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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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will learn eventually
How do you guys recommend building Lone Druid? The guides out there seem all over the place. The one I use in game has me building Tranqs, wand on Druid and Phase boots, Orb of Venom, and Stout shield on the Spirit Bear early. Then Maelstrom and AC for the bear as the first two big items, basher after that.

So here are my questions:

Is that a decent way to build him? Should I be getting anything on Druid after tranqs and wand? Maybe a cloak or something.

When is it a good idea to go for a Radiance on the bear?

Are items like RoB or Vlads good on Druid? I've seen a couple guides recommend those.

And if I do end up building AC, does it go on the bear, or on druid? I've been using it on the bear, but I could see how that could be a bad thing if you die after recently summoning the bear.

Didn't we have the same question last page?

Get Tranqs on Druid, Stout into OoV and Phase boots on bear <- This is pretty much core

Then it's up to you:
Get Cloak on Druid if you face lots of magic nukes, get Mealstron bear in most situations. If you have really good farm or really really need the splitpush, get radiance.

Get AC on the bear, since it will be the one taking down the towers. Vlads is a good pickup later, because it adds a lot of useful stuff like armor and damage to the bear and to you. Most of the time, after the bear has sufficient attack speed i get Basher on it for extra lockdown. Also if the game goes on even longer, I get hyperstone and skullbasher on druid too for maximum bashage.


In my last game, it was a close match with the other team just ahead for most of it, but the moment the momentum switches in our favor, two on their team abandon. Even though their remaining players basically gave up, they still had most of their towers so it actually took us a while to finish the game. While the game before that, we were getting utterly destroyed in levels and had no chance of catching up, but still had to wait for them to eventually kill our base.

Valve, surrender option plz.
How do you guys recommend building Lone Druid? The guides out there seem all over the place. The one I use in game has me building Tranqs, wand on Druid and Phase boots, Orb of Venom, and Stout shield on the Spirit Bear early. Then Maelstrom and AC for the bear as the first two big items, basher after that.

So here are my questions:

Is that a decent way to build him? Should I be getting anything on Druid after tranqs and wand? Maybe a cloak or something.

When is it a good idea to go for a Radiance on the bear?

Are items like RoB or Vlads good on Druid? I've seen a couple guides recommend those.

And if I do end up building AC, does it go on the bear, or on druid? I've been using it on the bear, but I could see how that could be a bad thing if you die after recently summoning the bear.
If you want to fight early, get a Maelstrom/AC. The Maelstrom will improve your farming rate a little bit and help you push towers with your team, if that's what you want to do. If you want to play more of a farming game and your farm is not hindered very much early game, get a Radiance. It helps you split push a lot and helps you farm the most. I think AC is always a great 2nd item on LD. The items should go on the bear until the bear is either on cooldown (you can't resummon it if it dies) or the bear becomes super squishy (late-late game your bear is pretty much food).


They should implement some kind of message parser that renders every text into something really nice.

"Upgrade courier cm" would be displayed as something like "Can you please upgrade the courier Crystal Maiden?" The sender would be displayed the text as he typed it, but everyone else gets the nice text displayed.

Everyone would be like "wow dota community is so nice"
This was the best ward map I found a while ago on a guide.


Red - Rune wards

Yellow - Ubercliffs

Pink - Lane/aggressive/defensive/ wards

Green - Jungle wards

Blue - Push wards

White - Very situational

Edit: Here is the guide if anyone wants a read.


May contain jokes =>
God I don't know why I bothered to play a match at this time in low priority queue. What a fucking abortion that game was. Only one other English-speaker, a Riki who died to Rupture while running in circles and invisible four or five times, a Lina who said nothing the entire time but Well Played!, a Phantom Assassin who yelled frantically in some other language over mic as if we could understand, only basic courier at the end of the game and only that because I bought it as Sven. Then the other team wouldn't finish and killed us each three or four times in fountain.

Fuck this game sometimes.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
God I don't know why I bothered to play a match at this time in low priority queue. What a fucking abortion that game was. Only one other English-speaker, a Riki who died to Rupture while running in circles and invisible four or five times, a Lina who said nothing the entire time but Well Played!, a Phantom Assassin who yelled frantically in some other language over mic as if we could understand, only basic courier at the end of the game and only that because I bought it as Sven. Then the other team wouldn't finish and killed us each three or four times in fountain.

Fuck this game sometimes.

How'd you end up in the low-priority queue?


not characteristic of ants at all
how much does a full set of player cards cost? i am not able to play this summer but want a full set anyways :(


Haven't played this more than a couple times about 8 months ago. Started up again over the weekend now that it's "released" and jumped into the tutorials. Is it necessary to go through all those? 10 mid lane pushing matches against a really dumb bot and a small hero pool is a little tiring. Is it just an item reward?
Haven't played this more than a couple times about 8 months ago. Started up again over the weekend now that it's "released" and jumped into the tutorials. Is it necessary to go through all those? 10 mid lane pushing matches against a really dumb bot and a small hero pool is a little tiring. Is it just an item reward?

It's a sniper set, you may have already gotten the rifle because you had an account already, which is the reward for 10 limited hero pool matches.


I'm going to guess "lost power" is a euphemism for "screamed at my team's 0/8 Riki and rage quit."

Modelers are running out of good concepts. Open the colors up Volvo.
This is like 2-3 months with mediocre stuff now.

They should implement some kind of message parser that renders every text into something really nice.

"Upgrade courier cm" would be displayed as something like "Can you please upgrade the courier Crystal Maiden?" The sender would be displayed the text as he typed it, but everyone else gets the nice text displayed.

Everyone would be like "wow dota community is so nice"
Well Played!
Opening Gyro, Abaddon, Magnus, Tinker, Troll and Elder Titan up for items would help with variety. They're all set up, they just need some minor other things to be item ready.

As it stands, Pugna is the only item ready hero with no items, meaning there's not much in the way of new things to try.

Although it's refreshing to see Morphling and Ursa getting a few new sets on the workshop. Nightstalker will probably be open to items very soon based on that WIP set in the files.


Do all forms of silence prevent and/or remove stealth from Riki? Had an instance with Puck silence not seeming like it did. At the time, I didn't think it would/should, but with a clearer head this morning I'm still thinking about it. I know Silencer's ult will do this, but can't remember if it's all forms of silent (including Orchid) or if it's just particular ones.


Did anyone see that AMD tourny mess up?

QoP on the dire called GG after a bad teamfight in their base, then their Lifestealer owned half their team and they could have made a come back, but the GG had been called so they had to forfeit :L


Did anyone see that AMD tourny mess up?

QoP on the dire called GG after a bad teamfight in their base, then their Lifestealer owned half their team and they could have made a come back, but the GG had been called so they had to forfeit :L

Was the QoP the captain of the team?

Not that they always are the ones to call it; but not so much of a forfeit when someone says it and tournaments are, I'm assuming, including it in the rules to help prevent drawn out games, keep things moving, and preventing a scenario where the other side stops trying because it was called only to have the team fake it and try to comeback.


Was the QoP the captain of the team?

Not that they always are the ones to call it; but not so much of a forfeit when someone says it and tournaments are, I'm assuming, including it in the rules to help prevent drawn out games, keep things moving, and preventing a scenario where the other side stops trying because it was called only to have the team fake it and try to comeback.

IDK, it seemed more like just her conceding defeat, or just saying well played. Either way, the admins decided it was the rules to call it regardless.


I waited in queue for 10 minutes for a compendium match and gave up. Never again.

All pick for life.

Queues for everything else are unbearable

This is true. I find even all pick queues are around 3-4 minutes. Compendium has been two or three more on top. Unless I'm queued in a party it feels like forever to find a match.

Plus there's always that one guy. 9/10 accepted returning to queue...


Corporate Apologist
Do all forms of silence prevent and/or remove stealth from Riki? Had an instance with Puck silence not seeming like it did. At the time, I didn't think it would/should, but with a clearer head this morning I'm still thinking about it. I know Silencer's ult will do this, but can't remember if it's all forms of silent (including Orchid) or if it's just particular ones.

Yes, any Silence will stop Riki from being invisible.


I've played about 6 matches in the limited hero queue and I really do love the game, but the people I'm being paired with seem to have done none of the work required to even understand the basics, so I'm ready to get out. What is the easiest way to make sure I'm playing with other cool people? Is the GAF guild active enough to get a game going quick there? Should I just start queueing for all-pick? I know I'm not very good but I rarely feed and think I have a decent game sense after watching a good amount of pro-matches. Thanks!


I've played about 6 matches in the limited hero queue and I really do love the game, but the people I'm being paired with seem to have done none of the work required to even understand the basics, so I'm ready to get out. What is the easiest way to make sure I'm playing with other cool people? Is the GAF guild active enough to get a game going quick there? Should I just start queueing for all-pick? I know I'm not very good but I rarely feed and think I have a decent game sense after watching a good amount of pro-matches. Thanks!

Yeah, but things usually heat up around evenings (US time), especially weekends.
Try and friend some of the higher level members.

You can also try for giantbomb/reddit/IGN/etc - just try and find 4 other people with mics and are not total assholes - should be gg's


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Helmetless Tinker

Wow...I'm dumb. I never put together that the top part of Tinker was just an automaton that was being controlled by a dude under it, despite the character picture clearly not looking like the top part of the automaton.

Totally changes how I see that dude, now. :lol
So I built a new PC, spent about $1100 on it. For the last ~7 years I've been using laptops... turned on Dota 2 yesterday, maxed everything, and went

Seriously, it was more striking than maxing TF2 and GS:GO. I had missed so many details playing it on the lowest settings. Now I can see little squirrels running around, the river looks amazing, the heroes look amazing, I can see what the creeps actually look like. It was like playing a brand new game.


So I built a new PC, spent about $1100 on it. For the last ~7 years I've been using laptops... turned on Dota 2 yesterday, maxed everything, and went

Seriously, it was more striking than maxing TF2 and GS:GO. I had missed so many details playing it on the lowest settings. Now I can see little squirrels running around, the river looks amazing, the heroes look amazing, I can see what the creeps actually look like. It was like playing a brand new game.
120hz monitor? It's worth the extra $500 if its in yur budget.
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