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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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If she's smart, she'd deal with it now and hope that everyone forgets in 4 years rather than let it drag out for her entire mandate.

Well, since she doesn't have to worry about the opposition nipping at her heals on a daily basis, maybe she can actually deal with that shit.
Speaking of Mike Harris, Mike Harris (no, not that Mike Harris) is narrowly leading in his riding. Maybe the best way for the Ontario PCs to break with Mike Harris is to select Mike Harris (no, not that Mike Harris) as their new leader.

That would...actually be a pretty funny way to distance themselves from the Harris legacy.


Canadians burned my passport
Speaking of Mike Harris, Mike Harris (no, not that Mike Harris) is narrowly leading in his riding. Maybe the best way for the Ontario PCs to break with Mike Harris is to select Mike Harris (no, not that Mike Harris) as their new leader.

It is actually plausible that would do this.


Subete no aware
Speaking of Mike Harris, Mike Harris (no, not that Mike Harris) is narrowly leading in his riding. Maybe the best way for the Ontario PCs to break with Mike Harris is to select Mike Harris (no, not that Mike Harris) as their new leader.
If we're being silly, maybe the Tories and the NDP can merge to defeat the Liberals. lol
The only bad thing about the Liberals winning, as far as I'm concerned, is that it makes them winning federally next year a little harder, since Ontario seems to generally to like balance between federal and provincial parties in power.

I'm impressed that the Greens doubled their vote. No seats, of course, but jumping up to 5% is relatively impressive.


Speaking of Mike Harris, Mike Harris (no, not that Mike Harris) is narrowly leading in his riding. Maybe the best way for the Ontario PCs to break with Mike Harris is to select Mike Harris (no, not that Mike Harris) as their new leader.

I knew a Mike Harris in high school.

We went to high school during the Harris years.

Sucked for him.
Well, stability until all the scandals come to light fully and we go through the years of inquiries. lol

if any NDP ever gets mainstream and becomes a natural governing party.... trust me... they will become as corrupt as Conservatives and Liberals

Power corrupts. The NDP are not angels, if they spent 8 years straight in power, they would be would have their share of scandals.

The reason why the NDP has less scandals is simply because they have less power


Subete no aware
if any NDP ever gets mainstream and becomes a natural governing party.... trust me... they will become as corrupt as Conservatives and Liberals

Power corrupts. The NDP are not angels, if they spent 8 years straight in power, they would be would have their share of scandals.

The reason why the NDP has less scandals is simply because they have less power
Well, I mean, I remember the BC scandal that destroyed the party there - even if it really didn't amount to much.

All I'm saying is that it feels like we're in for a mess for a couple of years depending on how this plays out. At some point, she can't keep blaming shit on McGuinty any more.


if any NDP ever gets mainstream and becomes a natural governing party.... trust me... they will become as corrupt as Conservatives and Liberals

Power corrupts. The NDP are not angels, if they spent 8 years straight in power, they would be would have their share of scandals.

The reason why the NDP has less scandals is simply because they have less power

Are you kidding? So many Ontarians over 50 hate the Rae NDP govt. as much as the Harris Tory govt.


Are you kidding? So many Ontarians over 50 hate the Rae NDP govt. as much as the Harris Tory govt.

Seriously... every time politics and the NDP is brought up at my parents house the first thing that comes up is Rae Days. Annoys the hell out of me.

Glad the liberals won, and it looks like my riding is switching back from conservative to liberal, which is also nice.


This was the cover of the Toronto Sun the day after the last provincial election:


I can't wait to see the salt tomorrow.
the Ontario PC is a power plant to send cabinet PC MPPs for future jobs in Ottawa as Conservative MPs.

a PC loss is great news for the rest of Canada.
The second biggest joke in Canadian politics after Adrian dix is on TV right now. Step aside and declare Elliott leader already :(

NDP holding on to their lives in Beaches-East York. I didn't think Prue would lose to a right-to-work candidate in a downtown Toronto riding o_O


listen to the mad man
This was the cover of the Toronto Sun the day after the last provincial election:

I can't wait to see the salt tomorrow.

my guess:

headline: WHAT AN IDIOT
(picture of hudak at concession)

sub headline: Liberal Crooks Get To Steal Your Money For Another Four Years

Edit: This seems like the closest thing to an editorial reaction they were able to file before the print deadline. Get Ready for a Horror Show
... Despite the $1 billion blown on gas plants, the Ornge air ambulance fiasco, the deleted e-mails, voters in Toronto still weren’t ready to boot a Liberal government embroiled in two OPP investigations out the door. Apaprently [sic] the devil you know is better than trying your luck on a party that hasn’t blown $1 billion on eHealth... In the end, though, after the mudslinging and a gruelling 40-day campaign the province chose to return to what Wynne herself called, her “safe hands.” How extraordinary. And how safe are they? This province is in a moral and financial mess. What is very apparent is that this province is greatly polarized between rural and urban voters... This province will almost certainly see a credit downgrade within days of her budget passing... Voters in this province have no appetite to do what it takes to get this province back on the right financial track. PC Leader Tim Hudak told them some bald truths in this election... This is a stunning Friday the 13th horror story... And it’s only just begun.

(I forgot that the Sun tries to avoid words longer than eight or nine letters and paragraphs longer than a sentence or two. Can't lose the target demo's attention.)


Good riddance to Hudak. What an awful leader from the way he talks, to how he carries himself. He even looks like a super villain.
Viewtiful, you misspelled "Best". It's "Best. Election. Ever."

my guess:

headline: WHAT AN IDIOT
(picture of hudak at concession)

sub headline: Liberal Crooks Get To Steal Your Money For Another Four Years

I'm predicting...


With a tiny picture of Wynne in the bottom saying something bitter.
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