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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Harper is treading on dangerous grounds here(to my delight of course).

I'm sure he can find many in the Muslim community that will speak out, alongside him, against the niqab. But saying "Why would Canadians, contrary to our own values, embrace a practice at that time that is not transparent, that is not open and, frankly, is rooted in a culture that is anti-women?" when it's clear that the culture he is referring to is Islamic/Muslim culture, is a direct attack on Canadian Muslims. He just inadvertently showed his true colours regarding his motivations on banning the niqab.


I'm completely on Justin Trudeau's side on this one. Disgusting wedge politics is disgusting and I'm glad that Harper is being called out on it. Mulcair has done the same thing leaving Harper as the odd one out here and that is really comforting to me as a Muslim. I don't agree with the niqab but I'm not dumb enough to think that mainstream hate for the niqab isn't half a step away from hating hijabs and big beards and mosques and Islamic sounding names.

When politicians take difficult stands on the right side of an issue despite potentially losing votes over it then they should be commended. I prefer to praise Justin and Thomas and hope they win.

Fuck Stephen Harper on this. Seriously.


Fuck Harper's Bill C51 too. copy pasta
1. It turns CSIS into a ‘secret police’ force with little oversight or accountability.

2. It opens the door for violations of our Charter Rights including censorship of free expression online.

3. It will lead to dragnet surveillance and information sharing on innocent Canadians

I signed a petition, don't know if it'll help but it's already got nearly 80,000 signed. https://openmedia.org/stopc51?src=157532
Harper is over-reaching and going too far.

Being pro-National Security is one thing but playing on fears using cartoony stereo-typical shallow code words is so wrong.

Identity politics suck balls.

blurring the lines of national security with identity politics is the wrong way to go about this.


Fuck Harper's Bill C51 too. copy pasta
1. It turns CSIS into a ‘secret police’ force with little oversight or accountability.

2. It opens the door for violations of our Charter Rights including censorship of free expression online.

3. It will lead to dragnet surveillance and information sharing on innocent Canadians

I signed a petition, don't know if it'll help but it's already got nearly 80,000 signed. https://openmedia.org/stopc51?src=157532

1. It really doesn't.

3. It really won't.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Just to add to something else Harper is trying to fuck up, there's an online petition to halt or move the planned memorial to the victims of communism: https://www.change.org/p/government...ign=autopublish&utm_term=des-lg-no_src-no_msg

Basically, Harper handed out prime real estate in the city of Ottawa to this group called " A Tribute to Liberty" (which is headed up by an ex-Conservative buddy of Harper's) to build this monstrous and hideous politically charged memorial.
Fuck Harper's Bill C51 too. copy pasta
1. It turns CSIS into a ‘secret police’ force with little oversight or accountability.

2. It opens the door for violations of our Charter Rights including censorship of free expression online.

3. It will lead to dragnet surveillance and information sharing on innocent Canadians

I signed a petition, don't know if it'll help but it's already got nearly 80,000 signed. https://openmedia.org/stopc51?src=157532
We really don't need this. Its fine to increase the capabilities of CSIS if they can prove through a third party that it is getting extremely hard to perform their mandated tasks... but this is just increasing their range without any specific need to and is following down a line a line of policies which is detrimental.

I really hope the Conservatives get knocked down hard for what they have been pulling the past few years. This really is disgusting to read.
Can we just talk about this. It's on Globe & Mail, The Star, as well.

Okay. Sure. Maybe transparency and identity purposes. Which is what I thought, at least, until I kept reading.

Considering the niqab isn't limited to a single culture, and is worn by anyone (who chooses to) that follows the religion, what even is he talking about here?

But the oath is taken among a group of people, isn't it? At least, when my mother did it in the early 90s, it was. Not that she wears a niqab, so it wasn't a issue.

This is turning into a Justin Trudeau, freedom of religion vs Stephen Harper, this isn't the way things work here. Trudeau says it promotes a divide between Muslim Canadians and the nation through fomenting fear, the like, Harper is appealing the ban on face coverings that was struck down:

The fact that he has the audacity to label an entire culture as "anti-women" shows how ignorant he really is.


listen to the mad man
I mean, if you start from the position that the niqab is a crime against women, then women are victims, and excluding them because they have hangups related to their victimization is victim blaming.

Shouldn't we be preferring niqab'ed women, because Canadian citizenship will liberate them from those we've designated their oppressors?

I think the fact that none of our language or discussion on the subject even brushes up against this point probably says something about our motivation


will gain confidence one day
I mean, if you start from the position that the niqab is a crime against women, then women are victims, and excluding them because they have hangups related to their victimization is victim blaming.

Shouldn't we be preferring niqab'ed women, because Canadian citizenship will liberate them from those we've designated their oppressors?

I think the fact that none of our language or discussion on the subject even brushes up against this point probably says something about our motivation

There is a lack of acknowledgement of agency within Niqab wearers in this discussion, which is ironic if the point is to reject the subjugation of women.
Harper is using Parti Quebecois's 2013-2014 playbook and he has also used sound-bites that when translated sound the same as the PQ's last year.

Local news in Quebec have been doggin Premiere Philippe Couillard (Quebec Liberal) for weeks on issues of identiy because Couillard refuses to play the game that his opponents wish him to play.

Harper is seeing that this is a hot button issue among hardcore nationalists in Quebec who bring it up daily in newspapers, TV and radio.

Harper is going after THOSE voters. It is 100% political posturing.

Does anyone believe Harper all of the sudden when he says that this is a women's rights issue? That is Pauline Marois or Bernad Drainville talking straight from last year;s failed provincial campaign

*the PQ did not lose because of the identity issue on secularism. The PQ lost because PKP lifted his fist in the air shouting ''to make Quebec a country''

The PQ's loss had nothing to do with the Charter of Values. It was all about the rejection of a 3rd Referendum that the PQ were dodgy about.

The identity issue is still hot on radio, especially in PKP's newspapers and cable news channel.


I think the fact that none of our language or discussion on the subject even brushes up against this point probably says something about our motivation

Indeed. In my own office, a bunch of the sergeants and staff sergeants, who otherwise hate Harper, are extremely anti-religion in general, and they've been eating this stuff up, going on echo chamber rants among each other against Islam constantly over the past few months.

Drives me crazy. :-/
if a Left wing party was talking about banning the niquab to protect women's rights, then I would believe them

But when Harper says it; it sounds fake, calculated, electoral and a copy-cat of what auntie Pauline was saying last year.

Harper is disingenuous for claiming this to be a women's rights issue..


Harper is no Frank Underwood, we can spot Steve coming a mile away


listen to the mad man
I know it's been a month or so, but since I'm no longer living in Canada I'm not as up on the news, and until today I hadn't read any of the reactions to the Supreme Court of Canada's assisted suicide decision.

I was surprised and delighted to find that Conrad Black wrote an op-ed arguing that rule of law has been undermined by judicial fiat and that Parliament should invoke the not-withstanding clause to override the court's ruling.

Surprised and delighted because:
1) Conrad Black is a convicted felon who stole tens of millions of dollars from his shareholders and served a jail sentence. He protests his innocence precisely because he believes he is above the rule of law.

2) Conrad Black is a man who gave up his Canadian citizenship to claim a masturbatory peerage given to him by the UK. The idea that he should have any weigh-in as though he is a Canadian or a citizen or in any way deserves input in our body politic is astounding.


“Frankly if you are not willing to show your face in a ceremony where you are joining the best country in the world, if you don’t like that or don’t want to do that, then stay the hell where you came from,” Miller said. “I am so sick and tired of people wanting to come here because they know it is a good country and then they want to change things before they even become a Canadian.”

Harper's Canada™.

If they just stuck to bashing the Niqab in a non-abrasive tone in French they could have got something out of this debacle. As it is there is simply no stomach for a discussion about accommodation or nationalism in urban Ontario according to the polls. (Anglophone) Canadians value harmony over hegemony, you'd think people harp on all day about "Canadian values" would know that.


"Best country in the world"*

*Your mileage may vary.

But seriously, these kinds of statements are so dumb, especially from an elected politician. I guess it was cute when it was Chretien saying it ("plus meilleur pays du monde"; it's still used in Quebec, sarcastically), but at least it was based on that HDI ranking. The days Canada was at the top are long gone.
all this just to go after Quebec voters who supported auntie Pauline's Values Charter.

Conservatives and Nationalists rejoin together once again, like Diefenbaker, like Mulroney, now Harper.

I personally find both Mulcair and Trudeau to be stupid for falling into Harper's trap

now to serious and real issues. You got Harper who wants to Republicanize Canada with guns, guns, guns.

“My wife’s from a rural area and obviously gun ownership wasn’t just for the farm, but was for a certain level of security when you’re a ways away from immediate police assistance,”
so Harper is contradicting cops on the use of firearms.


all this just to go after Quebec voters who supported auntie Pauline's Values Charter.

Conservatives and Nationalists rejoin together once again, like Diefenbaker, like Mulroney, now Harper.

I personally find both Mulcair and Trudeau to be stupid for falling into Harper's trap

What, you mean you wanted Mulcair and Trudeau to say nothing while Harper demonizes Muslims?
What, you mean you wanted Mulcair and Trudeau to say nothing while Harper demonizes Muslims?

The more Trudeau and Mulcair reply to Harper, the bigger Harper's support grows in Quebec

It's a losing strategy for both. winning the election is more important for the Liberals than defending a minority of a monority which practices an ultra conservative custom

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!

The more Trudeau and Mulcair reply to Harper, the bigger Harper's support grows in Quebec

It's a losing strategy for both. winning the election is more important for the Liberals than defending a minority of a monority which practices an ultra conservative custom

Silence would be a losing strategy for Trudeau and Mulcar. Silence is as good as condoning Harper's actions. The people who are finding Harper's xenophobia attractive weren't going to vote Liberal or NDP either way.
Silence would be a losing strategy for Trudeau and Mulcar. Silence is as good as condoning Harper's actions. The people who are finding Harper's xenophobia attractive weren't going to vote Liberal or NDP either way.

it's been over two weeks about this nonsense and the more Harper gets traction on this with the state of identity politics that has been going on in Quebec since 2007, the more and more Harper is upping his chances of re-gaining a majority

wanna be all pro politically correct in fluffy terms, go on by all means. But that will cause a lose for the Liberals on this matter

best is to ignore it, let it go and move one to important stuff.

Liberalism promotes equality but Liberals should not defend ultra conservative customs that negate gender equality
I personally find both Mulcair and Trudeau to be stupid for falling into Harper's trap

now to serious and real issues.
You got Harper who wants to Republicanize Canada with guns, guns, guns.

It's a losing strategy for both. winning the election is more important for the Liberals than defending a minority of a monority which practices an ultra conservative custom

it's been over two weeks about this nonsense and the more Harper gets traction on this with the state of identity politics that has been going on in Quebec since 2007, the more and more Harper is upping his chances of re-gaining a majority

wanna be all pro politically correct in fluffy terms, go on by all means. But that will cause a lose for the Liberals on this matter

best is to ignore it, let it go and move one to important stuff.

Liberalism promotes equality but Liberals should not defend ultra conservative customs that negate gender equality

...or, you know, the Liberals figure that defending the rights of minorities is the important stuff.

But hey, if you want to continue to be a racist lunatic, be my guest -- just stop acting like you're in any way speaking from a Liberal or liberal perspective.



The more Trudeau and Mulcair reply to Harper, the bigger Harper's support grows in Quebec

It's a losing strategy for both. winning the election is more important for the Liberals than defending a minority of a monority which practices an ultra conservative custom

Every comment Harper makes throughout his term is some sad attempt to win votes, you know that right?

You realize that not every Muslim woman wears a niqab, right? It's not compulsory for most sects. Yet he references the entire religion as anti-woman. The Liberals aren't in the wrong for defending Muslims against Harper Tories.

it's been over two weeks about this nonsense and the more Harper gets traction on this with the state of identity politics that has been going on in Quebec since 2007, the more and more Harper is upping his chances of re-gaining a majority

wanna be all pro politically correct in fluffy terms, go on by all means. But that will cause a lose for the Liberals on this matter

best is to ignore it, let it go and move one to important stuff.

Liberalism promotes equality but Liberals should not defend ultra conservative customs that negate gender equality



The niqab controversy plays into Trudeau's strength, because it eventually boils down to a Charter rights issue, which was his father's legacy and something Justin isn't shy about riding on.
The niqab controversy plays into Trudeau's strength, because it eventually boils down to a Charter rights issue, which was his father's legacy and something Justin isn't shy about riding on.

Seriously. I get that Pierre Trudeau is pretty disliked by certain segments of the population, but I think we've seen time and again that him & his ideals are pretty generally popular. By turning the election into a debate over multiculturalism, they're handing Justin an issue that everyone knows he can own.
Defending minorities is one thing but Liberalism is also about equality.

When a fringe branch of a minority of a religious minority believes in Shariah Law then that is no longer compatible with Liberal ideals of equality.

I live in Quebec and the French language media doed not understand why Liberals and Neo Democrats would defend ultra conservative religious practices.

Trudeau should just let ot go.

Liberalism should not defend ultra conservative religious customs.

I will still vote Liberal anyway


Defending minorities is one thing but Liberalism is also about equality.

When a fringe branch of a minority of a religious minority believes in Shariah Law then that is no longer compatible with Liberal ideals of equality.

What does choosing to wear something have to do with Shariah Law? And if one does choose to wear something because of 'Shariah Law' then isn't this their own personal choice? How can you claim equality when you're restricting people's right to choose to wear whatever they wish?

I live in Quebec and the French language media doed not understand why Liberals and Neo Democrats would defend ultra conservative religious practices.
Because of freedom of choice. You only restrict someone's freedom to choose to do what they wish for a VERY good reason. Neither Harper, nor you, have any good reason to keep Zunera Ishaq from choosing what to wear during a citizenship ceremony.

Liberalism should not defend ultra conservative religious customs.
Liberalism should defend freedom of choice.
In the English language media, the NDP is getting a lot of shit for their racist Quebec members >_>
I dislike Boulerice for voting YES in 1995 but he is not a racist. He is a socialist and he believes in gender equality first.

He was on TV in a 1-on-1 versus Right Winger Mario Dumont.
Dumont is an anti-multiculturalism nationalist who was poking at the NDP position.

Boulerice was trying to save some seats when speaking in French knowing that this issue is going to fuck the NDP in Quebec if Thomas Mulcair continued to hold onto his position about the ''courts''

Mario Dumont brings up identity politics at least 3 to 4 times a week on TV and Radio.
Liberalism should defend freedom of choice.
not when that freedom of choice hinders equality
The niqab controversy plays into Trudeau's strength, because it eventually boils down to a Charter rights issue, which was his father's legacy and something Justin isn't shy about riding on.
I think the opposite, this stupid issue is helping only one person: Stephen Harper


Defending minorities is one thing but Liberalism is also about equality.

When a fringe branch of a minority of a religious minority believes in Shariah Law then that is no longer compatible with Liberal ideals of equality.

I live in Quebec and the French language media doed not understand why Liberals and Neo Democrats would defend ultra conservative religious practices.

Trudeau should just let ot go.

Liberalism should not defend ultra conservative religious customs.

I will still vote Liberal anyway

Your view of liberal equality is pretty much unique to Quebec in Canada. The rest of Canada does not consider secularism to include the entire public sphere, only government's interaction with religion (but not the other way around). Harper is playing to a *conservative* base in the ROC by advocating for an elevated privilege for non-Muslims (he'd never say a nun should have to remove a habit in court, I'd pretty much guarantee that). By countering him, the Liberals and the NDP are appealing to a *liberal* base in the ROC.

France may be the birthplace of the idea of 'left' and 'right', but all of these words have very different meanings in more protestant cultures.
Justin Trudeau says something completely stupid about Syria and Assad


So, he doesn't want Assad to get help against ISIS, but who does he think will replace Assad if Assad gets toppled?

I want to like Justin, but I can't stand his naive stupidity often at times.

Assad is an asshole, yes that is true. But toppling Assad is a big mistake because that would actually help ISIS.

And, Assad actually protects minorities, Assyrian minorities, Christian minorities and other minorities inside his territory.

The whole rebellion against Assad 2 years ago was driven by Sunni Leaders in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey who funneled money to rebels, some rebels that ended up joining ISIS today.

Is Assad an asshole? Yes. But he is an asshole who is AGAINST Isis


Not bitter, just unsweetened
We aren't the united states. Why should we involve ourselves in something where you can make no right choice?
We aren't the united states. Why should we involve ourselves in something where you can make no right choice?

i agree, I rather we don't get involved.

But that said, I don't like it it when Justin uses the same old record of ''humanitarian aid'' when the reality on the ground is way too dangerous
Harper going hard into Iraq and Syria.


Harper going HAM. I'm so sick of this guy.

This is a war of aggression, outright.

You can't fight Isis by being passive.

If they want to bomb Isis to the ground, they should not need to ask permission every time, and I'm sure Assad is happy to have us kill his enemies for him. The number of sorties being run right now by the allies is absolutely paltry, in order to wipe Isis off the planet, you would need to run THOUSANDS of sorties, right now we're not even containing the threat, we're just occasionally taking out the odd piece on equipment.


The Kurds and Iraqis are going to be the boots on the ground. Iran is going to provide the training and supplies for them. Assad is going to hold the line.

Turkey on the other hand is going to provide free borders for ISIS and Saudi is going to funnel a whole hell of a lot of cash to them.

The poor Sunni villages in the area are going to be killed as collateral damage.

It's a seriously messed up situation.
i agree, I rather we don't get involved.

But that said, I don't like it it when Justin uses the same old record of ''humanitarian aid'' when the reality on the ground is way too dangerous
We could do a lot more in that department. Food shortages are a chronic problem and many kids are not getting the education they need. :(
outside the perimeter of the conflicts zone, for sure yeah but how would you even manage the safety of the workers inside or near conflict zones?

Everything is already set up by the UN, we just need to send the food, the clothes, the medicines etc. We should also help Jordan and Lebanon deal with the refugees. It will be really unfortunate once the war is over that Iraq/Syria are left with an uneducated generation.
I give up for 2015, Harper won and Trudeau fumbled a given opportunity to score.

what a total fail and for what? for defending fuckin' Niquabs and having a broken record sound bite on foreign affairs.

I will still vote Liberal, but I don't expect them to win.
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