is up-to the Palestinians and Israeli negotiators to decide on the borders. You would be very naive to think that Israel will give up East-Jerusalem, or evacuate any of their more established settlements. The settlements in the West Bank have been increasing in number in the last 20 years, with international pressure not really doing much to curb them, and the current Israeli government doesn't seem in a hurry to slow down or stop them.
Israel dismantled the Gaza settlements didn't they? Also, I already know what Israeli and Palestinian negotiators want. I want you to show me how the future Palestine state looks like. I gave you the link. Draw the map.

If you cannot, then you are for one-state.


From the IDF Twitter:

BREAKING NEWS: A large IDF force has just launched a ground operation in the Gaza Strip. A new phase of Operation Protective Edge has begun.

The new phase follows 10 days of Hamas attacks on Israel by land, air & sea – and repeated rejections of offers to deescalate the situation.


I thought there was a ceasefire agreement reached? Why the need for the sudden invasion?

I don't have any details to offer, but there a was a "bullet" now that said Hamas rejected the offer.
A reporter said this will prolong the fighting for another week or so.

There were talks about a ground invasion since the start of the day, especialy because of the tunnel incident at morning. That's why I doubt it has anything to do with the plane crash...


Unless there was a longterm ceasefire, I thought a ground invasion would happen to stop the rocket attacks.
What the fuck is going on? I just read what Erdogan had to say about that crazy Israeli MP, she's fucking crazy spouting remarks like that.

Now a ground invasion? Damn.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Don't say that!

Right now, the 2 events are unrelated. Let's not rush or jump to life-altering conclusions.

I'm pretty confident in assuming Israel thought it was an opportune time to invade Gaza while the entire world's attention was on the downed passenger jet.

The timing is far too perfect.


It doesn't look like it was mentioned, but the PM announcement says this operation is limited in scale and is meant to take care of the tunnels along the border with Gaza that Hamas men used to get into Israel.

This might be completely crazy, but would the Mossad be capable of crashing the Malaysian airline?

you people are fucking insane.


I'm pretty confident in assuming Israel thought it was an opportune time to destroy Gaza while the entire world's attention was on the downed passenger jet.

The timing is far too perfect.

I thought it was because Hamas launched like a 100 more rockets after the ceasefire?


It's common knowledge the soldiers and tanks have been prep'ed for weeks.

And? Did you serve in the military? Do you have any idea on the time scales involved?

You think it's a coincidence they pull the trigger a couple hours after the plane goes down?

Without any evidence to the contrary, yes I do. Otherwise its tinfoilhat conspiracy bullshit.

The news is already getting buried in the Ukraine stuff

Ist all over the news, everywhere.

and isn't there a gag order on Israeli press?

Is this why israeli press reported this first?


This might be completely crazy, but would the Mossad be capable of crashing the Malaysian airline?

Of course. But, in all fucking honesty, Israel doesn't need to cover up what they are doing. They've killed almost the amount of people in fighting than died on the plane as it is, and no one is doing anything about it. America isn't condemning them. Its not as if America isn't aware of the imminent ground attack.

They don't give a shit, and I doubt they'd need to orchestrate this. Israel acts with impunity.

I love conspiracies, but I don't see why they'd need to do it. Its not as if them doing it will get any pushback/criticism without the plane crash.


Israel dismantled the Gaza settlements didn't they? Also, I already know what Israeli and Palestinian negotiators want. I want you to show me how the future Palestine state looks like. I gave you the link. Draw the map.

If you cannot, then you are for one-state.

How does me drawing on a map demonstrate whether i am for one-state or two-state. Sure there are a fair few settlements that a roughly in the middle of the west bank, those would need to evacuated, but the much larger ones are around E. Jerusalem would probably stay.

I should clarify and make it clear, I am not saying all Israeli settlements in the West Bank must stay, like in Gaza, there are going to be those that need to be withdrawn from so the borders make sense and the Palestinians have a contiguous state.

Also, if you know already what the negotiators want, then please enlighten the rest of us.
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