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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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What do you guys think of the budget? That new child care benefit should help my mother quite a bit.

what budget? some the shit in there only comes into effect in 2017.

And some of the stuff in there are insanely expensive. So now we are a foreign interventionist country that gets involved in never ending military quagmires?

Harper has never ever cut income taxes since he became PM, and he calls himself a "Conservative"

I HATE everything about his budget because all the goodies have conditions and requirements attached.

You must have kids: doh,
you must have a spouse who has a shitty salary: doh
you must this, you must that

whatever happened to good old fashioned INCOME TAX CUTS???
What do you guys think of the budget? That new child care benefit should help my mother quite a bit.

It's pretty terrible. Lots of one-time accounting tricks to get into surplus -- selling off embassies and residences overseas, selling the GM shares (which also makes it harder to keep the auto industry alive in Canada), playing around with public service sick leave, etc -- that are bad for the country in the long run. Defence spending that doesn't match up with their commitments and their rhetoric. And not that I'm in favour of tax cuts -- I'm a big believer in having government services funded properly -- but it seems that what they have included in that regard (mainly income-splitting) disproportionately favours the wealthy.

That said, from a political perspective, it does what they were hoping it would do. They can say they've gone back into surplus (even if there's nothing to suggest it's sustainable), and they achieved their goal of talking about families (even if their definition of families is pretty narrow: two-parent households where one person makes enough that the other can stay at home with kids).
also their help on infrastructure is strictly for PPPs only (private), so it disqualifies infrastructure projects at the provincial level that is using provincial public money


Not bitter, just unsweetened
The budget is a joke

Balanced only because they took $2 billion from the emergency fund for natural disasters...

So in reality they posted another deficit.

so gross.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Yeah, outside of the TFSA increase, I don't see much benefit from the new budget.


everyone should have it in their head by election time that trudeau is the only sensible option.

I don't like his foreign policy though and Paul Martin was a disaster for social spending and I don't think Trudeau would agree with me on that. He's also completely and absolutely wrong on voting system reform.
anyway, everyone will have a reset button in their head during the Summer and the shit will begin in late August - early September

if Trudeau fucks up royal, we will get another Conservative Majority
if Trudeau stays as is, we will get a Conservative Minority.
If Trudeau actually wakes up and starts talking substance, we will get a Liberal Minority.

Oct 2015 is 100% all on Justin Trudeau's shoulders. No one esle. Not Harper, not Mulcair

Trudeau's performance is the only factor that will determine what type of government we will have next.
Lol the Conservatives are struggling to hold onto Alberta right now. Frankly, they need a miracle in the next 6 months, cause budget dissection and the Duffy trial are only going to make things worse.

Provincial Elections does not equal Federal Elections. Different beasts


The obsession over a balanced budget, and focusing on it moreso than economic growth is kinda silly when debt is this cheap for the federal government.


Of all times, now would be the time to make major investments in infrastructure and R&D, the return on these investments would almost certainly be more than the cost to borrow to fund them.

TFSA increase is nice. (Might be even nicer if the government put in a serious effort to educating people about their TFSA's and getting the most out of them).

Anyway, here's a new poll from NANOS

http://www.nanosresearch.com/library/polls/Nanos Political Index 2015-04-17E.pdf

LPC 34, CPC 29, NDP 25, GPC 8, BQ 4


All right, $10,000 towards my TFSA!

Now all I need is a TFSA!
... and ten thousand dollars!

Man, That "Harper's grandaughter" remark was one of the worst pass the buck quotes I've heard in quite a while.


Provincial Elections does not equal Federal Elections. Different beasts
It's not about Alberta = Federal, it's about the dissension that is brewing towards the fundamental principle that makes up the Conservative platform.

All right, $10,000 towards my TFSA!

Now all I need is a TFSA!
... and ten thousand dollars!

Man, That "Harper's grandaughter" remark was one of the worst pass the buck quotes I've heard in quite a while.
Joe Oliver is a joke, but really, it's hard to find a single PC MP who hasn't looked completely out of their element in the last 6 months.
Joe Oliver is a joke, but really, it's hard to find a single PC MP who hasn't looked completely out of their element in the last 6 months.

In their defense, very few Conservative MPs have looked all that competent at any point since they formed government. It's always been a party of one. We're just noticing it more now that their very thin bench is getting more and more exposed.


listen to the mad man
Side note about TFSAs: I recently discovered that there are pretty severe restrictions on TFSA contribution for nonresident Canadians. Was very disappointed. It's interesting to see how so many of the things you take for granted as a citizenship right are actually a residence right, and yet how vociferously people argue that residence should not entitle others to citizenship. Funny that.


Side note about TFSAs: I recently discovered that there are pretty severe restrictions on TFSA contribution for nonresident Canadians. Was very disappointed. It's interesting to see how so many of the things you take for granted as a citizenship right are actually a residence right, and yet how vociferously people argue that residence should not entitle others to citizenship. Funny that.

Huh, so you're not getting more contribution room and your withdrawals won't be added back to your contribution room until you come back to Canada. Do you know if you get this years sudden increase? Although I suppose that's kind of moot since you can't really contribute to your TFSA anyway considering the monthly 1% tax on contributions made while a non-resident.

That's pretty lame. Do you have access to American savings vehicles, or are those for citizens only?
This *must* be a rogue poll, but...

NDP 38%
Wildrose 25%
PC 20%

I was going to say that they'd probably just be running up their vote totals in Edmonton, but:

If these results are projected up to an 87 seat Legislature, the NDP would take a 2 seat majority of 46, and the Wildrose Party would take 23. The PCs would take just 6 seats and the Liberals 3.

I'm thinking there's no way it happens, but it's still pretty crazy that it's gotten this bad for the PCs.


Oil prices falling through the floor.

Yeah and the tar/oil sands corps going "Lol fuckit" and firing like crazy. It's always a shame when giant conglomerates don't show any loyalty in tough times in return for sweetheart tax deals during boom times.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I think no matter what happens, the PCs won't survive this. I just don't see how. They've tipped over so far (much farther than in 2012) that people who want to defend against a possible NDP government will see the WR as their bulwark rather than the PCs.
Do you think they could go the way of the Socreds, the Farmers and (to a lesser extent) the Liberals? I'd just assumed that the PC Party infrastructure in Alberta was too big to fail, but if they've all jumped ship to Wildrose, that wouldn't be the case any more.

I feel so shortchanged being in Ontario. Our politics have almost never been interesting.
Oh, we've definitely had terrible governments. But outside of that brief period in the late '80s/early '90s when the Big Blue Machine fell, the Liberals formed a coalition government and then the NDP shocked themselves (and everyone else) by winning a majority in the space of less than ten years, I don't think Ontario politics have ever been that interesting. Not compared to Alberta (which has just been a series of all-powerful dynasties falling apart really quickly), or Newfoundland (where individuals like Joey Smallwood and Danny Williams are basically gods), or Quebec (where the craziness has only increased in recent years), or BC (where the first premier lost a non-confidence vote after a year and got replaced by a guy who called himself Amor de Cosmos).
oh shit, Alberta. LOL. I hope the NDP there gets a majority.

The PC must have really pissed off the Far Right with the changes to income tax and the yearly health fee. Right wingers are so funny


The rise of the PCs in the first place was basically a left-wing urban uprising against the rightwing socreds. It happens, it just doesn't usually last.

The NDP platform here right now is pretty moderate, really.


The NDP overall seems to be tempering it's platform and moving to the center to try give themselves a real shot at winning. The NDP winning Alberta really would be something. And unlike most parties, the federal and provincial NDP are actually the same party...
For whatever reason, polls in Canada always seem to underestimate the incumbent -- it happens federally and provincially. Part of it is that people don't like admitting to strangers that they like an unpopular leader (and last I saw, that's everyone outside of Saskatchewan). Part of it is that our pollsters still aren't great at figuring out likely voters, so they pick up the opinions of people who aren't voting and don't know how to separate those out. And, most importantly, the polls don't pick up the strength of a party's GOTV operation. I'd wager that as unpopular as the Alberta PCs are, their infrastructure is way more developed than any party, so they should pick up a few points that way.

Then again, it's entirely possible they lost a chunk of their organizers to Wildrose, so they may be as disadvantaged as anyone else. I'm thinking the NDP is probably way behind on that front, no matter how high their poll numbers go.


If the polls prove inaccurate again this election then I think it is time for the pollsters to really start looking at their methodology because clearly something is wrong.
yup and auntie Pauline was supposed to win a PQ majority in April 2014... LOL

where is Pauline now?

Polls have gotten so bad in the last two, three years
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