I would argue that the event style nature prevents stuff from getting stale
it probably will get stale before 3 weeks are up anyway
it probably will get stale before 3 weeks are up anyway
So is it like 3 weeks every month? or is it legit 3 weeks only? so many questions.
TBF everyone has wanted sparrow racing in Destiny since the alpha days...but why a 3 week event? It's december, many people will be out on holidays and miss it.
Will anyone do a normal kf raid? I've never done it but have done vog & crota. 292 hunter. PSN Patatatinahat
Y'all remember Trials and Iron Banner are "time gated" too, right?
Racing will be just like those, an event that rolls back around regularly for a specific window, to keep people from burning out and the population thinning out due to burnout.
Also, Sparrow Racing better have Shaxx commentary or what's the point.
That would be so awesome! I can't wait! Also they should have Faction races. Team Sexy against the world ftwHim and Cayde.
I wonder if Bungie will sell OP sparrows for silver with stats that let you reck.
No and whyI wonder if Bungie will sell OP sparrows for silver with stats that let you reck.
Need 1 for a WP challenge or two!
I wonder if Bungie will sell OP sparrows for silver with stats that let you reck.
That's the invincible RAF sparrow![]()
I'll give you a hand psn same as here
Pay to win idea seems good. LoolI wonder if Bungie will sell OP sparrows for silver with stats that let you reck.
Me me meNeed one for trials. Bounties mostly
Me me me