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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Haven't asked a stupid question in this thread for a while, so here goes.

So me and this girl have been dating since August. Sadly we don't get a chance to see each other a lot as we live both far away and both of our parents reside in our respective houses. Still, despite that, we've texted each other every single day since we met. Sometimes I text her first, other times she does. But for the week leading up until Sunday, I was texting her first every single time. Usually, one of texts the other by like 2 PM or 3 PM at the very latest. However, by Sunday, she didn't text me back until like 8 PM. And like I said, this was after like 4 days of me texting her first.

So I kinda got annoyed with the fact that she's stopped doing that and I haven't texted her both yesterday and today. Thus far she hasn't initiated a text.


It is the holiday season so people are busier than normal. Don't be petty and keep track of who starts conversations when as if it's a competition. Texting someone every day can also be mentally exhausting.

That being said, two girls I dated seemed to get less and less enthusiastic about texting/talking to me, and after I sent them a question over text and they didn't answer, I said "fuck it" and told myself I wouldn't say anything to them until they texted me.

Neither texted or said anything to me ever again. Take that how you will.


I understand the statement, but why not just reject my friend request or reply to my text?

Also, she know we will see each other this january to continue our sessions.

Whoa... dude. DUDE. You have got to stop.

I know you didn't come here for advice and all, but there's no use pulling punches here. Your mentality about her is downright troubling, and you seem to be completely oblivious to it.

You are the guy that refuses to take the hint. Plain and simple.

No woman is ever obligated to do anything for the sake of your dating life. You may see it as rude or even confusing, but there's no rule that implicitly states that she has to respond to any of your efforts. No matter how much you thought there was a connection between the two of you, or how much you long for her, you need to realize that she does not owe you anything at all.

Don't want to accept that? Fine. But, if you seriously think that confronting her about it, or going as far as to orchestrate a meeting with her and the school will make her like you and appreciate you, you are sorely and severely mistaken. All you're going to do is creep her out, and scare her to the point where she'll see you as an obsessive creepy stalker type... which I'm sad to say you are. At least for now.

Whatever fantasy you concocted in your head about her falling for you someday does not run at all parallel to reality right now, and no forceful attempt at putting her in your radius, or some misguided notion that she has to deal with you in January (or whenever) will change that. So, if you don't get this out of your system now, you're going to scare the shit out of her when she's stuck with you again. You're better than that. Cut it out.

You can't let go of something you never had. Settle down, stop obsessing for Pete's sake, and whatever you do... do not force a meeting. Sweet Jesus.
Sure, but I think there is a bit more to it than that. I sense that she's still at the point in her life where she's discovering who she is. I know who I am. I dunno... it feels subversive or something. She's a blast to be around and has an awesome personality and I'm definitely attracted to her, but I don't think we're on the same level maturity wise.

So everything is great, but you're going to ruin it because of some notion that she hasn't "discovered who she is" yet? It's all in your mind, buddy.

I'm almost at Dookake levels with my latest relationship. It ain't nuthin' but a thang.

I understand the statement, but why not just reject my friend request or reply to my text?

Also, she know we will see each other this january to continue our sessions.

I'm guessing that the creepiness of your post (forcing a meeting to proclaim your love) leaks into your interaction with her IRL, maybe?

Haven't asked a stupid question in this thread for a while, so here goes.

So me and this girl have been dating since August. Sadly we don't get a chance to see each other a lot as we live both far away and both of our parents reside in our respective houses. Still, despite that, we've texted each other every single day since we met. Sometimes I text her first, other times she does. But for the week leading up until Sunday, I was texting her first every single time. Usually, one of texts the other by like 2 PM or 3 PM at the very latest. However, by Sunday, she didn't text me back until like 8 PM. And like I said, this was after like 4 days of me texting her first.

So I kinda got annoyed with the fact that she's stopped doing that and I haven't texted her both yesterday and today. Thus far she hasn't initiated a text.


Don't micromanage this stuff, man. It'll get you nowhere. Maybe the long distance relationship is wearing on her?


I understand the statement, but why not just reject my friend request or reply to my text?

Also, she know we will see each other this january to continue our sessions.

Because women in this world literally get beaten up or killed for telling men "no" directly. She's trying with all her might to let you off easy, and nobody owes you a reply. Move on. You cannot force someone to like you. If they were, they're your captive, not a partner.

You need to not do what you are planning to do, and you need to get a better attitude about how you view women.


Whoa... dude. DUDE. You have got to stop.

I know you didn't come here for advice and all, but there's no use pulling punches here. Your mentality about her is downright troubling, and you seem to be completely oblivious to it.

You are the guy that refuses to take the hint. Plain and simple.

No woman is ever obligated to do anything for the sake of your dating life. You may see it as rude or even confusing, but there's no rule that implicitly states that she has to respond to any of your efforts. No matter how much you thought there was a connection between the two of you, or how much you long for her, you need to realize that she does not owe you anything at all.

Don't want to accept that? Fine. But, if you seriously think that confronting her about it, or going as far as to orchestrate a meeting with her and the school will make her like you and appreciate you, you are sorely and severely mistaken. All you're going to do is creep her out, and scare her to the point where she'll see you as an obsessive creepy stalker type... which I'm sad to say you are. At least for now.

Whatever fantasy you concocted in your head about her falling for you someday does not run at all parallel to reality right now, and no forceful attempt at putting her in your radius, or some misguided notion that she has to deal with you in January (or whenever) will change that. So, if you don't get this out of your system now, you're going to scare the shit out of her when she's stuck with you again. You're better than that. Cut it out.

You can't let go of something you never had. Settle down, stop obsessing for Pete's sake, and whatever you do... do not force a meeting. Sweet Jesus.

Dude, Don't you think you are overreacting a bit?

OK. I get it, Yes I did dream of fantasy a bit too much, I get that.

Im new to dating (even tho im 28, it's a long story) so I just didn't really grasp the passive ''no'' she was telling me.

I didn't get at first why you guys were calling me creepy because, I my book, I thought creepy was way more than send a text and tried to talk to her again, but I guess I was wrong.

I didn't think it would cause that much reaction around here, I need to check my actions more closely.


Junior Member
Dude, Don't you think you are overreacting a bit?

OK. I get it, Yes I did dream of fantasy a bit too much, I get that.

Im new to dating (even tho im 28, it's a long story) so I just didn't really grasp the passive ''no'' she was telling me.

I didn't get at first why you guys were calling me creepy because, I my book, I thought creepy was way more than send a text and tried to talk to her again, but I guess I was wrong.

I didn't think it would cause that much reaction around here, I need to check my actions more closely.

Thank you for taking what everyone said to you in consideration. Good luck out there bro.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
My first thought is just "I hate dating in 2017", but really there's a lot that can be going on. Facetime and Skype are great tools to use. It could be a sign she's not as interested but it could just be busy too, the texting game is just a headache.

Details would help : How long have you dated? How old are you? How far? Have you met and for how long? It's hard to keep a spark for long-distance, especially when you're young (let's say under 25), so communication, trust and making the effort to spend time in person or plan an end date for when it wont be LDR.

The best course is to just communicate. Text her, ask her to skype/facetime, and in a calm rational way let your feelings be known.

We're both in our early 30s and have been seeing each other since August. Usually meet once every few weeks.

It is the holiday season so people are busier than normal. Don't be petty and keep track of who starts conversations when as if it's a competition. Texting someone every day can also be mentally exhausting.

That being said, two girls I dated seemed to get less and less enthusiastic about texting/talking to me, and after I sent them a question over text and they didn't answer, I said "fuck it" and told myself I wouldn't say anything to them until they texted me.

Neither texted or said anything to me ever again. Take that how you will.

Don't micromanage this stuff, man. It'll get you nowhere. Maybe the long distance relationship is wearing on her?

So, should I start texting her again?
I don't have a question, just a statement.

to clear out my mind I guess.

In october last year, my university organised meeting with a tutor in French because my French suck (and it's my native language and im currently studying in creative writing too ahha.... anyway) so I meet my tutor who is about 22 years old but is really mature for what i could tell. We saw each other every weeks for a few hours to reviews my texts. Those hours past really fast because we had so much fun.

We had about 15 hours in total and it ended in december. Over the time, my sentiments for her grew but I didn't get the courage to tell her before leaving for christmas, for one part because i don't have confidance in myself and also because since I still got a semester and I will see her again in 2 weeks from now, I was afraid it would make thing awkward and that I will had another tutor.

The thing is, with her, it seems I can be myself, I can make faces, jokes, everything and she will always laugh.

So we part away but I couldn't wait and a week later added her on facebook, but 3 weeks have past and still pending.

So at christmas, since I was pretty happy to see familly, and also because it's my birthday too, I decided to just text her a simple Merry Christmas and told her I wrote a few more pages of my novel.

But she never reply.

I saw that as a passive/aggresive ''im not interested'' because i know she look at her cellphone and i know she went to facebook.

I never said anything that could be out of place, I know I wasn't too direct but I wasn't invasive.

Im still gonna ask for my university to have meeting with her. I don't know, maybe it's turning 28 years old that woken me but I don't want to let her go. I want to be happy and at least try one more time, this time, in face to face.

See you in a couple weeks.
Look, dude, she's not interested but not every woman is going to flat out reject you if they're not interested. Plenty of times I haven't rejected a friend request, it hapoens. That whole checking if she's gone on Facebook is stalking, straight up. She hasn't accepted your friend request, even, so don't force it. Have you ever seen her flirting? If you haven't, and it all seems like typical tutor stuff, this might be a bit one-way. Until it's mutual, she's still just your tutor and you need to let your emotions go.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
Just popping in because I have a date in an hour and kinda want to write somewhere except my friends. Ex broke up with me over a month ago and after feeling shitty about it for a while, I decided to get back on the horse. This is the second time we meet with this funny girl, so all is good so far.

Just a reminder for all the folks that might get stuck on exes that aren't really worth it. Go out. Of course I don't know if this girl is the one but she has managed to fill my mind with her, instead of me sulking for the ex :)
We're both in our early 30s and have been seeing each other since August. Usually meet once every few weeks.

So, should I start texting her again?

Leave it for a few days and then send a text. She's either busy or doesn't find anything you're saying worth replying to.

And you don't have to text every single day, that's what wears these things down. What the hell are you even talking about everyday? You should instead skype each other every few days, maintain some level of connection that goes beyond text.


I did think of just leaving it in her court (as Gotdatmoney said), since if she's truly interested in meeting up this month she'd at the very least make time to see me.
She just asked if I was up for dinner next Tuesday. ��

I've been chatting to 10 others on Tinder/Bumble as well, with some of them likely to lead to dates.

Honestly it's hard to keep up with it all...
Just popping in because I have a date in an hour and kinda want to write somewhere except my friends. Ex broke up with me over a month ago and after feeling shitty about it for a while, I decided to get back on the horse. This is the second time we meet with this funny girl, so all is good so far.

Just a reminder for all the folks that might get stuck on exes that aren't really worth it. Go out. Of course I don't know if this girl is the one but she has managed to fill my mind with her, instead of me sulking for the ex :)

Hope it goes well.


Starting 2017 back in the game. I got a bit bored just before Christmas and browsed Tinder a bit and now I appear to have a date.

Pretty sure I haven't had one since last Winter.


Dude, Don't you think you are overreacting a bit?

OK. I get it, Yes I did dream of fantasy a bit too much, I get that.

Im new to dating (even tho im 28, it's a long story) so I just didn't really grasp the passive ''no'' she was telling me.

I didn't get at first why you guys were calling me creepy because, I my book, I thought creepy was way more than send a text and tried to talk to her again, but I guess I was wrong.

I didn't think it would cause that much reaction around here, I need to check my actions more closely.

It is the 'making the university force a meeting with her' that is creepy.

As for not getting the hint at not getting a reply/friend request accepted, you are not the only one. Maybe it is not obvious, but the reality is that some men (and women) lash out at active rejection, so some people have learned to just not respond and hope for the best.

In the future, if someone ignores you, take it as a rejection and move on. Why do I know this? If someone you really liked sent you a message, wouldn't you respond? It would be very unlikely that you'd forget to.


Haven't asked a stupid question in this thread for a while, so here goes.

So me and this girl have been dating since August. Sadly we don't get a chance to see each other a lot as we live both far away and both of our parents reside in our respective houses. Still, despite that, we've texted each other every single day since we met. Sometimes I text her first, other times she does. But for the week leading up until Sunday, I was texting her first every single time. Usually, one of texts the other by like 2 PM or 3 PM at the very latest. However, by Sunday, she didn't text me back until like 8 PM. And like I said, this was after like 4 days of me texting her first.

So I kinda got annoyed with the fact that she's stopped doing that and I haven't texted her both yesterday and today. Thus far she hasn't initiated a text.


it was the holidays, maybe she was busy....?

Are you really that upset over a few hour difference here or did I miss something bigger?

That's something really, really petty to get upset over, if that's the case.

So, should I start texting her again?

I mean shit, now I'm wondering if you understand where the others are coming from. You do understand what you're angry about is pretty damn minor, right?

Has she not texted you at all during this period or something?

I really feel like there's something missing in this story, that would make you angry about this. Has she been more distant in general lately or something?


So I'm going out with a girl soon there is just one problem, she isn't 21 yet so should I refrain from ordering any alcoholic beverage for myself? :S I feel like I should if I have to ask but just wondering.
it was the holidays, maybe she was busy....?

Are you really that upset over a few hour difference here or did I miss something bigger?

That's something really, really petty to get upset over, if that's the case.

I mean shit, now I'm wondering if you understand where the others are coming from. You do understand what you're angry about is pretty damn minor, right?

Has she not texted you at all during this period or something?

I really feel like there's something missing in this story, that would make you angry about this. Has she been more distant in general lately or something?

Seems he's upset she's not sticking to their 'routine'. Add in being busy/maybe getting tired of the daily messaging... He's feeling ignored.
So I'm going out with a girl soon there is just one problem, she isn't 21 yet so should I refrain from ordering any alcoholic beverage for myself? :S I feel like I should if I have to ask but just wondering.

Eh, if you're driving and / or don't want to be tipsy and make a poor impression I'd just limit yourself, but I dated a gal like that once and it wasn't an issue.

If you order a drink and she gets upset about it maybe that's a red flag but who knows.

Also, what time of day do y'all use Tinder? I can only use it early morning / evening because I have shit internet connection at my field office. Seems like matches rarely last through the day if I don't manage to get some kind of introduction out.


I don't have a question, just a statement.

to clear out my mind I guess.

In october last year, my university organised meeting with a tutor in French because my French suck (and it's my native language and im currently studying in creative writing too ahha.... anyway) so I meet my tutor who is about 22 years old but is really mature for what i could tell. We saw each other every weeks for a few hours to reviews my texts. Those hours past really fast because we had so much fun.

We had about 15 hours in total and it ended in december. Over the time, my sentiments for her grew but I didn't get the courage to tell her before leaving for christmas, for one part because i don't have confidance in myself and also because since I still got a semester and I will see her again in 2 weeks from now, I was afraid it would make thing awkward and that I will had another tutor.

The thing is, with her, it seems I can be myself, I can make faces, jokes, everything and she will always laugh.

So we part away but I couldn't wait and a week later added her on facebook, but 3 weeks have past and still pending.

So at christmas, since I was pretty happy to see familly, and also because it's my birthday too, I decided to just text her a simple Merry Christmas and told her I wrote a few more pages of my novel.

But she never reply.

I saw that as a passive/aggresive ''im not interested'' because i know she look at her cellphone and i know she went to facebook.

I never said anything that could be out of place, I know I wasn't too direct but I wasn't invasive.

Im still gonna ask for my university to have meeting with her. I don't know, maybe it's turning 28 years old that woken me but I don't want to let her go. I want to be happy and at least try one more time, this time, in face to face.

See you in a couple weeks.

She's not interested. You missed your window and you're acting desperate as hell. Move on, stop deluding yourself, and learn some self respect.

High self esteem people don't have time to worry about people who are not enthused to be with them. Stop giving a fuck and taking her silence so personally.


Haven't asked a stupid question in this thread for a while, so here goes.

So me and this girl have been dating since August. Sadly we don't get a chance to see each other a lot as we live both far away and both of our parents reside in our respective houses. Still, despite that, we've texted each other every single day since we met. Sometimes I text her first, other times she does. But for the week leading up until Sunday, I was texting her first every single time. Usually, one of texts the other by like 2 PM or 3 PM at the very latest. However, by Sunday, she didn't text me back until like 8 PM. And like I said, this was after like 4 days of me texting her first.

So I kinda got annoyed with the fact that she's stopped doing that and I haven't texted her both yesterday and today. Thus far she hasn't initiated a text.

Since you've been dating a while I wouldn't say this is a clear lack of interest. I do think however that it's a way from her of saying that she's feeling a bit bored with daily texting.


I want to do something nice for my girlfriend this weekend in London, around 7 till late. But I'm coming up short, I want to do something nice but also something a little different. Also some not too expensive. Any ideas?
I want to do something nice for my girlfriend this weekend in London, around 7 till late. But I'm coming up short, I want to do something nice but also something a little different. Also some not too expensive. Any ideas?

Look, not to sound petty or anything but like, you know her better than anyone else in this thread.

What does she like to do? Hobbies? Interests? Movies she wants to see? Restaurants she's been looking to try? Activities she's hinted at?

What do you mean by not too expensive? Everyone has different budgets.

La La Land is a good watch, btw.


I want to do something nice for my girlfriend this weekend in London, around 7 till late. But I'm coming up short, I want to do something nice but also something a little different. Also some not too expensive. Any ideas?
A nice stroll around Greenwich?
I want to do something nice for my girlfriend this weekend in London, around 7 till late. But I'm coming up short, I want to do something nice but also something a little different. Also some not too expensive. Any ideas?

Be more specific

What's your budget, what are your her likes, how important is this treat, etc, etc.

And does it have to be 7pm onwards? You can do Sky Garden for free if you book in advance. Great view of the city, especially if you book your slot to coincide with the sunset.


Be more specific

What's your budget, what are your her likes, how important is this treat, etc, etc.

And does it have to be 7pm onwards? You can do Sky Garden for free if you book in advance. Great view of the city, especially if you book your slot to coincide with the sunset.
The Sky Garden is a good shout.

I still need to go...

Another idea of a similar vein would be the Aqua at the Shard, which is free to enter as well.

But yeah, definitely be more specific and I'll be able to offer suggestions.


Sorry for not being specific guys, should have given you more details but thanks for the suggestions so far.

Look, not to sound petty or anything but like, you know her better than anyone else in this thread.

What does she like to do? Hobbies? Interests? Movies she wants to see? Restaurants she's been looking to try? Activities she's hinted at?

What do you mean by not too expensive? Everyone has different budgets.

La La Land is a good watch, btw.

She is interested in fashion, animals (especially dogs), salsa, theatre, ballet, films and seeing different sights around London.

On our 2nd date, she took me ballet. 3rd date I took her to Winter Wonderland and yesterday I took her shopping. She has been in this country only for 5 years and I think she'd appreciate seeing some nice sights among the other things that she likes.

My budget is around £80-100.

A nice stroll around Greenwich?

She likes walks too, thanks for the suggestion.

Be more specific

What's your budget, what are your her likes, how important is this treat, etc, etc.

And does it have to be 7pm onwards? You can do Sky Garden for free if you book in advance. Great view of the city, especially if you book your slot to coincide with the sunset.

See above for likes and I want it to be nice for her as she has a surprise planned for me on the 14th but my budget is around £80-100. I'm taking her for a meal too.

7pm onwards because I'm a carer and the only time I can get someone to cover for me is that time onwards unfortunately.

I'll have to check Sky Garden out, thanks!!

The Sky Garden is a good shout.

I still need to go...

Another idea of a similar vein would be the Aqua at the Shard, which is free to enter as well.

But yeah, definitely be more specific and I'll be able to offer suggestions.

Another thing I'll have to check out, thank you.


Hmm. Walk around Greenwich followed by a ride on the Emirates Cable Cars and then maybe Sushi to end the night? There's a Sticks n Sushi in the general area, shouldn't cost that much either but it's been a while since I last went to one so don't quote me on price.

There's also this Salsa thing on Saturday...


Thanks! Appreciate the suggestions!

The Salsa thing looks good, but I can't dance Salsa... lol, That would be quite the show.


She's not interested. You missed your window and you're acting desperate as hell. Move on, stop deluding yourself, and learn some self respect.

High self esteem people don't have time to worry about people who are not enthused to be with them. Stop giving a fuck and taking her silence so personally.
I agree with you, but I don't think he ever had a window. Probably just misinterpreted her being nice with flirting.
Thanks! Appreciate the suggestions!

The Salsa thing looks good, but I can't dance Salsa... lol, That would be quite the show.

I mean, she can always teach you.

Also if she likes music, dance, and film I would still suggest La La Land. Excellent movie.

Yeah, even if you can't dance, you'll be on close proximity. Lots of hugging, touching, laughing as you fumble the moves, etc. Seems perfect for a intimate date and will be memorable.

Whatever you decide, good luck.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
it was the holidays, maybe she was busy....?

Are you really that upset over a few hour difference here or did I miss something bigger?

That's something really, really petty to get upset over, if that's the case.

I mean shit, now I'm wondering if you understand where the others are coming from. You do understand what you're angry about is pretty damn minor, right?

Has she not texted you at all during this period or something?

I really feel like there's something missing in this story, that would make you angry about this. Has she been more distant in general lately or something?

Seems he's upset she's not sticking to their 'routine'. Add in being busy/maybe getting tired of the daily messaging... He's feeling ignored.

Yeah, Miles got the gist of it.
I think this girl wants to meet ASAP, but Im really slow at these things.

She asked if I was still interested today even though I started talking to her yesterday-ish and got her number yesterday too.

Texted a bit, but outside of school and work... Ive run out of things to say and I think she feels ignored because she said she thought I was sending mixed messages.

Sometimes I have convos with people that roll right out, sometimes I hit blocks like this. Not sure what to text her.


Homeland Security Fail
Your end goal isn't to make pen-pals, it is to date and find someone. Only way you are going to do that is by going out.


I'm going to start a goal of talking to girls each week. Just a regular conversation and with someone new hopefully each time.

Which Will help me in the future, so I can gain the courage to ask anyone out and then I need to face rejection.

To lose the fear that stops me from just talking to someone, making the first move. This is going to be my year, I believe it!
...and she broke up with me.

Thanks, guys. :(

Sorry to hear it man. It's not the end of the world though. Take some time to take care of yourself, then get back out there.

I'm going to start a goal of talking to girls each week. Just a regular conversation and with someone new hopefully each time.

Which Will help me in the future, so I can gain the courage to ask anyone out and then I need to face rejection.

To lose the fear that stops me from just talking to someone, making the first move. This is going to be my year, I believe it!

Go for it man! When you find someone that seems to enjoy just a bit more than the conversation, go the extra mile and ask them out!

I think this girl wants to meet ASAP, but Im really slow at these things.

She asked if I was still interested today even though I started talking to her yesterday-ish and got her number yesterday too.

Texted a bit, but outside of school and work... Ive run out of things to say and I think she feels ignored because she said she thought I was sending mixed messages.

Sometimes I have convos with people that roll right out, sometimes I hit blocks like this. Not sure what to text her.

Dude. The goal of most of these dating apps / sites is to move away from texting / messaging and meet in person.

If you've run out of things to say, ask her out and go do something in person. That should liven things up a bit!
I think this girl wants to meet ASAP, but Im really slow at these things.

She asked if I was still interested today even though I started talking to her yesterday-ish and got her number yesterday too.

Texted a bit, but outside of school and work... Ive run out of things to say and I think she feels ignored because she said she thought I was sending mixed messages.

Sometimes I have convos with people that roll right out, sometimes I hit blocks like this. Not sure what to text her.

So if she wants to meet what exactly are you "slow" on? Do you wanna date or do you wanna talk?
...and she broke up with me.

Thanks, guys. :(

Did you push it by asking why she wasn't replying to your daily messages or was there another reason?

And some advice for the future, stop messaging every single day. If you're doing long distance, arrange regular skype dates. You need to see each other to make the long distance thing work and skyping every few days means you'll both have things to talk about too.
I think this girl wants to meet ASAP, but Im really slow at these things.

She asked if I was still interested today even though I started talking to her yesterday-ish and got her number yesterday too.

Texted a bit, but outside of school and work... Ive run out of things to say and I think she feels ignored because she said she thought I was sending mixed messages.

Sometimes I have convos with people that roll right out, sometimes I hit blocks like this. Not sure what to text her.

Send this.

Hey, let's meet for coffee and cake. Set a time that works for you, send it to her and if she can't make it, ask he what works best for her.

Get it over with, you don't need to take things slowly. You're nervous, you need to get past this barrier and meet her. It might work out, it might not, but you're just prolonging it and overthinking to the point where she'll decide you're not interested and move on.
I've talked to a girl I met on POF for like two days now and she's totally crazy and I dig it. Gonna ask her out to coffee tomorrow. Fingers crossed she's down.


I've talked to a girl I met on POF for like two days now and she's totally crazy and I dig it. Gonna ask her out to coffee tomorrow. Fingers crossed she's down.

there are two kinds of crazy.. which side of the spectrum is she on? Coworker of mine has been dating this crazy chick and the newest story from him is she threw his Xbox One down the stairs on New Years because he didn't want to go out.
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