Shit, these are all still ongoing? What the fuck are you guys doing to me?!
Making you catch up on two years of good comics in two weeks. RIP wallet
Shit, these are all still ongoing? What the fuck are you guys doing to me?!
Shit, these are all still ongoing? What the fuck are you guys doing to me?!
Shit, these are all still ongoing? What the fuck are you guys doing to me?!
I decided to give Remender a chance despite already mentioned tpb damage and started Tokyo Ghost. Initial impression: This is some weird stuff.
I decided to give Remender a chance despite already mentioned tpb damage and started Tokyo Ghost. Initial impression: This is some weird stuff.
I decided to give Remender a chance despite already mentioned tpb damage and started Tokyo Ghost. Initial impression: This is some weird stuff.
It really picks up with issue 3.
I found that one to be the hardest to get into at first. But by 3 I was hooked.
See, I should have just given it one more issue. Now I'm behind. Dammit.
Finally getting some time to read some things I bought recently and long ago this Saturday morning.
I read the first volume of Shutter, and I really love the sense of adventure. Everything is so odd and fresh, so it really gives me the feeling that I'm on this wild journey. Some of the monster design is pretty exhilarating to look at, and it just seems like a genuinely fun comic.
What I'm reading right now is another comic that is right up my alley--Essex County. It is the kind of book that gives me a very certain feeling that resonates so well with me. The feeling of isolation in the idyllic countyside is relatable to me, because up until a couple weeks ago, I was living in an extremely rural part of Japan. Moved back to the big city, though, and the feeling of isolation shown in the second book of Essex County in Toronto is just as vivid.
See, I should have just given it one more issue. Now I'm behind. Dammit.
I read the first volume of Shutter, and I really love the sense of adventure. Everything is so odd and fresh, so it really gives me the feeling that I'm on this wild journey. Some of the monster design is pretty exhilarating to look at, and it just seems like a genuinely fun comic
I love how obscenely random things in Shutter can be sometimes. It's a very fun and creative book.
Have you gotten to the part recently whereKate takes drugs and it pulls the reader all the way out until you can see Leilas hand drawing the issue and her panels and shit. Then out to it being packaged and put in stores. It was trippy as shit.
Does Tokyo Ghost look as good digitally as i imagine? This paper can only do so much.
Butcher Baker The Righteous Maker #!1
hory shit. now this is my type of hero. Basically imagine if the comedian from Watchman had superpowers and his own solo book. this is that book. Definitely a 18+ title. The only thing I disliked was it was hard to make out some of the speech bubbles.
Glad you like it. It was definitely an underappreciated book back when it came out.
has it ended?
Sillymonkey's Comic Book Challenge: Don't read any comics this weekend.
and go!
Sillymonkey's Comic Book Challenge: Don't read any comics this weekend.
and go! I think i'm kinda done with Life is Strange, i feel like i'm shambling around a half-movie where i make decisions and then rewind them to make others anyways while slowly walking around to interact with objects. I just want to play Dark Souls 3 and die all the time while swearing during loading screens.
Its already saturday technically so I already failed
Yeah, it was only an 8-issue series, which I think was for the best. The story was all planned out in advance so it didn't get stuck in a rut as happens with many ongoing books.
will buy all of them!
Overall this run was solid. Nothing really great but you could do a lot worse. While there were some fun moments, I'd recommend the Steph and Cass runs over this any day of the week.
Essex County was a very depressing read. Rough way to start the day. I loved it.
It looks like Morrsion's tenure as Editor at Heavy Metal starts at #280. EW has a few previews and the three variant covers.
Possibly NSFW.
Batgirl #50 was an ok ending to this arc. Think I'm satisfied with dropping it here since this was basically the end. No plans to read the Rebirth run.
Overall this run was solid. Nothing really great but you could do a lot worse. While there were some fun moments, I'd recommend the Steph and Cass runs over this any day of the week.
I may try it out but I think I'm more interested in Fletcher's other Image book. Still too far off to really judge though.Yeah, I liked the first arc of the Burnside Batgirl, but it kinda went a bit off the rails after that. I really loved Babs Tarr's art, though. Can't wait to see how Motor Crush turns out.
i read all thoese Batgirl comics and have nothing to say except i suspect this is how Young Avengers (Gillen/McKelvie version) haters felt about that book
I may try it out but I think I'm more interested in Fletcher's other Image book. Still too far off to really judge though.
Not familiar with Gillen's YA, what do you mean by that?
as in: it's a book that's trying to earnestly portray what it's like to be young in the 21st century but it feels like an old person's idea of what that is? it's hard to explain, but as a (relatively) young person myself living in a big city not much of it really resonated or gave me the "oh yeah, i recognize that" feeling that i think it wanted me to have
Ah, I know what you mean. A lot of that fell kind of flat for me too.
I do have to agree with what Tim and some others were saying on the creative team going back to Babs' photographic memory a bit too much. It was a good idea at first but they used it far too often. I had enough of it by the end.
Kinda funny that the Steph run is only a couple of issues longer than this one and I think it had much better character development while still being straight fun and full of heart.
pretty much. i'm digging the Batgirl run okay but it's mostly the artas in: it's a book that's trying to earnestly portray what it's like to be young in the 21st century but it feels like an old person's idea of what that is? it's hard to explain, but as a (relatively) young person myself living in a big city not much of it really resonated or gave me the "oh yeah, i recognize that" feeling that i think it wanted me to have
yeah, my favourite issues were actually the weird one-offs -- the annual and the wordless issue that Bengal drew -- rather than anything in the main run
I also can't help but think that de-Oraclizing Babs ended up being one of the bigger mistakes DC made in the New 52 because now we have four young female Bat characters all running around
pretty much. i'm digging the Batgirl run okay but it's mostly the art
The Gillen/McKelvie YA is probably the high point of these YA/teen books from the past few years. I liked the two We Are Robin and SW: Runaways issues I read, too
DC pls hire me to write your teenz
I just want to play Dark Souls 3 and die all the time while swearing during loading screens.
Essex County was a very depressing read. Rough way to start the day. I loved it.
Damn, I thought this thing was dead....wonder if I still have the first issues lying around to read again.OH MY GOD MESSI, ITS HAPPENING AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
This will be the only one we get until 2017. Trade #2 by 2019.
Edit: oh no, wait...
Fatale #1 - #5 - Picked up the first trade at the library. Is this series complete? I liked what I read but I think I'll read the rest once it is finished.