You Are Viewtiful
I think I heard Paikin say the victory has to be within 100 votes on TVO.
Anyone know the circumstances required for a mandatory recount?
An application for judicial recount automatically occurs when the race is closer than 25 ballots.
What's surprising is the increase in turnout in the area. The by-election a few months ago was a surprising drop (13K and 11K respectively for the top two), where as this round they're both over 21K.I'd imagine Racco and Martow had enough scrutineers to make sure things were counted properly, I guess we'll know pretty quickly if the Martow campaign wants to pursue one
What's surprising is the increase in turnout in the area. The by-election a few months ago was a surprising drop (13K and 11K respectively for the top two), where as this round they're both over 21K.
Because she turned down a budget that accomplished her goals to force an unnecessary election which didn't benefit her party at all and will certainly lead to governance moving to the right; transformed an opponent's minority government into a majority government; gained no seats; it was her second electoral loss; ran a campaign that many within the party felt was an abdication of the party's principles; your purported "gain in vote count" amounts to a 2% rise in the popular vote so noting that such a rise was larger than the Liberal's vote rise counts for approximately nothing.
Ottawa surprisingly went all Liberal, other than Nepean-Carleton which will never go anything but Conservative consider we keep electing that asshole Poilievre.
Mr. Hudaks attempt to navigate his way to the Premiers office involved writing off most of the electorate. Recognizing that their partys appeal had narrowed since it last won government in the 1990s, he and his strategists didnt try to broaden it. Instead, they tried to ensure that the roughly one-third of the population inclined to support them would be more motivated to vote than everyone else.
So the Tories ran a campaign that was almost entirely about preaching to the choir. Their platform, which among other things promised to cut 100,000 jobs in the broader public sector and slash corporate taxes by 30 per cent, was all about mobilizing the base. Their candidates were instructed to skip over doors that didnt belong to likely supporters they needed to mobilize or the small number of undecided voters their modeling told them might easily be won over. Their leader went out day after day and delivered the same talking points, aimed only at people who saw the governments failings exactly as he did.
My brother, an avid Toronto Sun fan, called me last night, after I went to bed, to ask who won the election. Apparently he forgot to vote.
I told him Wynne won, he made a few homophobic remarks, parroted Sun nonsense, and then said Ontario is doomed and he's going to get a job in Alberta.
Good article on Tim Hudek strategy:
I think the PC still could have won if they simply replace "cut 100000 public workers" to "reduce government size through attrition" and "cut corporate tax" to "cut small business tax".
But that might not have energized the base. They needed an incredibly riled up base. Heck that's what got Harris elected really. And really I think the footnote on Hudak has already been written. "He really really wanted to be Harris 2.0"
God I hate that this has become a common meme. "Unnecessary election" is nothing but a demotivating tactic that's become part of public consciousness. From an outsider perspective it would seem absurd for a minority government with the level of controversy the OLP has had to NOT be brought down in the house and taken to the voters. That's what's *supposed* to happen.
That the verdict of the people supported the Liberals doesn't make it unnecessary. If someone is found not guilty in a court of law, was the trial a waste of money?
Other than the corruption, there were no substantive issues discussed during this election until Hudak floated a dumb idea and made the election about that dumb idea. So at best this election was simply a referendum on Wynne's ability to lead an effective government that got hijacked by a referendum on whether or not firing people is the best way to create jobs. Although Horwath could not have anticipated the PC stupidity (well, I mean, I guess she could have, really, but maybe not the exact dimension of it), she certainly could have ensured that when she caused the election it was because she had a positive vision of governance built on actual real policy ideas.
Unless Ford actually drops out of the race, there's not much chance of that.Imagine if Tory becomes Mayor of Toronto lol
If that's the life you wanna live. Personally, I don't find Fort McMurray all that appealing. Plus, for all the money you're making, they're gouging on rent and everything else.Regardless who is winning, it is probably better to get a job in Alberta anyways - unless Tim Hudek can magically conjure oil out of thin air.
But that might not have energized the base. They needed an incredibly riled up base. Heck that's what got Harris elected really. And really I think the footnote on Hudak has already been written. "He really really wanted to be Harris 2.0"
There's been rumblings that the RCMP budget is going to be cut something like 10-15% for next year. Not sure if that's just for Federal policing, or for the whole organization.
Either way, I look forward to trying to solve crimes and arrest bad guys from sitting in the office at my computer screen for the next year. :-/
Joe Fontana convicted of fraud
Good f'n riddance. I can't wait for the next disaster the people of London will surely usher into office.
Hopefully he steps down, but there's really nothing that can be done to remove him from office.
Joe Fontana convicted of fraud
Good f'n riddance. I can't wait for the next disaster the people of London will surely usher into office.
Ughhh, can't even think about HSRs or DRLs today. 42% increase in electricity in the next 5 years.
2003-2007 = Ontario becomes have-not province, begs for more welfare.
2007-2011 = Ontario destroyed, green energy scam skyrockets electricity prices, 500,000 manufacturing jobs gone
2011-2014 = 200,000 full-time jobs gone, brain drain reaches Maritime levels, debt approaches Quebec levels
2014-2018 = ??? 42% increase in electricity prices, private sector jobs still running away in droves
I don't see how anyone can be excited for this at all. Ontario made the wrong choice. From nation-builder to welfare queen, it is not the Ontario my parents got to grow up in![]()
Ughhh, can't even think about HSRs or DRLs today. 42% increase in electricity in the next 5 years.
2003-2007 = Ontario becomes have-not province, begs for more welfare.
2007-2011 = Ontario destroyed, green energy scam skyrockets electricity prices, 500,000 manufacturing jobs gone
2011-2014 = 200,000 full-time jobs gone, brain drain reaches Maritime levels, debt approaches Quebec levels
2014-2018 = ??? 42% increase in electricity prices, private sector jobs still running away in droves
I don't see how anyone can be excited for this at all. Ontario made the wrong choice. From nation-builder to welfare queen, it is not the Ontario my parents got to grow up in![]()
Ughhh, can't even think about HSRs or DRLs today. 42% increase in electricity in the next 5 years.
2003-2007 = Ontario becomes have-not province, begs for more welfare.
2007-2011 = Ontario destroyed, green energy scam skyrockets electricity prices, 500,000 manufacturing jobs gone
2011-2014 = 200,000 full-time jobs gone, brain drain reaches Maritime levels, debt approaches Quebec levels
2014-2018 = ??? 42% increase in electricity prices, private sector jobs still running away in droves
I don't see how anyone can be excited for this at all. Ontario made the wrong choice. From nation-builder to welfare queen, it is not the Ontario my parents got to grow up in![]()
I don't see how anyone can be excited for this at all. Ontario made the wrong choice.
Countries don't grow with conservative ideals, FYI.
This is how it has always been, this is how it will always remain.
Off the top of my head...
- Badly needed transit projects (and upgrades like GO electrification) will get built. Congestion costs the GTA economy $11B annually.
- College and university students get to keep their 30% tuition discount.
- Full-day kindergarten remains. This will not only save families daycare costs, but studies show positive effects for children in virtually all areas.
- Minimum wage increases will most likely continue.
- Ranked ballots will come to municipalities. Hudak was the only leader against it.
Minimum wage is down? What?
Well, first, let it be noted that I didn't support or vote for the OLP in this election. But really how I voted is neither here nor there when it comes to discussing this issue, if you assume that I'm posting in good faith and not being a hack. I'm also not particularly happy with the results last night.
It didn't happen in 2003-2014 what makes you think it will happen now with our $15 billion deficit? ($16 billion now I think, RBC redid it's GDP projection and Ontario is down 0.3%)
University prices have increased 80% from 2003 to 2014. All educated youth are moving to Alberta or back to Hong Kong, and the emigration rates are only increasing, so this is a lost cause.
URL=""]]Full-day kindergarten is the second biggest scam in town[/URL] after Green Energy Act. Your propoganda site doesn't prove anything; who do you think is running the Government of Ontario website?
Full-day kindergartners did fare significantly better in their vocabulary and their ability to control their behaviour and engage in play-based tasks, important elements when it comes to child development, the study showed.
Minimum wage is down from 2009 and it will stay that way. Not sure why you would think it's going to increase. She didn't even promise that.
Increase the minimum wage to $11 on June 1, 2014 and index it to inflation after that
Introduced by Jonah Schein, the former NDP MPP for Davenport (who also introduced the bill to ban unpaid internships), who lost to same random chick in Willowdale. Something is definitely wrong with Toronto water.
The term has obtained broader use, but its core and essence remains, as it was conceived, as a device for suppression of the legitimacy of the electoral process (and by extension vote suppression). People who say it now do not intend to be propagating that core, but it is one of the means by which it propagates none the less.
To narrow my claim down, it's an inherently conservative, anti-democratic notion and it disturbs me that I see the line being used by people who I don't think believe in conservative, anti-democratic ideals because I think they're doing the devil's work for him, so to speak.
Liberals said they would tie it to inflation, we'll see
Currently under construction:
The York-University subway expansion.
The Eglinton LRT.
The Union Station revitalization.
York's Viva rapid transit project.
GO's Mississauga Transitway project.
Citation needed.
My "propaganda site" is a study put together by Queen's University and McMaster University. Direct link to the PDF since it seems like you missed it. Also, from your link:
And there are also the child care savings.
History of the Ontario minimum wage:
2005: $7.45
2006: $7.75
2007: $8.00
2008: $8.75
2009: $9.50
2010: $10.25
2014: $11.00
Ontario has the highest minimum wage in Canada. From the Liberal platform:
That's the same as having no increase.
In the same article:
Oh wait, does that really mean, gasp, other provinces are handing out more money to cover the rising tuition cost? Does that mean that, despite the Liberals attempting to cap the tuition, they are still not subsidizing enough compared to other provinces, leading to the increase cost?While many note that administrators salaries have continued to increase, at least some student advocates acknowledge its hard to blame universities for tuition increases.
Per-student funding in the province is about 25 per cent below the national average, according to research by the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario.
Bringing Ontario back in line is a big bear for the government to wrestle, said Michael Yam, a researcher at the federation.
Just to catch up with the rest of the country, its a fairly large investment, he said. Thats part of the problem. Weve actually fallen behind over the years because weve ignored this.
Then so is increasing it by incremental amounts only after it seems lacking.
You can't win every battle.
In the same article:
Oh wait, does that really mean, gasp, other provinces are handing out more money to cover the rising tuition cost? Does that mean that, despite the Liberals attempting to cap the tuition, they are still not subsidizing enough compared to other provinces, leading to the increase cost?
More importantly, that and the other article does not even point to the idea of "all young people are moving back to Alberta or Hong Kong". Honestly, the "Hong Kong, and the emigration rates are only increasing, so this is a lost cause." line rubs me all the wrong way.
a) The idea of Hong Kong immigrants moving here for education and leaving as a "talking point" is maybe 5-10 years late. It feels like one of those scare tactic talking points about how "those damn immigrants are here and stealing all our university spots".
b) "emigration rates are increasing, so this is a lost cause"? - This feels like you're slamming the idea of emigration all together. It reeks of racist undertones.
*Waste of money that will make the gridlock situation worse in the future
*The only good thing they have done, and even that is severely mangled and worse from its original form.
*Lol what. That's not going to do anything for gridlock or economic productivity. You are padding your list.
*Paid for by York Region residents.
These projects are part of Metrolinx's $1.4 billion commitment to improving transit in York Region, just one component of a larger $9.5 billion commitment in the priority projects of Metrolinx's Regional Transportation Plan, The Big Move.
*What is that.
GO Transit bus riders and MiWay passengers will benefit from the Transitway, a dedicated corridor parallel to Highway 403 from Winston Churchill Boulevard to Erin Mills Parkway, and the existing bus-only lane on Highway 403, connecting to Mississaugas downtown core via Centre View Drive and Rathburn Road. The Transitway will continue east from Hurontario Street along the dedicated corridor parallel to Highway 403, Eastgate Parkway and Eglinton Avenue to Renforth Station.
When fully complete in 2016, the 18-kilometre Transitway will have 12 stations beginning at Winston Churchill Boulevard in the west and ending at Renforth Drive in the east. MiWay and GO Transit will service the Transitway as well as the TTC at Renforth.
The Mississauga Transitway is being developed in partnership with the Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario, GO Transit (a division of Metrolinx) and the City of Mississauga.
Well I am personally not a huge fan of minimum wage increases but if you're going to say the Liberals increased it you can't say that without taking inflation into account. It is being intelectually dishonest. It has not increased since 2010, and it won't increase in the next 4 years. That's an 8 year freeze on minimum wage.
I see you've never been north of Shepard after 4pm on a weekday.Waste of money that will make the gridlock situation worse in the future