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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless


Looks sturdy. I need to get something like that for my graphic novels. The one I have is wider but doesn't have support in the middle like that.

That thing in the middle was exactly what I was needing. My OHC/omni shelves were sagging like crazy in my old bookshelf and it worried me a lot.
I've got a long one for you guys tonight...

Young Inhumans
Continuing along my journey through pre-War of Kings Inhumans tales, I have reached the Young Inhumans. I honestly wasn't sure what to think of this. I thought the idea to follow characters who I haven't seen pop up again was interesting. Before this, the only thing people thought of with the Inhumans was the Royal Family. They were the original representatives of the Inhumans. I mean, the franchise hasn't exactly had a rotating cast or multiple groups until the Marvel NOW! and All-New All-Different imprints. This book broke that streak well before 2012 though. Collecting Inhumans #1-12 (2000) is a book that is truly unique in anything I've read from Marvel. Or really anything I've read in a comic thus far.

To start off, the base concept behind this series is that five of the younger, more recently turned Inhumans have been ordered by Black Bolt to go to Earth as part of a "study abroad"-type program. This consists of these five going and living at a university on Earth for at least one year, like any other foreign exchange/study abroad programs. This is an attempt to quell the hostility between Earth and Attilan, since the recent events that involved the siege on Attilan (the Jenkins and Lee run) as well as the more recent mishap of the Royal Family's return to Earth. The first thing I want to address about this is that this book as Attilan on the moon. Now, technically Attilan never really moved from the moon. Part of it was always there, but the main chunk of the city (the teleporting spaceship part) was what was being moved around. So that part isn't confusing, but what is confusing is that the Royal Family aren't the only ones there. At the end of the FF/Inhumans arc, the Royal Family were the only ones to return to Earth, after which point they returned to the moon due to an almost catastrophic event. So why has the entire culture been restored? Almost as if most of the events during the whole Ronan-kidnaps-Attilan thing never happened. It's very strange. Like, did they come back eventually? How much time passed since then? It's confusing. Especially since Tonaja, the green flying girl from the Jenkins/Lee run is there. As well as Dewoz, whom you may know better as guy that can travel through mirrors. Did they not go with the rest of their people? Or was there a bunch of them that remained on the moon, even though there shouldn't have been anything left after Atlantis Rising (I really should read that again because I understood almost none of it)?

Ignoring that though: Five Inhuman teens with attitude are chosen to go and stay on Earth for a year. Initially the book develops everything about Inhuman culture: transformations and castes and all that. You don't see much of the Royal Family. A small scene where Gorgon states that he picked Tonaja, an appearance by Black Bolt, and a bunch of Medusa showing up since she's the one in charge (technically). Now, the Youngsters: San, Tonaja, Nahrees, Alaris, and Jolen are all staying at UW Madison. Personally I think that's hilarious, due to living in Wisconsin my whole life and having visited Madison several times due to friends living there and going to college down there. So a lot of the weird, Wisconsin stuff is funny to me. Now their reasoning is because the school is "relatively remote and has a high ethnic tolerance," however that quickly goes to shit. Now, a brief summary of the Youngsters: San was a really good athlete who, when he transformed, lost a lot of his physical prowess in exchange for making what is only described as hard light structures -- the only reason I know what they're made of is from the pitch included in the back of the trade -- though he's become rather "monstrous" in his appearance. Tonaja, a Royal Guardsmen with the ability to fly in exchange for becoming green and scaly, she's still got a rockin' bod, though. Jolen, a creepy ass dude who may as well be an Avatar of the Green. Nahrees, a cold-ass honey with lightning powers and the most human looking of the bunch (minus the lightning oming out of her hands and eyes). Finally, Alaris is your classic strong type with three fingers on each hand and a Vegeta haircut.

The premise and the characters are interesting. It's sort of the reverse of the 2014 series, which was about people becoming Inhumans and trying to fit in with that culture. The difference there is that the Inhumans were also adjusting to a whole new scenario on their own as well. Here, Attilan isn't really involved. The entirety of the focus is on these five, simply adapting to Earth culture. It's hard to describe what kind of series it is. It's effectively a college drama with super powers and aliens. They learn how to fit in, how to socialize, learn what humans learn, get jobs, etc. The tension is in the drama, and it's really good drama. Each character has very standout personalities and unique arcs: Tonaja was chosen by Gorgon to be the level-headed leader of the group (she's a leader within the Royal Guards), but she has a hard time being as that she feels incredibly alone already (her family had been killed during the Siege of Attilan), and now that she's leaving the love of her life (Dewoz), she feels even more alone. She has a hard time opening up. Especially since she has to deal with Nahrees, a fellow Royal Guardsmen who is incredibly cold, callous, and classist. Her and Nahrees don't get along. Nahrees' arc involves her learning to open up to other people, learn about them, not look at everything so coldly and logically. To learn what it is to be equal. Alaris is the optimist of the group. He wants to learn everything and consume everything and be friends with everyone. His naivety screws him over though, and also causes him to become almost too absorbed in Earth culture. His friendship with San is an uneasy one. Him and San used to be star athletes together, both wanting to join the Royal Guard. However, while Alaris got the physical beef up, San got the opposite and therefore couldn't join the Guard. San also became he most alien looking of the group, and thus also viewed himself has ugly and unwanted. This puts him at odds with Alaris, and makes him easily manipulated by Jolen. Jolen is a reclusive, manipulative asshole who hates humans. Space racist. Also he has plant powers.

These characters develop so well and have such good chemistry that it's hard not to get invested in them. They develop and have interesting arcs. However, the book is very flawed: the first 3/4 of the book are solely about the five and their lives. The last 1/4, however, is a change. It's still focused on them, but it shifts into something significantly different. Similar to an actual superhero arc in which one of their own is kidnapped, and they have to race to catch them. The book ends shortly after that arc (which has the most depressing ending to an arc that I've seen in a long time), with each character's arc coming to a close. Well, almost. The book seems rushed, since there's a major arc that isn't actually resolved: Jolen. In fact, even Alaris doesn't have much of an arc after the initial blunder he causes at the beginning of the book. Jolen however, is a major cause of drama. He's manipulative of San and attempts to get Nahrees back together with him. He kills humans, a plot he establishes from the beginning. He's never outed by what he's doing, and it feels like what he's doing is more of a background plot. His attempted manipulations of San, Tonaja, and Nahrees are more about them that they are about him. While the arcs do all technically come to a close, Jolen's is unsatisfying and it feels like they could have done a lot more with him specifically.

Overall, it's a very good book and a very unique book. It has good art, and strong dialogue and narration. I'm surprised I enjoyed it as much as I did, and I would love to see Marvel do this again. It's hard to recommend however. Especially here. Most of the people on this board either dislike Inhumans or are apathetic to them, and most of those who do like them only like the superhero aspects or, more specifically, the Royal Family. However, if you're looking for a unique drama that you wouldn't expect, or just something different from the usual then this is a book I'd highly recommend to you.

Loved the two alt covers for Switch #3
I thought that had gotten cancelled.
I thought you were Team Infinity Gauntlet?

That's up there, but Siege is the best.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
That's up there, but Siege is the best.

I liked the story in Siege but the art holds it back from being the best IMO.

I think there's some confusion here because he literally just said he thinks it was the best one lol

Haha yep. I saw "The Shield" at the end of the post he was replying to and thought he was saying it was the best. My bad Psych! No wonder you were confused.
Started reading IDW Turtles. The art took a significant hit in the 2nd issue. It's still generally fine but some of these faces, man...



and that right angle ass elbow


So I hear DC has lost their minds and axed Vertigo's boss and all projects go to DiDlo and Lee.

On one hand it sucks, but on the other hand... Vertigo simply hasn't been working recently. It needs some dramatic shake up. The reporting thing makes me wonder if they're not trying to ressurect the Vertigoverse as a shared continuity for their supernatural and adult-oriented IPs, while the standalone titles will move to differnet line.


Light week again. And again. ANAD is just meh.

Power Man & Iron Fist
Howard the Duck
Awesome Hulk

with Red Wolf, Herc & such last week? nah b
Old Man Logan, Vision, Ultimates, Patsy Walker, Squirrel Girl, Daredevil & last week's start to Panther and Moony...man, marvel's the best its been in years, for most of the non-cosmic corners anyway

oh yeah and i'm loving the balls off Ellis' 007 book too. between the amount of mignola-verse (hellboy/bprd/abe/baltimore etc) books and stuff like moore's lovecraftian providence, waid/chip's archie & jughead, there's way too much enjoyable shit out there for me right now
oh! and usagi yojimbo's back up, plus new lone wolf & cub which is my shiiiiiiiit


I want Extraordinary X-Men to be so much better. I always get excited when I see Lemire writing a new book, but I forget how often I don't like his work. It is the only Marvel book I've even picking up right now, and I don't have a good reason not to drop it and just Marvel Unlimited wait.

However, I did put in my June orders. That Rebirth game is strong! Very excited to finally start reading a Batman book with Tom King on board. Also picking up Aquaman and Titans to see if I spot any secret Inquisitors from Dan Abnett. Maybe I'll finally get into some current comics? So far, I'm only really reading some Image books and Constantine month to month.

I also think late 80's to early-ish 90's might be my favorite time for DC books. Just put in an order for IST for Nightwing Vol 2, Robin Vol 2, Suicide Squad Vol 3, and Shade the Changing Man Vol 1. I also picked up Gail Simone's Secret Six. Ostrander eventually does some work on that, right?

Furthering the DC British Invasion love, I just finished up Doom Patrol Book One, by Morrison. What a wonderful read! I'm loving everything about this book! I'm glad I didn't jump on an Omnibus, though, because I find I never actually pick those up to read as they are a bit unwieldy. Still have several I've had for years that I've barely cracked, like Hickman's FF, New X-Men, and Invincible Compendium 2. All stuff I really want to read, but the size of the thing makes it difficult to work through.

So glad I get to enjoy all the best parts of 90's comics without having to deal with a speculator's market killing the shops.

Edit: Oh, hey! It only took me 7 years to post enough to get past Junior Member status. Feels weird.


Power Man & Iron Fist
Howard the Duck
Awesome Hulk

with Red Wolf, Herc & such last week? nah b
Old Man Logan, Vision, Ultimates, Patsy Walker, Squirrel Girl, Daredevil & last week's start to Panther and Moony...man, marvel's the best its been in years, for most of the non-cosmic corners anyway
Just not feeling it. Fraction isn't on Hawkeye, Waid isn't on Daredevil, Remender ain't on Cap and the others you have listed are not doing anything for me. I feel really like I'm done with Marvel for a while. I'll pull some books sure, but no where near as much as I did with pre-SW books.


I want Extraordinary X-Men to be so much better. I always get excited when I see Lemire writing a new book, but I forget how often I don't like his work. It is the only Marvel book I've even picking up right now, and I don't have a good reason not to drop it and just Marvel Unlimited wait.

However, I did put in my June orders. That Rebirth game is strong! Very excited to finally start reading a Batman book with Tom King on board. Also picking up Aquaman and Titans to see if I spot any secret Inquisitors from Dan Abnett. Maybe I'll finally get into some current comics? So far, I'm only really reading some Image books and Constantine month to month.

I also think late 80's to early-ish 90's might be my favorite time for DC books. Just put in an order for IST for Nightwing Vol 2, Robin Vol 2, Suicide Squad Vol 3, and Shade the Changing Man Vol 1. I also picked up Gail Simone's Secret Six. Ostrander eventually does some work on that, right?

Furthering the DC British Invasion love, I just finished up Doom Patrol Book One, by Morrison. What a wonderful read! I'm loving everything about this book! I'm glad I didn't jump on an Omnibus, though, because I find I never actually pick those up to read as they are a bit unwieldy. Still have several I've had for years that I've barely cracked, like Hickman's FF, New X-Men, and Invincible Compendium 2. All stuff I really want to read, but the size of the thing makes it difficult to work through.

So glad I get to enjoy all the best parts of 90's comics without having to deal with a speculator's market killing the shops.

Edit: Oh, hey! It only took me 7 years to post enough to get past Junior Member status. Feels weird.
Lemire isn't as strong on team books.

Bleach is pretty great guys.
You'll probably change your tune after a certain point.
Come on DC just hurry up and get to Rebirth...

This was the first Superman:American Alien I was pretty meh on. I feel like there was a different way to make the point than a angsty friend fight.

This SuperLeague arc is also going pretty good, but this issue didn't really have the moments you thought it'd have dealing with Kara. Just felt like a way to bring her back into the fold rather than saying goodbye like the other issues have been.

Saw everyone talking about Vertigo earlier, I would mostly agree that's it's been pretty shit, but Clean Room has been great. Besides that though all I really read was Twilight Children and Slash and Burn and both felt pretty lame and like a waste of time.
Because someone was talking up Valiant so much I decided to pick up that last Ninjak issue and Divinity II this week. Divinity definitely went somewhere.

Fucks sake DC, after Karen Berger Shelly Bond was Vertigo.

Outside of Clean Room and Sheriff's of Babylon it has been shit though.
Ugh, that Vertigo news. Karen Berger needed to find new opportunities and Shelly Bond was restructured. And Didio and Johns get to continue their relentless pursuit of mediocrity.


Real Talk, why do people shit on Dido. He seems like an okay guy from my pov. Yeah he has bad ideas but people talk like he kicked their dog.
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