... Despite the $1 billion blown on gas plants, the Ornge air ambulance fiasco, the deleted e-mails, voters in Toronto still weren’t ready to boot a Liberal government embroiled in two OPP investigations out the door. Apaprently [sic] the devil you know is better than trying your luck on a party that hasn’t blown $1 billion on eHealth... In the end, though, after the mudslinging and a gruelling 40-day campaign the province chose to return to what Wynne herself called, her “safe hands.” How extraordinary. And how safe are they? This province is in a moral and financial mess. What is very apparent is that this province is greatly polarized between rural and urban voters... This province will almost certainly see a credit downgrade within days of her budget passing... Voters in this province have no appetite to do what it takes to get this province back on the right financial track. PC Leader Tim Hudak told them some bald truths in this election... This is a stunning Friday the 13th horror story... And it’s only just begun.