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DeutschGAF |OT4| ger.mansplaining



So long, DeutschGAF.

Ciao Glam

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Hat irgendwer hier Ahnung, wie man Acappella-Versionen von Songs erstellt? Hab alle Internet-Tricks ausprobiert und keinen Erfolg.


Was hast du denn zur Verfügung? Grundsätzlich ist die einzige Möglichkeit aus einer normalen Version ein Acapella zu extrahieren, die normale Version mit einer invertierten Version des Instrumentals zu mischen.
Meist hat man auch kein instrumental und dann geht's halt auch nicht sauber. Nur mit Eq und Filter klingt das nie perfekt, dafür überschneiden sich die Frequenzbereiche zu sehr.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Was hast du denn zur Verfügung? Grundsätzlich ist die einzige Möglichkeit aus einer normalen Version ein Acapella zu extrahieren, die normale Version mit einer invertierten Version des Instrumentals zu mischen.
Meist hat man auch kein instrumental und dann geht's halt auch nicht sauber. Nur mit Eq und Filter klingt das nie perfekt, dafür überschneiden sich die Frequenzbereiche zu sehr.
Das hab ich versucht aber ich bin zu blöd oder es klappt nicht. Hab aber auch nur YouTube Quellen.
Edit also instrumental


Das hab ich versucht aber ich bin zu blöd oder es klappt nicht. Hab aber auch nur YouTube Quellen.
Edit also instrumental

Wenn es wirklich das instrumental von der selben Version ist MUSS es klappen.

Samplegenau drunter legen, Phase umdrehen - fertig.
Zu Hülf DGAF.
Ich fahre morgen zum Friseur.
Was ist denn eine akzeptable und moderne Frisur?
Haare sind etwa 7cm lang.
Auf HJ-Seitenscheitel habe ich keine Lust mehr.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Kann man auf nem Segelboot/Floß einen großen Ventilator hinters Segel bauen, der für Antrieb sorgt, und diesen betreiben mit einem Dynamo, der wiederum durch Paddelräder vom Wasser während des Fahrens angetrieben wird?

Ist das ein Perpetuum Mobile? Bin ich ein Genie?

Ich sollte ins Bett.


Kann man auf nem Segelboot/Floß einen großen Ventilator hinters Segel bauen, der für Antrieb sorgt, und diesen betreiben mit einem Dynamo, der wiederum durch Paddelräder vom Wasser während des Fahrens angetrieben wird?

Ist das ein Perpetuum Mobile? Bin ich ein Genie?

Ich sollte ins Bett.


Gute Nacht.
Someone told me to come to this thread for game recommendations...


Yeah, I'm learning German at the Uni. First term was super easy. Then the second term came (and went) and I'm kinda struggling with the language at the moment.

German would be my fourth language... I know that you Europeans speak like 10 languages since you're like 12, so just came to say "Hallo". Also, I don't know how to write the beta-like letter. =P


Unconfirmed Member
Someone told me to come to this thread for game recommendations...


Yeah, I'm learning German at the Uni. First term was super easy. Then the second term came (and went) and I'm kinda struggling with the language at the moment.

German would be my fourth language... I know that you Europeans speak like 10 languages since you're like 12, so just came to say "Hallo". Also, I don't know how to write the beta-like letter. =P

I really hope you get a lot of recommendations. I always play in english :/ so sorry 'bout that.
Oh and feel free to ask grammar questions/questions about our language of poets.

If you're not only looking for VA, maybe pokemon in german could be helpful?


Someone told me to come to this thread for game recommendations...


Yeah, I'm learning German at the Uni. First term was super easy. Then the second term came (and went) and I'm kinda struggling with the language at the moment.

German would be my fourth language... I know that you Europeans speak like 10 languages since you're like 12, so just came to say "Hallo". Also, I don't know how to write the beta-like letter. =P

I got my devices set to English as well. So I play everything in English just like Sesu. It really depends on what you want to play. Get the PAL version (if region free, thanks Nintendo) and there will be a German option.

I wouldn't know any game with a particularly well written German text but yeah, in general Nintendos translations of all are top notch. Switch will be region free and the DS used to be, if that's any help.

Other than that I bet you can get some worthwhile German point'n'clicks on steam.

P.S. AfD unter 10%.

I really hope you get a lot of recommendations. I always play in english :/ so sorry 'bout that.
Oh and feel free to ask grammar questions/questions about our language of poets.

If you're not only looking for VA, maybe pokemon in german could be helpful?

I got my devices set to English as well. So I play everything in English just like Sesu. It really depends on what you want to play. Get the PAL version (if region free, thanks Nintendo) and there will be a German option.

I wouldn't know any game with a particularly well written German text but yeah, in general Nintendos translations of all are top notch. Switch will be region free and the DS used to be, if that's any help.

Other than that I bet you can get some worthwhile German point'n'clicks on steam.

P.S. AfD unter 10%.


I always play my games in English as well with just some exceptions. I remember I played Blue Dragon in French because both the Japanese VA and the English one sucked. Despite not knowing French it was a great experience.

I'd be totally okay with games written in Deutsch since this is my third term studying it. So thanks for your comments. I'll also check this thread regularly although I may not be able to interact with you all that much... at least not in Deutsch yet.


Die Glatzen wehen im Wind?

Also mein Freund, 3mm ist auf jeden Fall moderner als HJ, das ist bestenfalls zeitgenössisch, nicht mal mehr modisch, auf keinen Fall modern.

Ich würde sagen so ein bisschen Norm Core ist modern. So wie der Frontmann von Bilderbuch nur ohne Farbe, du bist ja kein Opfer.


Also mein Freund, 3mm ist auf jeden Fall moderner als HJ, das ist bestenfalls zeitgenössisch, nicht mal mehr modisch, auf keinen Fall modern.

Ich würde sagen so ein bisschen Norm Core ist modern. So wie der Frontmann von Bilderbuch nur ohne Farbe, du bist ja kein Opfer.



Bah Fritz, du Ekelhafter! Was hörst du da für einen Driss?!


Someone told me to come to this thread for game recommendations...


Yeah, I'm learning German at the Uni. First term was super easy. Then the second term came (and went) and I'm kinda struggling with the language at the moment.

German would be my fourth language... I know that you Europeans speak like 10 languages since you're like 12, so just came to say "Hallo". Also, I don't know how to write the beta-like letter. =P

If you're interested in shooters, Wolfenstein: The New Order has a great german dub if you can live with Nazis being called the Regime. The dubs for the Uncharted and Deus Ex games (at least for Human Revolution) are good as well. That's from the top of my head.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
You might also want to check out the "Deponia" games, decent Point'n'clicks from native developers with (iirc) quite a bunch of really good voices.


Ayooo, ich hasse packstationen. Eine Zahl falsch und das Paket wandert zurück an den Absender. Super, nochmal 6€ draufpappen. :-/
You might also want to check out the "Deponia" games, decent Point'n'clicks from native developers with (iirc) quite a bunch of really good voices.
Ooooof, iunno mang. Allow me to plant my "no fun allowed" flag on this one.

It starts out quite nicely, but the later games have some really questionable stuff. IIRC the pedophile in his van was a bit out there even for Rufus, and the poor black(-ish) woman you have to basically abduct and sell into slavery (in a skimpy outfit no less) really went too far. Or the trans/gay/whatever stuff when he talks to the female soldiers. Not to mention what the female lead has to go through over the course of the games. Leaves a bit of a bad taste...

If you can zone that stuff out, then yeah, it's really nice and atmospheric point and click comfort food. Nice soundtrack as well. I don't regret buying or playing them, but temper your expectations, you might be offended by some things "you" will have to do or say.
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