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Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Blighted Dragon Gameplay Trailer



Rook and companions face a powerful blighted dragon before something more sinister appears. Return to Thedas in Dragon Age™: The Veilguard.

Get your first look at some of the powerful combat abilities available to Rook as a mage and see how you might use them to turn the tides of battle.




This is the first time I tune into the Veilguard trailers and I am shocked by how bad it is.

Very generic writing and voice acting for all characters. Sound design lacks punches. Dragon looks almost like a toy, not intimidating at all. UI looks straight from a cartoonish mobile game. Overall graphic is very mediocre, not photorealistic nor artistically stylized, just meh.

The hair physics looks impressive. That's about the only good thing I could say about it.

For a supposed mainstream action RPG from big developer, this looks like something from 2014. That's as close as I can give it because in 2015 we have Witcher 3 that looks better than this in every way.
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Fans want the original dragon age, they liked inquisition cuz it felt closer to the original than DA2. I have a friend that even has an inquisition tattoo... does not care about Veilguard at all.


I watched on my phone it looks good graphically. This is gonna shine on PC with RTX blasting. Huge upgrade from Inquisition.


Neo Member
I generally don't judge combat by trailers but damn does this look bad.

Like this needs to be god tier in its RPG elements to get me to buy it on a deep sale and even then I'd get a 6/10 indie survival game before this.
Let's get down to the real issue, where do people stand on those menus?
My complaint is they have dialed them down from Dragon Age Origins.

I remember swapping characters in DAO to find some 12-15 abilities per character that were completely different, then panicking when what I wanted was on cool down.

Though this one I like that doing a combo move with companions is resulting in solid damage output. So some scope for tactical gameplay might still be there.


I think the trailer looked great. Also the realtime combat looks like a lot of fun. Really good animation and combat effects. The only thing a bit off is the characters look a bit stubby, some people mentioned it may be due to the heads being a little disproportional.
As a big fan of fantasy and real-time combat, I am pretty excited about this one. I think it will review in the 8-9 range assuming the RPG elements are there, and from previews people said your choices REALLY matter.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The combat looks pretty a'ight.

Also they got the Alice: Madness Returns hair tech in.


I don't know, the combat didn't really do it for me. The attacks lack impact.

There was a point where a meteor spell was cast on the dragon while it was in the air and it just moved it over a few pixels.


I want to like this so bad, but there's something just a bit off about it.

And the idea of being who you want to be carries a particularly special meaning for Corinne. “As a queer trans woman,” she says, “I have a perspective on the games that not everyone has. Dragon Age has long been a place where LGBTQIA+ folks can see people like themselves, represented respectfully. It’s inherently very queer, and it’s such a rare thing for marginalized communities to have representation where we feel proud and powerful in how we are depicted. It’s so deeply meaningful for so many. I often get emotional when I think about what it would have meant for a younger version of myself to see someone like her in a game, and as a hero, no less. I hope we can be a safe place for our queer players to know they are not alone, that they are brilliant and worthy, that they are not only welcome but celebrated.”
I actually think the gameplay itself looks quite good in this one.
I still can`t get over the art, though....like someone mixed fortnite with asian mobile games. Every single cell in my eyes rejects this.
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Man that looks boring.

But at least they chose a hot looking protag this time. I guess they got a stern talking to about their down-syndrome looking Quinari.


Gold Member
Looks like a fetish simulator.
I get who this is aiming to please, I just wish they demanded better. Writing is embarrassing. Also the try hard low gruff woman voices ‘personalities’ are exhausting. The writing is the writing, the voice acting could be a lot better.
Self-inserts, self-inserts everywhere.

RPGs like this always have a bit of jank to them so the gameplay looks serviceable. Always cool to see how spells and magic are rendered on screen.


This genuinely looks awful, both from an aesthetic and gameplay perspective.

Though I am curious about the pornstars they hired for the VA.
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Gold Member
Why is purple the colour of choice in this game? It looks a bit odd. How could they have moved so far away from what this franchise was? It looks a bit like a mobile game in what they showed. Aren’t these dragons supposed to be scary?

Thing is at this point, whether the gameplay turns out to be good or not doesn’t matter. Art style and atmosphere matter in an rpg more than anywhere else. This is some grade A horseshit.
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EA/Bioware should be concerned, the fact there's no bump in Amazon sales after this gameplay video was shown in high-profile Sony's State of Play event
EA/Bioware should be concerned, the fact there's no bump in Amazon sales after this gameplay video was shown in high-profile Sony's State of Play event
I assume cancellations were made after that showing. I don't think I've seen anything worse since that Scalebound multiplayer trailer back in the day.
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