Hmm are there any other PS4 raid newbies that want to run a Normal King's Fall here soon? (if we don't hear back from the other two guys first)
Right now we've got one newbie and 3 (maybe 4?) possible vets. But I'd like to have at least 2 if not 3 newbies just to spread the help around a bit more.
If you can't find anyone, I'd be willing to go (I've beaten the raid twice thus far). PSN: mashbaugh67
If you can't find anyone, I'd be willing to go (I've beaten the raid twice thus far). PSN: mashbaugh67
If you can't find anyone, I'd be willing to go (I've beaten the raid twice thus far). PSN: mashbaugh67
Aw man, i'm at 260 light. Is that too low? I heard 280-290 is where you want to be for raid...
So excited for this, brings back good memories of this....
Hmm are there any other PS4 raid newbies that want to run a Normal King's Fall here soon? (if we don't hear back from the other two guys first)
Right now we've got one newbie and 3 (maybe 4?) possible vets. But I'd like to have at least 2 if not 3 newbies just to spread the help around a bit more.
Yeah, sadly 260 is gonna be a little rough. With an experienced group you could carry it, but since we already have a few newer players it's probably not ideal.
Definitely can be raid ready once you hit 280-290 like you said.
So is it like 3 weeks every month? or is it legit 3 weeks only? so many questions.
Oh man, pizza Hut demo, damn, those were the days.holy shit nostalgia. i only had the pizza hut demo tho
I love trials, it's really fun when it works witty lagging players. But reaching Mercury, what's the point now that the weapons are no longer using elemental burn?
They are the same weapons as you get from the 5 and 7 wins and bounties. They just have the ADEPT in them and higher light.
Or am I missing something?
It's 10 pm UK time, but if its starting reasonably soon I'd be cool with that.
lol what
maybe if you just bought the game but you could make that argument for any expansion
I hope they don't update old raids.. id rather have new content
Lol really? House of Wolves was basically just Trials, PoE was boring after you had completed each unique boss, was so utterly tedious.
Can roll between 310-320 and have Last Resort as a built in perk.
So excited for this, brings back good memories of this....
I'd be interested in the newbie run. 294 Titan but totally blind on the raid, but not a huge deal to me if someone else wants the spot.
Yeah if you're up for it you would be our 6th and we could start ASAP. The 5 of us are ready to roll now.
My PSN is DrDrizzay101, go ahead and shoot me a FR and join whenever you're ready.
New content might happen in the new year but I doubt it. The majority of Bungie is prepping Destiny 2. Updated content is a quick fix to the very real endgame content problem.
To each their own. I loved House of Wolves. Two raids, 5(?) arenas. Iron Banner and Trials. RNG-free progression to max level. Hopscotch grinding. Re-rolling for the perfect NLShadow. Always a reason to play.
Is it just me being jaded, or was that PSX one of the worst game event shows?
They started off with Uncharted, and FFVII, and said that this was the tone for the rest of the show... lies.
Is it just me being jaded, or was that PSX one of the worst game event shows?
They started off with Uncharted, and FFVII, and said that this was the tone for the rest of the show... lies.
No announcement of PSN enhancements?It was super disappointing. Last year's was much better. Also like Sentinel said EA pressers have been terrible recently.
No announcement of PSN enhancements?
Now say your vows
edit: nevermind already full
I don't even disagree with what you saying, for the most part. You appear to have played much more than I did. So your mileage on the existing content would be different. That said, there is even less to do in the game right now.Fair enough, personally wasn't that fun. Iron Banner was vendor reskins, I raided VoG and Crota 3 times a week when they were current so had zero desire to ever run them that religiously again, the rerolling negatively impacted the entire competitive scene and you could reach max level in two days. Trials was the only experience that was worth the time with the Lighthouse still being my favourite location in the game. Didn't help that all the armour was as ugly as sin besides the Egyptian themed stuff.
Basically once you had hit max level, completed all the areas, got your trials set there was no reason to play. Grinding for a single gun in strikes is a clear indication of a lack of engaging content.
So I switched QuickDraw to reinforced barrel on my 1000yd, holy fucking aim assist it makes a huge difference
Need three more matches for my trials bounties... Anyone?
Need one more for HM Kings Fall from totems? PSN firthy01
Need one more for HM Kings Fall from totems? PSN firthy01
Finally went flawless in trials without using any boons too.
To make it sweeter the first post flawless win on the same card I got the scarab heart.
I'm down
Sweet, PSN?
I wish it were that simple. Unfortunately there tends to be some exclusivity to the regular groups who know they can rely on each other to consistently go flawless.
For the rest of us plebs it seems to be, given the new matchmaking, a lot of heartbreak once we get past 5-6 wins. It's understandable because no one deserves to be carried but when it happens it still is nice.
Good stuff thanks, will practice a bit once I get my gear together. Will need to remind myself that I'm playing NS, I've been a getting little too used to throwing a knife as a GS.
i tried that but its hard. i havent been to the lighthouse year 2 and that immidiately disqualifies me for most LFGers despite having a medium to okay kd (1.5)
Are there any good pictures of the new iron banner gear? Also wth. I still don't even have the helmet from the set we have now. They should have made new trials gear.
Not that I've seen. Maybe in the next BWU will they have new armour images.Are there any good pictures of the new iron banner gear? Also wth. I still don't even have the helmet from the set we have now. They should have made new trials gear.
Are there any good pictures of the new iron banner gear? Also wth. I still don't even have the helmet from the set we have now. They should have made new trials gear.