What's your take of GITS manga? I loved the anime adaptations but found Shirows work to be all over the map and pretty goofy at times. Seen that in a number of his manga work.
Had a peek at Marvels releases next week.
Marvel's releases every week are jam packed with good shit. This week is Power Fist & Iron Man which has me hyped as shit.
Carnage is the best shit that nobody reads.
I read it!
It's ace, very very underrated.
Had a peek at Marvels releases next week.
Shelley Bond is gone from Vertigo, and DC is "restructuring" it
Shelley Bond is gone from Vertigo, and DC is "restructuring" it
I think Messi reads it as well.
Had a peek at Marvels releases next week.
I got a Doctor's appointment next week.Had a peek at Marvels releases next week.
I think Messi reads it as well.
It might be a little easier on you if you didn't buy all of the comics each week.
I got a Doctor's appointment next week.
Shelley Bond is gone from Vertigo, and DC is "restructuring" it
I gotta pay for a root canal next week.
The Deadpool BRD is going to have a Liefeld commentary track?!??!!
Can you not pay in comics?I gotta pay for a root canal next week.
Can you not pay in comics?
Read the first issue of Giant Days. Anyone reading this? I'm going to grab a few more issues soon, the first issue was so much fun.
It really caught me by surprise how much I enjoyed that one issue, everything was just perfect, writing, art, just wow. Even though I just dropped a lot on the Image sale probably going to go ahead and grab the other 12 issues of this too.I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it. Incredible series and it only gets better. The characters are so endearing. More people should read it. It was a miniseries but now its ongoing due to it being popular. They just got nominated for an Eisner.
Read the first issue of Giant Days. Anyone reading this? I'm going to grab a few more issues soon, the first issue was so much fun.
Good. Hope they can manage to get back some of that Vertigo magic.
It really caught me by surprise how much I enjoyed that one issue, everything was just perfect, writing, art, just wow. Even though I just dropped a lot on the Image sale probably going to go ahead and grab the other 12 issues of this too.
Edit: Giant Days: Year One, worth reading as well?
See, I pieced out that this was Blu-ray disc (though I've actually never seen the abbreviation before... huh), but my brain filled this in to Deadpool BPRD. Man, that would be a really odd crossover.
I did. One of the best cape books that nobody read. I shilled it a lot, here. It's excellent, save for the ending. It's bad, just a bit rushed because they had to basically fuse two issues into one. Still excellent, though.Did anyone read Secret Identities? I meant to check it out last year, but I didn't.
Is it....can it be!? I'm reading a new issue of Switch? I missed this book so much.
So erm, I've been wondering again. It's been months since Secret Wars ended now. Where's the conclusion of Hickman's SHIELD?
Loved the two alt covers for Switch #3
Man, do you know how long I've been waiting for that? I think he's going to reprint it all, though. He's gotta after this long.
Zatanna chapter in Seven Soilders is amazing. This Sook DPS blew me away.
I don't think HE has much say in this... lol.
I don't think HE has much say in this... lol.
Oh not at all lol
Dustin Weaver has been done for a while.
...Is Harley squishing her pre-birth, fetal self?Yep.
I will say the artist changed a few issues back and while I don't think it is as good as the art you have seen it is stull more than enough for the book.
I really love Juan Ferreyra's final Suicide Squad cover. Shame he couldn't fit classic harley in there too.
...Is Harley squishing her pre-birth, fetal self?
Zatanna chapter in Seven Soilders is amazing. This Sook DPS blew me away.
It was the best SW tie-in imo.Weaver didn't have shit delays on Infinity Gauntlet either, and the art there was amazing too. The only hold up is that Marvel doesn't give a shit about SHIELD!
YEEESSS. Finally got an actual GOOD bookshelf that won't have any bowing or anything.
It doesn't fit all of my trades and standard size HCs, but I will figure out something else to do with them. I kind of want this whole bookshelf for OHCs/omnis/LEs/etc.
That's a nice bookcase, but you filled it with comics.