Hah. I just looked and discovered I own the whole series on CMX. Must have bought it during that cyber Monday DC buy one get one free blur. I should read that soonNope, the whole run was never collected. The whole series is on CMX though
That's classic 90s marvel right there buddy.http://comicvine.gamespot.com/articles/thunderbolts-return-first-look/1100-155254/
Looking like the New 52 vomited all over them.
That's a shame considering how much I hear about it. Definitely something I want to check out. Enigma's another on my list but I see there's a trade collecting it.
The Doom Patrol art rules
SO excited for this. I think the only announcement that could make me happier is something like Fraction on Amazing Spider-Man honestly.
Yeah but I thought this was mainline DC? Meaning BB would be red? or green? whatever the fuck I didn't buy Teen Titans in a long-ass while?
Art and descriptions for the Young Animals line:
DOOM PATROL This September, in the spirit of Grant Morrison's legendary run on the series, along with other classic incarnations of the characters, writer Gerard Way and artist Nick Derington will put their unique stamp on the world's strangest heroes taking on the universe's strangest villains.
SHADE, THE CHANGING GIRL An alien takes over the body of a 16-year-old bully and must face the challenges of being a stranger in a foreign land, plus the consequences of a life she didn't live. Star Wars Moving Target writer Cecil Castellucci and artist Marley Zarcone explore themes of madness, alienation, and the bizarre in this sci-fi thriller, with covers by Becky Cloonan. The new series hits shelves in October.
CAVE CARSON HAS A CYBERNETIC EYE Writers Gerard Way and Jon Rivera, along with artist Michael Avon Oeming take readers on a strange adventure with DC Comics Silver Age character Cave Carson, his cybernetic eye and his collegeage daughter as they travel to dark places deep in the earth and mind. Catch this new series in October
MOTHER PANIC Meet Violet Paige, a celebrity heiress by day and brutal vigilante by night as she takes on the underbelly of Gotham Citys high society. Hitting shelves in November, the series is written by Gerard Way and Jody Houser with art by Tommy Lee Edwards
That Young Animal stuff sounds great. Will grab at least each first issue...and never read them.
I hate to be the voice of reason here, but Gerard Way is 38. He ain't a young anything. Dude is older than me.
I hate to be the voice of reason here, but Gerard Way is 38. He ain't a young anything. Dude is older than me.
I chose the perfect time to get back into comics.
There is no perfect time, they're still comics.
I like to think that the ambulance is a member of the team.
I like to think that the ambulance is a member of the team.
It probably is. Who are the Ghostbusters without Ecto-1? Nobody, that's who.
It probably is. Who are the Ghostbusters without Ecto-1? Nobody, that's who.
Damn! I didn't realize he was that old. He's probably young at heart.I hate to be the voice of reason here, but Gerard Way is 38. He ain't a young anything. Dude is older than me.
Damn! I didn't realize he was that old. He's probably young at heart.
That's why he considers himself a young animal.His wife is a year older than he is.
DC won.
Marvel scrambling to return fire on this new imprint right now
I'd love to be a fly on the wall over there
Imprint headed up by Coates
It started ok and turned into a mess. And that ending was so poor. Like everyone just gave up for no reason.Captain Marvel & The Carol Corps #2-4 - I dont have much to say about thia, it wasnt very good. I liked the idea initially of them wanting to know what was beyond their domain (or in this case, the stars) because I think thats one of the most interesting themes the event had (even if very few books touched on it) but they do very little with it and the ending is super ambiguous (I assume they all die, I dont care either way). Disappointing tie in, especially coming from one of the few Carol fans on gaf.
Did you read that interview BLL posted yesterday? Dude sounds like he is having a blast right now, I'm really happy for him
...I'd go with Hickman for an imprint though. If they can get him back.
It started ok and turned into a mess. And that ending was so poor. Like everyone just gave up for no reason.
I seriously think this might be the case. So are these going to be $2.99 books or are they gonna pull a Marvel?
Few questions:
1) Where to read more about Carol Denvers? Amazon got two volume ones... I didn't understand why.
2) There's an omnibus for Infinity Gauntlet, but no omnibus for Infinity War and Infinity Crusade?
3) Also, there's no omnibus for Realm of Kings, pre-Annihilators and Annihilators?
I seriously think this might be the case. So are these going to be $2.99 books or are they gonna pull a Marvel?
Yea. An idea that looked great before it happened. Then just fell apartI feel like you use this to describe like 95% of the Secret Wars tie ins.
Did you read that interview BLL posted yesterday? Dude sounds like he is having a blast right now, I'm really happy for him
...I'd go with Hickman for an imprint though. If they can get him back.
Marvel scrambling to return fire on this new imprint right now
I'd love to be a fly on the wall over there
I seriously think this might be the case. So are these going to be $2.99 books or are they gonna pull a Marvel?
So is Young Animal's and Kamandai challange apart of the main universe?
Well we are getting a alias book this fall.
So is Young Animal's and Kamandai challange apart of the main universe?