Subete no aware
We have never had a deadlock in Canada like a 2 party system can produce. Wasted votes, sure, but deadlock? Where are you getting that notion? We have too strong a quasi-executive for anything in the legislature to ever truly lead to deadlock.
Anyways, you can not solve the FPTP problems by going to a two party system. By trying to do that you just permanently entrench the consequences of that system and ensure that parties will grow even more corrupt than they already are.
The only way to solve the problems brought about by FPTP is to get rid of FPTP.
Exactly. The solution to our problems (legislatively and democratically) is to get rid of FPTP, not to get rid of more parties.
Let me ask you guys this though - what is more likely to happen in the next 100 years, Canada ends FPTP and moves to a sane electoral system or Canada moves to a two party system with the random Bernie Sanders-like exception?
People barely understand what FPTP is and the provincial attempts to introduce new systems were met with resounding apathy and failure. At least political parties have the ability to merge and make coalitions without needing to go through the neanderthals that make up the 50% of Canadians that don't bother to vote in the first place. (Well, unless you are the Liberals and you are letting anyone vote for your next leader
I suppose if you are a Conservative, you are loving this situation - in the same way that a Liberal loved when the right was destroying each other - but I'd rather have a government that truly represents the people and not one that exists because of split votes and voter apathy as a result of a electoral system that, in light of the new campaign finance rules, does not reward anyone for actually voting in a non-swing riding.
I constantly vacillate on whether or not like prefer the American system over the Westminster system that we're stuck with because we're a British colony. I really do think an elected executive would solve many problems, along with an elected senate, and while a two party system will never represent the interests of all Canadians, at least you are forced to choose one or the other.
What's funny is that in a small way, the Republicans are suffering from some of the same problems that arose out of the Reform movement, with the extreme right basically killing off Republicans in primary battles and even during elections. If they had their way, the RNC would probably wish that the Tea Party would just disappear and stop fucking things up for them.
(And I meant deadlocks between Reform/PC and Liberal/NDP candidates handing victories to the other party rather than legislative deadlocks).