So, is Alien Day really a thing?
It's not going to be as big as May the 4th or Back to the Future Day, mainly because those are family films and Alien, well....isn't.
So, is Alien Day really a thing?
Frank Cho has taken his dank memery to the next level (spoilered for possible NSFW, apols to mobileGAF):
in 2016.
You have to hand it to BKV, though. I don't think there's a double-page spread in that entire book, maybe even the entire series. Contrast that to a writer like Bendis who has at least two in each issue of every comic he's ever written.
You ARE right there. And thank goodness, because that binding is ROUGH. Still, though, I had to hold the book open with my hands throughout pretty much all of it, which wasn't any fun.
Just finshed Groom Lake after year on my wishlist.
We need to appreciate Ben Templesmith more!
I love that Europe can finally take part in the Nintendo Humble Bundle
#TeamEurope continues to dominate
The only thing America has left is the superior fast food and Zombine.And even that isnt much importat because...
we have a Messi
Yeah, I really liked that one. That was probably one of my favorite Templesmith books..
Binding was a mistake. Digital future is the only future. Digital present.
I thought about using one, but then the We have a Messi joke wouldnt have worked that good :/You didn't have a crying Olivia Wilde Gif to go along with that last part?
I'm finally watching Firefly. Four episodes in, and it's amazing. I watched the first episode like three times in the last seven or eight years, but I never went past that for some reason.
ewGoing from
is definitely inexcusable.
I can take photos when I get home, but that HC is a huge disappointment. Thank God I have the single issues in digital.
sketchshark is good
I'm finally watching Firefly. Four episodes in, and it's amazing. I watched the first episode like three times in the last seven or eight years, but I never went past that for some reason.
About time. Love that series. I bought it again on BD a while back when Best Buy had it on sale for $14.99... Also don't forget to watch Serenity when you're done.
*Googles Barakamon*
Barakamon is pretty great.
However, Yotsuba&! is a treasure.
Barakamon is pretty great.
However, Yotsuba&! is a treasure.
v13 of Yotsuba comes out in a month too!
Have you all heard me complain about how they changed the US logo to the shittiest one ever?
Have you all heard me complain about how they changed the US logo to the shittiest one ever?
I know! I just saw that the other day. It's about time.
I have not.
They switched US publishers.
Breaks my heart every single time
Yeah. Fortunately for me by the time I decided to collect them I was able to buy all Yen Press.
No Spider-Man 2099 this week? Pass.
Carnage 7
2099 always comes out on the first week on the month.
They switched US publishers.
Breaks my heart every single time
I refuse to believe a Carnage book can be good.
A nice interview with Morrison by Heidi MacDonald for Publisher's Weekly - http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/...-wonder-woman-interesting-grant-morrison.html
He reiterates that his plan for Wonder Woman Earth One is a trilogy and that aside from that, he's done with superheroes.
A nice interview with Morrison by Heidi MacDonald for Publisher's Weekly - http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/...-wonder-woman-interesting-grant-morrison.html
He reiterates that his plan for Wonder Woman Earth One is a trilogy and that aside from that, he's done with superheroes.
Wasn't he doing more Multiversity? Or am I just imagining things?A nice interview with Morrison by Heidi MacDonald for Publisher's Weekly - http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/...-wonder-woman-interesting-grant-morrison.html
He reiterates that his plan for Wonder Woman Earth One is a trilogy and that aside from that, he's done with superheroes.