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Democrat Debate 7 [CNN] But...the electorate refused to change

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Just remember guys, whether your a Bernie or Hillary supporter, we all must work together



the atlantic said:
The last two questions of the debate are centered on religion. According to the Pew Research Center, 50 percent of residents in Michigan say “religion is very important in their lives.”

So, I mean.

I think this was an okay debate. Hillary took some smart steps in disavowing superpredators, etc. Bernie stepped up his aggression again, which I don't really see as a big political win for him, but maybe it'll work. I doubt this is going to move the needle -- like, you probably didn't learn anything from this debate about the candidates that you didn't already know. They haven't changed and they probably won't.
cooper did a good job. Trying to hold them accountable.
unlike his terrible job at GOP townhall.

Cooper got cut off like 40 times by each candidate though. It's like he was being scratched by a DJ.

"Senat-Senator, thank y-Senator-Sena"

"Secre-Secretary-Thank you, Sec-"

Berlusconi is the closest politician to Trump I can think of.

I'd say it's a fairer comparison too, but most Americans never heard of BUNGA BUNGA


Kind of a boring debate.

After the prime time entertainment from the republicans, I agree with that sentiment.

On the debate - seems like the status quo to me. Hillary did well and so did Bernie. I can't see a whole lot changing in the race.
I sat this debate out. I'm sure a lot of people didn't tune in to this one.
I didn't even know it was happening. Apparently there is going to be another one? It is really the fault of the DNC for scheduling so few in the first place and scrambling to arrange some new ones once the complaints started mounting.


Ok. You think you are not being dishonest, yet you copied this exact phrase from Hillary Clinton and it was deemed mostly false by politifact.

If you are saying something that is incorrect and intentionally misleading it is dishonest. Maybe not intentionally dishonest, but dishonest.
I'm sorry but enacting a single payer bill just isn't about getting it signed. It's the political capital you spend getting there. It would be easier to build on an existing law because of the politics.


After the prime time entertainment from the republicans, I agree with that sentiment.

On the debate - seems like the status quo to me. Hillary did well and so did Bernie. I can't see a whole lot changing in the race.

Yeah I think I'm all debated out on the Dem side after this one.


After the prime time entertainment from the republicans, I agree with that sentiment.

On the debate - seems like the status quo to me. Hillary did well and so did Bernie. I can't see a whole lot changing in the race.

Agreed. They both got their cute little jabs in, both had a couple screwups, both made their usual good points. This will barely, if at all, change the race as it stands, imo.


Nothing said tonight would sway your opinion if you're already a supporter of each. They didn't even really differ on much.

Personally I feel Clinton came out on top. I feel she gave specifics rather than just a one size fits all response.

Bernie has got to be more flexible other than Wall St. Yes it's a problem, but they aren't the cause of racism/ many other issues in this country.

That said this debate won't change the landscape going forward.


Good idea. It's not like the lives and well being of millions for the next few decades isn't riding on SCOTUS nominations within the next four years.
Consequences could extend further than that. How strong do we think Trump will be on, say, climate change?

boiled goose

good with gravy
I'm sorry but enacting a single payer bill just isn't about getting it signed. It's the political capital you spend getting there. It would easier to build on an existing law because of the politics.

Cant you understand thiss????? come on.

Im done with this. If you are refusing to understand this simple point, there is nothing I can do.
Was the mental health comment cool from everyone here? It was funny but I'm not sure exactly if it was completely appropriate considering how we approach mental health talks in this country.

Nelo Ice

Just remember guys, whether your a Bernie or Hillary supporter, we all must work together


I only tuned in for part of the debate but yes this. It's incredibly important we don't lose the white house to the GOP. Like the threat of getting more Scalias in the supreme court should be enough motivation to vote Democrat.


Great debate.

They didn't dwell of Health-care as deeply as I wanted to - that was the biggest letdown.

DNC wins again.

CNN cutting the Supreme Court segment short - another letdown. Both were ready to go in on the GOP deep.


I'd give Hillary the edge in this one. Bernie lost me on his disastrous response on the gun liability issue (doubly weird since he's already said on this campaign that he has reversed his stance on the Brady Bill) and his constant pivots back to his stump speech talking points are wearing thinner and thinner for me with each new debate.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Agreed. They both got their cute little jabs in, both had a couple screwups, both made their usual good points. This will barely, if at all, change the race as it stands, imo.

I agree here. Sanders did not due enough and Clinton's master defense showed up.
I actually liked Hillary more this debate. Not because I dont like Sanders, but he seemed unprepared at deflecting and reframing questions.
He looked bad to me to be honest.

Hillary looked solid.

Bernie is on the right side on many key issues, but I can't force him to answer questions how I would like him to.


Just remember guys, whether your a Bernie or Hillary supporter, we all must work together

This. I feel like people are forgeting this. Whether you are more moderate or more to the left, you have to remember that the stakes are super high and we can't afford the regressive agenda of the gop.
I thought Clinton using Obama's Supreme Court nomination fight as a deflection of Sanders' mentioning a conflict of interest when receiving donations from large corporations was masterful.


Didn't catch the debate, but did read that both candidates agree that Governor Snyder should resign for the Flint Water Crisis.

So, what was their plan to fix it?


Religion is important, especially among minority communities.

The nation overall is getting less religious, but ironically the demographics Bernie is getting slaughtered in are still very religious. It's important to them so it has to be important to the person they're voting for.

boiled goose

good with gravy
I'd give Hillary the edge in this one. Bernie lost me on his disastrous response on the gun liability issue (doubly weird since he's already said on this campaign that he has reversed his stance on the Brady Bill) and his constant pivots back to his stump speech talking points are wearing thinner and thinner for me with each new debate.

To me, he did not do well here. He can pivot to so many other issues.
I do think we should keep Bernie in. It only makes Hillary more prepared.
This. I feel like people are forgeting this. Whether you are more moderate or more to the left, you have to remember that the stakes are super high and we can't afford the regressive agenda of the gop.
If you feel that people are forgetting this, you might be forming your impressions off GAF and Reddit. The Democratic electorate at large will vote blue, no matter what. There are some true swing voters (and they decide the election, really), but they're probably not discussing politics online.
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