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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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York University students will probably disagree.

Yeah... I disagree. Fuck that lineup at YorkU and fuck taking the TTC any way during rush hour. Instead of taking me an hour and a half-ish to two hours to get home, it takes me around 2+ hours hours depending on the situation on Steeles or Sheppard. And that's not even counting the wait at the lineup at YorkU.

I can see it really reducing the amount of busses needed for a lot of students reducing a ton of traffic around the area.
That's 10% of the subway, what about the other 90%. And what is your opinion on the $500 million olympic stadium sized subway stations under a Costco?

Eglinton LRT has everything to do with provincial government. They even took money away from the rest-of-the-province's transit fund to build that.

Like your article said, Union Station revitalization has nothing to do with actual transit or gridlock. It is just making a subway/rail station less crowded.

Seriously a highway for a bus? Not impressed, especially since those buses originally go on the 407 which is relatively traffic free.

And you're accusing me of intellectual dishonesty

Here, I will spell it out for you. These are the minimum wages from 2010-2018 in Ontario in 2014 Canadian dollars.

2010: $11.06
2011: $10.71
2012: $10.50
2013: $10.46
2014: $11.00
2015: $11.00
2016: $11.00
2017: $11.00
2018: $11.00

And that's just based on CPI. I wonder what an OPI would look like. 42% electricity hike... there won't be any jobs to earn minimum wage at.


listen to the mad man
Here, I will spell it out for you. These are the minimum wages from 2010-2018 in Ontario in 2014 Canadian dollars.

He's fighting back because you refuse to admit that both the real and nominal definitions of minimum wage are in use, you're telling people they're wrong because you reject the nominal definition that they're using, and you're doing it because you're trying to remind us that the Liberals are Satan who will corruptly steal your money and piss it away on boondoggles while you huddle around burning firewood trying not to freeze to death in the battleground of World War Ontario.

If you had framed your argument by saying "Despite apparent increases in the minimum wage, minimum wage workers actually have less purchasing power than ever before, and not enough is being done to support them." no one would be arguing with you at all. In the mean time, all of North America has experienced real minimum wage erosion and largely no one has both the influence and desire to pass real minimum wage increases; progressives have typically aimed to at least use nominal increases to keep wages on track with inflation, and the most audacious progressives have floated inflation indexing. This is not a problem where Glorious Not Ontario has a solution and LIBERAL HELLHOLE ONTARIO is falling behind.

Newfoundland's real minimum wage has dropped about 75 cents an hour since the last increase in 2010. Most other provinces have a more recent raise, but still: Saskatchewan down a quarter. PEI no change. New Brunswick down 25 cents. Manitoba down a nickel. Alberta down a nickel. BC down more than a quarter.

You want my suggestion? Bare minimum a basic income package (negative income tax, more rigorous social benefits, cradle to grave welfare, direct subsidy of wages by the state, whatever I don't really want to get into the method here) + a $15-ish target minimum wage indexed to inflation, and calculating inflation using a real metric that includes food and fuel costs. So we can safely say I'm not disagreeing with the nature of the problem. But if I have a choice, I'm going to vote for a party that supports incremental nominal minimum wage increases and looking at tying it to inflation rather than a party that supports no increase, nominal or real.

The party context of the debate in this thread is further:
PCs: You voted for a party that opposed even nominal minimum wage increases and opposed indexing the minimum wage to inflation, which would prevent the real minimum wage increase you're talking about. You think this party had a stronger vision for addressing this problem than the other two. Their plan was to leave the minimum wage as is.

Liberals: You are opposing a party has passed nominal minimum wage increases and you're arguing that they don't count because, simultaneously, someone from another party championed the increase to begin with, and because perfect should be the enemy of good. Their plan was CPI indexing.

NDP: You seem to recognize that the party most likely to take this issue seriously also has no chance to govern in the province, so you implicitly accept that pragmatism has to be a part of the discussion, but the pragmatic middle is the position you're arguing against, not for. Their plan was a 0.50 raise a year for the next 2 years and CPI indexing.

Stated policies:
Like I said in reply to towel, I don't agree with minimum wage increases or the idea of a single minimum wage for everyone. So I'm not saying Glorious Not Ontario is doing something right and Ontario isn't. I am simply correcting someone who said Wynne is going to increase the minimum wage, which she hasn't by the definition that actually has practical implications (real minimum wage as opposed to nominal).


I am simply correcting someone who said Wynne is going to increase the minimum wage, which she hasn't by the definition that actually has practical implications (real minimum wage as opposed to nominal).

Wynne is raising the minimum wage in relation to what it is now.

What it is going to be raised to in comparison to its historic value is a different argument.
Here, I will spell it out for you. These are the minimum wages from 2010-2018 in Ontario in 2014 Canadian dollars.

2010: $11.06
2011: $10.71
2012: $10.50
2013: $10.46
2014: $11.00
2015: $11.00
2016: $11.00
2017: $11.00
2018: $11.00

And that's just based on CPI. I wonder what an OPI would look like. 42% electricity hike... there won't be any jobs to earn minimum wage at.

Minus your well appreciated condescension, and noting that I would advocate further nominal increases then what Wynne has proposed, there's no good reason to not index via inflation in the absence of a better metric being available. But hey the evil liberals have a majority, call your MPP.


It is pretty relevant to what is being discussed.



Not bitter, just unsweetened
Indexing to inflation IS increasing the minimum wage so it remains constantly par with inflation... so that your spending power remains the same

So if there was roughly the same inflation in the next 20 years as the last 20, by 2034 the minimum wage will be over $16
Indexing to inflation IS increasing the minimum wage so it remains constantly par with inflation... so that your spending power remains the same

So if there was roughly the same inflation in the next 20 years as the last 20, by 2034 the minimum wage will be over $16

When you are talking about money you take inflation into account. The minimum wage in real terms went down. It will stay the same for the foreseeable future. By congratulating Wynne for, as you say, "increasing the minimum wage", you are implying that you would be satisfied with whatever increase she imposes (say 5¢) even though it is, for all intents and purposes, a real decrease in minimum wage.


When you are talking about money you take inflation into account. The minimum wage in real terms went down. It will stay the same for the foreseeable future. By congratulating Wynne for, as you say, "increasing the minimum wage", you are implying that you would be satisfied with whatever increase she imposes (say 5¢) even though it is, for all intents and purposes, a real decrease in minimum wage.

I think what most people are arguing is that a stagnation in minimum wage is better than a decrease in it, in your own logic.
I think what most people are arguing is that a stagnation in minimum wage is better than a decrease in it, in your own logic.

When ZombieJames originally made his point, I was under the impression that he was getting excited for some increases. I don't think many will be excited for something that is going to essentially stay the same. And make no mistake, from here on out, there won't be any real increases in the minimum wage. One has to wonder, whether you think minimum wage should be living wage or whether you don't agree with the idea of a minimum wage, what is a minimum wage that is permanently stuck 20% below the poverty line going to accomplish?

For all the flack Sun gets here, I found the Star to be just as biased this election. The amount of attack op-eds released against Horwath was obscene, and heralding Wynne as some progressive pariah is grossly inaccurate. That's not what a newspaper should be doing. It could probably even explain the NDP decrease in Toronto even though numbers improved everywhere else.


I think what most people are arguing is that a stagnation in minimum wage is better than a decrease in it, in your own logic.

He's just muddying the subject.

People are like "Hey, she's raising the minimum wage."

He's like "I oppose minimum wage increases, but no she isn't. OK, she is, but she really isn't, because of reasons. LIBERAL FAIL."
He's just muddying the subject.

People are like "Hey, she's raising the minimum wage."

He's like "I oppose minimum wage increases, but no she isn't. OK, she is, but she really isn't, because of reasons. LIBERAL FAIL."

I wanna see the receipts. Where did that part happen? I've been clear since the beginning. There hasn't been any increase in minimum wage for all practical purposes (minimum wage adjusted for inflation). I've seen some say it's better than a stagnating minimum wage, but that's not what was originally said. So who changed the goal posts exactly?

Viewtiful is definitely Ontario's Ether Snake.

I don't mind having a minority opinion. Is it not healthy to doubt policies the Liberals are proposing when they haven't been working for the past 10 years? But when people like jstripes inaccurately represent what I said, that's something else.


[edit and remove: Never mind, preaching to a completely wrong choir with this one and I decided I don't want to get into it.]
For all the flack Sun gets here, I found the Star to be just as biased this election. The amount of attack op-eds released against Horwath was obscene, and heralding Wynne as some progressive pariah is grossly inaccurate. That's not what a newspaper should be doing. It could probably even explain the NDP decrease in Toronto even though numbers improved everywhere else.

You Are Viewtiful
Equivocation a Go-Go Baby

Horvath made painting Wynne as the progressive easy.


As someone who is politically unaware, what does Wynne's victory mean for Ontario?

Well, she got a majority, so:

Pro: Political stability for the next four years. The Liberals can lay out a comprehensive plan for Ontario without having to worry about the opposition derailing them.

Con: The opposition isn't able to keep the Liberals in check.


I know there's some sort of 25 vote threshold, but when the result changes likes his because of a clerical error there definitely should be a recount. 25 votes is really two narrow a threshold.

That's just for an automatic recount, though, afaik. The difficulty of obtaining a requested recount seems to be proportional to the difference in vote, and that seems about right really.
good news, the Bloc is about to die. They selected a radical extremist as their new leader.

The days of smooth talking Gilles Duceppe are over; say hello to Mario Beaulieau nut job.

The Televised Debates will be a Gold Mine.

RIP Bloc and good riddance. Finally Canadians in Quebec can finally chose between the Left, Center or the Right in Federal elections like normal Canadians.

good news, the Bloc is about to die. They selected a radical extremist as their new leader.

The days of smooth talking Gilles Duceppe are over; say hello to Mario Beaulieau nut job.

The Televised Debates will be a Gold Mine.

RIP Bloc and good riddance. Finally Canadians in Quebec can finally chose between the Left, Center or the Right in Federal elections like normal Canadians.


As it should be. Gilles was throwing off the curve for too long.


If Ford still running for Mayorship? Because it would be absolutely hilarious* if he still managed to win while in Rehab.
I'd probably cry myself to sleep

One of the perks of living out west, in Alberta, is we get to have nothing but schadenfreude about Ford while our big cities have transit-riding, pride-marching, pretty thoroughly un-racist mayors. Go Alberta! (so rare I get to say that)


Subete no aware
One of the perks of living out west, in Alberta, is we get to have nothing but schadenfreude about Ford while our big cities have transit-riding, pride-marching, pretty thoroughly un-racist mayors. Go Alberta! (so rare I get to say that)
You guys have the Wild Rose though. :(

But the Calgary mayor seems like a cool dude!


You guys have the Wild Rose though. :(

But the Calgary mayor seems like a cool dude!

The Edmonton mayor is a cooler dude imo. But they're twitter bros. Friendliest the two cities have ever been to each other in history, probably. Our municipal politics are pretty bright right now.
I still don't understand how someone as wonderful as Nenshi doesn't just get elected in Calgary, but reelected in a landslide. It makes us look bad out East.

As it should be. Gilles was throwing off the curve for too long.

That whole sovereigntist aspect of his politics was totally abhorrent, but he was amazing in the debates. He wasn't in it to win, so he just reeled off amazing one-liners and jabs. I'll miss that.


I still don't understand how someone as wonderful as Nenshi doesn't just get elected in Calgary, but reelected in a landslide. It makes us look bad out East.
With the kind of horrific mayors we've had in Ontario believe me you guys don't look bat at all here at the municipal level.


Kinda wonder if the Bloc will even be in the next election's debates, tbh. Blood's in the water and their current status leaves them only marginally more valid to be there than the Greens, and I rather doubt May will get in either.


Subete no aware
Kinda wonder if the Bloc will even be in the next election's debates, tbh. Blood's in the water and their current status leaves them only marginally more valid to be there than the Greens, and I rather doubt May will get in either.
I would assume that in order to pacify the Quebec, all the parties would be okay with giving the Bloc some time? They probably win more if they are shut out because it allows them to play up the whole "Federalists are trying to silence us" thing.


I would assume that in order to pacify the Quebec, all the parties would be okay with giving the Bloc some time? They probably win more if they are shut out because it allows them to play up the whole "Federalists are trying to silence us" thing.

How hardline are networks about "party status" for debates?


How hardline are networks about "party status" for debates?

It really doesn't have much to do with the debates at all. The networks don't really decide anything about the debate, the parties that MUST be there get a negotiated cross-section of what they want. Right now the cabal in charge is gonna be the CPC (Government), the Liberals (Duh), and the NDP (Opposition). While it might be wise to avoid pissing off sovereignists too much, you can see that none of those parties have much of a vested interest in putting a decimated bloc on even footing with themselves.


It really doesn't have much to do with the debates at all. The networks don't really decide anything about the debate, the parties that MUST be there get a negotiated cross-section of what they want. Right now the cabal in charge is gonna be the CPC (Government), the Liberals (Duh), and the NDP (Opposition). While it might be wise to avoid pissing off sovereignists too much, you can see that none of those parties have much of a vested interest in putting a decimated bloc on even footing with themselves.

Ah. I had always been under the assumption the network hosting the debates had some say in which parties got a spot on screen.


It really doesn't have much to do with the debates at all. The networks don't really decide anything about the debate, the parties that MUST be there get a negotiated cross-section of what they want. Right now the cabal in charge is gonna be the CPC (Government), the Liberals (Duh), and the NDP (Opposition). While it might be wise to avoid pissing off sovereignists too much, you can see that none of those parties have much of a vested interest in putting a decimated bloc on even footing with themselves.
The other federal parties have been really smart about staying out of the way while the separatists destroy themselves.


Ah. I had always been under the assumption the network hosting the debates had some say in which parties got a spot on screen.

They get some say on the edges, I'm sure, but in the end if Harper threatens to pull out if May is there, what are they going to do?

There's no legal requirement for them to have or attend a debate, so the power is in the hands of the most belligerent.
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