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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Block and delete.

Note the delete part. No reason to hang onto those details now that you've committed to this course of action. Severe all ties, it will start the process of acceptance that things are over and eventually make moving on easier.

Good to have you back you corny, songwriting motherfucker.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Block and delete.

Note the delete part. No reason to hang onto those details now that you've committed to this course of action. Severe all ties, it will start the process of acceptance that things are over and eventually make moving on easier.

Good to have you back you corny, songwriting motherfucker.

Already did. I had, a small and controllable, urge to text her. That ended as soon as I remembered I didn't have her number anymore. I've committed to moving on, as there're way too many red flags, and it's only been 6 months since I've met her. Honestly, it's weird how easy it seems to move on this time.

Next girl ain't getting a song until we're together for like at least 2 entire, whole, months.


Hello, I'm Joey and I'm almost 29!

After 3 years in an abusive relationship, and 6 months after breaking up (6 months of "abusive friendship", now I realize), I decided to get on Tinder. A friend of mine insisted it was the best thing ever, so I reluctantly agreed.

To my surprise, I matched with a girl a few days ago. She's... really nice, easygoing and laidback. She doesn't seem pretentious at all and we have a good few interests in common. She noticed I was being way too cautious, so she told me to get a coffee together. I'm meeting her tonight!

I can hardly believe my luck. I know I shouldn't be putting my all into this very first date, with the very first girl I meet. That'd be setting myself up for a heartbreak. And I don't even want to "get" anywhere today. I just want to talk and not worry about anything. To enjoy myself and the company of others. After almost 4 years of feeling like shit, this has to be one of the most liberating sensations in the world.

Sorry for the rambling, datingGAF. But I'm overjoyed and needed to share it with you.

Hey dude, congrats! Just enjoy the date, don't worry about the next step or anything :3

Broke up with my girl.

She was out with some friends. (first time she didn't invite me out with this group of friends) I asked who made it out, and she listed some names, and said "This person brought my ex". (the ex that she was talking to that made us split the first time.) I was completely fine with this tbh, but I asked if he knew we were dating. She said no. So I asked her to tell him at some point if the oppurtunity presented itself. She got defensive, saying that I don't trust her. She told me that he knew that we've been going out a lot, knew I got her flowers like three days before, and knew we were going on vacation the week after. My response to that was "He knows all of that, which no one has posted anywhere, meaning you told him. But you won't tell him you're my girl" This started a big ol fight. I got 1-2 word responses all the next day, and then that next night she went out, I text her about the vacation, and I saw that she blocked me. I messaged her on snap, asking why she blocked me, and she read the message and ignored it. So the next morning she wakes up, acting like nothing is wrong. Said her friend blocked me on her phone, and she didn't realize because she was out drinking.

So I called it off. I'm the least shady dude ever, and I'll go to any length to make sure the other person in a relationship trusts me. I can't take all this stressful shit, especially when this was the dude I left the first time about.

Oh yeah, hey gaf, I'm back.

Good on you for calling it off. And welcome back lolol
So, a couple of days ago I went to dinner with my gf's parents. Everything was fine, I had a good time. They ordered pizza and they seem to be really nice people tbh, really likeable people. This was a really nice surprise coming from mi ex-gf parents, who both were awful as fuck (I don't if they were the kind of people like "you fuck my daughter therefore I hate you to death" or what, but it was really umpleasant being with them). So, everything good, everything fine


then I open the pizza box and
pineapple in every fucking pizza.

I don't know, gaf, I suspected there was something shady on them, they were too good to believe it, but I would have never thought that they were straight up demons.

I think now I have to split up with my gf, I mean, what else could I do in this situation?


So, a couple of days ago I went to dinner with my gf's parents. Everything was fine, I had a good time. They ordered pizza and they seem to be really nice people tbh, really likeable people. This was a really nice surprise coming from mi ex-gf parents, who both were awful as fuck (I don't if they were the kind of people like "you fuck my daughter therefore I hate you to death" or what, but it was really umpleasant being with them). So, everything good, everything fine


then I open the pizza box and
pineapple in every fucking pizza.

I don't know, gaf, I suspected there was something shady on them, they were too good to believe it, but I would have never thought that they were straight up demons.

I think now I have to split up with my gf, I mean, what else could I do in this situation?

I know this is a joke post, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a GAFfer that's actually had this situation and thought this, giving some of the threads and posts I've seen...

It's clear your girl is getting side D, move on


So, a couple of days ago I went to dinner with my gf's parents. Everything was fine, I had a good time. They ordered pizza and they seem to be really nice people tbh, really likeable people. This was a really nice surprise coming from mi ex-gf parents, who both were awful as fuck (I don't if they were the kind of people like "you fuck my daughter therefore I hate you to death" or what, but it was really umpleasant being with them). So, everything good, everything fine


then I open the pizza box and
pineapple in every fucking pizza.

I don't know, gaf, I suspected there was something shady on them, they were too good to believe it, but I would have never thought that they were straight up demons.

I think now I have to split up with my gf, I mean, what else could I do in this situation?

i don't understand the problem

the parents are nice

the girl is nice

the pizza sounds delicious

mmmm pineapple
Pineapple on pizza means there is a deep seated psychological problem within that family.

You seriously have to consider what a future with her and that family will look like. I mean,do you want your children to be similarly afflicted with such garbage taste in food? They'll be pariahs by all measures of decent society.

My point is dump her and find yourself someone who knows good food. I'm deathly serious. Next she'll be talking that bullshit about how pizza pockets aren't calzones.

We don't need more of those people in the world.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I normally cringe at how quick Miles is to say "Drop them 👎👇🙅, delete everything 🚮🔥❌🚫💢, and never looks back🙈🏃👀. There are ❗️🚩🚩🚩everywhere."

But I have to agree this time.


The bigger problem - who orders pizza for someone they haven't met and doesn't grab a cheese pizza? Or at least a half-cheese half-pep? That's just basic decorum. Love pineapple all you want, but don't force your preferences onto someone you don't know.


Had two dates on Friday and neither went well. They were pretty boring. I wasn't really feeling anything for either of them. Soooo, better luck next time for me.


Date with Swedish girl went good, at least for me.

But during it I got more matches and two girls started convos, I have no idea where to focus right now.


Do you guys ever feel like you don't know what you're doing? I feel like I'm stumbling through this.

I feel like I don't use Tinder the right way. It feels like people do not post pictures that remotely look like they actually do in real life. Or they are severely dated. I've been through 6 dates in 3 weeks. All were absolute disasters. I mean, some of them ladies I barely recognised. I'm not shallow. But I have minimum standards.

Perhaps I should use Tinder in a different way. Maybe if a lady is an 8 to my taste on pictures, I should automatically subtract 3 points for reality check. Or I'm just unlucky. Who knows ?
I normally cringe at how quick Miles is to say "Drop them 👎👇🙅, delete everything 🚮🔥❌🚫💢, and never looks back🙈🏃👀. There are ❗️🚩🚩🚩everywhere."

But I have to agree this time.


Why the fuck is the monkey covering its eye? The fuck is going on with these stupid ass emojis.

The bigger problem - who orders pizza for someone they haven't met and doesn't grab a cheese pizza? Or at least a half-cheese half-pep? That's just basic decorum. Love pineapple all you want, but don't force your preferences onto someone you don't know.

Three possibilities.

They wanted to see his reaction to their liking pineapple of pizza, they assumed he liked pineapple too or they don't respect him enough to ask him what pizza toppings he'd prefer.

I think it says something that even the girlfriend didn't ask him what toppings he'd like. I mean, they had to have eaten pizza together before and she must have an idea of what toppings he likes.
Had two dates on Friday and neither went well. They were pretty boring. I wasn't really feeling anything for either of them. Soooo, better luck next time for me.

Sucks, but more dates equals more experience and helps you discover what you're really looking for in a potential partner.

I'm curious though, what made them boring?

Date with Swedish girl went good, at least for me.

But during it I got more matches and two girls started convos, I have no idea where to focus right now.

Wait, what happened with the one you were getting serious with? Or am I confusing you with someone else.


Date with Swedish girl went good, at least for me.

But during it I got more matches and two girls started convos, I have no idea where to focus right now.

Have you read "Modern Romance", as suggested in the OP? It has a section on the effects Tinder can have on dating, beyond it's ability to get dates. In particular, since you literally have a list in your pocket of girls interested in you, you can start evaluating dates under the guise of "How did this girl compare to all these other girls?"

Be present with whomever you're presently with. If you have more attention than you know what to do with, scale it back.

And I'm hoping the "during it" part was a realization after the fact, and not because you checked your phone at any time between date start and date finish (that also means not checking it when going to the bathroom).


u disgusting lil shet



Wait, what happened with the one you were getting serious with? Or am I confusing you with someone else.

There was the older woman that was closest to getting serious, but she had so little time with the kids and all so I decided to let it go.

too little sex

Have you read "Modern Romance", as suggested in the OP? It has a section on the effects Tinder can have on dating, beyond it's ability to get dates. In particular, since you literally have a list in your pocket of girls interested in you, you can start evaluating dates under the guise of "How did this girl compare to all these other girls?"

Be present with whomever you're presently with. If you have more attention than you know what to do with, scale it back.

And I'm hoping the "during it" part was a realization after the fact, and not because you checked your phone at any time between date start and date finish (that also means not checking it when going to the bathroom).

Yeah I guess I should take it as an advantage, just makes me anxious that I somehow end up with the wrong girl to date from all these canditates that all look pretty fine to me. It would be impossible to see all of them face-to-face anyway.

I think first off I will try to weed out some matches by distance, and pick only those in my own city. My radius is not that large anyway, but got to start somewhere.

I don't use my phone during dates lol, I noticed when I checked it afterwards in the car.


Sucks, but more dates equals more experience and helps you discover what you're really looking for in a potential partner.

I'm curious though, what made them boring?
They just seemed disinterested in the conversation. Maybe I'm confusing it with shyness? I'm not really sure. Maybe I was actually boring. But I wasn't really feeling any kind of interest from them, even though they've since told me otherwise. I've experienced shyness before, and this didn't really feel the same.

Honestly, these are my first dates in a little while, so maybe I'm just reading things incorrectly.
They just seemed disinterested in the conversation. Maybe I'm confusing it with shyness? I'm not really sure. Maybe I was actually boring. But I wasn't really feeling any kind of interest from them, even though they've since told me otherwise. I've experienced shyness before, and this didn't really feel the same.

Honestly, these are my first dates in a little while, so maybe I'm just reading things incorrectly.

Boring is not irregular for a first date in a while. If there were no immediate red flags maybe try again and do an interesting activity that can spur discussion?


So, figured I'd post here with some stuff that's happened recently in my life. Not sure what I'm really looking for... maybe some thoughts into what she's thinking? Anyways, here's the shortened version of the story.

My ex (20) and I (31) were dating for about 2 and a half years. Never in my life have I really found someone that I just connect with. Well, she moved away and just recently, she broke up with me. We had been seeing each other less and less, etc. On top of that, we have always been independent people and not clingy with each other.

Anyways, I still think in the relationship I should have been better about showing how I feel and going up there more often, etc. I recently gave her sister a letter and a necklace my ex always wanted to give to my ex and I think she actually gave it to her (at least, I did text my ex afterward saying "hey glad you took the letter" etc). In the letter I basically go over what I just mentioned and suggested we try again.

Obviously you guys know what's coming: she didn't come back or, really anything. We are still friends on most social medias besides snapchat, but she never really interacts with me and I interact with her rarely. We haven't really texted for a week (since I texted her about the letter) and before that it had been two weeks before the break up. So in all, basically zero communication for 3 weeks. Also, I will not randomly run into her anytime soon as she's still about 2 hours away though should move back to the area in half a year or so.

What's the play here? I have the option to move (in fact because I can't find a job I may have to....oklahoma lecturer at a college around here). Do you think she'll ever want to get back together? She says she just doesn't feel the passion anymore. I kind of realize I'm asking a magic 8 ball type question, but I'm curious what she's thinking. All I see her do on social media lately is hang out with her one best friend, get into a relationship with her, and brag on her friends a *lot*.

In the end, I get why she broke up with me - distance sucks and I had been thinking about taking a break for awhile too. But, I chose not to because in the end, the way we got along was unprecedented for me. And normally after a breakup after a few weeks (regardless of if I was broken up with or not), I think, "yeah, wasn't a good relationship anyway" but I don't feel that way about this one. I still think it was a damn good relationship and I fucked up not putting enough into it and yeah, distance sucked too.


So, figured I'd post here with some stuff that's happened recently in my life. Not sure what I'm really looking for... maybe some thoughts into what she's thinking? Anyways, here's the shortened version of the story.

My ex (20) and I (31) were dating for about 2 and a half years. Never in my life have I really found someone that I just connect with. Well, she moved away and just recently, she broke up with me. We had been seeing each other less and less, etc. On top of that, we have always been independent people and not clingy with each other.

Anyways, I still think in the relationship I should have been better about showing how I feel and going up there more often, etc. I recently gave her sister a letter and a necklace my ex always wanted to give to my ex and I think she actually gave it to her (at least, I did text my ex afterward saying "hey glad you took the letter" etc). In the letter I basically go over what I just mentioned and suggested we try again.

Obviously you guys know what's coming: she didn't come back or, really anything. We are still friends on most social medias besides snapchat, but she never really interacts with me and I interact with her rarely. We haven't really texted for a week (since I texted her about the letter) and before that it had been two weeks before the break up. So in all, basically zero communication for 3 weeks. Also, I will not randomly run into her anytime soon as she's still about 2 hours away though should move back to the area in half a year or so.

What's the play here? I have the option to move (in fact because I can't find a job I may have to....oklahoma lecturer at a college around here). Do you think she'll ever want to get back together? She says she just doesn't feel the passion anymore. I kind of realize I'm asking a magic 8 ball type question, but I'm curious what she's thinking. All I see her do on social media lately is hang out with her one best friend, get into a relationship with her, and brag on her friends a *lot*.

In the end, I get why she broke up with me - distance sucks and I had been thinking about taking a break for awhile too. But, I chose not to because in the end, the way we got along was unprecedented for me. And normally after a breakup after a few weeks (regardless of if I was broken up with or not), I think, "yeah, wasn't a good relationship anyway" but I don't feel that way about this one. I still think it was a damn good relationship and I fucked up not putting enough into it and yeah, distance sucked too.
She's not into you anymore. Move on.
You creeped on a 17 year old when you were 29 and are shocked now that she doesn't want a serious relationship after she moved away? And you're sending her jewelry?

You said you were a lecturer. Please, for the love of
God, don't say she was your student.

The fact that you connected with her "so well" speaks volumes. I'm not necessarily saying you're a predator, but it suggests you can't create meaningful adult relationships.


She's not into you anymore. Move on.

Fair enough.

You creeped on a 17 year old when you were 29 and are shocked now that she doesn't want a serious relationship after she moved away? And you're sending her jewelry?

You said you were a lecturer. Please, for the love of
God, don't say she was your student.

The fact that you connected with her "so well" speaks volumes. I'm not necessarily saying you're a predator, but it suggests you can't create meaningful adult relationships.

Nope! She was 18 and I was 29. Complicated story about how we got together. No she wasn't my student.

Edit: Also, believe me, I've tried to create adult relationships. I just end up not being interested in a lot of people around here. Most of the time it is the religion barrier (seriously, everyone here is religious) or we just don't get along at all. So yeah, any advice on how to better create adult relationships?

Edit Edit: Also, I guess I'd just become so accustomed to the age thing that it honestly doesn't bother me anymore lol. Trust me, when that shit first happened, there were numerous "probably shouldn't do this" but as I said, we just happened to like all the same shit, have similar views on a lot of things, etc. Age was definitely not a factor. How I treated her (not showing I cared) definitely was the primary factor in this. So yeah sorry about that. I just always forget that yeah, the age is weird to everyone but us/our friends because we all have had time to adjust, but at first it was crazy for everyone.
So, figured I'd post here with some stuff that's happened recently in my life. Not sure what I'm really looking for... maybe some thoughts into what she's thinking? Anyways, here's the shortened version of the story.

My ex (20) and I (31) were dating for about 2 and a half years. Never in my life have I really found someone that I just connect with. Well, she moved away and just recently, she broke up with me. We had been seeing each other less and less, etc. On top of that, we have always been independent people and not clingy with each other.

Anyways, I still think in the relationship I should have been better about showing how I feel and going up there more often, etc. I recently gave her sister a letter and a necklace my ex always wanted to give to my ex and I think she actually gave it to her (at least, I did text my ex afterward saying "hey glad you took the letter" etc). In the letter I basically go over what I just mentioned and suggested we try again.

Obviously you guys know what's coming: she didn't come back or, really anything. We are still friends on most social medias besides snapchat, but she never really interacts with me and I interact with her rarely. We haven't really texted for a week (since I texted her about the letter) and before that it had been two weeks before the break up. So in all, basically zero communication for 3 weeks. Also, I will not randomly run into her anytime soon as she's still about 2 hours away though should move back to the area in half a year or so.

What's the play here? I have the option to move (in fact because I can't find a job I may have to....oklahoma lecturer at a college around here). Do you think she'll ever want to get back together? She says she just doesn't feel the passion anymore. I kind of realize I'm asking a magic 8 ball type question, but I'm curious what she's thinking. All I see her do on social media lately is hang out with her one best friend, get into a relationship with her, and brag on her friends a *lot*.

In the end, I get why she broke up with me - distance sucks and I had been thinking about taking a break for awhile too. But, I chose not to because in the end, the way we got along was unprecedented for me. And normally after a breakup after a few weeks (regardless of if I was broken up with or not), I think, "yeah, wasn't a good relationship anyway" but I don't feel that way about this one. I still think it was a damn good relationship and I fucked up not putting enough into it and yeah, distance sucked too.

20 year old doesnt wanna do long distance anymore with someone 11 years older than her. Not to come across as a dick but this just doesn't seem like it's going to be repaired.

At that age people are not nearly as interested in committing. It is what it is.


20 year old doesnt wanna do long distance anymore with someone 11 years older than her. Not to come across as a dick but this just doesn't seem like it's going to be repaired.

At that age people are not nearly as interested in committing. It is what it is.

Nah you're not coming across as a dick. I wanted a second opinion that is not from me or anyone that is privy to the situation. If this is what it is, so be it. And thanks :)

Edit: One quick thing about commitment that you mentioned: Why was she the one that always pushed the relationship forward? She wanted to move in later this summer, actually. That mystery I'll never get.
So like, one text a day isn't too much, right? She's been busy lately but I usually send like one text just to say hello and wish her a good day.


then I open the pizza box and
pineapple in every fucking pizza.

That is so fucked up man
Pineapple on pizza eaters are so inconsiderate


Nah you're not coming across as a dick. I wanted a second opinion that is not from me or anyone that is privy to the situation. If this is what it is, so be it. And thanks :)

Edit: One quick thing about commitment that you mentioned: Why was she the one that always pushed the relationship forward? She wanted to move in later this summer, actually. That mystery I'll never get.

well at 20 years old you pretty much want something different every 17 minutes. I wouldn't dig too much into it.

anyways yeah, this is a bust dude. On to the next one. This girl still has her entire 20's to find the "right" guy. No need to be ball&chained with someone who's stuck 2 hours away.


Nah you're not coming across as a dick. I wanted a second opinion that is not from me or anyone that is privy to the situation. If this is what it is, so be it. And thanks :)

Edit: One quick thing about commitment that you mentioned: Why was she the one that always pushed the relationship forward? She wanted to move in later this summer, actually. That mystery I'll never get.

Maybe it's just your perception of what she wanted. Or maybe she really did want that at one point and doesn't now.

People at 20 years old change very rapidly because they're still growing up. But there's really no one who can answer that other than her.

Either way, I'd seriously move on from this one. When there's an age difference that is this significant, and the younger of the two people breaks it off, the older person really should go out of their way to respect the decision.


well at 20 years old you pretty much want something different every 17 minutes. I wouldn't dig too much into it.

anyways yeah, this is a bust dude. On to the next one. This girl still has her entire 20's to find the "right" guy. No need to be ball&chained with someone who's stuck 2 hours away.

Maybe it's just your perception of what she wanted. Or maybe she really did want that at one point and doesn't now.

People at 20 years old change very rapidly because they're still growing up. But there's really no one who can answer that other than her.

Either way, I'd seriously move on from this one. When there's an age difference that is this significant, and the younger of the two people breaks it off, the older person really should go out of their way to respect the decision.

Aw, thanks guys :) I really do appreciate the advice. You're both right. No sense in getting caught up in this/over-analyzing it too much.

That said, I won't be moving on for awhile (in the sense of finding someone else), but I will be doing everything I can to get over her. Again, thanks!


Already talked about it in online dating OT but matched with almost 40 new girls after resetting Tinder yesterday and I'm kind of overwhelmed, but at least there's plenty of dates coming up this week.
It can certainly be overwhelming! I don't even bother swiping anymore since I already have enough matches...

Honestly I wouldn't bother with her, look up another one who is more interested.

Imagine if you treated her the way she's treating you. What do you think she'd do?
Friday has been re-arranged with a hot Chinese model/actress I've met up with a couple of times, so it's for the best.

Keep the date, arrive a week late.
Haha, good advice. ;)


That's a solid plan. You'll be fine in a few months.
I truly believe this, too :) (I mean, been there, done that but it sure does suck each and every time haha)

You mentioned moving being a possible option in your earlier post. I strongly suggest considering it.

I will still likely move (as I said, Oklahoma is shit for education), but I never wanted to do it primarily for my love life. I never wanted that to drive any decision I make, but yeah, anywhere else is probably better for finding people who I'd get along with

Joey Ravn

Hey dude, congrats! Just enjoy the date, don't worry about the next step or anything :3

Good luck my dude.

Thanks for the support, guys. My "date" went pretty smoothly. And by that I mean that we chatted and drank some coffee for about an hour. It was relaxed... I was kinda slow in my talk, but I think she enjoyed herself. Hopefully we can get another coffee this week.

Honestly, I'm panicking right now. I really hope she didn't think I was a bore and gives me a second date.
well at 20 years old you pretty much want something different every 17 minutes. I wouldn't dig too much into it.

anyways yeah, this is a bust dude. On to the next one. This girl still has her entire 20's to find the "right" guy. No need to be ball&chained with someone who's stuck 2 hours away.

Maybe it's just your perception of what she wanted. Or maybe she really did want that at one point and doesn't now.

People at 20 years old change very rapidly because they're still growing up. But there's really no one who can answer that other than her.

Either way, I'd seriously move on from this one. When there's an age difference that is this significant, and the younger of the two people breaks it off, the older person really should go out of their way to respect the decision.

If you're an older guy dating a girl in her 20's they always break it off eventually. I've seen it many times and when I dated girls that age a couple of times I didn't get over invested and kept expectations that it would be short term and nothing more. In both cases predictably that's what happened.
In my opinion, they have their fun with their serious relationship with an older guy, because dammit they are mature for their age and nobody tells them who they should be dating! Eventually, they get worn down by friends and family questioning the age gap, get bored or more likely men in their age group start to earn the benefits the older man had that those younger guys didn't (House/car/higher wages) at the time.

It's not the age gap per say but the age of the girl who still has a lot of growing up to do.
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