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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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Keep in mind when a seat goes from leading to elected it's not counted in the leading anymore. Gotta do math to know the resulting total. At least on the CBC one. Honestly these maps are crap in how they present information a lot of the time.


this is super close between the PQ and Libs. just bouncing back and forth between them as more districts report in.

There are some districts at the bottom of Mtl island that are crazy close.

Keep in mind when a seat goes from leading to elected it's not counted in the leading anymore. Gotta do math to know the resulting total. At least on the CBC one. Honestly these maps are crap in how they present information a lot of the time.

the gazette map I posted doesn't do that crap.



What will happen if the winner only has 55 ish seats? Someone will have to form a coalition government.

Nah, just be supported by another party. A coalition is a whole other animal. Seems (from my outsider pov) that CAQ supporting PLQ would be the most likely outcome, even if PQ has more seats than either.

But at this point it also looks plausible the PQ could pull off a majority from only 33% of the vote.
And may I ask, what were the "projected outcomes"?

Some of twitter feed also mention 53% voter turnout. Sounds about right honestly for a provincial election. I don't think it'll ever be higher in our elections unless we use some form of proportional rep where people feel their vote counts (imo).


And may I ask, what were the "projected outcomes"?

Some of twitter feed also mention 53% voter turnout. Sounds about right honestly for a provincial election. I don't think it'll ever be higher in our elections unless we use some form of proportional rep where people feel their vote counts (imo).

Never ever ever listen to turnout numbers until every vote is counted. The election result feed releases absolute numbers for voting stations that have been counted. When media sites give turnout numbers they divide that number by the number of registered voters *in total*.

So until every station is counted the turnout % number is useless.

this is super close between the PQ and Libs. just bouncing back and forth between them as more districts report in.

There are some districts at the bottom of Mtl island that are crazy close.

the gazette map I posted doesn't do that crap.


Yeah but its maps don't fit on my tv. :)

Realistically PQ *needs* 61 to take premier, 63 to expect to hold it. Libs will get first crack at government if there isn't a clear majority, and if CAQ supports them and PQ doesn't have 61 they won't govern. Unless they decide to take some kind of high road.


Please just let it be a minority government for the PQ. :( As an ESL teacher, I fear what would happen if Marois got her policies through.

Hate how CBC is saying "it's over" when there are thousands of uncounted polls.
Minorities seem to be a fad these days. Even tho Stephen Harper tried his darnest to tell people they were destructive to society (coalitions too!).

I personally like minorities so we don't have a four year dictatorship.


Minorities seem to be a fad these days. Even tho Stephen Harper tried his darnest to tell people they were destructive to society (coalitions too!).

I personally like minorities so we don't have a four year dictatorship.

Yeah I agree with you on that. I'm really happy Charest lost and that he's also losing in his riding so far.


Subete no aware
The upside is that Harper must be shitting his pants. Even if it's just a little. I hope this messes with any plans he has anyway.


Quebec will likely one day separate from Canada. Just happy it's not going to get a big push in that direction tonight if these results hold.


Man we could be in store for some epic parliamentary shenanigans at this rate. Even if he loses his seat, Charest will still technically be both leader of the QLP and the Premier until he resigns or loses the confidence of the house on a throne speech. If he's intent to cling to power that will be very interesting.


You shall not pass Charest, not even in Sherbrooke. GTFO and never come back.

I'm sad to see how many votes the liberals are getting in Montréal... sad sad ... I don't understand, really.


sigh. More strict language laws to get attention now.

Montreal is this tiny island of Liberal seats surrounded by PQ seats on all sides. looks so funny on maps.

welp, let's see if the PQ will push for a referendum in the next couple years.


sigh. More strict language laws to get attention now.

Montreal is this tiny island of Liberal seats surrounded by PQ seats on all sides. looks so funny on maps.

welp, let's see if the PQ will push for a referendum in the next couple years.

There won't be any stricter language law. PQ has a minority government so the other two party will not vote for that as they want the anglophone vote.



27.06 % Vote Share for CAQ so far, and yet barely any seats so far.

Libs have 3 % more Vote Share, and have 20 more seats.

Screw the system.


threehundredeight's projections:


As of now, the only seat-holders in range of the seat projections are the PQ and QS. CAQ and PLQ both way off. In terms of vote %, only correct on PQ and CAQ. QS more efficient and CAQ much less. PQ is only barely on the low end and CAQ only barely on high end.

Of course, the polls were off too. Be interesting to see what his seat model would have given with the final vote counts.


The biggest loser tonight is the CAQ. At one point analysts (and even I) believed they could win. Ouch!

But I'm glad Marois won anyway. She has the experience to be a PM, she has 14 ministers experience under her belt. Moreover a minority will prevent her from using her awful citizenship idea.

27.06 % Vote Share for CAQ so far, and yet barely any seats so far.

Libs have 3 % more Vote Share, and have 20 more seats.

Screw the system.

Yep... and they wonder why people don't bother voting?

I've voted maybe 6-7 times in my life so far, at 25, not ONE SINGLE VOTE has counted. (prov/federal elections)
Some of twitter feed also mention 53% voter turnout. Sounds about right honestly for a provincial election. I don't think it'll ever be higher in our elections unless we use some form of proportional rep where people feel their vote counts (imo).

It was 53% at 5:30PM, so it should be a bigger number at the end of the day.


Not yet but it should be soon. He's losing by close to 1000 votes in his own riding now.

Yeah his seat is lost, barring a miracle. But he's still premier 'til he resigns it, seat or no.

With these results y'all are gonna have another election in less than 6 months.

Heh, Legault is winning his seat by less than Charest is losing his.

Can't believe they haven't called Charest's seat yet. No way is he coming back from this.


What would a separated Quebec look like, anyway?

-no more CBC
-would need new currency and banks
-no more CFL team, and what about the Habs in the NHL?
-no English on any public services website
-public funding for French schools only
-loss of English-speaking workforce

...Please add to the list.


Banstick Emeritus
Depends on how hard the natives want to push, but the borders would probably look quite different. I was under the impression that Charest had made strides in working with aboriginal caucuses in hammering out treaty agreements, but if he's gone...



No souverainiste boulecrappe for another 4 years, awesome.

I think this is the best outcome for now. Quebecers get to see what this retooled PQ is made of and will be able to make a more educated decision in the next election instead of just expressing their frustration by voting for anyone but Charest.


They must be waiting for Charest to concede his seat before calling it. 134/216 reporting and down by like 1700 votes.


Well, get ready for student strike redux. PQ government who will not be able to do anything due to CAQ and Libs opposition, and nothing will get done.

No way this hold for more than a year and a half.


Glad to see Charest lose, glad to see the CAQ do worst than the media wanted, but sad to see Legault win his riding, since we will have elections again within two years.

Also disappointed Aussant lost, but I am not surprised, they should have been attacking the CAQ's program.

QS didn't get enough votes, only 6% or so. What will they do in the future? The NDP is coming. Either QS merges with ON, to gain 1 or 2%, or they won't grow. They can't merge with NDP without losing votes.


Well, get ready for student strike redux. PQ government who will not be able to do anything due to CAQ and Libs opposition, and nothing will get done.

No way this hold for more than a year and a half.

She can get rid of law 78 though as it doesn't require a vote.

I wonder what will happen with ON. If it's gone for good it will probably help PQ and QS


Has anyone put out the voter turnout stats yet?


Look at the bottom. BUT keep in mind that "Total Voter Turnout" is based on reported polls while "Registered electors" is the total for all polls (including unreported ones). So if you want to know what the likely end-result is going to be you have to do this:

Number of polling stations: (78,30 %)
Voter turnout 58,20 %

58.2%/78.30% = 74.32%

Also top it up a bit for advance votes, which are usually added in last and amount to a fairly large number of votes. Expect the final number to be somewhere around 76-78% from that.


Glad to see Charest lose, glad to see the CAQ do worst than the media wanted, but sad to see Legault win his riding, since we will have elections again within two years.

That's the thing though ; CAQ didn't do bad at all, vote-share wise. They got the approximate % the polls gave them. They just got demolished by the system.

Sad to see Aussant lose though. He was a man with a clear vision with good ideas, shame.



Look at the bottom. BUT keep in mind that "Total Voter Turnout" is based on reported polls while "Registered electors" is the total for all polls (including unreported ones). So if you want to know what the likely end-result is going to be you have to do this:

Number of polling stations: (78,30 %)
Voter turnout 58,20 %

58.2%/78.30% = 74.32%

Also top it up a bit for advance votes, which are usually added in last and amount to a fairly large number of votes. Expect the final number to be somewhere around 76-78% from that.

That's pretty good isn't it? The student protests probably raised a lot of awareness among the younger voters.
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